Steal the sky

Chapter 13 Hand

More than a hundred villagers from Mengcun drove a cart. Zhang Hu led the barbarians to protect them on both wings, and the group moved forward on the forest path with difficulty.

Thirty carts are full of killed barbarian heads. The pungent smell of blood mixed with the smell of unknown medicine can make people faint. In order to prevent the head from rotting and spreading the epidemic, the old people in Mengcun used herbs to concoct all the heads, and as a result, there was a terrible smell.

Nearly 2,000 barbarian heads, according to the reward amount just offered by Xiao Mengcheng, which is a large amount of money.

The barbarians and Mengcun reached an agreement. After sending the head to Little Mengcheng, the money was divided evenly between the two sides. This money is enough to make up for the loss of Mengcun, and it is enough to make the barbarians drunk and dream of death in Little Mengcheng for several months.

Don't beg to sit on the car of a big car, carefully trim the tail of a thorn with a dagger, and trim the tail of the thorn to make it round and smooth. In the animal skin bag beside him, there are more than a hundred trimmed thorns neatly, and the tips of the thorns are shining with a faint light.

This is a kind of tree thorn growing on a poisonous tree called 'See the Blood Seal Marquis' in the depths of Xiaomeng Mountain. Tough than iron, extremely sharp, born with poison, those barbarians like to use this kind of tree thorn as a bow and arrow. Don't beg to collect more than a hundred tree thorns and repair the tail. It can be thrown as a throwing arrow, which is also very powerful.

In this world without pistols and firearms, don't beg for urgent local materials to enhance your self-insurance.

Although he got the inheritance of the stolen scriptures, it can be seen in the conversation with Zhang Hu that the water in this ghost place is very deep. If you don't beg now equivalent to the peak of the day after tomorrow, you can't fool around at will.

Satisfiedly, trim the last awn thorn properly. Don't beg to carefully insert it into the animal skin bag and tie it up with a beast tendon.

Looking back at the continuous mountains, don't beg to raise your hands and wave a few times.

Goodbye, Mengcun!

Don't beg people set out from Mengcun early in the morning yesterday. There are more than 500 miles all the way from Mengcun to Xiaomengcheng. With those city guards riding fast, they can arrive in two or three hours. But there were so many big cars in the team, and they were full of people's heads, as well as the animal skins, herbs and other things that the villagers were going to trade in Little Mengcheng, so the speed was naturally dragged down.

The mud road ahead has come to an end, and everyone has officially walked out of this mountain. Walking more than 200 miles along a road outside the mountain, it is Xiaomeng City. I learned from Zhang Hu that Xiaomeng has a population of more than 200,000, which is the largest city within a radius of hundreds of miles.

Of the population of more than 200,000, only tens of thousands are fixed local residents, and the rest are floating people such as the barbarian team led by Zhang Hu. Hunting barbarians, rangers, all kinds of vendors, and even the desperate people who kill and abscond, robbers, pickpockets, and all kinds of scoundrels who cheat and abduct. You don't need to describe it. If you don't beg, you can imagine what kind of city it is.

The Mengcun man in front of the team cheered a few times, and the motorcade finally walked out of the mountain forest and came to the road outside.

The speed of the team's progress has become slower and slower. Don't beg to sit on the car and look at the half-soft and hard mud on the road, and your face suddenly turned black. Is this the official way of Xiaomeng City connecting other cities? Judging from the situation of this road, Don't beg is a little disappointed in this damn place. What kind of damn world have you come to?

Meng villagers and barbarians are used to this kind of road. Whether they are barefoot or wearing shoes, they can't walk forward with thick mud, especially those men in Mengcun, who are tall and heavy, and the mud often splashes several feet when they step down. High.

The mud is strange in color, and it is mixed with some indesicable strange things, such as dead mice, bugs, and all kinds of strange things. Don't beg, your face turned black, and countless goose bumps suddenly appeared all over.

Absorbed Le Xiaobai's soul particles and got his abnormal IQ. At the same time, Don't Beg was infected with a mild cleanliness fetish. Don't beg, shake your head helplessly, force yourself, and concentrate on the mud on the ground.

When you come to this world, you must adapt to everything here. If you can't even bear a little mud, how can you live here?

Take a deep breath, don't beg to pick up the animal's skin bag, jump out of the car, and strode forward with those men in the village. The mud touched his feet and legs through the simple straw shoes on his feet. Don't beg for a smile on his face. He seemed to think of the scene when he was only eleven or twelve years old, when he fought desperately with beasts in the mud pit arena.

Today, don't beg to face a brand-new world that is a million times more dangerous than those beasts, but also a million times more wonderful!

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Don't beg while walking, laughing and pulling the house with the villagers in Meng Village. The cold air in his arms and the meridians gradually became strong. He refused to waste any time and silently started the formula of "Water Source".

The water attribute aura in the aura of heaven and earth rushed to the court and quickly integrated into his meridians through his palms.

