Steal the sky

Chapter 191 Disciples of Ghost Valley

The aura of the underground veins, the earth's air in the surrounding mountains and rivers, and the water vapor in the lake. The river power in several small rivers and streams is the power of the breeze blowing through the surrounding mountains and forests. All the power of heaven and earth around was grasped by the black-robed man, and all of them turned into a huge magnetic force of the geocentric element. Except for this quintessential, like a python-killing geocentric magnetic force, with the Huxin Yutai as the core, there is no other force.

Two green ghost fire spewed out of the eyes of the man in black robe. He stared at Don't beg and sneered and said, "Give me the essence of the innate garrison, as well as the black dragon spirit ring with my emperor. I can also capture you alive and give it to my emperor. If you don't follow, you can smash your body and leave your soul to bring to my emperor, which is cheap." Don't beg for a flash of spirit. He hugged Princess Bule's slender and weak waist and flew back. He shouted with all his strength, "Come on, help! This man is the subordinate of the Qin Emperor's victory, the spy of the Great Spring Dynasty, who sneaked into the Great Yan Dynasty..."

The sound sounded like thunder, and it spread dozens of miles in an instant.

Dozens of spiritual knowledge shrouded this side in all directions in Jidu City in an instant. Several of the spirituals were even more angry, hitting this side like a meteor, and bumping fiercely with the shield composed of the magnetic force of the geocentric element supported by the black-robed man. Only a few loud noises were heard, and the two invisible and colorless forces in the void collided, splashing several huge translucent whirlpools visible to the naked eye.

The huge whirlpool swirled in mid-air, and two small mountains by the lake flew up and were swept into those whirlpools. I only heard a burst of business of chewing beans with teeth, and the two mountains were stirred into pieces, turning into earth-yellow gas and integrating into the power of geocentric magnetism.

The man in black shook his head and sneered, "You're looking for death!" With Sen Sen's sneer, the huge magnetic force of the geocentric element mutated and turned into a huge net covering the ground of 30 miles. With a loud noise, everything in the area within a radius of 30 miles was annihilated. Whether it was the peaks, the earth, lakes, rivers, flowers and trees, or even the ordinary guards and maids of the rare conferences around them, they were all bombarded into the smallest particles by the magnetic force of the earth. The energy in all objects was forcibly pulled out by a strange and evil force and turned into the power of geocentric elemental magnetism, which increased the elemental force within 30 miles by several times.

The auction venue of the original rare conference fell into a big pit more than ten miles deep in place. The pit wall is as smooth as a mirror, and it is smooth without any burrs. Wherever the magnetic force of the center of the earth is shrouded, even the dust is completely wiped out by the huge force, and all the forces are integrated into this huge power shield. In addition to the begging for Princess Bile, only those who rushed out of the house were still suspended in mid-air, and their bodies were controlled by huge magnetism, and they could not move like flies in amber.

Don't beg for surprise. This man's cultivation is unfathomable, and his practice is even more strange. No matter what kind of power between heaven and earth falls into his hands, it will turn into the power of the center of the earth to attack the enemy, just like a small black hole" devouring everything, and then transforming all the power into the center of the earth magnet under his control. This kind of cultivation, this kind of skill, is basically an abnormal existence.

reluctantly turned his head and looked at Princess Beile, and happened to see Princess Beile also turning her head to look at him. It's wonderful. The two of them didn't talk, but just understood each other's meaning as soon as they looked at each other. Don't beg your fingers to flick, and take out nine of the powerful "Da Chitian Xuanyuan Red Gold Fire Thunder Rune" secret made by Tianling Sect from the ring. This is also all the big Chitian Xuanyuan Red Gold Fire Thunder Runes he got after killing so many Tianling Sect Jindan immortals. The power of this rune is

Fingers flicked, and a drop of blood from the fingertips sprayed out and landed on nine red-gold runes. The huge mana fluctuation rushed away." Suddenly, he opened a small normal space with a diameter of more than ten feet beside him and Princess Bule. In this space, the magnetic power of the geocentric element was completely eliminated, and the five-color divine light behind Princess Bule suddenly soared into a pool, fire and wind.

Princess Dule's eyes stared, pinched a seal with both hands, whispered a few spells, and the five-color light on her ten fingers swept out. "It turned into a huge handprint and rolled over to the people who rushed out of the essence of the Rift Sword Sect. Where the five-color light well passes, the pure magnetic power of the geocentric element is gradually forcibly decomposed into all kinds of mixed aura. Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, all kinds of auras are available. The power of the man in black destroys everything and integrates everything, while the five-color light of Princess Bule is to deter everything and restore everything. The power of the two is exactly the opposite extremes.

But after all, her cultivation is not as big as that of the other party. Princess Bule's five-color light can't rush out of Li Xu and is strangled by the huge magnetic force around her. The green ghost fire in the eyes of the man in black robesed far away. With a strange laughter, the magnetic power rolled around him, and crushed the five-color divine light emitted by Princess Bule inch by inch.

Princess Dule blushed with a red face. She looked at Nie Yaonu, Nie Baihong and others who were bound by the power of meta magnetism and could not move in the air. She suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood. The light on her palm was bright, and the five-color light rushed forward again for about half a mile. With the initial recovery of serious injury, she consumed her own essence and blood, which tripled the effectiveness of her own magical power inherited from her biological mother, and immediately broke through the interception of the magnetic force of the geocentric element.

