Steal the sky

Chapter 154 Departure

until half a month later! Don't beg for all the injuries to recover as before. Don't beg me didn't figure out how Yan Dan's spell changed. He just played Liao Yu, an old demon, and didn't let Lu Chengfeng owe Princess Yingchuan a favor. Then he played Wei with a smile, put her in front of the person who ambushed her, and captured some of them alive.

Then, it was the sudden cleaning like a storm. The severity of the real clean-scale cleaning is shocking to all beggars. After returning from the mine, the surprised Lu Chengfeng described to him what had happened in the past few days in the mine. He couldn't help shaking his head repeatedly and being moved by the cruelty of the royal family.

In the Hundred Sects of Dayan, the suzerains of seven sects were beheaded by Manmen. Tens of thousands of people were convicted. In addition to their personal guards, wives, sons and daughters, etc., nearly half a million people were beheaded in a day and one night, exiled and imprisoned for life. The miserable situation When people looked sideways, they were so scared that they shuddered and sweated coldly.

However, the name of the Hundred Sects of the Dayan Dynasty still exists. Over the years, Yandan has given birth to some children who have selected seven of them who are outstanding talents and learning abilities" to inherit the clan names of these sects. Except for the clan, there is no change in the name of Dayan Baizong.

Except for the seven patriarchs who were beheaded by the whole family. Tens of thousands of other ministers were convicted. Qin Qingshui was forced to resign from the duty of Zhongfengwei patrol because of dereliction of duty, negligence, incompetence, etc., and became an idle person. The position of Si Kou of the Haoying family was also recorded. Except for Gao Jianli, the others were almost changed. The old magnate fell, a new rich clan emerged, and the Great Yan Dynasty completed a bloody change of power.

It was the prince Yan Qijun who personally presided over the purge that did not have many powerful men. It was said that the seven suzerains intended to peep at the throne of the crown prince, which made Yan Qijun very angry that he raised the butcher's knife and killed the blood in Jidu.

In the governor of the Eight Kings, Yan Xianchen was scolded by Yan Dan for three hours and scolded with blood. His position did not move, but the title was cut off, half of the private guard was reduced, and half of the fief was taken back. What's strange is that Yan Dan didn't touch Liao Du in Yan Xianchen's house, and he hadn't heard of any wind with Liao Duguan, and he didn't know how Yan Dan planned it.

In addition to these unlucky dignitaries, dozens of halls of many vassal states in the Dayan Dynasty were killed by the blood swallow army, but also many people and households were involved in it, which were also killed by the whole family. Half of the many martial arts fairs on Xiongwu Avenue were involved with many criminals. The blood Yan army besieged many martial arts centers on Xiongwu Avenue for three days and three nights, except for thousands of large and small martial arts museums were killed clean, and half of Xiongwu Street was razed to the ground.

And the main field army of the Dayan Dynasty has been launched under the leadership of Le Yi and other generals to prepare to attack those rebellious vassal states. This will be a long-lasting war, because the territory of the Dayan Dynasty is too vast. Even if other vassal states loyal to the Dayan Dynasty send troops to cooperate, the war will not end in a short time.

For all of the above, the official's final explanation of the Yan Dynasty is: the Marquis of Tianyun should not beg to cooperate with the swallows, the wind patrol department has no blood Yan army, and thoroughly investigate the case of the vassals' rebellion, and the unruly assassination of Yanle Gongyan. Under The behind-the-scenes mastermind of the rebellion, the Wei Chamber of Commerce, killed all the rebellious ministers and killed them, and the Yan Dynasty was in a clear sky.

This is the official explanation. Don't beg, you are still confused and don't know how the Yanzi, the patrol department and the blood swallow army investigated the case, and this credit is also on him. His fiefdom changed from 130 cities south of Huaiyang to 300 cities, and the fiefdom soared by more than half. But his enemies have also suddenly increased countless, at least many vassaldoms, and there are now millions of people who want to kill him.

He complained and cried to Lu Chengfeng with a sad face. Don't beg to feel that he is really innocent. Yan Dan said that he asked him to cooperate with Jing Ke and Gao Jianli to investigate the case of Yan's unruly assassination. He hasn't investigated much yet. How did he lead to such an earth-shaking result? And all the credit fell on him. He felt that he had become Yan Dan's bait again, and he didn't know who he was going to seduce.

This feeling is not good, but it is extremely bad.

Therefore, after confirming that Yan Dan handed over the mine vein that produced empty spiritual gold to Lu Chengfeng to take care of, Don't beg and hurriedly urged Lu Chengfeng to go on the road, preparing to carry out the plan they had been preparing for a long time: let the Iron family break away from the State of Lv and become its own force At the same time, don't beg to go to Mengshan, find a beautiful and uninhabited spiritual vein, and build a cave with three caves.

When Lu Chengfeng led people to prepare everything" and summoned Princess Yingchuan and the envoys of Lishan Kingdom, Don't beg took Tichao to Buleyuan. In the battle at the gate, Princess Bile was seriously injured, especially the black skeleton transformed by the head, which was even more traumatized. Don't beg for so many busy days, you have to visit one or two. However, Princess Le's injury was very serious. She had been retreating and recuating all the time, with a sad face. Bai Zhu'er. Bai Zhuer stopped her several times and begged for a big ride. Don't beg for help, you can only ask for white bamboo. After Bai Zhuer sauered Princess Le, she had no choice but to return to Yanle Mansion.