It doesn't need to be like other cultivation methods at all. It also needs to transform and melt Reiki into your own cultivation. As soon as the aura of heaven and earth entered the body of the outside world, it immediately became a part of the naive water spirit in his body. Stealing, stealing, once you get it, it becomes your own. Why do you still need to transform it into smelting?

Relying on this feature, the cultivation speed of stealing scriptures is more than ten times faster than any other cultivation method!

Don't beg to clearly feel the slight enhancement of his own cultivation. He was happily listening to several Mengcun men bragging about their bravery of hunting at night, and suddenly heard the miserable howling from the corner of the road ahead.

Dozens of Shenjun's mounts rushed from the front, and dozens of gorgeously armored knights on the mounts were pale, howling like a homeless dog, and the riders ran in a panic.

These knights' armor is crooked. Some people are taking off their armor and throwing them on the ground along the way, and throwing their swords and weapons everywhere, just to reduce the load, so that the mount can run faster. After these knights, seven or eight men in black were holding crossbows, not in a hurry, like hitting a target, orderly winding arrows and shooting a crossbow arrow.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen knights were hit by arrows behind their backs and wailed and fell off the mount. These people fell to the ground and smashed the mud far away. The crossbow seemed to be highly poisoned. As soon as the knights landed, they twitched a few times and their faces were black and stiff.

Don't beg and others and these knights are bumping into each other head-on. The knights who have been scared to panic screamed and screamed crazily. They bumped into each other face to face. While riding and running wildly, the knights were still cursing crazily: "Get out of here, a bunch of bitches, get out of here!"

Several leading Mengcun men couldn't react and were hit by the front mounts. These mounts were abnormally divine, and the impact was frighteningly strong. Several Mengcun men spit blood on the spot and were knocked three or four feet away, and a large area of his chest collapsed. Obviously, the bones in his chest were smashed.

"Fight them!"

Mengcun Village lives in the mountains and forests, often fights with barbarians and death, and fights with all kinds of tigers and poisonous insects almost every day. It is the most brave and barbaric. Seeing that these fleeing knights were so unreasonable, the Meng villagers who led the team immediately shouted and pulled out their weapons.

More than a hundred men from the Mongolian village pulled out their weapons together, and the epee greeted the knights like a wave.

I only heard a few roars, and more than a dozen knights who rode wildly and fled for their lives fell to the ground with blood. Their mounts were cut off by the Meng villagers, staggered forward more than ten feet, and fell heavily to the ground. The knights were cut into pieces of meat by the sword and mixed in the mud.

Just in the blink of an eye, all the knights who fled for their lives died tragically under the swords of the Mongolian villagers.

The villagers had just raised their weapons and were about to look up to the sky and cheer. Several people in black who chased these knights behind actually shot crossbow arrows at them from a distance. I only heard the sound of the bow and strings, and more than 20 strong crossbows roared in, deeply immersed in the bodies of several Mongolian villagers.

The arrow poison was fierce, and several villagers did not hum. Their bodies trembled and fell to the ground heavily.

Suddenly, the villagers were caught off guard. They stared at the fallen people and were stunned there for a moment.

Don't be the first to react. When the men in black were busy re-stringing the crossbow, he cursed and rushed to the men in black. Don't beg for the speed of running is not very fast, but it is definitely not slow. A few ups and downs are less than ten feet away from those people in black.

He grabbed it in the animal skin bag casually, and several awn thorns that had just been trimmed were firmly buckled between his fingers. Don't wave casually, the naive water in the arm poured into the thorns, and a few faint blue rays shot out, hitting the throats of the five people in black.

The four-foot, two-three-inch-long thorn penetrated the necks of five people in black. Several people in black looked at the begging in disbelief, clenched their hands on their necks, and fell to the ground blankly.

The remaining three men in black looked at Don't beg in surprise, and one of them scolded angrily, "Unruly, you, you, do you dare to hurt our people?"

Don't beg to stand up without saying a word, pull out a thorn casually, and stab dozens of times quickly. The three men in black couldn't see the action of Begging clearly. They only felt a flower in front of them. A cold wind swept around their bodies, and the thorns quickly passed through them and stabbed them like a sieve.

"The parian? How noble are you? You're dead, it's not a pile of rotten meat!"

With a sneer, don't beg for a heavy foot on the head of the man in black who cursed.

A faint sound of weapon breaking the wind came from the corner of the road ahead. Don't beg to listen, frown slightly, and then strode over there.

Zhang Hu has rushed up with someone. He grabbed Begging's shoulder: "Brother, this kind of muddy water can't be touched!"

Zhang Hu's fingertips have caught Begging's shoulder, but Begging seemed to have a layer of slippery oil on his shoulder, and his fingers slipped aside.

Don't beg to turn around and smile at Zhang Hu. His feet suddenly accelerated, and several ups and downs rushed out.

Zhang Hu stamped his feet, cursed in a low voice, and had no choice but to follow.


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