Steal the sky

Chapter 55 Siege

Hold Lu Chengfeng in one hand, don't beg your body to continue to jump into the air, and stare at the bone and meat fragments sprayed in front of you.

It is also a 'thorn' and this cruel way of self-harm and injury to the enemy. The two self-exploding "thorns" should be Liu Suifeng's two personal guards who grew up together since childhood. Liu Suifeng died, and their lives were meaningless, so they made a desperate blow to Bu Beg and Lu Chengfeng.

Countless poisonous shredded meat, broken bones, and countless black blood with a pungent smell came to my face. Don't beg, take a deep breath, throw Lu Chengfeng behind him, and slowly patted forward with the other hand.

70% of the naive water spirit was condensed in the palm of the hand, and the air around it suddenly made a sharp roar, and the invisible whirlpool quickly took shape. The nearby water attribute aura was crazily sucked into the whirlpool. Gradually, a foggy vortex of about one foot in front of the palm appeared in front of the hand. The fragments and poisonous blood produced by the spontaneous explosion of two 'thorns' were sucked into the vortex one after another and compressed into a sphere several feet in diameter.

The big winding hand sucked, and then spit out with all its strength, like a bomb exploded, and countless bone and flesh fragments and poisonous blood roared out.

Ten knives flew out of the ground, sealing the four directions of Beqi and Lu Chengfeng. The knife was cold, and the sharp air penetrated the body from afar. The knife light was still a few feet away from Don't beg, and it was so painful all over. Ten twisted hazy shadows followed behind the knife, and Chao Bu Beg and Lu Chengfeng flew in. Their cold and ruthless eyes stared at Bu Begging, and there was a kind of fierce determination that they would not stop until they reached their goal.

Countless broken bones, rotten meat and poisonous water roared in, shook the knife, shot all on the dark shadows, broke through their tights, and hit a little blood on them.

With a muffled sound, Don't be shocked more than 20 feet high by the powerful force of ten knives. A huge force penetrated into his body with his palms, shaking the meridians of his arms. Fortunately, his arms were the most abundant, the toughest and most powerful place in his whole body. Although his arms had a sharp pain, he was not hurt at all.

On the contrary, his internal organs were shaken by the huge force of his arms, and he was a little shocked. Don't beg for a mouthful, a mouthful of blood spurted out. The real water quickly poured into the meridians of the whole body from the water vein, nourishing the injured internal organs. The originally painful organs were wrapped in a cool breath, the pain quickly disappeared, and the trivial injury was well controlled.

The ten dark shadows that broke out of the ground with a strange escape method made a sad howl sound, and a thick white smoke came out of their bodies, emitting a disgusting smell of melting bones and flesh. They struggled crazily on the ground, and poisoned to death in just two or three breaths.

Don't beg to fall to the ground heavily. The shock of the internal organs has not healed. His feet softened and he almost fell. Zhang Hu held him, and he hurriedly shouted sharply, "Return to the city, close all the gates, hold on to the city, and kill those who panic!"

Lu Chengfeng, with an ugly face, led the crowd to quickly retreat to Xiaomeng City and closed the dilapidated gate. Several pale bodyguard soldiers quickly pulled up the suspension bridge outside the gate. In the creaking sound, Xiao Mengcheng was less than two feet long, and the suspension bridge with basically no defense was slowly pulled up.

When more than 6,000 Yulin troops heard Ma Liang's order, they all took out a strong crossbow from the huge skin bag next to the saddle of the wild beast. The shape of the crossbow is exactly the same as that of the nine-fold crossbow, but it is three laps larger than the nine-fold crossbow, which is more than twice as powerful as the nine-fold crossbow specially allocated by the State of Lv to the elite army directly under the king.

All the knights of the Yulin Army raised the nine-fold crossbow together. As Ma Liang raised his right arm and waved it down fiercely, all the crossbows were pulled at the same time.' With a loud noise, a dark cloud flew to the sky from the top of the heads of those feather forest army knights. More than 60,000 pure steel crossbow arrows quickly flew to an altitude of more than 100 feet high, crossed a distance of about two miles, and plunged into the head of Xiaomengcheng.

More than 60,000 pure steel crossbows completely covered the city wall in this direction. If the pure steel crossbows falling from the sky are one or two, don't beg and have the courage to resist. Seven or eight arrows, he can easily avoid them. However, tens of thousands of dense crossbow arrows fell like dark clouds, and Begging was so scared that his hands and feet softened, and he hurriedly shouted and fled under the city wall.

Don't beg, Lu Chengfeng, Zhang Hu, Hu Wei, and those guests newly collected by Lu Chengfeng, as long as they are enough to respond, all of them jump directly off the wall and stand close to the wall. This is the dead corner of the crossbow, and it is the only safe place in this wall.

The guards of 2,000 small Mengcheng on the wall of the city stared at the tens of thousands of crossbows and arrows falling from the sky. They were all dumbfounded, and no one could react. With the sound of breaking the air, the crossbows fell quickly and pierced the bodies of these soldiers.

