Steal the sky

Chapter 100 Qinzong

Standing on the top of the highest attic of Yanle Mansion, everyone looked into the distance. The cloud eyes directly below the dark clouds are aimed at the palace of the Great Yan Dynasty. Large pieces of sunlight sprinkled on the palace complex with the edge of dark clouds covering a smaller and smaller area, and the blue and black glazed tiles reflected a dazzling light. When the diameter of the cloud vortex in the air shrank to about Li Xu, a dazzling light suddenly burst out over the palace, and sixty-three halo clusters wrapped around the palace.

A dull thunder came from the sky, as if countless big men were beating drums. The dull thunder sounded, causing people's hearts to beat wildly. With the cultivation of not begging, the blood flow all over his body was shaken by the thunder, his nostrils were hot, and the nosebleeds almost spewed out. Falling on the roof, Wei Xiaoxiao, who was imprisoned by Nie Baihong, was even more unbearable. She rolled her eyes and fainted, and the corners of her mouth were constantly bleeding.

It's just a few people on the roof, whether Nie Baihong or Don't beg or Lu Chengfeng, are all people with a strong personality. No one glances at Wei Xiaoxiao at all, as if the stunning beauty lying on the roof does not exist at all.

Don't say that she is just spitting blood, even if she was smashed by the thunder, the three people present will not have a trace of pity.

"Who in the palace made the golden elixir? Why is this thunderstorm so strange? It has been accumulating power for a quarter of an hour, but the thunder hasn't fallen yet? Nie Baihong looked at the direction of the palace puzzledly and calculated some situations of the thunderstorm according to his own experience: "Ordinary practitioners form a golden elixir and turn the human body into the body of a human immortal, which is just an ordinary triple thunderstorm. But today, something is wrong, very wrong.

Nie Baihong shook his head repeatedly. He muttered in a low voice, "In those years, Lei Yun only brewed a cup of tea and fell, but today, hey, something is wrong, very wrong. Could it be that a demon raised in the palace became a golden elixir? Or is it that some monster wants to transform? Otherwise, how could this be the case?

Don't beg to look at the disaster clouds in the air. I only feel relaxed and happy for a while, without the tension and restraint of Nie Baihong. In the theft of the scriptures, after the formation of the golden elixir, there is a secret method called the "Five and theft of the Five elements of Thunder", which specializes in stealing the power of thunder in the various thunder disasters of the practitioners, applying the magnificent power of the grand masculine of the day, refining the body, golden elix

The body and the golden elixir are just enough. Practice according to the law with the secret of stealing thunder. As long as the number of thunderstorms is enough, with the help of the power of the thunder god, you can even form a wisp of yuan god in the golden elixir period. Yuanshen, that is the land immortal at the end of the Yuanying. When the Yuanshen is achieved, it is already immortal. Stealing the scriptures is such an anti-sky, which can abruptly form a wisp of yuan gods to escape and save life in the realm of the golden elixir period.

So when I saw the thunder and roaring thunder rolling in the sky, I only felt that the thunder was so kind and lovely. Don't beg, suddenly fell in love with Jidu and fell deeply in love with this city. After he becomes a golden elixir, it is better to have a few monks to cross the disaster every month, so that he can really make a lot of money.

In the golden elixir period, there is a wisp of yuan spirit. Although it is only a wisp of insignificant, with this wisp of yuan spirit, how many things can you do?

After another half hour, Nie Baihong's face turned as white as snow. He muttered to himself, "Isn't it Jindan Thunderstorm? Is it the legendary Yuanying thunderstorm? It's impossible. Even if it's Yuanying's thunderstorm, according to the records in the classics, it won't accumulate more than half an hour.

As soon as Nie Baihong's words fell, a strong light in the void enveloped the whole thistle capital. It was seven or eight miles thick and long, surrounded by countless red fireballs of thunder and roared from the clouds with a huge roar, straight to somewhere in the back garden of the Dayan Palace. The halo above the palace suddenly lit up, and the halo was like an inflatable balloon, extending into the air with a large amount of light and rain.

In the blink of an eye, the thunder hit these halos, and only a loud noise came. The huge city of Jidu trembled. All the tiles on the roof of Yanle Mansion jumped up several inches high, and many tiles fell to the ground and fell to pieces. The servant maid in the house screamed loudly, and many people fell to the ground softly under their feet, and they had no strength to get up for a long time.

Don't beg just instinctively sensed that a great power fell from the air, and then saw that the thunderbolt shattered the eighteen-fold halo, which was gradually offset by the halo. In the distance, there was a faint human body flying on the palace wall, which was the aftershock caused by the collision of the soldiers stationed in the palace by the thunder and the palace prohibition. Judging from the height of the palace wall, these blown soldiers inevitably broke a few bones.

I'm calculating how much damage this thunder has caused to the palace, and eight consecutive thunders roared down in the eyes of the clouds. These eight thunders are thicker and longer than the other, and the surrounding fireballs have also changed from red to eight colors: orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black and white. These fireballs contained terrible thunder power. As long as they came into contact with the halo above the palace, they immediately exploded, and the shock waves spread in circles, making the thistle tremble up and down.

