Steal the sky

Chapter 29 Killing

On the ground of the yard, Bai Mengmeng's spirit of too platinum is very inconspicuous.

The night wind swept high through the roof, and several strings of copper bells on the eaves made crisp chirping.

Don't beg's body squirming strangely, squirming like a water wave. From the toe bone to the top of the head, all the moving joints and bones on his body are trembling gently at an indescribable frequency. From the top of his head to the soles of his feet, he is full of strength. He is like a pressed spring, which can burst into a fatal blow at any time.

Just a dozen feet away from them, four men in black were standing quietly in the shadows, and they could only see their bodies clearly. There is no sound of breathing, no heartbeat, and no sense of the little popularity they exudes. They are like four evil spirits who have escaped from Huangquan hell, staring at Buqi and Lu Chengfeng.

Lu Chengfeng suddenly laughed: "Do you know that killing me is a provocation to my Lu family? Lu's eldest son died in Xiaomeng City. Even if he is no longer treated in the clan by the wind, they will definitely take revenge for the sake of Lu's face!"

The erratic voice came from the direction of the four people in black, and Don't beg can't grasp which man in black is talking. These 'thorns' are obviously cultivated in a different system of skills, and everything is so strange that it makes people feel cold.

"Killing you is the only way to exone rid our master. The new officers of Xiaomeng City were in chaos, looting the inner treasury, and causing trouble in Xiaomeng City. The city guard Yi Yan was in danger and did not disturb. If the command was determined, he quickly calmed the scourge. Although he lost a large amount of tribute in the internal warehouse, he was guilty of merit!"

Lu Chengfeng spread out his hands. He turned his head and smiled at Don't beg and said, "Look, look, what did I say? What kind of suspect are we there? They just want to kill people and frame them by the way! But this method is also fierce and sophisticated. I don't know who came up with the method?

The voice sounded again: "It's the way that the young master Yi Yan came up with."

paused a little, and the voice shouted in a low voice, "Okay, don't talk too much nonsense. If it hadn't been for the young master who must let you die clearly, we wouldn't have said more to you at all! Lu Chengfeng, don't beg, you must die today!"

Before the voice fell, a dark shadow suddenly moved, and there was a rapid scream in the air. Don't beg could see the man's movements clearly. He had crossed ten feet and rushed to a distance of less than three feet between Don't beg and Lu Chengfeng.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a golden knife in the air. A palm was as long as silk gauze, and a white crescent-shaped machete suddenly appeared less than three feet away from the dark shadow. The machete just flashed under the weakness of the shadow, with a trace of sharp cold, and quickly rotated to split the body of the shadow into his body.

A snake-toothed short knife less than one foot and two inches long suddenly appeared in the left hand of the shadow. The body of the knife is dim and dull, and there is a faint dark green in the moonlight, which is obviously highly poisonous. With a wave of the shadow hand, the crescent-shaped machete that was about to split into his body.

With a crisp sound, the snake-tooth-shaped knife in the left hand of the shadow was split by the waist, and the machete condensed into the pure platinum essence quickly rotated into his body, breaking out of the soft ribs on the right side of his body. Don't beg to hear the machete chop the body of the shadow ribs and internal organs. When the machete flew out of the black shadow body, a blood arrow mixed with fine minced meat spewed out several feet away.

Looking at the trajectory of machet cutting, the heart of the shadow should also have been hit hard. However, the shadow did not make a sound at all, but went straight to Lu Chengfeng in a sangle. He took a faint green light in his right hand and wiped it straight to Lu Chengfeng's neck.

Lu Chengfeng shouted in a hagqi, "This won't die?"

A piece of green light spilled out, and Lu Chengfeng's soft sword shook straight in his hand, bringing a sound of breaking the wind straight out. With a bang, the soft sword just clicked on the short knife of the shadow. The knife broke, and the blade of the sword pierced into the throat of the shadow. Lu Chengfeng picked it casually and cut half of the black shadow's neck casually.

