Stealing time

149 Sexy poems

Yin Zhen really has a good voice and good singing skills. If he really wears makeup and wears his head, he must be no less than Zhao Chuer, a famous star in the capital.

Demon, the evil of life!

In terms of poetry, this man is also amazing. I recite ancient poems to my stomach every day for dozens of days, but there is no such one. It's just that when he chanted, "Open the window and the autumn moonlight, extinguish the candle to untie the skirt, with a smile in the cover, raise the fragrance of Lan Hui." At that time, I was stunned. But he took the opportunity to pick me up from the soft couch and put it on his knees. He muttered, "Su Xi doesn't comb his hair, his hair is draped on his shoulders, and he gently turns his knees. What's not pitiful?"

I just realized that this sanctimonious "Good Ama" read ancient poems so cooperatively. It turned out that the drunken man's intention was not to drink.

When his claws climbed up my shoulder and neck and down, and then down, the image of this intoxicated child's fetal education "Good Ama" in my mind has been equated with the word "hooligan".

This humiliating and humiliating guy actually sang poems and flirted with his wife in front of his child!

I had to respond to him with screams. He thought it scared me again as before, and when I let go of my hand, I took the opportunity to slide down from his knee, stepped a few steps to the door, turned around and smiled and said, "The turbidity here is too heavy. I'm going out for a walk!" Then he turned around and went out.

At that time, the expression on his face was really beautiful. It was the kind of chagrin and unwillingness of the fox stealing chickens.

During this period, I often called the knife white light and made some food in Changluxuan's small kitchen.

The main reason is that I can't eat all the mangoes sent in large quantities every few days, so I have to let the knife white light make them into various flavors of dishes, so that more people, including Yinzhen, can eat them, or simply make mango sauce and store them.

The mango seafood salad I made in the memory of future generations is the most successful mango dish. This dish uses wild shrimp, shrimp, asparagus, sweet beans, sweet almonds and other ingredients, but the most important thing is the mango salad dressing. Whisk the flesh of the mango that has turned yellow into a sauce, then pour in milk, mayonnaise, lemon juice and sugar.

After making this dish, it was very popular. Yin Zhen not only ate it by himself, but also brought it into the palace to taste his forehead. Yifei also liked it very much, so she gave it to Kangxi. Kangxi tasted Longyan Dayue and praised this dish for its unique taste. He specially ordered the chefs in the palace to come to my house to learn how to cook this dish from me.

This dish is easy to make. With a little advice, the imperial chef will learn it. In fact, this dish just opens up a new way of cooking. The trick inside is like window paper, which can be broken as soon as it is poked.

It is said that this imperial chef is also a person who loves to think about it. After going back, he studied and improved the taste of salad dressing and made many fresh dishes that were not found in future generations.

The production of mango sauce depends on the white light of the knife.

After I proposed to make mangoes that I couldn't eat into mango sauce, he was also a little embarrassed. Tous's son usually doesn't have anything to do with his hands, but he can ask his family by letter.

When asked how to do it, the knife white light practiced it for me in the small kitchen, and I was not allowed to interfere. So I often sit leisurely and watch the knife white light wandering around in the kitchen.

Dao Baiguang is a smart and cheerful teenager. When his mango sauce is completely ready, we have already talked very well.

I asked Dao Baiguang about the exact location of Kangtu Prefecture. I knew that it was far from Kunming, but it was close to Siam, that is, modern Myanmar and Thailand. That's the border near southwest Yunnan.

I remember it in my heart.

I finally found the origin of mangoes. Of course, I have to write it down. In the future, I will be free to go there to eat mangoes.

Since the Ming Dynasty, Kangtuzhou has been guarded by the Dao Baiguang family. His family has a deep foundation in the local area, covering the sky with one hand.

It should be the time for Yin Zhen to return home. It hasn't stopped snowing for a day and a night. It's covered with silver outside the window.

Because of the slippery road on the ground, the daily routine walk was cancelled under the strong dissuasion of Xiaohe and Xiaolu.