When the last thunder, surrounded by white fireballs the size of tens of thousands of water tanks, was abruptly offset by the palace's prohibition, countless white shock waves swept everywhere, and the palace wall facing the direction of Yanle Gongfu was finally overwhelmed. With a click, it cracked countless cracks, and a wall was about two or three miles long The waves blew up, and countless broken bricks and tiles flew several miles high, and the city in the direction of Begging was smashed down.

With Nie Baihong protecting him, all the broken bricks and tiles were twisted and smashed by him with his sword spirit. However, the mansions of the princes and nobles around the Yanle Mansion were unlucky. Don't beg, I saw a marquis's mansion next to Yanle Mansion, which was accurately hit by a broken wall of more than ten feet in the backyard. A large yard was smashed to pieces, and at least a dozen servants were pressed under the fallen broken city wall.

The collapse of the house was continuous, and the mansion around the Duke of Yanle collapsed at least three or five hundred houses, and the losses were extremely heavy.

In the cries of countless people, the clouds in the air gradually dissipated. Nie Baihong looked at the clouds dissipated in the air like a ghost, but kept saying, "Ninefold Thunder Robbery, just the first thunderbolt to form Jindan is the Nine Thunder Robbery. Who is the person who survived the disaster? If he is a human practitioner, how many sins will he do to cause nine thunderstorms? If it hadn't been for the ban on the palace, who could have stopped the nine thunderstorms?

A clear roar came from afar, and its sound was like the first sound of a young phoenix, crisp, sweet and gentle, like a clear spring injected from the top of the head, washing all over the body. Suddenly, a thin whirlwind was pulled up from the rivers on all sides of Jidu, and countless clear water gathered towards the thistle. There was a fragrance in the air, and countless thin wispuns of white clouds appeared in the sky above my head. Clean water beads were sprinkled from the air, and the cool water vapor nourished Jidu City, which suddenly had an indescribable vitality.

Don't beg suddenly sensed some kind of throbbing. He hurriedly looked around and saw that under the infiltration of the fragrance and water beads, a large area of flowers and plants in the back garden of Yanle Mansion suddenly bloomed, and the moss Xue hidden in the dark of the corner of the wall quickly bred, and soon dyed Yan The trees around were raised like stimulants, and they were raised two or three feet in the blink of an eye.

The five elements of aura in the void fluctuated abnormally, and a supernatural force controlled these auras. Suddenly, several tall trees were burning out of thin air. From the flame state here, several houses in Yanle Mansion also burst out of fire several feet high.

Not only Yanle Mansion, but also thistle is full of fire everywhere.

First water, then wind, then fire. Before Buqi and others figured out what had happened, the earth suddenly trembled, and the huge earth attribute aura was restless in the ground. A neighborhood near the left collapsed, and all the houses were washed away by the stormy earth, and there were at least two thousand collapsed houses and pavilions. Before the dust of the collapsed house was raised, it was brought down to the ground by the raindrops sprinkled in the air.

I heard countless cracklings again, and the Gengjin aura in the air suddenly rioted. How many residents are there in thistles 170 miles away in length and width? This is an unmeasurable number. But it is certain that all residents have to eat, so the kitchen knives, iron pots and other iron tools in Jidu City are definitely an astronomical figure. As soon as Gengjin's aura rioted, he saw that countless roofs in Jidu City had broken through large and small holes. A large number of kitchen knives, iron pots, knives, swords and halberd flew to the sky one after another, and some iron pots were still steaming to cook.

The whole thistle was restless, and countless people began to exclaim.

The spirit of heaven and earth is so abnormal, and the source of the abnormality should be the practitioner who has just formed the golden elixir. Don't beg for a flash in his mind, and he suddenly thought of a person - Princess Le! He instinctively felt that if there was another person in Jidu City who could create such an incredible scene, then it must be Princess Le. She absorbed all the essence of her mother's life and must have inherited some of her mother's strangeness. As the saint of the barbarian tribal alliance, it is obvious that the mother of Princess Kangle has some magical powers.

But it's really amazing. It's amazing that a practitioner who has just formed a golden elixir can actually cause such a strange omen. At least Nie Baihong's face is as white as a zombie, and his whole body is stiff and can't move.

Suddenly, a very strong mana fluctuation came from a distance, and a golden light of more than 20 feet long flew from the north of Jidu City surrounded by hundreds of sword lights that were only ten feet long. The golden light suddenly flashed, making everyone who saw it tingling in their eyes and instinctively closed their eyes. When Don't beg opened his eyes again, the golden light had disappeared, and a young man in a blue and black imperial crown was suspended directly above the palace.

Far away, I can't see how the man was born. But when he appeared, he seemed to be the only one left in this day, this land, and the whole Jidu City. No matter where everyone looks, they can only see his slightly rickeping and tired figure.

Nie Baihong suddenly moaned, "Yanhuang Yandan, to what extent has he cultivated?"

Yanhuang Yandan? This man in a blue and black crown suit is the founding emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty. Has he controlled Yan Dan of the Great Yan Dynasty for more than 2,000 years? Don't beg and look at it in a hurry.

If this Yandan is indeed the Yandan he knows, then he is really a historical celebrity. Don't beg, but he has admired him for a long time.

In the distance of the palace, the cheers of countless taxis suddenly came.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The sound of long live shocked the earth again. A