Steal the sky

Chapter 3 Taoist King

Suddenly, the three of them hadn't seen what the blue light was, and the three rays of light had flown away quickly.

The head cut by the blue light was still rolling in the air. Before it could fall to the ground, the light suddenly flashed in the corridor in the rear, and a thunder shocked the ears. The three of them were shocked all over, and their clothes were blown up by a huge force. They spit blood and rolled into the huge stone room at the end of the corridor.

Wu Wang's eyes were sharp, and he could barely see that what attacked the three of them just now was an electric light with a thin arm. The electric light is blue-red, about two or three meters long, and its power is comparable to that of a small shell. The three of them were hit by lightning and were blown in without any resistance.

Barely raised his body, and Wu Wang shouted sharply, "Who?"

A sneer came from afar, and a clear and soft voice came.

"The world says that the immortal family, the green lotus root and fire dates are really praiseable. The jade liquid is full of white buds, and the dragon and tiger elixir becomes purple.

Accompanied by Taoist words, a young Taoist man in a purple Taoist robe was embroidered with silver thread on the back of his chest, and the sleeves of the robe were covered with gorgeous patterns and came in proudly. The young Taoist was followed by eight middle-aged Taoist people in blue, all of whom looked at the sky with an invincible arrogance.

It seems that in their eyes, Wu Wang, Le Xiaobai and Don't beg are just three ants that can be pinched to death, which are not worthy of their attention at all.

Don't beg for a pinning of his eyes. He suddenly bounced up his body, pulled out the Longyuan sword, and took a sword light to pierce the Taoist in purple robe.

"The pearl of rice grains also shines!"

The handsome face of the Taoist in purple is full of disdainful ridicule. He pointed casually, and a shiny white light shot out of his robe's sleeve, facing the sword that did not begging to do its best. With a crisp sound, the white light was in full bloom, and the dragon's sword was smashed. Don't beg as if it had been bombarded by thunder. He was shivering and flew dozens of meters away by the white light. He hit his head on the ground and couldn't move.

Don't beg, only half of your body is numb. The white light was only more than one meter long, and the whole body was cold. The Longyuan sword hit the white light, as if it had hit a big mountain. The white light was not hurt at all, but he almost smashed the bones all over his body.

The true qi in the body was shattered by the white light, and the limbs and bones seemed to be broken. Don't beg to fall to the ground, and you can't even move your fingers.

With the harsh laughter, Shangguan Ye strode in with a group of disciples who stole the sky and changed the sun. Looking at Shangguan Ye's ruddy face and his freely moving arms, the internal skills he destroyed by Begging have obviously been fully recovered, and the cut meridians have also healed as before.

Don't be stunned. It was Shangguan Ye who executed him in person. Naturally, he knew how much he had done. Shangguan Ye, who should be lying on the bed of ** lingering illness, actually recovered his cultivation, and the injury on the tendons was also cured, which was simply impossible.

Shangguan Ye stared at Don't beg fiercely, pointed to Don't beg, and shouted, "Little bastard, I said, you are going to die all!"

Several of Shangguan Ye's trusted disciples walked to Begging with a ferocious smile and punched and kicked him.

Don't beg to hold your head in your hands and force yourself to let these people beat you. Unconsciously, outsiders have taken out the leader's token from the belt. The muscles of his waist, thighs and calves move like running water. He quietly sent the leader's token to his boots and hid it under his footboard.

This is almost an instinct.

When Don't beg to see Shangguan Ye walk into the stone room, he began to act like this. When Shangguan Ye's cronies disciples beat themselves, the token had been safely hidden in the boots.

Sure enough, after roaring a few times, Shangguan Ye immediately walked to Wu Wang's side and groped quickly on Wu Wang.

Wu Wang looked coldly at the Taoist in purple and sneered, "Shangguan Ye, are ** blind? Look at me with only one underwear on my body. Are you still touching bullshit? What else can I hide on my body?"

Shangguan Ye grabbed Wu Wang's neck. He hissed and roared, "The leader's token, where is the leader's token?"

