Steal the sky

Chapter 226 One-handed

Xiang Yu! The shameless Xiang Yu, who faced Jiangdong's father and Wujiang committed suicide!

Don't beg to look at the tall and powerful figure riding on the back of the black horse, emitting a fierce spirit, and couldn't help sighing. Unclass heroes are really extraordinary. After coughing up two mouthfuls of blood, don't beg to pull the Holy Spirit to retreat. Now I am not qualified and unable to participate in the affairs of these people.

But sooner or later, sooner or later, don't beg these former heroes to know that they are not the only ones in the world!

With a forceful flame in your eyes, don't beg to retreat back carefully.

Wanying Laolong didn't need to be greeted. He had already rolled up the flood and fled back with countless aquatic monsters. A big wave rolled over and involved Don't beg and the Holy Spirit in the flood. The old dragon flew over and slapped the head of the Holy Spirit: "Bastard, you bastard, you bastard, what can you do to save people? If something happens to you, who will send me the end of my retirement? Who will inherit the throne of our ancestral Dragon Yuanjiang Dragon King?" The Holy Spirit stared at Wan Ying Laolong and said in a low voice, "Don't beg to restore my eyes. This is a great grace. If you have a kindness, don't return it, don't be a son of man!"

Wan Ying Laolong slapped down a few more times, showing that the Holy Spirit held his head and rat. While slapped, he scolded, "Son of man, son of man, you are a son of bullshit! I'm a dragon, and you are also a dragon. What does it have to do with people? Next time you dare to take the risk of saving others and putting yourself in, I will, I will..." After scolding for a long time, Wan Ying Laolong doesn't know how to teach his son a lesson. Don't beg to make up for a dirty word to teach his son in your heart, just do your mother,! After a few strange smiles in his heart, a terrible shock wave suddenly came from the top of his head. Hongtao, which was smashed thousands of miles away by huge force, and the bodies of tens of thousands of giant water fish, turtles, water pythons and other monsters exploded one after another, and exploded into countless flesh and blood floating on Hongtao.

Everyone hurriedly looked up and only saw Yingzheng and Xiang Yu spitting blood and retreating again. Xiang Yu obviously surpassed the victory in physical strength, while the magic power of victory was more than that of Xiang Yu. The huge force of the two fought head-on with each other, and the body of Yingzheng was almost disintegrated by Xiang Yu's brute force, and Xiang Yu's soul was obviously shaken by Yingzheng's magic power, shaking his head desperately, trying to restore the chaotic mind.

The two hegemonic characters confronted each other head-on for the second time, and they were injured and retreated together. The skills of both of them are the kind of domineering type. Once they fight, there will be no progress or retreat, and all the trauma will be particularly serious.

Li Si, who was behind Ying Zheng, gritted his teeth and took out the scroll and brush, stared at Xiang Yu with his eyes, and wrote a big, dead, word on the scroll neatly. This, death, is an ancient insect and bird seal text, which exudes an ominous dark atmosphere. The tip of Li Si's pen swayed gently, and the huge "dead, the word was directly broken on the scroll. He shouted in a low voice, "Dharma, death, everything is silent*..." The strong black gas emerged from every sweat pore of Li Si, and Li Si's body suddenly dried up, and in an instant, he changed from a handsome middle-aged scribe to a dry and thin old man.

Xiang Yu, who was holding a dragon gun and looking up to the sky and laughing wildly, was about to launch a third inferior attack on the victory, suddenly shook his body. The void with a diameter of a hundred feet around his body suddenly darkened and instantly became as dark as ink. Only Xiang Yu's body emitted a faint white light, which could be seen The void seemed to suddenly become an eighteen-story hell. Countless twisted ghosts came out of the dark round space and grinned at Xiang Yu. Endless evil spirits rushed out of the void, with Morimori's death, and constantly extracted the vitality of Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu's body, which was originally full of vitality, shivered and stiffened in the void with the horse sitting down. The endless number of evil spirits, even if each evil spirit only sucked away a little anger the size of sesame seeds from him. In a short flash, Xiang Yu's skin and muscles quickly dried up, like a dry apple, and there was no vitality in an instant. The black horse roared up to the sky, and his muscles tightened fiercely. The dark and shiny fur quickly became dull.

Li Si, who had cut off a large piece of flesh by Xiang Yu's shoulder, sneered pitifully, and the black air all over his body kept flashing. He closed his eyes and tried his best to maintain the effectiveness of the Dharma just now.

Wearing a thick black robe, there is a strange luster flowing all over his body. Xu Fu, who can sometimes see twisted runes near his body, quietly flew out from behind Yingzheng. He looked at Li Si, who was surrounded by evil spirits." He stretched out his finger lightly and gently pointed to the void: "There are eight million gods in ancient and modern times, and I broke them with one finger. Zhoutian's world "past life and present life, one should be sacred" listen to my order *..."

Xu Fu's outstretched finger suddenly turned into a translucent shape, which suddenly expanded to more than three feet long with ordinary people's arm thickness. Countless fine runes loomed in his finger. His body trembled, and the aura of heaven and earth around him continued to integrate into his huge finger. After a short moment, the void in front of his fingertips suddenly broke.

