Steal the sky

Chapter 60 Decision

Seeing a large number of troops roaring in, the face of the barbarian leader changed tragically.

With a whistle, the barbarian army quickly retreated to the mountain forest, especially those bird barbarians, who ran faster than anyone else. A large number of feathers fell from the sky, and with the sad sound of birds, the birds turned into a dark cloud and went away.

The three elk pulled the flying car and quickly to the outside of Xiao Meng City, circled around the city wall, and rushed to Rock's enemy and Ma Liang.

Lu Chengfeng saw Tie Yuewu coming with the Lu family's landslide iron horse, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes. He hurriedly pulled the confused Don't begging, led a group of guests, picked up 3,000 well-clothed guards, removed the blocked wall, and lined up to meet them.

The iron hooves are hidden, and the collapsed iron horse of the Lu family has surrounded the wild beast horse of the Yulin army under the command of the iron moon dance.

Don't beg to look at the mountain rollers curiously. The mounts they sit on seem to be a mixture of a cow and a horse. The bull's head and horse are strong, with two sharp angles on the top of the head. After wearing thick blue-gray heavy armor, it feels like a moving hill. The knights of the mountain are also particularly strong-shaped men, with fully enclosed heavy armor, holding a short-handled mace, which is powerful and heavy, and looks extremely deterrent.

If the wild beast horse is a surging flame, the mountain collapse iron horse is a stable mountain. Maybe the Lu family is richer than the King Lu's room. No matter how you look at it, you can feel that the armor and weapons of these eight thousand mountain-collapse iron riders are much better than the wild beasts of the Yulin army?

Roque's face became ugly. He clenched his teeth, looked at the huge three-leaf warp coat badge on the chest of the mountain, and squeezed out the cracks of his teeth and asked coldly, "Mrs. Rongyang, what are you doing? Our princess, didn't we reach an agreement with your Lu family?

The door on the side of the flying car was kicked away by violence. Wearing a gorgeous palace skirt mainly in black tones, he was proud and beautiful like an iron moon dance of a magic phoenix, and slowly walked out of the carriage with the help of two maids. With blue scales all over the body, the snake letter spit out more than two feet long Lan Xiazi proudly followed Tie Yuewu, with deep and vicious eyes staring at Rock's enemy.

A scarlet carpet slid out of the carriage like running water, extending all the way in front of the Iron Moon Dance to Rock's enemy. Tie Yuewu, with a cold face, slowly walked on the soft carpet to the enemy Rock, and glanced at the enemy with a little insignificant afterglow in the corners of her eyes: "It's ridiculous. What right does Princess Yingchuan have to reach an agreement with our Lu family?"

Rock's enemy's voice stagnated, and he was about to shout. Ma Liang quickly stepped forward and saluted deeply to the iron moon dance. What the lady said was that General Luo just wanted to take it for granted. This trip has nothing to do with Her Royal Highness. Please raise your hand and let me wait to leave.

The dull pace slowly came, and the blood-blooded army, heaven, earth and people had diseed a few miles away, and were slowly pressing towards this side in a neat line of the fish scales. When there were still two miles away from here, the three armies were separated, and the armies of heaven and earth guarded the direction of the north, northwest, south and southwest of Xiaomeng City, while the character army kept pressing this way.

The bloody army is the top strong army in the frontier army of the State of Lu, and all the soldiers are the elites of the rest of the battle. With the slow approach of the human-character army, a tragic murderous atmosphere rose to the sky. Relatively speaking, the knights of the Yulin Army, who were well-fed in King Lu, were excited by the murderous spirit, and suddenly a cold sweat came out.

Almost instinctively, Rock's enemy raised his right hand. There was a low friction sound of gears in more than 30 ink machines, and the ink machine slowly adjusted the angle and locked the bloody soldiers slowly approaching two miles away.

Tie Yuewu snorted coldly: "Rock enemy, how dare you?"

With a soft hum, several figures shot out of the mountainless iron horse. Don't beg. It's four old men in black robes embroidered with flowing clouds on their backs. The breath of the four old people is very strong, and they should all be cultivated above the realm of innate God.

Only listening to a sword roar, four six-foot-long blue-gling swords shot out, and they circled around more than 30 ink machines in an instant. Jianmang stabbed in from somewhere in the ink machine and accurately killed the control soldier hiding in the ink machine. A dull scream came from the ink machine, but in the blink of an eye, more than 30 ink machines lost the threat.

Proudly raised his head, Tie Yuewu said lightly, "Do you dare to fight against me with these ink machines? Rock enemy, you are so bold!"

Rock's enemy stared and was about to open his mouth. Ma Liang hurriedly pulled him back and grabbed a step in front of Tie Yuewu. He bowed repeatedly and said with a dry smile, "No, no, how dare we go against our wife? What do you say today, madam? What should we do? Please don't blame me. We have something rudeness. Please ask your wife to look at the princess and the king and let me wait.

Tie Yuewu sneered, and she suddenly pointed to Rock's enemy.

