Steal the sky

Chapter 70 Blood Drops

The thunder roared, the electric snake danced wildly, and the rainstorm fell crazily. Jidu's drainage system is excellent. With such a heavy wind and rain, there is no water on the street.

The brigade marched on the street. There were soldiers of the city defense army, subordinates of the wind patrol department, and people from the state mansion brought by Yu Xuan. Along the main road along the central line of Jidu, the group quickly came to the gate of the palace of the Dayan Dynasty.

Yu Xuan came forward and called the door. The heavy palace door of Dayan Palace, which was twelve feet thick and six feet thick, slowly opened, revealing the dark corridor behind him. The walls on both sides of the corridor are 21 feet high, and the width of the corridor is only two feet and four feet wide. Walking in the corridor, looking at the lightning, thunder and dark sky overhead gives people an extremely depressing and uneasy sense of killing and heaviness.

Every thirty feet, a bridge is built across the walls on both sides of the corridor, which is not only convenient for the soldiers on both sides of the city wall, but also an extremely powerful defensive measure. As long as a team of crossbowmen is arranged on the bridge and cooperates with the soldiers on both sides of the city, it can cause a full-angle blow to the people in the corridor.

The sound of hooves is bursting, and the suppressed atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger. After going seven miles along the corridor, and through a thick alloy palace gate, the front was suddenly bright, revealing a majestic palace group. On the thick pyramid-shaped stone platform, the magnificent palaces, mainly blue and black, are piled up in layers. From the bottom up, the palace has a total of nine floors.

The tallest palace is more than a hundred feet from the ground. The dark clouds are almost close to the roofs of those palaces, and lightning almost shoots down the black glazed tiles on the palace. Those palaces are like built in the sky, looming in the dark clouds, thunder and lightning, which is particularly mysterious.

This group of palaces, just don't beg what you see, and the width of the things is about five miles. The nine-storey palace is more than a hundred feet high from the bottom up. I'm afraid there are 20,000 to 30,000 pavilions on the floor? Although the style of the palace is a little monotonous, basically the three, six and nine rooms printed in a mold with the format of tall eaves, but with so many buildings together, the weather is still difficult to describe in words.

Entering the innate realm, the spiritual knowledge of the martial artist is more than a hundred times sharper than that of ordinary martial artist. In addition, Don't beg has integrated a lot of soul particles before and after, so that his soul has been strengthened and improved several times. His spiritual knowledge can basically be compared with the real person of the real innate fetus.

In the heavy palace ahead, there are countless fierce murderous atmosphere looming. Don't beg to clearly feel that there are tens of thousands of elites hidden in this large palace? Among them, the acquired peak-level breath is more than a thousand people, and the innate-level breath is also as many as a hundred people. Among them, some subtle and unpredictable breaths are hidden. Don't beg and dare not speculate what kind of realm it is.

A thick lightning bolt roared down from the dark clouds and hit a statue of a golden man standing in the square in front of the palace.

In front of the main hall of the Royal Palace of the Dayan Dynasty, there is a huge square about five miles long and wide. In this almost square square, there are six or four metal statues more than ten feet high in eight rows and eight rows. The statues are exactly the same. They are all majestic warriors wearing heavy swords and holding long swords.

The lightning struck one of the golden men, and the violent electric current surged through the statue, which immediately made the statue spray dazzling blue light all over its body. The huge power surged through the statue, which stimulated thousands of palm-sized runes and runes to appear on the surface of the statue. The translucent blue rune rotated back and forth on the surface of the statue, and the suffocating powerful breath vaguely spread around.

What a powerful forbidden array. Don't beg for a breath and looked at these metal statues carefully.

Under the leadership of Yu Xuan, the team bypassed the palace group in front of them and went straight from the next road to the back garden of the Royal Palace of the Great Yan Dynasty. Here, Don't beg to see the core place in the true sense of the Dayan Dynasty.

On a small piece of green grass with a radius of several acres, there are several crooked old pine trees. In the middle of the grass is a thatched hut made of wood, covered with thatch, more than ten feet long and wide. With this hut as the center, eight smaller rooms are arranged in the shape of nine palaces.

The thatched house in the middle is as simple as it is, and the eight rooms outside are not good. Although the shape is also a simple route, it is at least a brick, stone and civil structure, covered with glazed tiles, at least you don't have to worry about a gust of wind to wind away.

A flash of lightning chopping. With the light of lightning, Don't beg saw a plaque hanging on the hut in the middle, with the word 'Yan Feitian' on it. I don't know who wrote these three words. The strokes are sharp, and the pen is soaring to the sky. It seems that there is really a rare bird grinding its fists and rubbing its palms on the ground, ready to rush to the sky with the wind of heaven and earth.

Lightning split one after another, and the three big words of the light blue Yan Feitian flashed over and over again in front of everyone. Don't beg, people with enough cultivation can still stand. For other people with weaker cultivation, as long as they look at the three big words for a long time, they trembled all over and stood unsteadily, and many people fell to the ground in confusion.

Yu Xuan stood in front of the hut and looked at the three big words on the forehead of the plaque.

"More than 2,000 years ago, the ancestor of my great swallow, together with many people and people, built this council hall with a piece of wood and a handful of grass. Two thousand years later, our Great Yan Dynasty had hundreds of millions of people, countless cities, and borderless territory. This is still the real heart of my Great Yan Dynasty!"

Yu Xuan slowly said the above words to Don't beg, to Lu Chengfeng, and even to Tie Yuewu, with a little fanaticism and a little religious worship. Not only him, but also Yan Shuhui, Yan Bugui and others, looking at this crude thatched hut, his body was straight, and there was an indescribable sacredness and solemnity on his face.