Alas, pregnancy is really troublesome. In the past, I'm afraid I would have gone to the yard to play in the snow. Fortunately, I was in charge of those two maids all day, and I didn't even step out of the door.

The door suddenly opened, and the wind and snow outside suddenly poured in through the door. Yin Zhen, dressed in a sable robe and a black sable robe hat, came in from the outside. He rubbed the soles of his shoes on the felt cushion near the door and stamped his feet before walking to the middle of the room.

I went forward to help him take off his clothes and hat, but he stopped me and said, "No, I'm from outside. It's cold. Come back later. Don't let the cold air freeze you."

I smiled. It's just that I'm pregnant. How can I be so delicate? But the words didn't come out, and he retreated to the side as he said.

After asking his servants to help him change his clothes and soaked his hands in warm water, he approached me, held me in his arms, and asked, "I said, how's the child, how are you doing today?" Did you take the soup and tonic on time?

I nodded, Yes, all of them, I'm very good!

He kissed me on the face and said, "Let me smell it, and you will know if you are obedient?" As he said, he sniffed and kissed, sniffed from my forehead to the corners of my mouth, regardless of the people standing in the corner of the room and bowing their heads uncomsidently.

I struggled and said, "Yes, yes, I'm very obedient. You see, drinking those things makes me fat."

"Really?" He stopped sniffing and looked at me seriously.

I nodded, "Really, look, my waist is thick again! If you put on a cotton-padded suit, you will become a bear. I compared with him with his already strong waist.

He laughed and said, "Even if Taoer becomes a bear, she is the cutest one. I won't dislike you!"

"But others will dislike it! I'm almost so fat that I can't see anyone..." I muttered in a low voice.

"Hmm, who dares to dislike my peach? I'm not finished with him!" He pretended to be angry and looked at me and said with a smile, "However, as long as I don't dislike Taoer, it's okay. What's the matter if others don't dislike it, oh?"

Plop! I was really amused by him, because his appearance is really ridiculous. Such a majestic ninth master who has nothing to do in front of outsiders is so funny when he laughs.

"It's time for the Spring Festival in a few days. Come to the palace with me on New Year's Eve!" After Yin Zhen sat down with me in his arms, he suddenly said.

New Year's Eve? In the palace?

I think of the scene of attending the palace banquet with Wanyan last year. He was in the limelight, and he also got a treasure-level black pearl. Unfortunately, when he was caught by Yin Zhen, the bead was confiscated from the silver ticket. Now I don't have any treasures around me, and I don't have any money to run away. Alas!

I shook my head at Yin Zhen.

Yin Zhen looked at me and asked, "Why don't you want to go?"

I looked down at my body and said, "It's so fat. It's so ugly. I have no face to see anyone!"

Yin Zhen hooked the corners of his lips and said, "Is that the only reason? That's easy to do!" He gestured to the servants, and after a while, Xiaolu and Xiaocui brought in a few large packages.

What is this? I watched curiously as they put the packages in front of me one by one.

"Open it and have a look!" Yin said with a smile.

I untied the first package, a set of rose-red cotton-padded jackets. The second is a set of emerald green cotton-padded jackets. The third is a big red white-edged cloak with a hood.

I looked at Yin Zhen strangely. These clothes are usually very common. Why did he show them to me so solemnly?

Yin Zhen picked up the rose-red coat and said to me, "Go and try this dress to see if it fits?"

I went to the screen and changed it. The clothes fit very well, as if it is tailor-determined to me at this time (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

It's made by

c, and it's very light and thin. It doesn't look bloated when you wear it. If you put on a wide robe, you really can't see that you are pregnant if you don't pay attention to it.

But such thin clothes will be cold.

I walked out of the screen and showed it to Yin Zhen. Yin Zhen looked up and down, left and right. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's good, it fits well! Is it warm?"

When I asked, I noticed that it seemed to be quite warm, although it was so light and thin...

"What's inside? Why is it lighter and warmer than ordinary cotton-padded clothes? I asked.

