Steal the sky

Chapter 80 Duel

The chaotic Red River, the largest river on the side of Jidu City. Compared with the Yangtze River, which is not to begged, the length, width, depth, and even the flow of the Hongjiang River per second are more than 100 times that of the Yangtze River. This is a huge river that crosses the territory of hundreds of vassal states from east to west across the Great Yan Dynasty, and the basin area includes almost more than half of the Great Yan Dynasty.

It can be said that the chaotic Hongjiang River has nourished Jidu and the people of the Great Yan Dynasty. The fertile grasslands and hills in the river basin laid the foundation of the Great Yan Dynasty. Almost 70% of the people of the Yan Dynasty drank the water of the chaotic Red River, ate the fish in the chaotic Red River, and ate all kinds of crops grown in the fertile farmland of the chaotic Red River.

Jidu is at the intersection of the trunk of the Chaohong River and a major tributary, the colorful river.

In the upper reaches of the Chaohong River, in a lofty mountain, it is full of 'red leaves Guilin' similar to maple trees. All year round, the palm-sized red leaves float into the river with the wind, and half of the river is red by the rushing water, so it has the reputation of the chaotic red river.

On both sides of the colorful river, they are all farmland estates developed by the people of the Dayan Dynasty. The people of the Dayan Dynasty, which is close to nature, planted all kinds of flowers and trees by the river. There are flowers that often bloom in all seasons. Countless colorful petals fall into the river, and the river is dyed into seven colors. When the colorful river flows into the chaotic red river with countless petals and leaves, it becomes a colorful river.

After the establishment of the Great Yan Dynasty for more than 2,000 years, it has not developed modern technology on the earth. At most, people spontaneously collect some natural coal as fuel. There is no pollution in the world, so the river is extremely clear. Red leaves and colorful petals converge, and on the green, clear and bottom of the chaotic red river, it is like a transparent crystal wrapped in countless flowers and red leaves, which is extremely gorgeous and charming.

Therefore, on a small hill by the chaotic Red River, some people have occupied a large area of land, built a large number of villas, and countless restaurants and brothels. There are also nearly a thousand large and small painting houses on the river, which has become the largest entertainment place in Jidu.

Lu Chengfeng's biological father, Yan, was unruly. One night, he was drinking and having fun on the chaotic Red River. He fell into the river and drowned.

In the evening, Lu Chengfeng was hanging out with a group of young dignitaries of the Great Yan Dynasty in the largest painting house 'Tianle Fairy Palace' in the chaotic Hongjiang River. The sound of silk bamboo singing and dancing is pleasant to the ear, and the huge painting boat is full of the noise of a group of young people shouting. From time to time, some people are drunk and fall into the river from the port of the boat, some people clap their hands and laugh on the boat, and some people rush to jump down the river to save people.

Half a wheel of residual sun is obliquely hung at the junction of the western sky and water, half of the river is stained as red as blood by the sunset, and the other half of the river is always colorful to the extreme. Such a touching beautiful scenery, except for the don't beg leaning against the window, no one can appreciate it.

The painting of Tianle Fairy Palace is 50 feet long. There are three pavilions on the painting house. Don't beg and others are in the highest banquet hall. Lu Chengfeng was huging two young and beautiful prostitutes, laughing and making a scene with several young people from families.

A small half of the young people here are the eldest sons established early by major families. If nothing unexpected happens, they will inherit the official positions and titles of the family in the Dayan Dynasty. In the future, they will be the high-ranking officials and dignitaries who control the direction of the Dayan Dynasty. At this time, they are just a group of promiscuous families, squandering their youth and energy on the painting.

They are still young, and their elders have been in power for decades. So they still have decades of good time to waste. Occasionally, it's ridiculous. In their opinion, it's just a pleasant little thing, which is nothing. Everyone else is also born in a rich family. Although he is not the eldest son, his status is not low. He is highly valued in the clan and is the main candidate of a family.

There is no doubt that Lu Chengfeng, as the ninth suzerain of Dayan, has the title of duke and the official position of Zuo Guozheng. Lu Chengfeng has the highest status and the most noble among the people. Therefore, the young people around him are all from the top families of the Yan Dynasty. There are elders in the family who are officials in the court, and at least they are all officials above the doctors, and there are even a few young elders who hold the position of Jiuqing.

Lu Chengfeng can attend such a party and hang out with these young people, which also means that the family forces behind these young people began to try to get close to Lu Chengfeng and began to cautiously have a close relationship with Lu Chengfeng. These rich families may not defect to Lu Chengfeng, but it is not good for them to get close to a relationship with a core clan aristocrat.

The same is true for Lu Chengfeng. He has a good relationship with these families who have real power, and it is much more convenient for him to do anything in the future.

So Lu Chengfeng ** shape, with these young people, drunken and prostitutes, sang wildly, and dressed himself up as an ordinary wandy. In addition to the occasional sharp sharp color that flashed in Lu Chengfeng's eyes, no matter who looks at him, he is a complete dy, and he is the kind of dy who is very lucky and has accumulated great virtue in his previous life.