Nie Yaonud made a long roar at the right time, and her long silver-white hair flew in the air with a silk sword spirit sweeping around. There was a vast expanse of white swords behind her. The strong wind rose to the sky and turned into five sharp sword lights and rushed straight into the sky. A sword rainbow with a thick fist and a length of more than ten feet shot out of her mouth, like an iron knife shredded paper, smashing the thick and dignified power of the geocentric magnetism in front of her, which opened up a channel for the five-color divine light of Princess Bule.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and there were countless small blood spots on Nie Yao's skin. The huge pressure of the magnetic force of the geocentric element made her body unable to withstand the huge anti-shock force through her sword light. The blood vessels under the skin were broken one after another, and the skin was full of blood spurting. Nie Yaonu roared, and her long hair rolled out quickly. She rolled up all the people around her, such as Meng Xiaobai, Yan Bujie, Xiong Jin and Xiong Yin, and tried her best to jump to the five-color divine light rushing in front of her.

The five-colored light rushed over at the right time, rolled up Nie Yao's daughter and her party quickly retreated to Princess Bule like a spark. The five-color divine light retreated extremely quickly, but the magnetic power of the geocentric element recovered faster. The huge pressure blasted on the five-color god light, which shocked Princess Bule and the people in the five-color god light all over.

Fortunately, there are also bear demons in the five-color divine light, bear gold and bear silver. They roared angrily and turned into a big subway bone bear body. The two giant black bears about ten feet tall waved their huge bear's paws and patted around. The huge power offset the continuous power of the ground, which barely allowed Princess Bule to take everyone to his side.

The man in black who was distracting his mind to deal with the siege of many masters of the thirteen sects of the immortal road around him was slightly stunned. He sneered and said, "You guys, it's a little trick. This little woman is very talented. If it is dedicated to my emperor, my emperor will definitely be happy. The imperial concubine doesn't have her share" But the title of a side concubine is indispensable!"

In the faint sneer, the black-robed man's fingers gently waved and suddenly the power of thousands of geocentric magnetism condensed, and the black sword light visible to the naked eye swept in all directions, killing the people of the thirteen sects of Xiandao on the scene one after another. Except for the old man Tianling, Baixia Jushi and many other masters of the Yuanying period who were in charge of the rare conference, in addition to the Qinglingmen monks who were angry and left early, the other eleven monks could not stop the black-robed man's sword at all. Wherever the sword light passes, all the magic weapons flying swords have been smashed by the sword light that is heavier than Mount Tai.

The bodies of Jindan immortals and naive people were smashed one by one, and together with the soul, they were killed by the sword light condensed by the power of the earth's heart. Nearly a hundred dazzling golden elixir turned into a little golden light and fell into the sleeves of the black-robed man.

Except for a few people such as the old man of Tianling, all the other monks were killed. As for the dignitaries and rich people who participated in the auction in the fine house, they were bound in mid-air by the power of meta magnetism and had been compressed into a meat ball by a huge force. It seems that the man in black has made a plan to capture these people alive.

Killed the leading figures of the thirteen sects who were in the way. The man in black robe sneered indifferently and said, "Don't beg for help but to kill them. That little woman, don't resist, so as not to break your skin and restrain your things. On the contrary, it is not beautiful.

I heard that the man in black said that he would capture Princess Hao Le alive and dedicate it to Yingzheng. Don't beg so angry that the short hair that had just grown this month suddenly stood up fiercely. He pointed to the man in black and shouted harshly, "Let go of your mother's big fart. The winner doesn't even want to touch a hair of Bu Le. What bullshit, the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, if he dares to move a hair, I will castrate him!"

The seal turned into nine red-gold electric shocks* and shot out. Suddenly, a huge cloud vortex in the cloud condensed in the void suddenly rotated rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the thick thunder of 3,927 water tanks roared down.

The man in black casually turned to the void, and the invisible power of the center of the earth turned into a thick shield over his head. Twenty-seven thunderbolts exploded on the magnetic force of the geocentric element, which caused the sky to collapse and crack. The geocentric element was constantly blown up, but the black-robed man's body kept gushing out more powerful geocentric elements and replenished into the shield. In the blink of an eye, twenty-seven thunderbolts were exhausted, and the hair of the man in black was not touched by the thunder.

After a few mocking smiles, the man in black shouted coldly to Don't beg: "Kid, dare you dare to be power with some runes? Hey, I'm Zhang Yi, if it's easy to deal with, won't it be empty for more than two thousand years? With one finger, hundreds of thousands of slap-sized flying knives condensed by the power of the center of the earth shot at Don't beg one after another. Zhang Yi, a man in black, had a murderous heart for begging. He was unwilling to capture him alive again, but wanted to kill his body and take away his soul. Suddenly, countless starlight sprinkled in the sky and turned into a network that firmly wrapped the beggars.

Yuan Wei's flying knife hit the starlight network, bursting one after another, turning into a strong five elements of aura. Countless colorful lights shine in the void, which is extremely charming.

Zhang Yi took a deep breath. He slowly untied his cloak and showed a clear face. He twisted his long beard and said with a long smile, "Since you're here, why don't you come out? You, my brother, have been separated for more than 2,000 years!"

A thick silver light flew from the sky, and a middle-aged scribe in a white robe stepped on a two-winged python and slowly fell from the sky.

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