Steal the sky

Chapter 9 Hunting Barbarians

Looking at the spear that pierced his heart, the puppy only felt a cold air from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and his whole body was stiff.

A villager looked this way, and two strong men roared and rushed here. But those bird savages are attacking and killing the villagers crazily. Where will they rush over for a while? Even if no one is blocked on the road, they are too far away to rescue the puppy.

Don't beg. Just as the spear was three inches away from the dog's heart, his body suddenly bounced and rushed into the savage's arms like a loaded bullet. The thorn in his hand deeply penetrated into the savage's heart and pierced his body.

The left hand lightly patted on the spear. First of all, the naive water spirit brought a whirlwind and stirred a spear more than a foot long into pieces.

Stealing the sky for the head of the Japanese door token is passed to the mysterious man who did not beggar to steal the scripture with a piece of naive water spirit stone. There is a wisp of naive water aura inside, so don't be begging to practice to get the secret of the seven mysteries, and the first brunt is the water source.

First, it is pure water, to yin to soft, but it can be strong to strong. In the feminine place, there is nothing to break in the world; in the strong place, everything in the world can be broken.

Just like a vast ocean, even if you are struck by thunder and the mountains are on the top, there is no damage to the sea water. Once a tsunami rolls up in the sea, the surging water waves can destroy the city and sweep the mountains. It's like a drop of water can pierce the stone, hydrate the iceberg, and still crush the top of Mount Tai and crush everything under the iceberg into pieces.

Don't beg for a slap, the first day of the water brought a whirlpool force. Even a piece of pig iron will be crushed to pieces, not to mention these savages' spears made of vines? Although these vines are extremely tough, they should not be begging for a blow.

With a highly poisonous man of light pierced into the body, the body of the bird savage shook, the dirty blood from the seven orifices spewed out, and the body suddenly shrunk into a mass of meat.

Pull out the awn thorn, don't beg and shout at the stunned puppy, "If you don't want to die, just pick up the sword and fight with them!"

The puppy was stunned, grabbed the sword suddenly, and shouted strangely and waved his sword forward. The sword almost missed. Don't beg. Fortunately, his neck shrank, and the sword blade swept over his scalp. The violent sword rolled up a surge and brought a blood stain on Bu Beg's scalp.


Don't beggar and cursed loudly, and only a loud noise was heard. A bird barbarian who had just raised his spear to beg not begging had been slapped out by a dog. These birds and barbarians are short and not strong, but they are just dexterous. In the face of the amazing brute force of the puppy, the savage just howling, the spear was cut off by the sword, and he also swayed more than ten feet away.

"Kill the barbarians, kill the barbarians, kill the barbarians!"

Don't beg and the son of a bitch here have just solved their own problems. Several clansmen in Meng Village have gathered together and roared loudly.

For a moment, more than a thousand strong men and more than a thousand healthy women responded in unison, and the roar of 'killing barbarians' shook the river to roll.

Hundreds of villagers were left to kill birds and savages, and hundreds of other villagers clenched their weapons and rushed to the suspension bridge. More than a hundred savages have rushed over the suspension bridge and are rushing this way. If they can't be blocked near the bridge, once all the savages rush into the village, even if they can be defeated in the end, the village will be over.

The old man of the two races took the lead and took the villagers straight to the bridge. Although the old people of these two clans are too old to straighten up, their strength is not smaller than those of those young villagers, and their moves are even more old and evil, and they all greet the deadly points of those savages.

The two sticks rolled up a black wind, and the bosses of the two clans shouted and rushed to the bridge. Where they passed, more than a dozen savages were beaten to death on the spot by their sticks. They were really like two crazy tigers, with a group of tiger cubs to kill the invincible.

Those savages were not willing to show weakness. They also shouted a bloody battle, with red eyes and killed the villagers in the village.

The Mongolian villagers wanted to drive the savages back to the floating bridge, but the savages were going to stay on the bridge to prevent the Mongolian villagers from approaching, and only asked more companions to rush into the village to kill and plunder. The two sides fought together at the bridge. In the blink of an eye, dozens of people were killed by each other, and blood and minced meat were spilled all over the ground.

Suddenly, the savage leader standing across the river suddenly smiled strangely. He pulled out a bone knife and chopped off his little finger and stuffed it into the mouth of the miserable green skeleton beside him. The little skeleton chewed its fingers, and its size suddenly swelled more than once.

With a strange roar, the swollen skeleton opened its mouth and spewed out more than a dozen miserable green fireballs in one breath.

The flames roared, and the fireball quickly swept across the river and plunged into the queue of Mongolian villagers.

The bosses of the two clans shouted 'miserable', more than a dozen fireballs burst at the same time, more than a hundred strong men in the Mongolian village were covered with flames, and a few breathing time were burned to ashes. The queue in Mengcun was in chaos, and more savages rushed across the suspension bridge, shouted happily, raised their swords and swords, like cutting melons and vegetables, killing the villagers in Mengcun indiscriminately.

There was a sharp cry from the air, and the village woman who was caught in the sky by the big eagle was suddenly thrown from the sky more than a thousand feet away from the ground. After only two or three breaths, more than 300 village women fell to the ground and fell into mud. Dozens of village women were thrown into the village crowd of Meng Village, and more than a dozen villagers who could not dodge were killed and injured.

Don't beg, he was afraid of cracking. He left the puppy silently and rushed to the birds and savages with a thorn in his hand.

A sharp thorn, a sharp thorn, thorn with the fastest speed!

One bird after another, the barbarians howling and were pierced through the throat by Begging, pierced the heart, and fell to the ground to death one after another.

