Steal the sky

Chapter 120 Kicking the Hall

Without any mana fluctuation, the Shi Tianmo jumped deep, completely leaning on the muscle strength of his legs, like a flea jumping into the sky. Ordinary people jumped three feet high, the acquired martial artist jumped three feet, and the naive man could leap a hundred feet to control the wind. Shi Tianmo jumped up purely with his muscles. Don't beg to hear a thunder in his ear. The dark shadow flashed in front of him, and Shi Tianmo jumped more than five miles high.

With a short flick of his finger, he jumped five miles high. Shi Tianmo roared, and his right arm hit the void fiercely. A white air barrier spewed out three or five miles away. With the anti-shock force of the bursting air barrier, his body suddenly crossed a black light and shadow to escape into the distance. Every move of his is just a consuming of physical strength, and the true qi in his body is not used at all.

Six yin winds rose to the sky, and Shi Tianmo's body had just skimmed out less than a hundred feet, and six gray-white yin winds had entangled him. The void suddenly remembered the ghost sound of "choo-choo". The sky was full of green phosphorus the size of a human head, and the thunder exploded, and the clouds were blown to pieces. Countless flowing clouds spread far away, dragging out long clouds in the sky.

Shi Tianmo roared loudly, and a right arm kept hitting out, making those ghosts and immortals go backwards. Near noon, the void and the sun shone high, and the strength of the ghosts and immortals had been weakened to the limit. The strength of the six ghosts and immortals was only equal to the strength of the two ghosts in peacetime. The physical power of the Shitian Demon is powerful and strong. Although it is a secret method of evil skills, the power attribute is indeed pure yang, which just restrains the ghosts and immortals to death.

Six ghost immortals released thunder all over the sky to bombard the demon, but they could only reluctantly pester him and could not compete with him at all. Where the Shitian demon's fist passed, the yin wind was torn, and the thunder was smashed. Occasionally, a punch hit the ghosts and immortals. The scattered ghosts and immortals, which were formed by the gathering of the air, screamed strangely and turned into countless yin winds and quickly deserted hundreds of feet away. After These ghosts and immortals were also fierce. Under the light of the sun, they did not hesitate to waste their energy to send out a wave of dense thunder, so that the demon could not get out of it.

The body is extremely strong, but it is not good at the divine channel method. He knows some ways to lighten his body, but these innate tricks are bound to prevent him from flying all over the sky like these ghosts and immortals. He fell from high in the sky with his son who was shocked and spit out blood, and then was blown up behind his body by more than a dozen thunderbolts, which blew his body back to the Shijiaguan and landed heavily on the Shijiaguan square.

\"Jiuyin Fengyuan, edict! The six ghosts and immortals roared strangely in the void, and nine gray-white lights as thin as cobwebs rushed out of their heads, and covered straight from the air with the overwhelming evil spirit, saying that a large Shijia hall was firmly covered. Fifty-four white qi were made into a big net, constantly absorbing the yin qi gushing out of the ground, and gradually turned into a gray-white light mask and buckled over the Shijiaguan.

Dozens of green runes loomed in the light mask, and a strange smell that made people cold and powerless all over the body rose from the ground and drilled into the body along the people's feet. In addition to the people brought by Don't beggars, the teachers and disciples of other Shijiaguan were soft on the ground with a cold war. The blood on his face quickly dissipated, and the skin soon turned white like a dead man. Whether it is an ordinary disciple, an acquired peak teacher, or a teacher in the innate realm, no one can be spared in the light mask.

With a roar of Shi Tianmo, he hugged Shi Wuqi tightly and shook his arm and punched it out of the void. In this punch, Shi Tianmo used all his skills. The real qi in his body spewed out with a harsh crack sound, and a dark green light and shadow suddenly spewed out from his right fist, turning into a huge fist shadow of several feet in the air and shooting a gray-white light mask in the air. With a muffled sound, the green boxing shadow and the light mask collided fiercely. The boxing shadow exploded, and a small hole several feet in diameter suddenly cracked on the light mask. After a two-legged meal, Shi Tianmo was about to rush out along the small hole with his son. But Don't beg also moved. With one finger, a wolf howled to the sky, and the light and shadow of seven black wolf heads the size of a human head rushed out with Sensen shouting Qi Chaoshi Tianmo. There are 49 wolf heads on the greedy wolf sword. According to the number of Da Yan, it has infinite benefits. However, don't beg to expose your cultivation that has become a golden elixir. With the cultivation of innate veins, you can stimulate the greedy wolf sword, which can only stimulate the greedy wolf sword to transform the most basic seven wolf heads.

The sword light was fast, and seven dark wolf heads with long black tails bit the body of the Shi Tianmo fiercely. The wolf's teeth bit down fiercely and splashed a large area of sparks on the body of the Shitian demon, making a sound like a metal collision. Hearing this sound, Don't beg that your teeth are sore. How strong is this body to make the wolf-headed sword shadow of the greedy wolf sword make such a movement?

But after all, the body is the body, and after all, the greedy wolf sword is a flying sword at the level of the lower magic weapon. Seven wolves' heads bit the body of the Shitian demon fiercely, and the sharp wolf's teeth penetrated deeply into the body of the Shitian demon with a large area of Mars. The greedy wolf swallowed the moon nine ghost array launched, and dozens of black gas spewed out of the wolf's mouth. With a harsh strange roar, it penetrated into the body of the Shitian demon, and frantically extracted and devoured his huge flesh and blood essence.

The sound of "sneer" was endless, and the body that Shi Tianmo had just raised fell to the ground again. Seven wolf heads were attached to him, as if seven huge gaps had been broken on the high-pressure airbag. When the energy in Shitian Demon's body disappeared, how could he jump up? The black airflow constantly brought out the thick dark green juice from the body of the Shitian demon, and the seven wolves' hair roared happily, greedily digesting these dark green flesh and blood quickly into the power of the greedy wolf sword itself.

