Steal the sky

Chapter 219 Rift Days

After a sudden cover-up attack, the Qin army disappeared without a trace, and no Qin army appeared for more than half a month. Dayan continued to build his own 270 outposts. Each level will be guarded by thousands of people in the future. [Stealing the sky Baidu Tieba] Each level has a strategic defense prohibition comparable to the wall of Jidu. These levels will become the most troublesome stumbling block on the way forward by the Qin army.

and other levels have been completed, and all the relevant cards are moved into a whole. When equipped with a large number of monks and monsters for defense, any action of the Qin army will be strongly obstructed and counterattacked by the Yan army.

All the work is carried out by professionals. Don't beg and Lu Chengfeng. This general manager of the western camp of the Dayan Dynasty secretly slipped out of the official residence with a few confidants and came to the depths of Mengshan.

A small moving array is constantly spitting out a large number of husbands. Nie Yaonu and Nie Baihong, with 42 Jindan immortals and hundreds of innate dog monks, are guarding around, supervising these officers to go to a nearby small rift valley. Among these officials, some men in low-level officials' clothes ran back and forth, constantly shouting to these officials, and they were not allowed to look around.

Looking at the golden elixir fairy beside Nie Yao and Nie Baihong's mother and son, don't beg for help but be shocked. Forty-two Jindan immortals, plus their mother and son, there are forty-four monks above the Jin Jin period. There are only thirty-six Jindan elders who are open to the public, and most of them are close to Yan Li, who are Yan Li's confidants. And these mother and son are good, and there are so many confidant Jindan immortals around them.

After a few glances at these Jindan immortals, Don't beg and Lu Chengfeng hurried to Nie Yaonu and Nie Baihong and saluted them.

"Elder, Master!" Don't beg to bow and get up. He pointed to the small rift valley and smiled, "I have explored the magic of using the earth to explore 'below is a huge spirit stone vein, and the quality is excellent. The most common is the middle-grade spirit stone, which is about 80%. The top-grade spirit stone can be one and a half, and the rest are the best spirit stones. What's more precious is that this spirit stone vein is buried deep in the ground. There are several accompanying rare metal mines nearby, and there are also thousands of clips deep underground.

After swallowing the spit, Don't beg continued to introduce: "As long as you open a mine in the Rift Valley, let these servants open the mine below for excavation. In three or five years, no one will know that there is such a huge vein here. The spiritual stones and various materials excavated in the past three or five years are enough for the great development of the Rift Sword Sect.

Nie Yaonu nodded repeatedly with satisfaction. She looked at the big battle that kept coming out of the moving array with a smile and praised, "Don't beg. Among so many disciples of the old woman, you are the most useful. With these veins, Rift Sky Sword Sect can become a truly independent sect and will no longer be controlled by others.

Nie Baihong frowned and said, "It's just that now that I don't know where the Daqin invaded Mengshan, [Stealing Baidu Tieba] will fight with Da Yan here. The safety of this vein needs to be carefully considered."

Nie Yao's heroic hand waved, and she said carelessly, "It doesn't matter. The wind has become a golden elixir, right? Then the way of formation in the heaven-filling formula should also have been achieved. There are some magic arrays to cover up the breath here. It's not that you are extremely unlucky and won't be found. Whether it's Daqin or Dayan, they are going to fight here. Where do they have time to carefully explore what's underground here? Instead, it is a good opportunity for us to develop ourselves. Although it's a little dangerous, it's safer. At least Dayan is not in the mood to continue to stare at us now.

Pointing to the small rift valley, Nie Yaonu smiled and said, "From today on, the Neizong Mountain Gate of the Rift Tianjian Sect is officially confirmed here. With the war between the two countries, we can develop our own strength wholeheartedly.

The old woman has no idea of dominating the world, but she doesn't want to be pinched as a tool in the palm of her hand in the future. Without the restrictions of Dayan, the sky is high and the sea is wide. We split the Tianjian Sect, and we can be free at will.

Among the officials who were supervising their husbands to go to the Little Rift Valley, a middle-aged man in a brocade robe and demeanor quickly walked this way. Nie Yaonu pointed to the man and said to Begging with a smile, "Look, this is Ye Ziyuan, a disciple secretly accepted by Bai Hong 50 years ago. He is the son of the Ye family in Tianfang Kingdom. Sixty years ago, he was forced to leave his home and led 100,000 people to open a new city. He built Ziye City on the shore It's a good deal."

Ye Ziyuan came over quickly and saluted Nie Yao and Nie Baihong in awe.

Nie Baihong introduced the other party to the two sides. Don't beg took a deep look at Ye Ziyuan and greeted him with a smile: "Brother Ye, see you for the first time today. Don't beg for courtesy." Don't beg for God's mind to quietly explore Ye Ziyuan's body, and his heart suddenly moved again. Ye Zijue, who seems to be only about 40 people, is actually a fairy in the middle of Jindan, and Dantian has begun to condense Jianyuan.

Condensing the sword element, which is a unique characteristic of the Rift Sky Carving Sect's sword spirit return to the original formula. It condenses the five elements of sword spirit with secret methods and condenses it into an indestructible sword element, exerting a lethal power several times more powerful than ordinary spells. In addition to Nie Yao Nv and Nie Baihong, only Don't beg could get the secret of returning the sword spirit by means of exchange. Today, I saw the scene of Ye Ziyuan in Dantian. His swordsmanship around him is constantly transforming into a domineering and sharp Geng metal sword element, but the number of engraving elements is rare, only a little wisp. [Stealing the sky Baidu Tieba] It can be seen that he has also been taught today.

