Steal the sky

The character leads the first person Greedy Wolf

Cold winter, somewhere in the northeast.

Between the white mountains and black water, in a deep mountain ridge, hundreds of years of black pine forests are densely surrounded here.

There are several artificially opened small * flats in the esopus, and more than a dozen long rows of wooden houses that are almost integrated with pine forests are quietly hidden in it. Several teams are just wearing camouflage trousers, bare chest and back, revealing their strong thighs. The barefoot young men are carrying thick round wooden stakes, shuttling through the mountains and forests, running back and forth on the hillside, and climbing among the artificial obstacles.

The temperature is more than 30 degrees below zero, but these tough young people are sweating like rain. Under the bronze skin, the blood vessels of these young people protrude like earthworms, squirming with their violent movements, full of a wild but strong sense of power.

Tan Lang, dressed as a patient, stood in the window of a wooden house with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the group of young people who were wantonly splashing youth and heat in the ice and snow. The smoke filled him, covering a trace of confusion and confusion on his bearded face.

The window is wide open, and the temperature in the room is no different from that outside. Tan Lang was wrapped in a blue and white striped patient costume, and his two hairy calves were exposed in the cold and piercing air. A thick bandage was densely tied to his left ankle, and blood oozed faintly.

In addition to the injury near the ankle, Tan Lang's left shoulder was also wrapped like a zongzi, and the smell of medicine and blood continued to spread.

A cold wind suddenly blew, and Tan Lang's strong body suddenly shivered. He cursed, and his right arm slid down his collar as if there were no bones, scratching his back fiercely for a while. Five dexterous fingers scratched the whole back, and many places that ordinary people could not touch at all were scratched by him.

After scratching hard for a while, Tan Lang pulled out his hand, bounced off a few pieces of dandruff embedded in his nails, and suddenly sighed heavily.

The wooden door of the room was kicked open, and a middle-aged man in his early forties, dressed in camouflage training uniform, strode in. He looked at Tan Lang, who was standing at the window in a frown, and suddenly stood up and shouted, "Wolf Star!"

Tan Lang stood up almost instinctively, and the cigarette hanging at the corner of his mouth spewed out afar. He shouted 'come'!

Turning around neatly, Tan Lang raised his right hand and saluted the middle-aged man. But his left ankle suddenly softened, and his body stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

After an angry curse, Tan Lang looked at his left foot angrily, and a trace of confusion and confusion appeared on his face again. He didn't even look at the middle-aged man. He turned around and closed the window and sat on the only chair in the room.

The middle-aged man glanced at Tan Lang and threw several documents and a bank card on the floor in front of Tan Lang.

"Two ways. First, you are retired due to injury in the line of work. A special police force is being formed in your hometown, and you take the pension to be their captain.

His dull face smoked, and Tan Lang somehow grabbed a cigarette and put it in his mouth. The middle-aged man walked up to Tan Lang, took out a match and lit a cigarette for him. Taking a deep breath and spitting out a thick light blue smoke, Tan Lang said coldly with a hoarse throat, "I don't like this job."

Looking deeply at Tan Lang, the middle-aged man said solemnly, "I'd rather you to be this captain."

Tan Lang stretched out his right leg lazily and shook it a few times, looking at the middle-aged man without saying a word.

Shaking his head, the middle-aged man said coldly, "Change your clothes and meet someone with me. But I'd rather you don't see him."

Looking at the middle-aged man in a surprised way, Tan Lang frowned and thought for a while, struggled to support his body with his right leg, and stlingered to the wardrobe in the corner of the room step by step.

The middle-aged man shook his head, took a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out.

Five minutes later, the middle-aged man took Tan Lang to a two-story wooden building at the end of the t. Here, the middle-aged man solemnly told Tan Lang a few words, and then turned around and left.

Looking at these two small wooden buildings, Tan Lang tilted his mouth, slowly walked into the building with a crutch, and turned to the door of an office familiarly. Without knocking on the door, Tan Lang twisted his crotch, knocked the door open with his buttocks, and walked in crookedly.

In the office that originally belonged to the middle-aged man, behind the desk full of battle maps, a dark-skinned face, wearing a black suit, and huge black sunglasses covered most of his face. It looked like a black bat middle-aged man sitting upright on the office chair with his hands on the table. Looking straight at Tan Lang.

Tan Lang closed the door of the office with his buttocks, leaned against the wooden door, and looked at the man in black in the same depth.

After a full quarter of an hour, Tan Lang suddenly laughed: "Why do you mean to be passionate about men and women looking at you affectionately? What's your name? What's your name?"

The man in black withdrew his eyes, grabbed two file bags from his side and put them in front of him. He said dryly, "You can call me Lao Wang."

"What's your real name?" Tan Lang asked curiously.

"It's just a symbol. Does it make sense?" The man in black laughed and said, "I myself have forgotten my last name."

He took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth. After lit the fire, he took a deep breath. Tan Lang muttered in a low voice, "I don't want to retire."

The man in black smiled, and he said deeply, "The king of soldiers who can take the nickname of Greedy Wolf Star should not have gone to retirement. Give you a chance to let your killer star smile and be proud of the world. You don't have to thank me too much.

'Laughing proudly at the world'. After listening to these words, Tan Lang suddenly laughed.

The crutch hit his left ankle fiercely, and Tan Lang sneered, "Do you laugh at me? My left wrist and hamstrings were broken, and my left shoulder tendons were also cut off. I'm already a useless person!"