After being hit so hard, the shadow still rushed in front of Lu Chengfeng like a crazy tiger. His hands were patted with a dull wind sound, slapped Lu Chengfeng's throat, and slapped him straight to his heart.

Three machetees were condensed in the platinum knife array, and the rapidly rotating machete brought a cold light to the dark shadow and deeply sank into his body from behind. One of the machetes happened to be cut on the back of the shadow. With the terrible sound of bone fracture, his spine was messed up by the machete.

However, the shadow still did not make a cry of pain. His eyes flashed with a cold and piercing cold light, and his palms patted Lu Chengfeng extremely firmly. The palm of the hand is still a few feet away from Lu Chengfeng, and a bad wind has hurt Lu Chengfeng's face.

Looking at the palms patting in front of him, Lu Chengfeng, who had never been in actual combat with others, had long been shocked that his hands and feet were weak, and the soft sword had become a decoration.

Don't beg for a palm and picked up Lu Chengfeng and threw him out behind him. He snorted coldly, and the palms of his hands spewed out a large amount of cold air. The naive water turned into two square whirlpools, and rolled up a heavy, flexible and fine air wave in front of his palm.

' Bang' made two muffled sounds, as if two hills had fallen into the deep pool. Don't beg to shake his whole body. He only felt that the palm of the shadow was like a continuous bombardment of heavy artillery. For the sake, his left and right hands used his big winding hands at the same time, and the heavy whirlpools kept cutting off the palm of the shadow's palm. He was still shaken all over, and his internal


A wolf howling sounded from the mouth of the dark shadow. His body suddenly expanded, and his palms became the size of a fan. The dark air in his palms was as dark as ink, and he patted him fiercely with a strong smell. The palms collided with each other. Don't beg for the whirlpool of the palms to barely dissipate. The man's palm was 60% strong and broke up. Then the two palms met each other and really touched each other.

With a burst, the dark shadow's body suddenly exploded into countless pieces, and a large area of flesh and blood with a pungent smell. Don't be beggar, and Lu Chengfeng flew over.

Don't beg for the sound of the waves in his arms like the rising tide of the Yangtze River. He suddenly opened his eyes and used all his strength to breastfeed.

First of all, the water is rolling forward in a wave in the meridians of the arms of Don't begging, and it is dense and ethereal. The remaining 40% of the last two palms of the shadow smashed the eighteen-fold potential in Don't Beg's arm and finally disintegrate. Don't beg your arms to shake, and the naive water in your arms quickly surged all over your body, turning into a piece of water vapor covering a radius of several feet and spewing out.

The dull sound of bumps was endless, and the hazy water vapor surrounded Buqi and Lu Chengfeng. Countless broken flesh and blood hit the water vapor with a harsh roar, but only a foot deep was crushed by water vapor at most.

Don't beg to look up to the sky and let out a scream. His left hand quickly reached into his sleeve and grabbed a water-based spiritual stone, and madly extracted the aura in the spiritual stone to replenish his own consumption. The water vapor all over the body suddenly restrained inward, and the leaked Ling gangs rushed back to the meridians of both arms one after another. Don't beg to open your mouth and a blood arrow spewed out.

The death blow of the shadow is really too powerful. Don't be beg for the first day. Shui Linggang is good at defeating strength with softness, but he is still shocked by the lungs of Don't beg, and a mouthful of reverse blood spurted out uncontrol. Fortunately, the innate water Lingang is best at nourishing everything. With the supplement of the aura in the spiritual stone, the damaged meridians in the body have recovered quickly, and several breaths have recovered as before.

Taking a heavy breath, Don't beg for horror and said, "How can you work so hard?"

The machete condensed by the spirit of the platinum spirit smashed the internal organs and vertebrae, half of the neck was split by Lu Chengfeng's sword, and touched two palms with Don't beg. The dark shadow actually sacrificed himself in the end! Look at the black blood on the ground and the same dark broken flesh and bones, the dark shadow knows how much poison has accumulated in the body!