Yin Zhen lay on the soft couch with his hands behind his head and said pleasantly, "Guess, guess there is a prize!"

It is thinner and warmer than cotton, which can only be animal fur. Thinking of a conversation with him some time ago, my heart moved and I was surprised and said, "Is it filled with duck down?"

Yin Zhen nodded with a smile and said, "Smart! Come here and let me reward you!" He stretched out a hand to me.

Reward? I stepped forward and sat next to the soft couch. I want to give you a reward..., ah!"

Before I could sit still, he hugged me, kissed me fiercely on the face, and said, "Master's reward!"

What kind of reward is this! I frowned and covered the place where he kissed. I looked at the people around me who seemed to turn a blind eye, but they all lowered their heads, and my face turned red even more.

Yin Zhen laughed and said, "Tao'er, this is the cutest!"

"Well, my lord is not serious!" I beat him gently.

That day, I just mentioned that duck down is light and warm, and I didn't expect him to take care of it. I didn't expect that he not only paid attention to it, but also made people do it.

"How did you do it?" He pointed to a few clothes and answered the question, "Go to Jinling to find thousands of ducks, shave the fluff into it, and make it!"

It's so easy to say. But I know that in ancient times, under such a self-sufficient economy without large-scale poultry farms, it was not so easy to gather thousands of ducks at once. What's more, we have to solve some technical problems in making duck down clothes. I'm afraid it will take many times to make the finished product. The twists and turns and troubles in the middle can't be obtained by his understated words.

"When did you let someone do it? Why didn't you see the tailor to make it? Especially now that my figure is changing so fast, it is not easy to fit.

Yin Zhen laughed and recited a poem: "To buy Wu Lingshu, why do you need to ask for short and long? I'm used to holding my body and think about the size carefully."

This guy! Recently, I have been chanting poems with a smile on my face, and I am addicted to it. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a wave. Is this the son of the clan carefully cultivated by the royal family? Do those famous ministers and Confucian scholars who come to teach usually teach this?

It's really humiliating!

I didn't want to attend the New Year's Eve banquet. With last year's experience, I'm afraid I won't be able to live in peace this year. I have a big belly now, but I definitely don't want to be in the limelight. But Yinzhen said that he must attend the annual New Year's Eve banquet. I was deserted in the house, and he was worried, so he had to take me with him.

Well, just go!

I didn't let Xiao He dress me up as usual. In fact, since I was caught by Yin Zhen, I have been face to the sky. He has found my true side, so I don't want to disguise myself anymore.

Now that I'm pregnant, I don't want to let those lead-containing things endanger the health of the child. So, this time I only asked Xiaohe to give me some cream mixed with milk, pearl powder and a small amount of honey, and applied a little lipstick. The face is not very white, but it is better than tenderness and nature.

I'm wearing that rose-red down jacket inside, a water-red jacket outside, and a bright red down cloak when I go out. I'm really red from the inside out today. However, wearing light down jackets is really not too bloated.

Yin Zhen looked at it and hugged me and said, "Tao'er is the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen."

There were two cars parked outside. Yin Zhen hugged me and got on the first car. In the second car was the direct blessing Jindong E. I have not seen her for many days, but her figure has recovered a lot, and she is no longer as fat as before.

The husband and wife met each other politely, but they were cold to each other. Is it to respect each other like "ice"? I stood behind Yin Zhen and felt the coldness between the two of them.

But when they arrived in the palace, in front of everyone, the two people suddenly changed their appearance. Yin Zhen is gentle and obedient, and has truly become a model for royal couples to respect each other.

It is estimated that Yin Zhen doesn't want to be read by his forehead, and Dong E can't afford to lose that person. So the two of them suddenly entered the role and played a good show of harmony between husband and wife.

The royal life is so tiring! I looked at Yin Zhen with some sympathy.

This man has lived in a palace that is magnificent since he was a child, but as false as a stage. He has long learned to hide his joy and anger in his heart. No wonder he always looks like a deep city! What kind of loneliness and cold is the soul under the seemingly powerful appearance?

