Steal the sky

Chapter 26 Stealing Again

He stepped heavily on Yi Shan's chest, and Bu begging almost smashed the ribs of his chest.

overlooking Yishan condescendingly, don't beg and say solemnly, "I have formal military documents in hand. If you don't pay, you are delaying the military plane. What is Lv's punishment for delaying military aircraft? But as I think, if I kill your head, no one can say anything about me, right?

Yi Shan looked at the guards of the inner warehouse in horror, and 200 guards had already fallen to the ground. Don't beg, the soldiers brought by ten besieged and one guard. These people were not serious. Two hundred guards were seriously injured, and several of them were in a coma by spitting blood. If they were not treated in time, I'm afraid that a small life would be gone.

Looking at Don't Beg Resentfully, Yi Shanyin said, "Don't beg, money, I'll give it to you! Isn't it just a little money? I'll dial you. But you remember that you hit me today. I am the most intimate confidant of the city guard. I will swear not to give up with you in the future!"

Looking at Yi Shan's twisted triangular face, don't be happy: "You're forcing me to kill you, aren't you?"

With a soft sound, don't beg to pull out the dagger that A Er hurt his shoulder the day before yesterday. After all, it is a lower-grade magic weapon, which is very different from ordinary weapons. A ray of cold light on the edge of this short sword is dazzling, and the chilling cold air makes people's noses cold, and Yi Shan sneezed violently.

With a wave of his hand, the dagger crossed Yi Shan's scalp. A piece of hair the size of a palm was cut off by a sword, and a small piece of copper coin-sized thin scalp on the top of Yi Shan's head was cut open, and blood came out with a 'sneer'. Don't beg to wipe a handful of Yi Shan's blood and wipe it on his cheek.

"Come on, smell, smell, smell your own blood, have you never smelled your own blood like?"

Don't beg to laugh very kindly, and there is no trace of murderousness in your eyes. However, Yi Shan shivered almost instinctively. He was like a poor little lamb pressed under the claws of a tiger, and instinctively realized that death was in front of him.

"I'll give, I'll pay! Not only the bounty of 197,500 yuan, but also the military expenses of the City Guard in the coming year, I will allocate them all to you!"

Yi Shan was timid and cold-hearted. He twisted and struggled crazily and shouted loudly.

Don't beg back a few steps, look at Yi Shan with a smile and nod repeatedly: "Won't you have cooperated like this earlier? Why do you have to make it bloody? Yi Shiku, in fact, I hate violence the most!" With a deep sigh, Don't beg to point to your head and smile, "Actually, many things can be solved here. There is really no need to use violence, don't you think?"

Yi Shan stared at Don't beg bitterly, gritted his teeth and walked to the inner library door, dialing two complex jigsaw puzzle boards on the inner library gate. Those are two star maps of eighteen squares multiplied by eighteen squares. Unless the star map is reset in the correct order, the gate must not be opened.

Don't beg and nod to yourself. The design of this gate is very exquisite, which shows that the productivity level of the world is not low.

Yi Shan gritted his teeth while plucking the star map. His master has been unlucky in the past few days, and all his family has been stolen. Their confidants are also panicked all day long. Therefore, Lao Hei took a formal document and followed the formal way to find him to transfer the allocation. He deliberately embarrassed Lao Hei, just to help his master teach Lu Chengfeng a lesson.

God knows that there are such freaks as Begging, who dare to mobilize the city guards to attack the inner warehouse of a city! For such a small reward, as for this? Although Yi Shan knew that there was not much money in the warehouse of the city guards, and all the military funds had been swallowed up, it was too ugly not to beg. For such a little insignificant reward, is it such a bad thing?

Looking at the huge black footprints on his chest, Yi Shan calculated that when Yi Yan's mood calmed down in two days, he must tell him not to beg for a black shape. If you don't beg to death, how can he come out of this tone?