If it hadn't been for the mystery of begging skills, the cultivation would have been not weak. With this thorn alone, you can easily assassinate him and Lu Chengfeng.

Lu Chengfeng, who was frightened, said harshly, "They are 'thorns', practicing for a lifetime, in order to fight for the last blow!" Don't beg, be careful!"

While scolding angrily, Lu Chengfeng pinched the seal and hit a few fingerprints in the direction of the three piles, which maximized the power of the platinum knife array. Just now, Lu Chengfeng wanted to save a little consumption of the spirit stone on the pile, and the power of the array was only less than 30%. As a result, the shadow rushed straight to the two of them and still had the strength to fight to the death.

Seeing the horror of these 'thorns' with his own eyes, Lu Chengfeng could not care about the stingy spiritual stone and hurriedly improved the power of the formation to the strongest.

In the shadow corner of the yard, three dark shadows stared at this side. After a full quarter of an hour, the erratic voice sounded again: "The formation? No wonder we felt uneasy after entering and let Lao Si come out to test. I didn't expect that Lu's eldest son was a practitioner!"

Lu Chengfeng just sneered. After being stimulated just now, he is now full of courage and full of fighting spirit. He raised the soft sword, poured the true air into the body of the sword, held the soft sword as straight as an arrow, and kept making a 'buzzing' sword.

"Since I was born, I don't know how many people want to kill me. Hey, let's see if you have that way today!"

A wisp of indescribable strange resentment spread from Lu Chengfeng's body. Don't beg to look at Lu Chengfeng in surprise and nodded slowly. Just now, a 'thorn' forced the two people to be in a hurry. Now there are still three 'thorns'. Lu Chengfeng doesn't have the courage to fight for his life, and he is really not sure to protect him well.

Looking at the performance of the 'stab' just now, Don't beg has doubts about the power of the platinum knife array. Of course, the full version of the platinum knife array should be very powerful, but don't beg for no confidence in Lu Chengfeng, a half-baked array mage.

My mind was fantasizing, and the three thorns in the shadow jumped up at the same time, rushing like three poisonous snakes. Don't beg to see clearly. When the three jumped up, they stuffed a blood-colored elixir into their mouths, and then their breath suddenly increased more than ten times.

It must be a vicious elixir that can stimulate the body's potential. Suddenly, the strength was increased ten times, and these three 'thorns' have been desperately thinking. Ten times the power, even if the meridians have been strengthened twice, I dare not dare to bear this soaring force, not to mention these ordinary 'thorns'?

The three dark shadows rushed into the platinum knife array almost teleportation.

In the sound of 'sneer', more than 300 machetees condensed into shape, and the faint tone of platinum essence on the ground disappeared, all condensed in these more than 300 machete. Hearing countless sound of breaking the air, the machete was like a bird throwing into the forest, cutting three dark shadows one after another.

At this time, the power of the platinum knife array has soared, which is more than a hundred times more powerful than three or four-handled machete?

Don't beg and Lu Chengfeng haven't taken action yet. The three of them took the elixir and the 'thorn' that increased ten times the power was cut to pieces. Hundreds of machetes flew through the air for a long time, and then slowly dispersed.

Don't beg to look at the minced meat scattered all over the sky, and have a straightforward understanding of the power of the formation. He was suddenly moved. He should collect some materials that can be arrayed. He should start from the most basic place like Lu Chengfeng.

To become a qualified thief, he has just started to travel thousands of miles.

A subtle cracking sound came from the three piles, and the spirit stone inlaid on the pile exhausted all the aura and cracked into fine sand.

Lu Chengfeng, who sighed, hurried over and put the three piles into his waist pocket.

"Breaking money, breaking money, this spiritual stone is not easy to find!"

Don't beg to look at Lu Chengfeng with a painful face and coughed deeply.

"Sir, I want to know more about the 'thorn'. They are so terrible!"


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