Shi Tian shouted in great pain. He stamped his feet fiercely, and a large dark green flame spewed out of his body, rushing the seven wolf's heads out of his body. But these seven wolf heads were transformed by flying swords. Although they were reopened by the flame, the sharp wolf teeth dragged on the Shitian demon, and immediately tore off several bowl-sized flesh and blood on him. With a flash of black light, the flesh and blood were twisted into pieces, and the huge essence contained in it was sucked clean by the greedy wolf sword, leaving a piece of flying ash.

Six water tank-sized green thunder fell on his head and hit the head of the roaring demon. The sound of the explosion of the ghost and immortal sacrifice is very small, and the explosive power is not great, but the poisonous phosphorus fire and thunder specially damages the genshen blood of the practitioner. Shi Tianmo was hit by a dark thunder, and his body immediately trembled, and blood spewed out of his seven orifices. His true qi is extremely strong, and his body is unparalleled, but the skills he practice are strange, and the strength of his soul is only different from that of the martial artists at the peak of the day after tomorrow. The ghost fairy who was made into a ghost elixir was hit by the thunder with all his strength. The Shitian demon looked up to the sky and howled miserably. A large area of green blood in the seven orifices spewed out, and immediately fell to the ground.

Shi Wuqi screamed. He jumped up, grabbed Shi Tianmo and carried it on his back. He gritted his teeth and rushed out in a random direction. He also struggled to find a way to live in vain, but suddenly he heard a loud noise of "dang". Princess Kangle took out an iron bar from nowhere and flashed behind him and gave him a heavy stick. On the spot, he was beaten so relieved and rolled her eyes. Don't beg to turn your head. The spies and palace guards present turned around one after another, and no one dared to look at the scene of knocking on the muffled stick behind the most noble princess of the Yan Dynasty. Only Bai Zhuer and Bai Zhuer applauded there with three points of stupidity and seven points of innocence: "Princess, this stick is really straightforward, hee hee, this release is so powerful, isn't it knocked down by the princess with a stick?" Princess Le raised her chin and was about to brag about herself. Suddenly, she saw the strange expressions of Begging and other people. She hurriedly threw the iron bar far away, put on a gentle and elegant posture like a "water lotus flower", and carefully walked behind Don't begging, with a beautiful and shy Stand still with a smile and head down. There was a miserable howl in the distance. An unlucky disciple of the Shi family was hit in the head by the iron bar thrown out by Princess Po Le, which made his head bleed, and most of his big teeth were knocked down. I don't know whether it's afraid or painful. The parent-child of the Shijiaguan actually cried loudly. Princess Le's face changed slightly, and she looked at the disciple of the martial arts school with a little anger. She stamped her feet fiercely and shook the ground with a radius of several feet into a smash.

With a soft cough, don't beg to ignore Princess Le's little move. He took the identity card handed over by the ghost fairy and looked at it carefully. The color of the tooth card is blue and black, which is the favorite color of the nobles of the Great Yan Dynasty. The top is carved with wind and clouds lines, and underneath is a vast ocean of water. There are several swallows flying high between the sea and the sky. A few words are carved on the back of the tooth card, which are exactly the five big words "Yan Le Gong is unruly".

"Everyone, take a good look. The evidence of the crime is conclusive. This Shijiaguan has a lot to do with the death of the unruly Duke of Yan Le! Come on, cut off the pipa bone of the Shi Tianmo, penetrated the thirty-six strange holes all over his body, and seized it. Shijiaguan was taught by his disciples, all of which abolished his cultivation and was sent to the prison of Xifengwei of the Wind Patrol Department.

The five wind guards in the southeast and northwest of the wind patrol department of the Dayan Dynasty have their own prisons in Jidu. Among them, the prisons of the typhoon guard are the largest and the strictest. But how dare you throw the offender to the territory of clear water? He can guarantee that as long as this group of people are sent to Zhongfengwei prison, they will be killed in less than three days. Or the credit is all Qin Qingshui's. Why does he have nothing to do to give benefits to his enemy?

Now in Jidu City, Lu Chengfeng and Don't beg are reliable, and there is only Xifengwei under the control of Yan Shuhui.

A large number of secret agents of the West Wind Guard have arrived. Their business skillfully abolished all the teaching and all the cultivation of the disciples in the Shijiaguan one by one. After being tied up with a special cow tendon rope, they were thrown into the prison car, gathered a thousand people, and sent a batch to the Xifengwei prison.

Don't beg to drink. The ghost fairy who just sneaked into the Shijiaguan and broke into the secret room and found that the tooth card was leading the way and led them to the secret room.

Don't beg all the way and tell Princess Pang Le and attendants seriously: "Listen, everyone, this time I like the foundation of the Shijia Hall. With the power of Princess Powle, I wanted to annex the Shijia Hall. I opened a martial arts hall in Jidu, and accidentally found Shi Tianmo The death of the setters is implicated. Everyone must understand the cause and effect of this.

Princess Pang Le looked a little ignorantly and didn't beg. She didn't understand why he made such a solemn confession.

However, she did not look for a thorough cross-examination in detail. She just put on the princess's majesty and threatened the people behind her fiercely. She swore to everyone that who dared not speak according to the instructions of not begging, but dared to talk nonsense outside. She would definitely make the nine clans of that

With the ** power of Princess Huanle, don't beg to think in secret. I'm afraid this coax can hide it from the concubine and Yan Xianchen for a period of time?

But it's hard to say, the peerless demon has been operating in Ji for so many years. Who knows if he has found something behind it?

In the thought, the secret room of the demon has arrived.