Steal the sky

Chapter 7 Enmity

Standing at the door of the wooden house, a few miles ahead is a rolling river.

The river is nearly 100 meters wide, and a pontoon bridge crosses the river. A dirt road on the other side of the bridge extends into the dense forest. I don't know where it leads. On the side of the bridge stands several wooden arrow towers, and two leather ropes are built on the bridge ten meters away from the shore, which is a suspension bridge.

In the rear, there is a green mountain shaped like a barrier. The two mountains poked out like two arms, gently hugging a flat land with a radius of more than ten miles. The mountain is steep, and under the towering trees dozens of meters high, it is densely full of thorns with poisonous thorns, and even a mouse is difficult to pass through.

There are green water in the front and green mountains in the back. This small flat land is fertile, the vegetation is prosperous, and there are two streams passing by. It is indeed a feng shui treasure for settled down. In the distance of the wooden house, hundreds of large cabins stand surrounded by green trees. There are flat farmland and vegetable fields between the houses, and several dogs are chasing a group of unicorns shaped like elk.

The big man who had just sent food and clothes to beggar was squatting under a clump of safflower trees in front of the house, and dug out a period of white roots. Hearing the noise of don't begging to go out, the big man hurriedly stuffed the roots of the tree into the animal skin around his waist, and turned back to say hello with a smile.

"Red flower vine, specializing in treating all kinds of internal injuries and women's blood collapse. Hey, it seems that you don't need it, brother.

Don't beg begging to nod him and asked, "Little brother, what's your name?" Don't beg for saving your life."

The big man was stunned, and he suddenly laughed: "Don't beg? That's a nice name. What's your name? It's a mouth-to-mouth. My nickname is a son of a bitch, a big name, and I don't have a big name yet. You have to be 16 years old before you can name the elders of the clan.

He walked to Buqi and slapped Buqi hard. The puppy pulled him to the front of the village, in the direction of the suspension bridge.

As the puppy walked, he proudly boasted about the magical effect of a few catties of luminous tiger blood that his father poured down the night before yesterday. In his mouth, the blood of the luminous tiger can come back to life and treat all injuries. It is simply an omnipotent magic medicine.

Don't beg. He just listened to the son of a bitch with a smile. He looked at the scenery around him and made some judgments secretly.

The production level here is not high, and it can even be said to be very low. But the people here were very strong. He saw several women who went to the river to carry water. The bucket he was carrying was more than one meter in diameter, which was just two small water tanks.

Every family here always has knives, guns, bows and arrows. A group of small dolls are performing martial arts on a small * flat ground in the village, and they are all bright real guys in their hands. Looking at the weight of those knives and guns, they are at least about fifty or sixty catties of heavy weapons. These dolls, who are about seven or eight years old, dance these swords to the tigers.

With an idea, Don't beg silently carried out a secret method in "Water Source" and injected the "Ingenuity Water Spirit" into his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes were covered with a faint layer of blue light. Looking at the dolls who danced with guns and sticks, Don't begged to be surprised to find that these children were extremely full of blood, and there was a strong real qi rolling in their bodies.

Basically, these children are comparable to the elite disciples of the Greedy Wolf Group, and the real fire in their bodies is at least three or five years of hard work.

After taking a breath, Don't beg. Then he suddenly found that the concentration of heaven and earth aura in the air was extremely amazing.

"Stealing the Sutra" is all-encompassing and has infinite mystery. This so-called aura of heaven and earth is also mentioned in the Book of theft. The aura of heaven and earth is the foundation of all practitioners. The higher the concentration of the aura of heaven and earth, the faster the speed of cultivation, and the greater the benefit to the practitioners.

The aura of heaven and earth on earth has long been destroyed by industrial production, which is almost a desert of aura.

And in this small mountain village, the aura concentration in this small * flat land is almost comparable to the level of the lower cave heaven and earth described in The Stealing Sutra. No wonder the dolls here have all their internal cultivation. No wonder the puppy around them can grow up so thick and burly.

Where heaven and earth are full of aura, even a piece of sweet potato will be stronger and fatter than other places, not to mention people!

Along the way, the puppy seemed to be a little famous in the village, and men, women and children kept greeting him on the way.

If you are old, just call him a puppy; if you are about the same age, just call him a dog brother; if you are young, call him Uncle Dog respectfully. In particular, there are also some beautiful girls in the village who are not begging, and they are even more delicate and twisted far away, and greet the dog with a red face.

The land here is rich, the world is full of aura, and the feng shui is excellent. It is a good place to raise people. Although the men raised are as rough and tall as puppies, those girls are delicate and charming, and they can pinch out the water.

Don't beg to look at those girls, and you can't help but be a little shaken. The kind of vigorous and graceful natural beauty is unprecedented.

After receiving the secret method of spiritual eyes, don't beg and shake your head. Now we don't care about the beauty and ugliness of these girls. Let's figure out where we are first.

Follow the dog all the way to the entrance of the village, that is, the hanging bridge at the end of the floating bridge. Don't beg, you can see several old people holding Li sticks, with a group of big men shouting and beating a few people rolling on the ground.

