Steal the sky

Chapter 5 Inheritance

It seems to be a second, and it seems to be a lifetime.

Don't beg, staring at Miaoyuan Daojun and Shangguan Ye, who were staring at the outside of Taixu's big move, and the big array burst out.

Wu Wang's left calf bone suddenly burst into a powerful explosion. The shock wave disrupted the energy operation line of the too virtual moving array. The huge energy collided with each other, just like a nuclear chain reaction, and a terrible big explosion occurred.

It's just a moment. In a very short period of time, less than one in 10 million in a moment, the Taixu big move array, which had already been completed, transmitted the three of Beqi, Le Xiaobai and Wu Wang. The explosion destroyed hundreds of kilometers of mountains near Machu Picchu, but failed to hurt a single hair of three people.

At that moment, there was an infinite strange light suddenly flashing in front of him, as if he had broken a thin layer of soap bubbles. Don't beg suddenly saw a bright starry sky. It is completely different from the starry sky he usually sees on the earth at night. The planet he sees at this time is particularly huge, the light is extremely dazzling, and the whole body is golden and brilliant. Countless stars hang far away in the sky, but they seem to be as big as close to his eyes.

The dense stars quickly turned into a stream of light, and the huge star pressure came crazily from all directions.

Wu Wang's body, which had already been killed and his left leg was blown up, flashed and was pressed into countless pieces by the pressure. Le Xiaobai just exclaimed in despair, and his weak body had already exploded. Both of them were crushed into the finest energy particles, and two strange colorful lights ejected from their bodies, which were also instantly crushed by the pressure around them.

As soon as you see those two bright lights, you instinctively know that they are the souls of Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai.

When the souls of the two people were crushed and turned into countless colorful particles, tears gushed like a spring and shouted hysterically.

Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai, a teacher and a friend, are they who bring Don't beg out of the terrible Africa, they have taught Don't beg's ability, and it's they who let Don't beg have the power to survive in this world. Now, the two of them are shattered in front of his eyes, and they are the most tragic way to die with scattered souls and bones!


"Xiao Bai!"

Don't crack the corners of your eyes and splash out a large amount of blood.

The great pressure crushed the tears and blood of Begging, and it worked on him in an instant.

The shadow of death came in an instant, and Don't beg's heart suddenly stopped beating. He opened his mouth and seemed to feel that the big mouth of death was spitting a piercing cold in front of him. He seemed to have seen the scene that he was crushed like Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai, and even his soul was completely destroyed.

Only a crisp sound, don't beg for broken clothes all over his body. His skin was torn by great pressure, and a large amount of blood flew out.

At that moment, a soft and cold airflow gushed out from the feet of Begging. He was touched by the token of the head of the day gate under the footboard, and the blood splashed out of the day, and burst into a dazzling water-blue light in vain.

A dense, soft, tough, cold and piercing airflow gushed out of the leader's token, and it flowed around in an instant.

The cold airflow flowed all over the body in the blink of an eye, and quickly concentrated in Don't beg's arms. Don't beg. He felt that his arms were as cold as if they were soaked in ice water. He was so cold that he was shivering all over. His arms could no longer move, and they were all frozen by the hidden airflow.

The cold air flowed through the beggar's arms inch by inch, and finally the token of the head of the Japanese door was quietly smashed. A blue water light the size of a water tank shot out of the token and quietly fell into the body of the beggar. A sigh of satisfaction sounded in the void, and the faint sighed like a ghost.

The powerful attraction came from the body of Don't Beg, and Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai | The shattered soul particles were sucked into the body of Don't Beg one by one.

Don't beg for a stiff body, and a dazzling blue light suddenly burst out all over your body. He had a brain shock and was in a coma.

While half asleep and half awake, Don't beg only feel that your body is floating lightly in a dark void. In front of him, a hazy figure that seems to dissipate at any time is looking at him from a distance.

With a soft sigh, Don't beg seemed to hear the figure say a word.