Wu Wang laughed a few times. He shook his head and smiled, "The leader's token? I hid it in the vault of the Swiss bank!"

Shangguan Ye was obviously stunned. He looked at Wu Wang and roared, "Stealing the rules of the sun gate, the leader's token must follow the leader's side. This is the rule handed down by the ancestor. What do you mean by hiding it in the vault?

Wu Wang rolled his eyes, looked coldly at Shangguan Ye and smiled, "I'm happy. Are you going to bite my bird?"

As soon as the sleeves of the Taoist in purple moved, there was a crisp sound, and Wu Wang had been slapped by him in the face. A large amount of blood spewed out from Wu Wang's cheek, and the palm of the Taoist in purple almost broke Wu Wang's cheek. A large piece of skin was pumped off, and the blood came out.

"The unruly people in the secular world are really unreasonable."

The Taoist in purple looked at Wu Wang with squinted eyes and said coldly, "In the face of death, it is still so rampant and stubborn, hum!"

Wu Wang spit out a mouthful of blood, looked at the Taoist in purple and sneered, "Who is your immortal?" The unruly people in the world? Hey hey, we are all lay people. What kind of extravagant person are you?

The Taoist in purple put on a posture that he was obviously too lazy to talk to Wu Wangduo. He turned back to Shangguan Ye and said indifferently, "Looking at their hard work, for the sake of finding this void and moving array, there is no need to torture them too much and give them a good death."

Shangguan Ye answered respectfully, casually threw Wu Wang on the ground, stamped his heavy foot on Wu Wang's lower abdomen, and broke the true spirit of Wu Wang's family that he had cultivated for several years. He pointed to the Taoist in purple and sneered, "Let you die clearly. This is Qingcheng Mountain Miaoyuan Xiaodaojun, who is the closed disciple of Qingcheng Mountain Zhiji Lao Daojun!"

The Taoist in purple picked up his hands reservedly and put on the posture of an out-of-the-world posture, but his eyes were full of ecstasy, staring at the mysterious things that could not be explained in the huge stone chamber in the belly of the mountain.

Wu Wang, Le Xiaobai and Beg also looked at these strange things in the belly of the mountain at the same time.

Just when the metal gate was opened, the three of them found that these things in the belly of the mountain could not be explained by ordinary people's cognition. In terms of their experience, they know that they have found something amazing.

However, all of a sudden, Shangguanye actually led to the sudden killing of Miaoyuan Daojun. Don't beg them. Before they had time to study the mystery here, they fell into a desperate situation. In the face of the divine power of Miaoyuan Daojun and his party, they were unable to resist at all.

I don't know whether it was born or man-made. In the belly of the mountain below Machu Picchu, a spherical space with a diameter of about one kilometer was dug out. This huge space is round and integrated, and the mountain wall is as bright as a mirror, which is hard to imagine. If human resources have cut out this spherical space, then what exquisite power it takes to do it.

The smooth mountain wall is inlaid with tens of thousands of thumb-sized pearls and gems, and all kinds of jewelry are shining, forming a complex celestial map on the mountain wall. Staring at this astrological map, if you look at it for a long time, the treasure is dazzling, and it makes people feel that the astrological map is spinning faintly, which is really mysterious and incredible.

Under the light of the magnificent treasure released by the astrological map, something that ordinary people can't explain and can't understand is suspended in mid-air.

Three hundred and sixty pieces of white mutton fat beautiful jade floated on everyone's heads, forming a spherical stone formation with a diameter of about 300 meters. These jade pieces that are one foot and two feet long, six feet wide and one foot and two inches thick are carved with countless complex runes. In the critical place between the runes, they are also inlaid with thousands of shiny things the size of fists.

These huge beautiful jades suspended in the air and did not move at all. From time to time, the thin streamers of the arms shot out of the jade and rushed into the adjacent jade.

Surrounded by jade, it is a round platform made of gold. Countless runes are also carved on the platform, inlaid with 360 stones the size of a head that is as bright as gems. An extremely ancient breath rippled from the golden platform. Everyone just looked at the golden platform, as if they had seen countless flood history slowly flowing in front of them.

