Steal the sky

Chapter 182 The Destruction of the Kingdom

When Yan Dan set a trap to trap the Wei clan in Jidu, Don't beg took Meng Xiaobai and his party to Qingyang City, the capital of Gaoling.

On the back of the capital of Gaoling is a small green mountain. The southern foot of the small green mountain, which opens like an arm, is washed out of a fertile plain by the Yinsha River. Qingyang City is located on this plain. As the capital of the Western vassal states, the scale of Qingyang City is far less than that of thistle. Qingyang City, which is less than ten miles long and wide, plus several Acropolises and nearly a hundred villages outside the city, the population of people living here is less than one million.

Now these millions of people are crowded in Qingyang City, all of whom are equipped with all kinds of weapons and armor, and have been recruited as soldiers to guard the acropolis.

In addition to the millions of newly armed militiamen, there are less than 37,000 elite soldiers left in the city. The three forces of Lv, Lishan and Tiejia joined hands to raid. More than 100,000 troops of Gaolingguo, who were confronting the Canglang River and the army of Lishan, were defeated overnight. The army was chased and killed for thousands of miles. Only more than 30,000 people could escape back to Qingyang City.

The three forces joined forces to besiege the Gaoling Kingdom. In a few months, it has annexed 60% of the territory of the Gaoling Kingdom. Now, as long as Qingyang City is captured, the remaining land of Gaoling will have no barriers and defensive forces, and Gaoling will become a historical term.

In the past few months, Gao Lingguo's envoy submitted a complaint to Jidu and asked the suzerain to make a ruling on the matter. However, in charge of ruling this matter, Zuo Guozheng and Lu Chengfeng were sitting in the coalition camp. As soon as Gao Lingguo's envoys had submitted documents to Zuo Guozheng Mansion, they were killed by Lu Chengfeng's subordinates in Jidu. At this moment, Gao Lingguo has no internal combat power and no external reinforcements, and has reached the point of exhaustion.

At this moment, more than 500,000 people besieged Qingyang City. Except for the direction of Xiaoqing Mountain in the north, the other three directions were surrounded. Moreover, the 500,000 troops are all the most elite hundred war divisions of the State of Lu, the Lishan Kingdom and the Tie family, and the defeated generals and the armed militia in Qingyang City are not the same fighting force.

Don't beg to meet Lu Chengfeng on a hill overlooking Qingyang City in Xiaoqing Mountain. The goodbye to the two of them was naturally another burst of joy. After a few words of greeting, Lu Chengfeng introduced the current situation to Buqi. "Qingyang City can't defend the city." Lu Chengfeng has arranged a big explosion array of fire attributes near the gate. Once triggered, he can bombard the gate of Qingyang City in the air. But now, the Jindan immortals of today's Lingzong suddenly appeared in Qingyang City. They claimed to be temporarily resting in Qingyang City, but they have not left for more than a month. These amplistic Jindan immortals make Lu Chengfeng dare not take action.

The three-party armies of Lu Guo, Li Shan Guo and Tie Jia did not dare to attack the city easily. There are seven Jindan immortals in the city, not seven naives. If it is an innate warrior, the three parties will work together, and the seven innate warriors will be crushed to pieces. But Jindan immortal "that is the existence of semi-immortals, and it is the Jindan elder of the Tianling Sect, one of the thirteen sects of Xiandao in the Great Yan Dynasty. How can several vassal forces dare to offend them?

"If these seven golden elixir immortals don't leave, the army can't attack the city..." Lu Chengfeng frowned and sighed: "The foundation of Lv, Lishan and Tiejia is not thick enough. The daily cost of the 500,000 troops is a large number. If the city is not attacked, the military expenditure will be unbear I don't know how these seven bastards came out. What did they do when they came to Qingyang City..."

Don't beg and sneered. He said coldly, "They are the elders who came to meet them without fear. It's also smart. It's not easy for Lv Guo to respond blatantly, so he will stay in the capital of Gao Lingguo. This is the closest big city to Mengshan except for Lv Guoguo. Unfortunately, their calculations don't work..."