"The sky is endless from my descendants. Today, I finally see the 'Seven Mysterious Thieves', and there is someone to follow!"

One crystal after another, it is carved like a crystal, shining with magnificent and mysterious colorful light, and the strange ancient characters are displayed in the dark void. The figure chanted scriptures with a rumble. Every time he spit out a word, there was a colorful text in the void.

The first thing that appeared in front of Don't beg is the word "Stealing Sutra".

"Tao can be stolen, very Tao!"

"The way of husband, heaven and earth are more than enough, but there are not enough people, and take the way of heaven and earth to make up for yourself! Others have more than I have more than I have. It's right to take other people's more than I have to make up for myself!"

"The sea is full of rivers, and the tolerance is large; the fineness of the sand and soil begins to have majestic mountains; the small amount of water, there is an infinite abyss!"

"Therefore, everything in the world is undesirable and non-stealable!"

Millions of words, the reading of the figure word by word, the display of word in the void, don't beg to hear vaguely, but remember it extremely clearly. Every word is directly integrated into his soul and will never be forgotten again.

The power of the Taixu movement array pushes Don't beg to move rapidly in the vast void. In every blink of an eye, you don't know how far you have flown out, and how many heavy voids have been naturally generated or deliberately forbidden by someone has been broken through. The faint blue water wave firmly protected Don't begging, the cold and piercing energy is constantly washing Don't begging all over the body. A large amount of dregs and dirt are constantly secreted from Don't begging's body, and the black filth is crushed by the pressure around.

With the two arms of Don't Beg as the core, with the muttering of the figure, the chilly energy flows. At the beginning of The Stealing the Sutra, an article practicing qigong method "The Water Source of the Seven Mysteries Building Spirits" gradually laid the foundation in the body of Begging.

Don't beg to breathe deeply, and with the skills of "Water Source", it guides the faint blue energy in the body to slowly flow all over the body.

Gradually, with the cultivation of "Water Source" gradually entered a good situation, the sound of the wave when the Yangtze River flows in the body.

Don't beg in your mind, the originally dark sea of Zifu has glowed with a faint water light, and it can be faintly seen that thousands of waves are surging in his Zifu. The hazy figure suspended on the waves and passed on a complicated and mysterious "The Thief" to Don't Beg.

Then there was a long silence. The figure looked at Don't beg quietly and suddenly sighed deeply.

"It is your fate and your misfortune to come into my door. In the future, you can do it by yourself; if it is a blessing, don't thank me; if it is a disaster, don't blame me!"

"My way can only be passed on to one person in a generation. If you have a safe life, it is naturally good. If you die, try to pass on my road!"

Shaking his head, the figure suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed three times, and slapped Don't beg's forehead.

I was shocked all over. Don't beg for suddenly opening his eyes and waking up.

The blue water wave that protected his body has been completely absorbed by his body and is turning into a torrent of water waves circulating in the meridians of his arms. The huge and unparalleled star pressure around him was pressing his bones all over. Seeing that his body could not stand the pressure, he was still going to be crushed.

A faint fog came out of Don't beg's eyebrows, and instantly turned into the figure you saw in the sea of Zifu.

"The unlucky baby!"

The hazy figure, who couldn't see his face clearly, smiled strangely and suddenly burst.

A fog wrapped around Don't beg's whole body, and suddenly took him to move forward quickly, which was thousands of times faster than moving the starry sky.

Don't beg for the sudden increase in the horrible speed. The skin on your body burst inch by inch, and you rolled your eyes and fainted again.

The fog is getting lighter and lighter, and it is about to disappear.

Just before the fog finally dissipated, a dim thunder roared out of the faint fog and smashed the void in an instant.

The blood is rags all over the body. It's like a broken meat pocket. Don't beg to fly into the shattered space.

The fog finally turned into disappear, leaving a very light sigh in the void.

"My doorman, live a good life!" E