On the night before departure, Don't beg secretly made three small Zhoutian moving plates, which can be used for up to ten. They were placed at the bottom of the lake in the back garden of Yanle Mansion, in the sewer outside the gate of Yanle Mansion, and in a remote house in Jidu City.

The owner of this house was a spy ambushed by a rebellious vassal state in Jidu. This time, he was also beheaded by the whole family. The house was nationalised by the Dayan Dynasty, and then quickly auctioned by the official auction. Don't beg to buy this house easily and stuff a moving array into the dry well in the backyard of the house.

Ready for all this, early the next morning, the begging party came to the Dayan Palace.

Don't beg, Lu Chengfeng, including the guards of Roque's enemies, Ma Liang, Meng Xiaobai, Zhang Hu, Hu Wei and other cronies, as well as Princess Yingchuan's entourage without her, and the happy envoys of the Lishan Kingdom. The group of people came to an urn city on the southwest

The so-called urn city is a city in the middle of the city, which is a square city with a length and a width of 100 feet surrounded by a high wall in the corner of the imperial city. The whole wall here is watered with metal to remove the countless powerful forbidden arrays engraved on it, and more than a dozen golden elixir immortals are on duty here all year round. There are nearly a hundred towering arrow towers in the distance, and thousands of bed crossbows and ink machines have blocked this place.

These are just defensive forces on the surface. Don't beg at the gate of the urn, you can sense the underground of this urn. There is an extremely powerful energy response. There should be a self-destruction array below and a huge number of fire attribute spiritual stones. Once the peripheral defense prohibition is broken, once the array is activated, unless there is immortal cultivation in the urn city, it will be blown to an end.

The ground of the urn city is made of a large number of carved and flat jade pieces, with a complex array of tens of feet on it. Dozens of water tank-sized jade plates are suspended above the array. There are also complex array patterns on the jade plate. A large number of spiritual stones are embedded in these jade plates, shining with dazzling inspiration.

Because Lu Chengfeng borrowed the moving array of the Dayan Dynasty to the State of Lv this time under the guise of Zuo Guozheng's official duties, all the spiritual stone expenses were paid by the treasury of the Dayan Dynasty. Otherwise, the cost of transmitting more than a thousand times to the State of Lv will be enough to bankrupt the whole State of Lv" or empty all of Lu Chengfeng's current possessions. At this time, there are a large number of eunuchs carrying large bags of spiritual stones, carefully adding the spiritual stones into the inlay in the array map, and several golden elixir immortals are looking around in the array map, and from time to time they play spiritual tips to check the stability of the array map.

Don't beg was looking at these chambermaids' eunuchs. Princess Yingchuan has come to Begging with a fragrant wind and gently wrapped her left arm with two hands. With a trace of rosy red glow on her face, Princess Yingchuan laughed softly and said, "The Marquis of Tianyun is so amazing. The whole Yan Dynasty has been messed up by the Marquis of Tianyun? What the hell is going on? In the past few days, there have been a lot of killings, and Jidu City has a smell of blood. Except"

Don't beg to look back at Princess Yingchuan and suddenly laughed: "Doesn't the princess know the details? Princess Yingchuan looked at her bitterly and sighed softly, "Gu Chuan is just the daughter of the king of the State of Lu. What is it in Jidu?"

He stared at Gu Chuan deeply. Don't beg spread out his hands and said with a wry smile, "Actually, in addition to the matter of the Shijiaguan, I received information that it was related to the assassination of Shi Tian's unruly public." So I ran to explore, among other things, I really don't

No, don't beg is just a gun, which was used by His Majesty and Gao Jianli's high school to scare people. In fact, what happened this time? "Don't beg is also full of confusion."

The eyes flowed, and Princess Yingchuan whispered, "On that day, Your Majesty suddenly took someone to the Wei's Chamber of Commerce. As soon as they met, the Wei's Chamber of Commerce suddenly opened a large array to besiege Your Majesty. Is it true that Tianyunhou doesn't know about this matter? Why did Your Majesty go to the Wei's Chamber of Commerce? Why..."

Don't beg to interrupt Princess Yingchuan's words. He quietly pulled back his arm and laughed in a low voice, "Aunt Yingchuan, don't beg for Liu Suifeng. Lord Liu is your best friend. In addition to "a few steps backwards", don't beg to stop talking to the amorous Princess Yingchuan. He faintly felt the shadow of Liao Yu behind Princess Yingchuan. I'm afraid that this traitor has noticed that some faces are out of control, so he wants to find out the answer from Don't Begging?

It seems that the last time you didn't beg to raid the Shijiaguan, which gave a great shock to the poison. But don't beg, he is confused. He doesn't know what Yan Dan, Gao Jianli and others know and what they have done at all. What can he say? It seems that the fog at this end can only be vague.

The array suddenly emitted a shining light! The clear sound came from the twelve jade plates in the middle of the array.

A golden elixir fairy shouted loudly, "It's done, everyone can transmit it."

Everyone is awesome, and the recommendation is awesome!

Continue to be awesome. Today, Sen broke out, and there is an update!

In order to recommend, a small outbreak of pig's head!