Those big men are just fine. They are all the same size as dogs. They are all good men who can run horses on their arms. It is common to beat and curse people. However, those old people holding Li sticks were so old that they bent down into a bow, but they were agile and did not allow the young people. They held Li sticks full of barbars and scolded the people on the ground wildly. The momentum was very amazing.

When Don't beg and the son of a bitch walked to the crowd, they seemed to have vented their anger. An old man coughed a few times, and Li Zhan pestled fiercely to the ground and hissed a few times.

Several strong men picked up the people on the ground and wiped their necks neatly with daggers.

Blood spewed out, and several people twitched all over and screamed unpleasantly. The villagers took the hemp rope with all their hands and feet, hung up several people who kept spraying blood in their necks, and hung high under the arrow tower at the head of the bridge.

In addition to these people who are still screaming and bleeding, there are also more than 30 bodies hanging under the arrow tower.

Some of these bodies have only died a few days, and some have turned into mummified corpses. Their clothes were taken clean, revealing their dark skin and the colorful red and green embroidery on their skin. Those tattoo embroidery patterns are ferocious and mysterious, with all kinds of beasts, all kinds of poisonous insects, and many strange flowers and plants.

Looking at the men who struggled to twitch on the rope, from those old men, all the villagers laughed. There is no ferolarity in their laughter, only a surprising relaxation and happiness.

Don't beg to look at the scene in front of you in consteridation, and suddenly heard the puppy shout happily: "These barbarians came to our village to ask for death again. Isn't it in vain to give credit to our village?"

Dozens of people at the bridge looked this side at the same time, especially the old people with Li sticks, and their attention was all focused on Begging.

Don't beg carefully bowed to several old men, holding their fists and bowing.

"Don't beg, boy. Together with the master and the same family, they have been in great trouble. Fortunately, I have been saved by the elders. I am very grateful!"

Don't allow a few old men to say anything. Don't beg, you have fallen to your knees to the ground and respectfully kowtowed three times to several old men.

The grace of saving lives, the three heads are still light. Don't beg to be grateful to these villagers who saved themselves. They saved themselves, which saved a chance to avenge Wu Wang and Le Xiaobai in the future. How can he not be grateful to them?

If you don't have anything to grow up, even the clothes will be smashed in the Taixu movement. Don't beg will definitely reward them heavily.

Among the several old men, he was described as the oldest. He was old, and his face was full of old man spots. He tremblingly walked to Begging and pulled him up with one hand.

"They are all big swallows. How can they talk so nonsense? Well, little brothers, are you rangers and barbarians?

Don't beg to climb up the pole. He stood up, nod respectfully and said, "The old man's eyes are like a torch, that's exactly what it is."

The strong men behind the old man got up, and they muttered in a low voice, as if cursing the damn barbarians who owed another blood debt.

Absorbed Le Xiaobai's perverted demon-level wisdom, and quickly analyzed something. He gritted his teeth and swore along the words of those big men, "The little master is in the same family, and they all died under their hands. This hatred is not the same as the sky. When I go back this time, I must study hard, and in the future, I must slaughter all my enemies and avenge my master and your peers!"

The big men are talking about the barbarians who don't know their origin. What they are aimed at in the oath of don't begging is the lineage of Qingcheng Miaoyuan Daojun.

However, the two sides were very close, and several old people nodded and praised one after another, "A good man should be like this. You rangers who travel around the world to hunt and kill barbarians, if you don't even avenge the master's blood, it's really embarrassing.

The old man who just picked up Begging patted Begging's chest hard, shook his head and said, "However, don't beg little brother, your body is really weak, and you are not the opponent of those barbarians."

After a few sighs, the old man said attentively, "Our Mengcun has an ancestral secret recipe. Dozens of herbs are combined with animal tendons and bones, which is the best way to grow up. Before leaving, the old man will give you a hundred packs of plaster, which is guaranteed to make your head rise a lot!"

After listening to the old man's words, don't beg for words.

His body shape is also a standard beautiful man's figure on the earth. Although he is a little thinner, he is thin but not weak, and his muscles and bones have their own strength.

After getting the inheritance of Theft, he naturally knows that the strength has nothing to do with the size of the size. However, in the face of the old man's kindness, Don't beg can only bow deeply again, thanking the hearts of several elders.

Don't beg and swear in your heart that if he practices well in the future, he must come back to this village and thank the villagers here.

While making a decision in his heart, a green fireball the size of a fist suddenly shot out of a forest on the other side of the river, which just hit a thick man standing on the bridge.

Only a howling was heard, and the big man ignited a turquoise flame all over his body. His body just rolled on the ground a few times and turned into a pool of ashes.

Several clans were shocked, and the villagers on the arrow tower had screamed loudly: "The barbarians are coming, a lot of barbarians!"

The harsh horns resounded through the whole village, and a large group of wild people in animal skins suddenly rushed out of the woods on the other side of the river, full of tattooed savages.

The leader of the savage was surrounded by a thick black gas, and a pale green skeleton the size of a fist was looming in the black gas.

He pointed fiercely at the head of the village, and the leader of the savage shouted harshly.

"Men, kill all; women, grab all; baby, eat all! Kids, let's go!" E