Several leaders of the bird barbarian saw the action of not begging to stab, and they tried to wave their spears to block the thorns. However, when the thorn, which was absorbed by the previous day, touched the spear, the spear was like a boat in a whirlpool, uncontrollably skewing to the side. The thorn was almost unstoppable, and gently and skillfully pierced the bodies of these birds.

His body leaned forward slightly, and his arms rolled inside. When he waved his arms, there was a faint sound of water waves rolling. He seemed to have broken through the flood of the dyke and rolled over the team of bird barbarians. In just three or five breaths, don't beg to kill thirty-seven bird savages at a frightening speed.

The villagers around him cheered in unison, and dozens of men from the village followed Don't beg and cooperated with him to strangle these birds. The sword was slashed indiscriminately, and the bird savage, who were stunned by the crazy assassination of Begging, howled in unison, and more than a hundred bird savages fell to the ground and died in the blink of an eye.

The remaining birds screamed in horror, and their mouths kept making sharp eagles. Nearly a hundred eagles in the air hurriedly dodged and rushed down, trying to pick up these birds and barbarians to retreat.

The savage leader on the other side of the river roared angrily and cursed these unreliable birds angrily.

But in the blink of an eye, the savage leader laughed crazily again. Because of the cooperation of his fireball attack just now, more than 700 savages have rushed over the suspension bridge and rushed into the village of Mengcun. The villagers of Meng Village are retreating step by step, and they are about to be broken through the defense line by the savages.

After taking a heavy breath, a blood spring flowed out of the seven orifices of the savage leader, especially the blood flowed from the ambustion of his left hand. The savage leader paid a great price for the tragic green skull. Seeing that his clan had steadily gained the upper hand, the savage leader shouted and finally lost his energy and sat on the ground.

Breathing, the savage leader roared, "The most watery woman, leave me ten! Who dares to steal it? I castrate him!"

More than a dozen guards beside the savage leader glanced at their leader and couldn't help walking a few steps in the direction of the pontoon bridge. The savage leader turned his eyes and hurriedly ordered, "Go to the village and stare at the group of bastards!" Ten of the most watery women, mine! The most exquisite linen, mine! The best porcelain, mine! Ten of the freshest children, mine! Go, don't allow them to rob indiscriminately!"

These guards cheered and rushed to the pontoon bridge impatiently.

A wisp of saliva dripped from the corners of the savage leader's mouth. He stared straight at the direction of Mengcun and giggled and said, "Watery woman!"

In the woods behind, an iron crossbow roared out, hitting the back of the savage leader in the head and penetrating his head. A slightly shiny rune on the arrowhead flashed, and with a bang, smashed half of the savage leader's body to pieces.

When the savage leader died, the black smoke and green skeletons hovering around him let out a sharp howl and went straight to the sky.

A six-inch-long rune shot out of the woods, accurately and accurately attached to the pale green skeleton. A white light flashed, and the pale green skeleton moaned and fell off the ground, falling heavily on the ground and could no longer move.

A team of nearly a hundred tough men ran out of the woods, led by a fierce man in leather armor and holding a windy nine-ring machete. The big man was eight feet away, his waist circumference was about six feet, and his whole body was full of bumps. He waved a machete and roared, "Brothers, kill the barbarians, kill the barbarians! The latest offer of Chengshou, a barbarian, a reward of 100 yuan!"

Nearly a hundred tough men shouted in unison: "Kill the barbarians, kill the barbarians!"

With the loud sound of killing, these men flew to the other end of the pontoon bridge, stood in three horizontal teams, pulled out the heavy crossbow on their backs, and sealed the pontoon bridge.

There are about a thousand savages rushing into Meng Village, and the others are still crowded on the pontoon bridge. From time to time, savages are squeezed into the river by their companions and become the food of river fish. These savages can't wait to rush into Mengcun to burn, kill and loot. How can they care about the feelings of the same clan and the friendship of their compatriots? They squeaked and stuffed the pontoon bridge like canned fish.

The water can't pass, but the crossbow can.

The strong crossbows used by the team of men who rushed out of the woods were so powerful that they only heard a muffled sound, and dozens of crossbow arrows shot out at a time. Each crossbow penetratees the body of the savage, and a crossbow has to penetrate the bodies of at least three or five people, which will exhaust all its strength.

These men used three cyclic shooting methods, one row of shooting, one row of preparation, and one row of re-stringed arrows. The crossbow shot out almost without stopping, and killed half of the savages on the pontoon bridge in the blink of an eye.

The river fish in the river were about to tear the bodies of these savages who fell off the bridge, but the leader hurriedly took out a large bag of powder from his backpack and sprinkled it into the river. The pungent smell spread out, and the river fish in the river hurriedly turned around and left. How dare you stay here?

The big man laughed wildly and said, "A barbarian spends a hundred yuan. How can you eat like this?" Brothers, try to kill the barbarians! Go back to the city, and find a few girls to have fun! Haha, we made a lot of money this time!"

Those tough men laughed in unison and cheered one after another. They kept laughing, but the movements of their hands were not chaotic at all. They winded and arched in an orderly manner one by one, stepped on the pontoon bridge with the sticky plasma step by step, and coldly harvested the lives of those savages.

Poor these savages were squeezed into a mass on the pontoon bridge, and there was no place to dodge. Under the amazingly penetrating crossbow arrows, hundreds of savages were killed by the crossbow arrows in just half a cup of tea time.

The old people in the village cheered: "The barbarian hunters are here, children, kill the barbarians!"

The villagers cheered loudly, and the wild people all changed!


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