Don't lean against the window of the painting, looking at the young men who are having fun in the next few layers, with a faint sneer on his face.

The Great Yan Dynasty has been established for more than 2,000 years. Of course, there are such elites as Yan, who can carry out military affairs in the wild mountains against the frost and snow, and it will take three or five years. Naturally, because of his good birth, he has been determined to have a beautiful future since he was a child, so he is more and more tacky.

There are already 'Shengxiansan' who don't know what raw materials are made of. They are naked, chasing those screams and dancers on the painting, twisting their shrunning postures and fleeing everywhere. Several charming prostitutes 'accidentally' stepped on the corners of their skirts and fell to the ground. The slang hurriedly straightened up and pressed them urgently.

The white meat worm rolled into a ball on the deck of the painting, and the sound of 'pop' body impact came out far away. Dozens of wands applauded excitedly, and some of them whistled sharply like hooligans. A large group of women were mixed with these playboys, and they used all their whole bodies to hook up with these noble princes.

The painting is like a group of demons dancing, a piece of smoke.

The Ranhong River is extremely wide. The Tianle Fairy Palace is more than 30 miles away from the edge of the Ranhong River. More than a dozen strange-shaped warships have blocked the nearby waters, and other ships are strictly prohibited from approaching. Therefore, no matter how wild these playboys are, the wind will not be known by outsiders.

The scream suddenly came. A young girl who was not more than 14 years old was torn off her clothes by several cheerful squaddy and lifted her up and threw her into the river. A dandy took off his clothes, shouted and jumped off the painting, and hugged the girl with a screaming smile. The two meat worms were mixed into a ball in the river. With the girl's strange cry, a wisp of blood floated on the water.

Don't beg for a sigh, raised the wine lord, and drank two sips of wine slowly.

There is a kind of restlessness in the soul. I want Don't beg to join these ** wangs to enjoy those young and soft bodies. But the strength and calmness from the depths of Don't begging for his own soul shattered this restlessness. This is not what he pursues. He is unwilling to spend his mind and energy on such meaningless things.

He threw down the wine cup and kicked the two who wanted to pounce on him. Obviously, he also took a large number of prostitutes with immortality. Don't beg and frowned. Lu Chengfeng has gradually gained a firm foothold in Jidu and gradually began to expand his network. It's time for him to plan early.

Although there are a large number of spiritual stones and elixirs sent by Princess Po Le, don't beg to join a school of immortal cultivation. Lu Chengfeng needs a foundation, and he also needs a foundation if he is not begging. In the free practice, it is impossible for too powerful practitioners to appear, and in the immortal sect, genius is allowed to exist.

"I have to ask someone to see how many immortal sects there are in the Dayan Dynasty. Of course, it's okay to have a purely official sect like Momen and the Patrol Department. I'm not in the mood to really work for the Dayan Dynasty!" Don't beg to whisper to yourself and secretly think about your own thoughts.

Suddenly, the dinsdies on the lower deck cheered in unison and said hello to someone in a mess.

Don't beg hurriedly poked out his head and looked at the lower deck.

A fast boat had just leaned against the ship's boat. A young man in a purple robe with several attendants was floating up and landed on the deck of the boat. Those playboys greeted the young man one after another, and the young man greeted him calmly.

This is a handsome and almost enchanting young man. His snow-white skin is his biggest feature. Even his lips were snow-white, without the slightest blood color. He wore a purple robe and did not wear a crown on his head. He just tied his hair with a red silk rope. His body was extremely unrestrained, and his words and deeds were also calm and generous, full of a graceful and noble family style.

Compared with the wildly indulgent sdy around him, it is simply a group of ground mice in the gutter that have met the noble lion, and they are not on the same level at all.

As if he was aware of Begging's attention, the young man in purple suddenly raised his head, his eyes were like a knife, and stared at Begging fiercely.

The young man in purple, who had just smiled brightly, changed his face and became extremely cruel in vain. He squeezed his lips and pointed to the one who poked out his head and shouted harshly, "Are you the doorman of Yanle Gong, don't beg?" You kill my eldest brother, Tuoba Haofeng and you will die today!"

With a sonorous sword, Tuoba Haofeng pulled out his sword and threw it over.

Don't beg for a head. The long sword flew close to his cheek and plunged deep into a beam behind him.

The challenge of Tuoba Haofeng resounded through the whole painting, and the noisy painting suddenly became silent.

Suddenly, a young man who had just been beside Lu Chengfeng and drank with him laughed: "Hahaha, Tuoba Haofeng is known as the first swordsman of Jidu Youth. Don't beg, Mr. Can you have the courage to fight?"

Don't beg for a smile, spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm at Tuoba Haofeng standing on the deck.

Tuoba Haofeng appeared on the stage, considering whether it was stewed or braised or sliced. He hammered the egg with a hammer to roll the egg yolk protein all over the ground.

Well, let's continue to vote! Suggestions on the disposal of Tuoba Haofeng. M