More than 2,000 years ago, Yandan, the emperor of Yan, with dozens of guests and tens of thousands of people, built the first rough thatched house here. They took this as the starting point, and built today's Great Yan Dynasty with a blue sps of road, a piece of wood and a piece of fine grass. As his people and his direct descendants, Yu Xuan temporarily forgot the gold, silver and jewelry in such a place that was almost a religious holy place.

This is the council hall of Yandan more than 2,000 years ago, and it is also the state magistrate of the Yan Dynasty dedicated to dealing with various affairs related to the clan and the vassal states more than 2,000 years later.

Qin Qingshui suddenly opened his mouth to break the atmosphere that was almost a religious ceremony: "Yu Xuangong, you are busy, Qingshui escorted here, and the rest of the things will be ignored. Xianguo's proton Tuoba Qingye was killed, and later he asked Yu Xuangong to give Qingshui an explanation. With a cold snort, Yu Xuan glanced at Qin Qingshui and waved his hand without saying anything.

Qin Qingshui took a deep look at Lu Chengfeng and Don't beg, snorted coldly, and led a large number of subordinates behind him to leave quickly. I don't have a thorough understanding of what happened tonight. At least the scene of the assassination still needs him to deal with it.

Yan Shuhui laughed loudly: "Oh, Jicheng is not the treatment center of our Xifengwei. Well, it has nothing to do with us. We are here to watch the fun. Hey, Lu Chengfeng, I'll call you a few more guys before you confirm your identity! Haha, haha!"

Yan Xue smiled proudly, but Yan's face was extremely strange. He just looked up and down at Lu Chengfeng and suddenly sighed gently. Don't beg, Yan Bugui nodded and smiled. Yan Bugui smiled weakly to Don't beg, and looked at Lu Chengfeng again with that strange look.

Under the leadership of Yu Xuan, everyone changed into the clean and soft straw shoes prepared here, walked into the hut, and sat down on the mat also made of fine grass according to their status.

In a short time, there were dense footsteps from outside the thatched house, and old people of the same age as Yu Xuan came here one after another. They silently changed their straw shoes, walked into the hut, and sat down on the left and right sides of Yu Xuan.

In the state mansion of the Great Yan Dynasty, there was one of the state clan, that is, Yan Xing Gong Yan Yu Xuan. In addition, there are also forty-eight elders of the country, all of whom are comparable to the descendants of the Yan Dynasty, and there are also several relatives of rich families such as Jing, Gao, Tian, Le and Qin. The state patriarchy they formed can basically make a one-word decision on the affairs related to the patriarchs and vassal states of the Yan Dynasty.

After slightly introducing Lu Chengfeng's identity, Yu Xuan immediately urged everyone present to follow the Yan Lv and take the procedure of 'bloody return'.

Yanle Gongyan left a rich legacy, which is an eye-catching legacy. For these things left by Yan's unruly, if the state government does not handle them properly, it may cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, the State Patriarchate simply introduced a warm clause. As long as it was the heir left by Yan, regardless of his origin, the first one to rush to Jidu was his heir.

Many national elders present are the passers of this clause. Therefore, although they were surprised why Yu Xuan summoned them to the state mansion in the middle of the night, since the children left by Yan's unruly came to the door, it was inevitable to work overtime overnight. If Lu Chengfeng is not given a blood drip identification now, in case another unruly illegitimate son comes to the door, wouldn't it be another big trouble?

No one objected. According to the pre-negotiated process, under the supervision of all the elders of the country, Yu Xuan and others opened a secret door on the ground floor of the state mansion and took out a test tube made of transparent white crystal from the secret room with countless prohibitions.

In the test tube, there is a half tube of medicine made of swallow's unruly flesh and blood essence.

Under the close supervision of the forty-eight national elders and Yu Xuan, plus Yan Shuhui and Yan no return, Lu Chengfeng showed his arm, carefully cut a knife on the wrist vein, and dripped three drops of blood into the test tube.

The light red potion in the test tube suddenly turned into dark cyan, and then emitted a dazzling golden light.

Yu Xuan suddenly jumped up and slapped hard: "It's done, this county... This title of Duke Yan Le and the position of Zuo Guozheng, there is a master!"

Several other senior national elders also clapped their hands and laughed: "It's the child of Mrs. Rongyang. This professor since childhood is not a problem. He is also the son of the family and just inherits the title of Duke of Yan Le!"

The words of these elders are also very clear. Lu Chengfeng is the son of a family background, so he inherits everything about Yan's unruly, and they have no problem with it. If the first unruly illegitimate son of Yan, who came to Jicheng, was born on the grassroots, there may be some changes.

Then again, how can the illegitimate son of Yan's unruly and an ordinary daughter know the news of Yan's unruly death?

The blood returned, the blood was pale blue, and the golden light showed strong light, which proved that Lu Chengfeng was indeed the unruly son of Yan.

Yan Xuehui's face suddenly changed color. He was entangled for a long time before he came up and saluted Lu Chengfeng, who was ecstatic.

"The twelfth generation of Sun Yan, the Great Yan clan, has met Yan Legong, the head of this sect!"

Yan Shu looked back, smiled strangely, moved his lips, and said a word silently.

"Have 18 generations of ancestors strongly recommended it? Comrades, vote, vote, awesome vote!

The pig's head now eats and sleeps every day, sleeps, and is waiting for everyone's tickets! X