As the treasurer of Xiao Mengcheng, he has high power, financial power, and the people of the city. Who dares to be disrespectful to him at all? But don't beg, dare to beat him, dare to bleed him, dare to step on his chest and teach him a lesson!

'Gegle', a series of dense machine brackets sounded, the library door of the internal library slowly opened, and a chill came to my face.

Yi Shan looked back at Don't beg in disgust. He shouted harshly, "Bred a few people in and take your money away!" Let's talk about it first. All the money in this warehouse is counted. Ninety percent of the money and goods will be removed from Wangdu in a few months. If one or two pieces are missing, you can cut your head off by yourself!"

Don't be fooled by this. He stood in front of the inner warehouse door and looked at Yi Shan with a smile: "I dare not, dare not, the inner warehouse is heavy, and outsiders dare not enter. Please also ask Yi Siku to move out the 197,500 yuan, as well as the military expenses of the City Guard in the coming year. We will leave immediately!"

Yi Shan's eyes were so angry that he almost wanted to greet his mother-in-law. But he didn't dare. He was still bleeding on his scalp. He looked at Don't begging angrily. In addition to scolding angrily in his heart, he couldn't help admiring the caution of begging.

He screamed a few times and called more than a dozen officials from the treasurer's subordinates. Yi Shan led them into the warehouse and carried out the money they didn't begging for with a special iron cart. It's 197,500 yuan, which is full of twenty large boxes. All the military expenses of the city guards in the coming year are 500 boxes of silver ingots.

There are nearly 8,000 people in the Waist Army of Xiaomeng City, an ordinary sergeant. According to the number of years of joining the army and the level of military service, the salary of a month ranges from one ingot of silver to three ingots of silver. Generals above the rank of a lieutenant will be remunted from ten ingots of silver to a hundred ingots of silver in January. A year's total military expenditure requires 200,000 ingots of silver. Coupled with the loss of ordnance, as well as the food, drink and wrapping of soldiers and mounts, the total annual military expenditure requires more than 500,000 ingots of silver.

Don't beg and talk to Yi Shan. He brought 2,000 people just for these things. With an order, all the money was moved clean. Don't beg for Xiaohei to leave with the soldiers. Then he stamped a seal with the military token on the out-to-warehouse document. Then he held a fist to Yi Shan, said 'noisance', and went away.

Yi Shanyin looked at the back of Don't begging fiercely. He cursed in a low voice, "It's better to be stolen from the warehouse of your military mansion. Let's see how you lose your military expenses and how to die!"

After giving countless curses and insults to Don't beg, Yi Shan hurriedly closed the door and rushed back to the inner courtyard to listen to the noise. Yi Yan is still sad and haggard for the theft of the last bit of private money. He was greatly stimulated to vomit blood. Now he is lying on the bed and pouring soup. Yi Xing, Yi De and Yi Wei are eager to take care of Yi Yan in front of the bed. How can they have the energy to pay attention to all the affairs in Xiaomeng City?

At this time, Yi Yan had long fallen into a state of hysteria. He was often furious and ordered people to drag out his unpleasant slaves and guards for a violent beating. From time to time, there was a scream and begging for mercy in the city guard's house, and the noise did not stop for a whole day

Late at night, he assisted Lu Chengfeng to complete a whole day of military affairs and went out again. This time, he went straight to the inner warehouse of Little Mongolia City.

The previous thefts just messed up the minds of Yi Yan and others, making them have no intention to trouble themselves and Lu Chengfeng. But this time, don't beg to give a few heavy blows to the Yi Yan brothers - are there tributes ready to be shipped to the capital in the inner warehouse? Every year, Xiao Mengcheng has to pay a lot of money and treasures to go to King Lu? What's the crime of losing the tribute?

It's boring to fight with Yi Yan. First, let them be heartbroken, panicked and torture them for a few days, and then beat them to death with a stick, so that they don't make trouble again.