This is a kind of loneliness unique to the royal people! It is the most secret emotion in the heart of every royal family.

Suddenly began to understand some of his behaviors. Some understand why he is always so domineering. As long as he likes it, he grabs it regardless of it. Why is sometimes sexual like fire, love to the extreme and hate to the extreme, sometimes gentle and affectionate, so considerate and sweet that you want to indulge in it desperately.

This extreme dual personality is probably a common feature of the royal people, but it is obvious in some people and more hidden in some people.

No wonder they can drink and have fun with others while secretly killing each other! Some movements that are difficult in the eyes of ordinary people are extremely natural for them.

This man that people can never see through is actually just the most standard child cultivated in the palace!

Maybe the eyes in my eyes revealed too much emotion, and Yin Zhen looked at me and was stunned. The two of us are opposite each other in this brilliant light, and the voices around us seem to no longer exist. There seem to be thousands of words between us, but they only turn into an unforgettable affectionate eyes.

"I said, Brother Jiu, you and Xiaojiu's sister-in-law look at each other every day. Why don't you look at it enough? Can't even hear the brothers calling you?" Lao Shi suddenly turned his head around us and said.

? Yin Zhen and I were stunned for a moment, looked around, and saw many people looking at us. I lowered my eyelashes with some embarrassment, but I caught a glimpse of a cold look at the moment of the eyelashes.

Yin Zhen was much calmer than me. He looked around generously, turned around and asked Lao Shi, "What's going on?"

Lao Shi said, "Just now, the Empress Dowager mentioned that last year's New Year's Eve was interesting, and the mothers mentioned the competition between the ninth sister-in-law and the fourth brother, and all coaxed the ninth sister-in-law to perform again this year."

So that's it. These boring women want to find someone to be happy again!

It's all Yin Zhen! It's not that he insisted on me to show up last year. How could he remember me? I stared at him.

Yin Zhen smiled and saluted the group of women and said, "Thank you for the love of the Empress Dowager and the mothers and concubines. It is also an honor for Taoer to perform for everyone, but now Taoer's body is inconvenient. I think it's better to do it this year! I'll perform for you next year when Tao's body is convenient.

I nodded secretly in my heart. My man spoke generously and decently, protecting me and not offending others.

However, there are still people who are brazen and don't buy it.

"We have to wait until next year, so what can we do tonight?" The speaker is a low-ranking person. I don't know her, but the soft and charming voice that seems to come out of my nose makes me familiar.

Where have you heard of it?

But I can't remember.

"Yes, it's such a day in a year, but it's still so boring!" The person I spoke to this time is Nian Shi, who is sitting next to the fourth brother.

I'm annoyed. Am I just looking for you to be happy? Yin Zhen's left hand on his knee clenched his fist, and the blue veins on his hand burst out.

"Don't talk too much!" The fourth brother stared at Nian Shi and scolded. The voice is not high, but it is enough for everyone in the hall to hear it. The anger contained in the voice was in sharp contrast to the coldness in the eyes he had just swept over.

Nian Shi drooped down his head. The atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment.

The eighth brother tried to lead the topic. He mentioned that Qin Tianjian had just measured that there would be a solar eclipse in March. Only the ten or fourteen people reconciled, but the prince was expressionless and unreasonable. When the other brothers saw it, they also kept silent.

Have the two factions become popular now? No wonder such a big thing is going to happen this summer! I thought to myself that I didn't want me to become the trigger for the large-scale outbreak of their battle for the throne.

The eighth brother's side is also cold, and the atmosphere is getting more and more awkward. Kangxi's face was still calm, but his eyes were getting colder and colder, and his anger was faint inside.

I quietly put my hand on Yin Zhen's clenched hand and stroked the blue vein on his hand. He looked at me sideways, but I turned my head to the crowd and said loudly, "Peach'er's body is inconvenient. I can't perform for everyone like last year. It's really a pity! But today is New Year's Eve. Tao'er wants to perform a small show for everyone, just for the purpose of celebration. I don't know what the empress dowager and the emperor think?