Don't be beaten suddenly laughed: "Master, we found a great thing!"

Shangguan Ye strode over and stamped his heavy foot on the head of Beggar. He sneered and said, "It's me who found this thing. It has nothing to do with you."

Before the voice fell, Miaoyuan Daojun snorted coldly.

Shangguan Ye hurriedly changed his words and said, "It's Miaoyuan Daojun's magic trick, and he found the clue of this void moving array. You are just pawns in the hands of the Taoist king. Let you be the pawns and sweep the hidden weapons in front of the door for the Taoist king.

Chao Miaoyuan Daojun, who nodded and bowed, smiled flatteringly. Shangguan Ye smiled and said, "Everything is under the control of Daojun, and you can also die to close your eyes."

After listening to Shangguan Ye's flattery, Miaoyuan Daojun smiled and shook his head proudly and said, "That's all, a lot of lay people who care about them also lost my identity and face. Shangguan Ye, let them be sensible ghosts!"

Shangguanye flattered again, which arrogantly explained the cause and effect of the matter to Wu Wang, Le Xiaobai and Don't beg.

In fact, Shangguan Ye had already defected to Miaoyuan Daojun and became Miaoyuan Daojun's s leg as early as Wu Wang joined the door. The last time Shangguan Ye stole the heirloom treasures of more than a dozen rich families, which was to act on the order of Miaoyuan Daojun. Those rich families never dreamed that their heirloom treasure is a rare treasure for monks like Miaoyuan Daojun.

Yes, Miaoyuan Daojun is the legendary monk, the kind of monk who pursues immortality and soaring into immortals.

Shangguanye and Wu Wang competed for the head of the Japanese gate to steal the sky. As a result, he lost. He immediately launched the summoning crane charm given to him by Miaoyuan Daojun, and asked Miaoyuan Daojun to take action to restore all his cultivation with the Taoist elixir and cure his tendon and collateral injury.

Kicking Wu Wang a few times hard, Shangguan Ye sneered and said, "If it hadn't been for the mercy of the Taoist king, I found that the gold medal in your hand was the clue that the Taoist king was about to pursue. How could I allow you to come to Machu Picchu? As early as a few months ago, you cut off your dog's head with a flying sword!"

Miaoyuan Daojun is also tracking the clue of the gold medal?

Le Xiaobai, who was held in his hand by two close disciples of Shangguan Ye, turned around with difficulty and looked at the huge metal portal.

Shangguan Ye took a look at Le Xiaobai, suddenly laughed a few times, and came over and punched Le Xiaobai in the stomach.

Le Xiaobai suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with visceral fragments. His body was so weak that he could not stand the strong attack of Shangguan Ye. This punch has killed half of Le Xiaobai's life.

Looking coldly at Shangguan Ye venting his anger on Wu Wang and others, Miaoyuan Daojun said leisurely after a long time, "Okay, Shangguan Ye, steal the sky for the sun, and you will make the decision in the future."

After a few proud smiles, Miaoyuan Daojun shook his head and said, "Master sent all the doormen to investigate the whereabouts of this void moving array, but the result was that the poor road took the lead. He not only found clues, but also saw the real body of the void moving array."

With an extremely sigh of emotion, Miaoyuan Daojun narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "This position of the head of Qingcheng can't escape from the palm of the poor hand."

Pointing to Wu Wang and the other three people, Miaoyuan Daojun said coldly, "It's just right that the 'Dazhou Tianding Star Symbol' needs to drive the large array to locate the destination of the large array. If the big array is idling, isn't it too boring?

Instant Shangguan Ye to put Wu Wang and the other three on the golden platform in the middle of the array, Miaoyuan Daojun laughed loudly.

"It's lucky to die in this ancient game, to die in the great power of heaven and earth, and to wait for ants!"

In the laughter, a golden light shot out of Miaoyuan Daojun's sleeve and hit the golden platform.