The howls kept ringing, and the top of the city was densely filled with more than 10,000 crossbows. A large amount of blood spewed out of the wounds pierced through the human body like a fountain, instantly dyed the head of the city red. The mud wall quickly absorbed the sticky and hot blood, and slowly the wall turned into a strange soy sauce color.

Tens of thousands of crossbow arrows were shot into the city and landed in those houses near the city wall. Countless sad howls came from the private houses. These crossbows made of pure steel are extremely heavy. They fall from a height of more than 100 feet and have great kinetic energy. They can penetrate two heavy armor, not to mention the fragile human body? The people who were hit by the heavy crossbow were nailed to the ground with barbed crossbows, and could only howling crazily and waiting to die.

There was a loud noise. Seven or eight houses were shot off by dense heavy crossbows to break the main load-bearing columns, and the three-storey pavilion collapsed. The dust was noisy, and there were cries and shouts everywhere in Xiaomeng City. Ma Liang's shouting with strong and true spirit made everyone in Xiaomeng City hear his order.

Lu Chengfeng's face was pale. He clenched his fists and shouted sharply, "Fuyangjun, Princess Yingchuan! Lu Chengfeng will not die today, and he will definitely die with you!"

Don't beg and shouted in a low voice, "It's hard for you to die. It's hard to say the people in Xiaomeng City!" Zhang Hu, Hu Wei, gather your cronies. Meng Xiaobai, bring your uncles and uncles from Mengcun. Everyone went to the city to gather and wait for the opportunity to break through!"

He stamped his feet fiercely, and said, "It's not a level opponent. You can only save the elite around the prince first. Those city guard soldiers can only be abandoned! Damn, I'm going to lead the city guard and the Yulin army outside to work hard! In case the momentum is wrong, at least give us enough time to retreat!"

The combat effectiveness of the Yulin army is so strong that the nine-fold crossbow kills more than 2,000 city guards in one shot. Don't beg for no confidence to rely on the siege army and the enemy, which lacks armored weapons. There is nothing we can do to protect the elites around Lu Chengfeng first, and we can only sacrifice these city guards to create an opportunity to break out for these elites around Lu Chengfeng.

The beast is not only powerful, but also the speed of short-distance running is amazing. Without a strong sniper, it is basically impossible for others to escape smoothly. Someone must sacrifice himself and lead the city guards to fight to the death.

Xiaohei jumped out and shouted, "Don't beg, you protect the prince. Xiaohei led the city guard to fight with them!"

Don't beg to kick Xiaohei aside. He sneered, "If you have a hundred dead men, you can do whatever you want if you fall in love with hanging your neck and jumping off the cliff. But now there are only two or three people in my heart. If you want to die, I can't bear to let you die!"

His eyes turned sharply. Don't pull up Lu Chengfeng, took everyone to the city guard house in a hurry, moved out all the gold bricks under Lu Chengfeng's bed, and piled them up on the open space in front of the gate of the city guard house. He quickly gathered all the guards in the city to gather on the street. Don't point to the bricks and shout, "Brothers, someone is going to be in a dilemma with the prince!" There are 200,000 gold here. Kill them all, and the gold is yours!"

It is also the old trick that there must be a brave man under the reward. But this set of methods can always exert unexpected and powerful effects.

The soldiers of the city guard's eyes lit up. They raised their weapons one after another and shouted up to the sky: "Fight to death, fight to death, fight to death!"

More than 20,000 people shouted the slogan of 'death battle' in unison, and the sound of the war was so loud that the ground of Xiao Mengcheng trembled.

Ma Liang and Roque outside the city heard the crazy howls in the city and couldn't help changing their faces. With such morale, it seems to be much more difficult for them to break through Little Mengcheng. They firmly believe that the power they bring is enough to slaughter Xiaomeng City, but if the Yulin army is killed and injured too much, how can they explain it to people from all sides when they go back?

After a moment of hesitation, Rock's enemy issued new instructions.

More than 6,000 wild beast knights were divided into four brigades and surrounded Xiaomeng City from four directions. The nine-fold crossbow was re-stringed and reloaded the crossbow.

The smoke was everywhere, and a large-scale convoy slowly approached Little Mengcheng along the road. At the urging of Rock's enemy and Ma Liang, more than 800 people who escorted the convoy unloaded the goods carried on the car one after another. After being busy, they finally assembled 80 strange-shaped machines.

These shapes are like coffins, and there are four wheels below that can be dragged by manpower. They are divided into four teams, which also surround Xiao Mengcheng from all sides.

Standing on the roof of the tower of the city guard house, Lu Chengfeng's face turned blue when he saw these machines.

"Princess Yingchuan's bitch, in order to revenge her son, she even transferred the 'ink machine' to guard the king's capital?"

You can hear the gentle and elegant Lu Chengfeng scolding the princess of a country as a bitch. Don't beg, it's very novel.

But what is the thing that can make Lu Chengfeng lose his temper like this?

"What is an ink machine? Is it strong?" Don't beg hurriedly asked comrades, tickets, tickets, tickets! On weekends, after shopping with your wife and girlfriend, remember to vote! X