Steal the sky

Chapter 39 Mountain Forest

It has been the third day since I entered the mountain forest.

Don't beg to stand on a huge tree tree up to 100 feet high, looking at the endless black and green dense forest in the distance. The faint water vapor hovered around him, isoling all the dust from the fine insects in the mountain forest. The robe he wore when he entered the mountain was still as neat as new.

Under the huge tree hanging full of vines, Liu Suifeng twitched at a dead guard with a black body.

Just now, Liu Suifeng wanted to drink water. The guard carried the water bag to the stream a hundred feet away to load water. A little toad, only the size of a thumb, with a colorful body and a few thorns on his forehead, brazenly attacked him. The toad jumped up and sprayed a faint black breath at the guard. The guard with acquired peak cultivation let out a scream and fell up to the sky.

Liu Suifeng and others had no time to rush to the guard to give him a secret antidote elixir. The guard had died of poison gas. The little colorful toad had jumped back into the stream and stared at Liu Suifeng with big round eyes. As a result, it was smashed by Liu Suifeng's order.

Three days into the mountain, Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan's elite guards have lost more than 30 people, and all of them were accidentally lost for this inexplicable reason. Liu Suifeng's heart was dripping with blood. These guards were all the close iron position of his father Fu Yangjun. This time, he borrowed it in order to deal with Lu Chengfeng!

A guard beside Lu Quyuan angrily kicked a clump of dwarf grass. He said angrily, "This damn mountain forest!"

A thin green snake suddenly appeared in the grass, but the green snake with thick chopsticks was more than five feet long, and the deformed head was full of baby's fists. The snake rushed out quietly, raised its head and bit the guard's thigh. With a miserable howling, the guard just jumped three times, and suddenly a miserable green came out of his face. At the same time, extremely bright green blood flowed out of the seven orifices. When he fell to the ground, there was no breath.

The snake made a terrible 'smow' sound and rushed straight towards Lu Quyuan. Several guards rushed up in a hurry, and the sword chopped down the snake together. The green blood splashed, and the green snake was cut into more than 30 sections. Just as these guards breathed a sigh of relief, the head of the green snake, which had been cut off, suddenly jumped up and bit on the leg of a guard.

With a miserable howling, I lost another one.

Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan were shivering all over. As the children of the family, when did they see such a ferocious creature?

Sitting under the trunk of the tree, Yan Bugui, who was eating a wild fruit, reached out and dug a small hole on the ground, buried the core in the pit, and carefully covered it with soil and moss. Then he walked to Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan and warned blankly, "If your guards still shout before they die, I will show the general Ming and deprive you of all the future!"

Yan stared at the two people coldly. Yan pointed to Lu Chengfeng, Zhang Hu and Hu Wei, who were also eating wild fruits, and said coldly, "Learn from them. If you want to live in the mountains and forests, put away all the habits of your family!"

The arrogant and unbridled Liu Suifeng did not dare to face Yan's return. He lowered his head, stumpled his waist, and agreed to Yan's request with a smile on his face.

The next moment, all the guards of the two had a wild pecan in their mouths. Yan did not intentionally peel the pulp of the walnuts. The blue pulp soaked the mouths of these guards with thick juice. Their tongues and mouths were paralyzed by extremely sour juice. Now even if they cut them with a knife, they can't make a sound.

He kicked heavily on the buttocks of a guard. Looking at the guard with satisfaction, he shouted but failed to make a sound, Yan Bou nodded and said, "It should have been like this long ago. Now it's very close to the target. Don't make any sound, otherwise, think about the consequences!"

Liu Suifeng and his party sat down in the forest in frustration, as weak as a defeated rooster, and no longer had the original arrogance. Even the old child demon and the fire king, the two old monsters have become extremely haggard. The terribleness of this mountain forest is far beyond their imagination.

Don't beg to watch a good show for a while, smiled silently, and climbed up the trunk of the giant tree for a while. This huge tree has a long history, and the vines on its body are densely hanging on the ground. Don't beg to look between the tree trunks for a while, and live up to expectations and find a few 'yinluo fruits' with green color and light fragrance.

Yinluo fruit, a fruit that can only be produced by vines for more than a hundred years. It has a certain effect of calming down and increasing internal strength. The greatest use is to eliminate all kinds of miasma and insect poisons in the mountains and forests. If you take it in advance, you can be immunized against common poisons in the mountains and forests in one day.

He slipped down the trunk of the tree with two strings of yin berries. Don't beg to go to Lu Chengfeng and the other three people, and distributed a few to each of them.

Lu Chengfeng didn't know what Yin Luoguo was at all. Hu Wei just had a little impression of Yin Luoguo. Instead, Zhang Hu's eyes lit up, and he raised his thumb and praised a few times: "Good thing, with this treasure, there are several more lives in the mountain forest. However, although this thing is not rare, it is not easy to find. How did you find it, brother?

Don't beg, just laugh. The mountain forest is full of water vapor, especially the trunks of these giant trees are attached to thick moss, which store a lot of water vapor. After practicing the water source, Don't beg for the perception in the mountain forest is two or three times stronger than that outside the mountain. The fragrance of Yinluo is very light, but he can also smell it dozens of feet away.