After mediting for a moment, Don't beg to look at Lu Chengfeng, who was full of confusion, and asked with a smile, "Is the dark chess I asked you to prepare, in place..."

Lu Chengfeng led the leader: "The 70,000 elite soldiers from the Shanbo clan have been ambushed in Xiaoqing Mountain for two months. These barbarians are not easy to deal with. Grandpa has always colluded with the Shanbo people. This time, he used the excuse you made up to borrow 70,000 elites from the Shanbo people to attack the Gaoling country to divide the benefits. These barbarians have not seen enough gold, silver and jewelry these days. They are ready to go back home..."

Don't beg and sneered. He held his head high and said coldly, "If you want to go back, how can it be so simple? The law of the Great Yan army has made great achievements in killing barbarians. The elites of these 70,000 Shanbo people are not begging to make great contributions to make great sacrifices to sit firmly in the position of the left country. Immediately mobilize the elites of the Shanbo people and let them attack the city immediately. The seven golden elixir immortals of Tianling Sect, give it to me..."

Lu Chengfeng was hosed. He looked at Buqi and exclaimed, "What are you talking about..."

Don't beg and don't say anything. He pointed casually and spewed out the celestial disk from his body, turning it into a jade disk and flying high into the sky, releasing a trace of starlight, illuminating the sky and the world around him. Soon there was a fierce scolding in Qingyang City, and the seven Dodge lights flew up quickly and quickly flew towards Begging. Don't beg fiercely and shout: "Mobilize the elites of the Shanbo people to attack the city. When they and the defenders in Qingyang City are both defeated, they will kill them all. The lord of Gao Ling colluded with the barbarians to kill the princes around him. This charge must be put on the head of the king's office of Gao Ling. I took these seven golden elixir wastes away..."

Recall the celestial spirit to determine the astral disk, and don't beg for the light of the sword and leave. The greedy wolf sword flew extremely fast, and a black light flew through the air in an instant, flying out of dozens of miles in the blink of an eye.

Seven Dodge light followed Don't beg for mercy and chased after him without relaxing at all. After a few breaths, a few escapes flew away.

Lu Chengfeng looked worried for a while in the direction of Don't beg to disappear, and then stamped his feet fiercely and shouted harshly: "Ring the drums, singing, raising the fire for faith, and shouting the 70,000 troops of the Shanbo people to attack the city. Let the Marquis of Yuanyang send messengers to tell the group of barbarians to break through Qingyang City, and they will give priority to all the property. All the women's excellent Zhu Tao choose, and what they like is theirs.

The generals surrounded by Lu Chengfeng heard the sound one after another, and Yuanyang Hou Tiekaishan immediately sent his confidant messenger to the valley where the 70,000 troops of the Shanbo people were hiding. A few months ago, Marquis Yuanyang sent his absolute confidant to inform the leader of the Shanbo clan who had a long-standing close friendship with him, invited him to send troops to help him attack the Gaoling Kingdom, and promised countless benefits.

The leader of the Shanbo clan and the Yuanyang Hou family have had a friendship for more than 200 years. Their armor, weapons, food and grass and other things have been strongly supported by the Yuanyang Hou family. In the mountainous areas controlled by the Shanbo people, all kinds of rare things produced are naturally supplied to the Yuanyang Hou family. The friendship between the two families has a long time and sufficient trust, and both sides have benefited a lot from this long relationship. Therefore, as soon as the messenger of Tiekai Mountain left, the Shanbo clan came out, and the most elite 70,000 young people in the clan formed an army to join the offensive against Gaoling Kingdom.

At this moment, as soon as the messenger of the iron mountain left, many elites of the Shanbo people who had been impatient in the valley poured out. Among the 70,000 barbarian soldiers, 30,000 rode on all kinds of beasts. In the sad horn, 30,000 beasts rode in front, 40,000 tribes were behind, Nearly 2,000 barbarian beasts with faint light shining behind them and the virtual shadow of fierce beasts rushed to Qingyang City like a tide.