Lan Xiazi, coiled behind the Iron Moon Dance, let out a sharp hiss, rushed out like lightning, and bit the Rock enemy's thigh fiercely. The Rock enemy let out a miserable howling, and his body suddenly fell to the ground. Ma Liang's action was like electricity. He pulled out a dagger and waved it fiercely, cut off two catties of meat from Rock's enemy's thigh, and cut off all the muscles near Lan Xiazi's bite.

Rock's enemy let out a sad howling sound, holding his bleeding thighs and shivering all over.

Looking at the Rock enemy who was hit hard with satisfaction, Tie Yuewu slowly nodded and said, "I don't care about you this time. Go back and tell your master that riding the wind is my child. If you want to beat or scold, it's up to me! No one wants to kill him with that kind of trumped-up crime!"

He waved his hand in disgust, and Tie Yuewu said indifferently, "You can go."

The mountain-wrecking iron horse made way. Ma Liang hastily wrapped the wound for Rock's enemy, respectfully saluted the iron moon dance, and hurriedly led the remaining subordinates away from the encirclement. With more than 30 ink machines left in place, Ma Liang did not ask anyone to take them away.

The wild beast horse of the Yulin army quickly left. The iron moon dance sighed faintly and slowly turned around. The beautiful face was like a beautiful woman, which was already full of crystal tears. She opened her hands to Lu Chengfeng from afar and shouted sadly, "Changfeng, my good boy, my mother is late. You haven't been wronged, have you?"

Don't beg. He felt a chill all over his body. He looked up and down at the iron moon dance and sighed secretly in his heart.

No matter how you look at this Rongyang's Tie Yuewu, it is the full text of Lu Chengfeng ~ the word hand * beat his sister, and even his niece. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like his biological mother. It can only be said that she is well maintained, and Lu Chengfeng is a little more mature.

Lu Chengfeng walked forward slowly without any movement. He knelt down respectfully on the ground full of plasma mud, and kowtowed a few times to the iron moon dance: "I have seen my mother. I don't know why my mother came from afar. Why?"

Tie Yuewu sighed gently, and stroked Lu Chengfeng's head with incomparable tenderness and kindness: "Are you and your mother so eccentric? If you have nothing to do, can't you come to see you? It's just that you've been wronged in the past few years.

With a long sigh, Tie Yuewu glanced at Begging and others, and smiled happily and said, "This is the person you have included after you came here, right? It looks like something like this." As soon as the words fell, one of the four old men who had just killed the imperial sword to control the soldiers in the ink machine came to Tie Yuewu and muttered in a low voice.

Tie Yuewu suddenly looked at Lu Chengfeng in astonishment, and then stared fiercely at Don't beg. Her beautiful face bloomed like a spring flower, and her smile was extremely charming: "Oh, my good boy, are you innate? And what's the name of this little brother? It's rare to reach the innate realm at a young age!"

The iron moon dance smiled brilliantly, but her heart was shocked to the extreme. Without the help of the family, without taking any panacea, and without the innate realm, how did Lu Chengfeng break through to the innate realm? How did he include a master of the innate realm around him? This is simply impossible!

There are not many martial artists in the innate realm, even in the Lu family in Liyang! How on earth did Lu Chengfeng do it?

Lu Chengfeng stood up and said respectfully without any emotion: "Please ask your mother to move to the city. If you have anything to do, let's talk about it in the city. It's too bloody here, and it's disrespectful to my mother.

Tie Yuewu nodded slowly, and with the help of the maid, he walked back to the flying car.

After being busy for a long time, he removed the broken brick and tile beams and pillars that blocked the gate of the city and sorted out four passages into the city. Some of the people brought by the Iron Moon Dance followed her into the city, and the rest of the soldiers camped separately outside the city.

When everything settled down, the night had enveloped the world. The city of Xiaomeng is full of crying. The soldiers and civilians who survived the daytime arrow rain attack are trying to set tortoises, save lives and heal the wounded from the collapsed houses, and clean up the bodies that were shot.

In the city guard house, the atmosphere is extremely strange.

After Tie Yuewu sat in the middle of the lobby, she slowly told him the identity of Lu Chengfeng's biological father and what was happening now. After saying this lightly, Tie Yuewu said lightly, "For your own good, for the good of your mother, and for the good of your grandfather's family, you have to rush to Jidu as soon as possible and inherit everything left by your father."

Don't beg for the ghost baby with a belly, and looked up and down at Lu Chengfeng. The irresponsible biological father of this boy, is so big? The top clan of the Great Yan Dynasty? The great-grandson of Yan Dan? The Duke of the Great Yan Dynasty? Isn't it that Lu Chengfeng has also become one of the core and top clans of the Yan Dynasty?

Don't beg's heart beat violently. He remembered what Lu Chengfeng had said to him a while ago - related to the cultivation school of the Dayan Dynasty.

Sitting on the right hand side of Tieyue Dance, Lu Chengfeng, who had been bowing his head and saying no words, looked calm.

After listening to Tie Yuewu's words, it took a full quarter of an hour for Lu Chengfeng to raise his head and said something faintly.

"Is that so? Is it okay for the child to rush to thistle overnight?

"Xiao Mengcheng is the child's first foundation in the State of Lu. Please ask the mother to guard here for the child. Don't let people invade the protagonist and go to Jidu, go to Jidu!

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