Explained the wonderful use of yinluo fruit to Lu Chengfeng. Lu Chengfeng was overjoyed and hurriedly grabbed a fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.

Yan Bugui next to him looked at the Yinluo fruit in Buqi's hand. He strode over and squatted down and stared at the Yin Luoguo for a long time. Then he was surprised and said, "It's really Yin Luoguo. How did you find it? This thing will break down seven days after taking it off. Each of you will have seven, and I'll take the rest!"

Don't beg to look at Yan Bugui Zhile: "Lord Yan, is it a credit for this offering of yinluo fruit?"

Yan Bui was silent for a while. He looked back at the people sitting on the ground and said coldly, "If you can match each of them with seven yin fruits, I will make a great contribution to Mr. Lu."

Don't beg's mouth crooked, and he casually handed two strings of yin luoguo to Yan Bugui: "No, no, no, is this thing a pimple? Is it everywhere? Well, I don't want any credit. Let them all die in the mountain forest!"

Yan Bugui grabbed the yin Luoguo, stared at Begging fiercely, turned to Liu Suifeng and others, and handed the fruit to them.

There are only more than forty of two strings of yin fruit. Don't beg four people to divide seven, and there are not many left. Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan heard about the benefits of this baby, and immediately carved up the fruits with the old child demon and the fire king. Where can they have those guards?

Those guards looked at the pussy with eager eyes, and their eyes were extremely complicated.

Don't beg to look at the guards and laugh proudly. He knew that Liu Suifeng and others would never share this life-saving treasure with his subordinates. There is no problem with the number of people in the world, but the problem of inequality!" Don't beg to mutter this sentence in a low voice and say it over and over several times.

Lu Chengfeng also smiled. He looked at Lu Quyuan with a smile and bowed to him from afar.

Lu Quyuan looked at Lu Chengfeng indifferently, as if he were looking at another dead man. Lu Chengfeng absolutely believed that if Yan had not returned, Lu Quyuan had ordered the guards to rush up and cut himself into meat sauce. This deep mountain and old forest is deserted, which is just a good place to kill people.

However, if there are swallows, they dare not, and they dare not borrow their ten courages.

After a break, everyone continued to advance to the depths of the mountain forest under the leadership of Yan Bugao. Gradually, they have gone deep into the depths of Mengshan. When Zhang Hu was a barbarian, he didn't have the courage to approach. No one who once dared to go deep here can go back.

Perhaps, only this group of people from the wind patrol department is the exception, right?

Don't beg to look at the back of Yan Bugui, who is leading the way in front of him. Yan Bugui's movements are very skilled and the path is also very familiar. Obviously, he has been in and out of here more than once. What on earth are they looking for here in this deep mountain forest?

faintly, don't beg, you can feel the movement around. The other four teams are moving in the same direction in parallel to Beqi and others. They are miles or more away from each other. Several times during the break, don't beg to stand on the cliff and see the team across the valley over there.

After continuing to trek in the mountains and forests for half a month, Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan's guards lost more than 30 people. Now their guards are only more than 130 people, and their faces are difficult to see the extreme. Buqi and others were not hurt at all. There are two big people living in the wild, Buqi and Zhang Hu. Their survival ability is much stronger than Liu Suifeng.

When Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan began to have inexplicable diarrhea, everyone finally came to a big river in the mountain forest.

Through the dense jungle, the front suddenly lit up, and the river several miles wide suddenly appeared. The river is extremely deep, and the water flows extremely fast. The surging river rolls to the east, but there is not even a sound of water.

On the shoal by the river, large pieces of dog-headed gold and golden sand are piled up randomly. Looking at it, there is at least a natural gold worth millions of gold.

Except for Yan, everyone's eyes were attracted by this huge amount of gold, and everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Standing by the river, Yan Bugui carefully looked at the surrounding environment and whistled gently. The whistle was extremely soft, but it penetrated the river wind and clearly spread to the other side of the river. On the river bank a few miles away, several dark shadows flashed. They didn't know what they had moved. A thick vine suddenly appeared under the river, and a rattan bridge was built on the river.

"Come with me! Be careful not to fall into the water, or you will definitely die!"

Yan Bugui snorted coldly, stepped on the rattan bridge first, and crossed the river very quickly.

Don't beg for Lu Chengfeng. He waited for Liu Suifeng and others to pass by, and then carefully followed them along the vine bridge.

The dark shadow across the river is seven young people dressed like Yan Bugui. It's just that they are now ragged and haggard, just like savages. Seeing that Yan did not return, the seven young men hurriedly saluted and made a few gestures that they didn't understand.

Yan did not return and nodded. He shouted in a low voice, "Ten miles ahead, there is a small barbarian village. Don't let go of everyone in it.

Liu Suifeng's eyes lit up with diarrhea: "Are there any barbarians?"

Yan Nogui looked at Liu Suifeng coldly. He said faintly, "If there is a barbarian girl, I can give you a quarter of an hour."

Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan looked at each other and rushed forward with people in a hurry.

Don't sneer and follow Yan Bugui with Lu Chengfeng and others.

On weekends, everyone sleeps late, and everyone sleeps late. They are caught and go shopping with them.

It's all serious! But after everything is done, don't forget to vote! Tickets, tickets! M