Being able to be taught the secret of sword spirit, Ye Ziyuan is definitely the confidant of Nie Baihong and Nie Yao's confidant. Don't beg for God's knowledge to sweep through the other forty-two Jindan immortals, and find that there are only three or five people in Dantian. He wrote down the appearance of these people. Since these people are the hardcore stomachs of Nie Yao's mother and son, it is also the manpower that he can borrow. Ye Ziyuan smiled and greeted each other. Then he and Lu Chengfeng met each other.

Lu Chengfeng, Ye Ziyuan, the two of them suddenly smiled tacitly in their chests as soon as they saw them. Don't beg, you can't help but be stunned. Lu Chengfeng looks a few years younger than Ye Ziyuan, but the two of them are so similar in both clothes and looks. Let's listen to Ye Ziyuan's personal experience. The son of the Ye family in Tianfang was forced to leave the house and led 100,000 people to open up a new city by himself. This is very similar to Lu Chengfeng's life experience.

Even the little bit of vicissitudes in the eyes of the two people is also like that.

Don't beg suddenly laughed, and his fingers kept rowing between the two. Nie Yao's daughter and Nie Baihong's mother and son were stunned. They carefully looked at Lu Chengfeng and Ye Ziyuan, and suddenly laughed. Nie Yaonu laughed for a long time, and then wiped away a tear from the corners of her eyes. She shook her head and sighed, "Why are the doormen accepted by the old woman all people like you who don't want your own father and don't want your mother? Hey, you should get close to each other in the future!"

Lu Chengfeng and Ye Ziyuan also looked at each other and laughed. Then the two saluted each other solemnly and bowed deeply to each other. Life experience is quite similar. Now I'm in the same Beimen. There is no need to do more matching. Lu Chengfeng, Ye Ziyuan, plus a don't beggar, will naturally become closer to other peers.

Even if they are all Nie Yaonu and Nie Baihong's confidants, the three of them will naturally be closer than others.

The people below in official costumes are from Ziye City. They are the officials in Ye Ziyuan Ziye City. [Stealing from the sky Baidu Tieba] are also Ye Ziyuan's confidants. Eight hundred capable officials, plus 30,000 from villages and towns around Ziye City, signed a ten-year contract, which is enough to preliminarily excavate those precious veins underground.

In just three or five years, with the spiritual stones produced in the veins, Nie Yao's mother and son can cultivate more confidant disciples and gradually break away from the control of the Dayan Dynasty. Once Nie Yao's female wings are full, Yan Li, the elder of the Rift Tianjian Sect, is afraid that she will have bad luck. However, Yan Li has no friendship with Begging and Lu Chengfeng. Who will pay attention to the precious metal mines under his dead flag? With these veins, you can refine flying sword weapons and arm the newly included disciples of Nie Yao Nv. Although Nie Yaonu's refinery level is really too poor, it is simply incomparable. But as long as the sect of the Rift Sword Sect has a flying carving, their strongest combat power comes from the indestructible sword spirit and sword element, and they don't need too many things outside.

In a word, with this secret vein, the future of Rift Sky Sword Sect is extremely bright.

Because of this relationship, Nie Yao's daughter and Nie Baihong were extremely interested. After looking at the husband's service that kept coming out of the moving array for a while, the mother and son, with their confidants around them, entered the small rift valleys, followed a mine that had been opened up, and entered the underground mine vein.

When they came a few days ago, Nie Yaonu had rushed to the 300,000-mile rift valley inside Mengshan in the depths. Dozens of swordsmen, who are strong enough to open up mountains and stones, have opened up enough space for more than 100,000 people to work and rest under this small rift valley. It's just that these spaces are close to the ground, and they are all ordinary rocks, so it is not easy to dig with a flying sword.

Once it is chiseled down and close to the spiritual stone mine and metal vein, the hardness of the rock layer is comparable to gold and iron. It will be extremely difficult to dig the rock with flying swords and spells. That's why Ye Ziyuan transferred 50,000 servants to be miners. At that time, he had to rely on the manpower of these servants to slowly dig spiritual stones and various metal ores.

At this time, a large number of husbands had entered the underground space. Under the arrangement of those officials, they were divided into teams of 100 people, divided into small caves, received living materials and special mining tools, and began to walk to separate mines.

These mines were also cut out by Nie Yao's daughter in the past few days. They are more than 2,000 feet deep into the ground and have been infinitely close to the veins below. Once you come into contact with the vein, the sword light and the ordinary spell cannot split the strong mountain rock, and the super-powerful spell will damage the spiritual stone in the vein. [Stealing the sky Baidu Tieba] must rely on mortal manpower to bring out the ore safely.

The tinkling sound echoed in the mine, and miners have begun to mine. On the rock wall entering the mine, there is an announcement with a clear code. A piece of spirit stone can get from one gold to a thousand gold according to the grade; a piece of metal ore can get ten silver to a hundred gold according to its weight and texture. The high salary is enough to stimulate these miners to risk their lives to work for ten years. Ten years later, they returned to Ziye City, which is the small rich man.

Ye Ziyuan took everyone to walk around the mine and introduced the various functional areas in the mine, especially the cultivation cave opened for the inner gate of the Rift Sword Sect.

Don't beg, Lu Chengfeng smiled and visited this huge underground cave group. Suddenly, the military situation hanging around their waists made the letter card jump suddenly. A sharp voice sounded from the letter card: "Senior He Qianqiu found the camp of the Qin army and was under siege. Please reinforce it as soon as possible. The big dream cloud is located 784 million miles away in the southwest.

Don't beg and Lu Chengfeng looked at each other. [Stealing the sky Baidu Tieba] hurriedly played Nie Yao Nv and hurriedly took people back to the official residence in Xiaomengcheng.