Even the weather in the night is helping not to beg. The sky is gray with deep clouds, and the light rain is falling sparsely. The water vapor around is extremely heavy, and the fog gradually permeates from the surrounding land, and people can't be seen clearly two or three feet away.

On such a good day, Don't beg launched the innate water escape method again. The body was covered with a faint water vapor, which swept through the night sky like a ghost.

It is surrounded by rich water vapor. First, the naive water spirit rotates rapidly in the meridians of the arms, and then continues to pour into the meridians in the body. The cool breath penetrates into the body from every pore around the body. Don't beg to vaguely feel that the power is slowly improving. He suddenly understood some tips for practicing the seven mysterious building tips. Practicing in the corresponding place full of five elements of aura will get twice the result with half the effort.

Cultivating the water source, maybe he should find a big river and lake to soak.

The figure is like a ghost, and it falls lightly on the flat roof of the inner library. Don't beg to come to the roof lightly. Outside the inner library, a torch shone around with the same name, and more than a hundred guards were staring at the four directions nervously.

With a sneer, Don't beg back to the middle of the roof of the inner warehouse, took out the lower magic weapon short sword, and carefully sent a wisp of real gas into it.

A faint blood light appeared on the dagger. Don't use the dagger to chisel the roof and remove the three bluestone strips from the roof, revealing a thick layer of steel plate below. Ordinary thieves are naturally at a loss in the face of steel plates, but in Buqi's opinion, it's just a short sword to cut for a while. The lower magic weapon is the lower magic weapon, which is a little more powerful than the dagger in the wind. Cutting the steel plate is as straight as cutting soft mud.

"Good stuff!"

Secretly praised the gap between magic weapons and vulgar weapons. Don't beg to put the cut steel plates beside him, and soon he cut a large hole with a diameter of about meters. Under the steel plate, the people who built the inner warehouse actually set up a triple dense green steel wire mesh.

Don't squint your eyes, a blue light shines in your eyes. This triple green steel wire mesh is not as simple as it seems. Several steel wires have passed out of the warehouse, and I don't know where they have gone. But it can be imagined that the end of those steel wires must be connected to bells or other early warning organs. As soon as it is touched, the whole city owner's house will be shocked.

Unfortunately, this kind of anti-theft measure is too shallow in the eyes of Begging. With Le Xiaobai's deep foundation for the hidden weapon, Don't beg to easily solve the problem of those steel wires and quietly broke through the triple steel wire mesh.

Sneaked into the inner warehouse like a swimming fish, and Don't beg excitedly rubbed his hands.

Unlike the Yi brothers of Yi Yan's dead fat man, there are not many gold, silver and jewelry in the internal warehouse, but more of all kinds of rare mountain goods and piles of ores and other things. All kinds of precious animal skins, bones, horns, and all kinds of precious herbs in jade boxes and sandalwood boxes are all mountain treasures produced in Mengshan. In the royal capital of the State of Lu, these things can be exchanged for a lot of money.

In particular, some precious herbs are recorded in the stolen scriptures, which can be regarded as a low-grade elixir, which is good for practitioners. These elixirs have also received special attention, all of which are placed separately in special warm jade or cold jade box.

Walk around the inner library, don't beg, your heart is beating violently!

Is there still a spiritual stone in Mengshan Mountain? There are more than 2,000 five elements of spiritual stones in the internal library, and the quality is not bad! Among them, there are more than 7,000 spiritual stones with water attributes, which are emitting a refreshing atmosphere that makes you not beg.

In addition to spiritual stones, Don't beg has also found dozens of metal raw minerals that are useful to practitioners. The number is not large, but it is also considerable.

With a deep sigh, don't beg to look up to the sky and shake your head. So many treasures, so many! This is really a painful happiness!

Roll up his sleeves, don't grit your teeth and start his transportation business.


Painful happiness is a ticket!

Comrades, keep smashing tickets! The more tickets, the more energetic the pig's head will be! E