Turning around and opening the door, Tan Lang scolded, "I thought there was any good work waiting for me!"

Lao Wang in black laughed dryly: "There is a place where there is something that can cure your muscle and bone injury. On your terms, those people will be happy to cure you with this precious medicine.

Tan Lang's body suddenly stiffened. He exhaled a thick smoke and muttered in a low voice, "Those experts have said that I'm lucky to be able to walk on crutches in the future. Can those people be stronger than those experts in the military hospital?

Lao Wang in black said deeply, "The world is so big that there are all the strange. Do it according to my arrangement. Your foot and shoulder injuries can definitely be cured. That medicine is very precious, but because of some of your personal conditions, they will be willing to spend a lot of money on you.

After closing the door, Tan Lang walked to his desk, condescendingly overlooking the old king in black, and said word by word, "Say what do you want me to do. Explain to me again, what do I have that those people like?

Looking up at Tan Lang, Lao Wang in black said word by word, "Fall it over, join us, and you must say goodbye to everything in the past. You will lose all your past resumes, lose your name, lose all your social relationships, and lose everything you are familiar with.

Taking a deep breath, Lao Wang in black continued to say in that cold tone, "You will have a new name, a new identity, a new face, a new resume, and everything will be brand new. In the future, you will face challenges and situations that are ten times more dangerous than you are in the special forces. Most of the time, you will fight alone.

"Are you an undercover agent?" Tan Lang smiled. He spit out the cigarette butt at the corner of his mouth on the ground, and grabbed a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth again.

Looking at Lao Wang in black, Tan Lang asked with a smile, "So, when can I change back to myself?"

Lao Wang in black looked at Tan Lang and said word by word, "When, when necessary."

Shaking his head, Tan Lang sighed: "Say it is like not saying it. However, I don't want to retire, and I don't want to be disabled for a lifetime. So, I did it!"

Looking at Tan Lang deeply and staring at Tan Lang for nearly ten minutes, Lao Wang in black grabbed a file bag in front of him, took out a thick pile of materials from it, and read it slowly.

Name: Tan Lang

Codename: Greedy Wolf

Position: Captain of the first-notch soldier of a special brigade in a military region.

Resume: Joined the army in 2015, and won the first place in the military region's new soldier competition in the first year. In 2016, the military skill competition ranked 38th. In 2017, the army's military skills competition was the seventh place. In 2018, he was specially selected for the "Breaking Army" Special Brigade, code-named Greedy Wolf Star...

One task record after another was read out by Lao Wang in black one by one, and Tan Lang's bearded face was gradually covered by the smoke emitted by cigarettes, and his expression at this moment could not be seen clearly.

"In the cross-border mission in 2023, he led the sharp soldiers to ambush, covered the retreat of the whole team with the strength of one person, and broke through the encirclement of nearly a thousand special soldiers. Under the siege of 47 ace snipers, he accidentally stepped on the anti-infantry mine and ankle hamstrings After that, he annihilated the enemy's elite 93 in close combat and returned to the base smoothly... In the last melee conflict, the left shoulder was severely stabbed by the army, and the injury was incurable.

Touching this thick resume with a trace of appreciation, Lao Wang in black looked at Tan Lang and asked, "Are you really willing to give up?"

Tan Lang looked at Lao Wang in black and nodded vigorously, "As long as I don't become disabled and don't let me retire, I'm willing to!"

After a while of silence, Tan Lang added, "Anyway, I'm alone, and I'm willing to do it!"

He took out an iron bucket from under his desk, and Lao Wang in black burned all Tan Lang's resume information.

Looking at Tan Lang, Lao Wang in black said in a low voice, "Then, forget everything about your past, and all the written materials and electronic documents related to you will be completely destroyed. Any relevant information may pose a great threat to you in the future.

"You will gradually contact our goal according to our arrangement. Your future identity is an undercover agent.

"The organ I belong to, code-named 'Tianluo', will not retain any information related to you. Everything about you only has a single-line contact with me. No one in the world will know your true identity except me. No one can prove your true identity except me.

"You still have ten seconds to regret whether to join us or not."

Lao Wang in black looked at Tan Lang, and Tan Lang, who spit out thick smoke, also looked at Lao Wang in black.

After ten seconds, Tan Lang asked with a smile, "Do you really don't leave any information?"

Lao Wang in black nodded solemnly: "For an organization that has visited the central vault of the Federal Reserve several times, any text and electronic information is not safe. For your safety, no one will know your identity except me.

After spitting his cigarette butts on the ground, Tan Lang asked curiously, "With Tianluo, there should be an Internet cafe?"

For a moment, Lao Wang in black smiled. He said indifferently, "Tianluo is responsible for 'control', and the earth net is responsible... Ha ha!"

"Hehe!" Tan Lang laughed a few times in the voice of Lao Wang in black. He raised his right hand, leaned in through the collar, scratched the itchy back for a while, and said seriously, "I'm done it!"



Name: Wu Wang

Sknitname: Three-clawed cat

Identity: A gangster who violated military discipline and was swept out of the house and mixed up in the world.

Specialty: Extremely dexterous with both hands, good at casino and theft.

Experience: After offending a big man in a province in the southwest, he sneaked into several countries in Southeast Asia to spend his life.

Job title: Undercover!

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