The Gao Lingguo garrison at the head of Qingyang City exclaimed in horror. They never dreamed that as soon as the seven final barriers Jindan immortals left, the enemy began to attack the city. It's okay to attack the city. Why did it not attack the army of Lv, Lishan and Tiejia, but these barbarians with ferocious tattoos all over?

Gao Lingguo is away from Mengshan, and there is still a Lv state in the middle. Unless the Lv state is swept away by the barbarians, how can the barbarians appear under the Qingyang city?

No matter what the Gaoling people in Qingyang City think, the barbarian soldiers have shouted and started the attack with their various strange abilities. The highly poisonous thorns swept the head of Qingyang City like a storm. Tens of thousands of wells on the wall of the city were stung and splashed with poisonous blood. Their bodies quickly shrank into a small black meat mass, which was particularly ferocious and horrible. Those militiamen, who were not in high morale, were in a mess on the spot, and ran around crying and running around one by one.

Seeing such a chaotic scene on the head of the city, the Shanbo generals who commanded the Shanbo soldiers howd loudly and commanded the people to rush to the wall. The bounce of thousands of those beast riders is extremely amazing, and one jump can rush to the wall several feet high. The beast riders rushed up to the city wall and killed the many high-level soldiers on the wall. They immediately killed the blood into a river and rolled their heads.

Coupled with the existence of nearly 2,000 barbarian beasts, these people are powerful warriors comparable to innate masters after the outbreak of beast souls. Nearly 2,000 innate warriors have no resistance in Qingyang City. Those Gaoling tyrants curled up in Qingyang City may be able to make up a lot of offerings of innate warriors and innate realm monks, but these offerings are used to protect their own lives. How can they go to the city to fight?

It didn't take long for the 70,000 barbarian army to break through the four gates of Qingyang City and enter the city.

The 500,000 coalition forces of the three parties quickly mobilized and surrounded Qingyang City in all directions. Then Lu Chengfeng moved his mind and pinched a seal, which triggered a lot of explosions ambushed early near the Qingyang City Gate. The horrible explosion rose to the sky, and the fire and dust swept through the land. Tens of thousands of barbarian soldiers and soldiers of the High Kingdom were involved in the firelight and died tragically on the spot.

The deafening battle horn sounded, and the 500,000 troops of the three forces rushed into Qingyang City with butcher knives.

Countless allied generals roared loudly in the rolling flow of people: "Gao Lingguo colluded with barbarians to attack and kill the allies. The crime deserves death.

Any of my big swallows can be killed! Kill, kill, kill! Break through Qingyang City and kill Gao Lingguo!"

Qingyang City was broken, and Gao Ling's room was captured. Then he accidentally walked out of the water in the captive camp that night, and Gao Ling's room was burned into coke. The huge wealth accumulated by Gaoling State for hundreds of years has been divided evenly among the three forces. The wealth of many powerful and rich people in Gaoling has made 500,000 allied soldiers become a small rich man.

The people of Gao Ling are howling, while the soldiers and civilians of the three parties are laughing. The gold mine on the Canglang River was taken over by the three forces, and the territory of Gao Lingguo was quickly dismembered and became the mouth food of the three forces. A piece of territory was divided from the State of Lu, and with the land obtained from the Kingdom of Gaoling, the Tie family of the Marquis of Yuanyang changed and established its own vassal state, and quickly presented the national letter to Lu Chengfeng of the left state of the Dayan Dynasty to pay homage to Dayan.

In just a quarter of an hour, the Yuanyang Kingdom established by the Iron Family completed all the legal procedures and became one of the more than 100 vassal states of the Dayan Dynasty.

As long as Tiekaishan goes to Jidu to visit Yandan once, the source sniper country will officially become the prince of Dayan.

And Gao Lingguo... What is Gao Lingguo? Has this vassal state ever existed?