Xu Fu's body came directly behind Xiang Yu through the shattered void. His swollen fingers were silently, gently like a piece of falling snow, slowly imprinted on Xiang Yu's back. Suddenly, there was a loud noise between heaven and earth, and the loud noise made thousands of tall mountains below disappear at the same time. There was a terrible roar from the depths of the big dream cloud with a radius of 100,000 miles. Countless columns of water composed of dark mud and sewage rushed to the sky, as high as a hundred miles.

The void around Xiang Yu's body suddenly smashed, and countless evil spirits turned into dark sticky light fog, which bombarded into his body with Xu Fu's finger. Xiang Yu leaned forward and was shot from the horse's back by a finger, and his armor turned into smash, revealing his bronze body. His skin was shattered one after another, and nine twisted black runes could be faintly seen drilling through his muscles. The broken god spell turned countless ghosts into the vicious power of silence into Xiang Yu's body *, turning it into a curse rune in his body *.

Hidden in Hongtao, he has withdrawn hundreds of miles. Don't beg, who has been peeping at the battlefield with Zhou Tianshen's eyes, sighed deeply: "The ancient law scriptures, the magic spells gathered in all directions, are really infinitely powerful. Unfortunately, it's a pity that these days, I haven't been able to study the way of ancient runes carefully at all, and I don't have the ability to use this finger at all *..." Don't beg's heart also clear that without the countless evil spirits mobilized by Li Si's usage, Xu Fu's eight-way gathering spirit Li Si's Fayan Ban and Xu Fu's Broken God Curse joined hands to give full play to the terrible power of shattering the mountains within thousands of miles.

The underground sludge rushed up half a day high, thousands of mountains of large and small were smashed one after another, and the endless atmosphere permeated around. The hills collapsed, and the veins under the mountain were also extremely traumatized. The immeasurable earth's qi leaked out one after another, turning into a visible aura storm raging around.

Zhang Yi, with a serious face, came out. He stretched out his hands, and a terrible suction suddenly came out of his body.

He is like a small black hole, instantly emptying all the free aura around his body. The huge suction quickly spread, covering the huge airspace of 100,000 miles in the blink of an eye. The endless spiritual qi was sucked into the body * by Zhang Yi" and then turned into a huge magnetic force of the geocentric element, pouring out of his body *.

This time, the huge magnetic force of the geocentric element was forcibly condensed into a black hole of only a few feet in diameter by Zhang Yi, with a sneer, and the thunder teleported to Xiang Yu's body. Xiang Yu, who had just been beaten by a broken curse of Xu Fu, plunged into a black hole composed of the power of meta magnetism. There was a huge attraction from all directions that was enough to smash the stars, just like countless big hands grabbing Xiang Yu's body. He was about to tear his body into the smallest meat.

Xiang Yu's body twisted its shape strangely. In the dark black hole, his body was like a toy made of plasticine, and he suddenly became a human figure.

"Arrow" Broken Star*..."

Among the ministers of the Qin Dynasty in the distance, Li Xin suddenly walked out. He opened a golden light, full of his own tall and strange-shaped long bow. "Dangdangdang, that is, three arrows shot. Three blinding strong rays shot out, rushed into the black hole composed of the power of metamagnetism, and shot on Xiang Yu's body. I don't know how Xiang Yu's body was refined. "Three arrows enough to pierce the mountain shot at him, but they just smashed his skin, but could not get into his muscles. After a rapid piercing on his body, the explosive sword light only brought a large amount of blood" but failed to really cause any damage to Xiang Yu.

Winning Zheng, who was holding the national jade seal and preparing to attack Xiang Yu again, changed slightly. He shouted sharply, "Good body, it's really a good body! Xiang Yu is a thief, and you are proud enough. It's a pity that there are countless capable ministers and generals around me. If you are alone, how can you be my opponent?" A long roar came, "Wang Jian, Wang Ben and Wang Li's family jumped up at the air at the same time. They held three precious mirrors in their left hand and released three colors of strange light to shine on Xiang Yu' The strong light, like three small suns, kept spreading the terrible heat wave of sword soldiers, making a long roar, piercing the three key points of Xiang Yu's eyebrows, throat and heart.

Wang Jian's cultivation is also at the peak of Yuanying. They also specialize in forging skills. Their bodies are strong, and their magic powers are only suitable for the world-class fierce generals who fight close to hand-to-hand combat. The three swords came out together, and the strength of the sword was enough to penetrate the mountain and split the sea. The three swords with dazzling light and forcing the heat wave tore the void and stabbed Xiang Yu's body heavily.

Almost one-tenth of the moment, all the ministers of the Qin Dynasty took action and launched a terrorist attack on Xiang Yu, which was enough to beat the monks in the realm of ordinary yuan gods. Whether it is magic power or magic weapons, the strength and background shown by all the ministers of the Qin Dynasty shocked Don't beg for a while.

Three swords pierced Xiang Yu's skin and was about to go deep into his body when Xiang Yu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Win the government! How can we need someone else's help to deal with this group of local chickens and dogs? There is a certain person, only Xiang Yu is alone, and you can be destroyed in the palm of Daqin!"

"The great Chu has gods, holding the axe and money and slaughtering the spirits! The god's name is Chi Youxi, and the world is overthrown!" With the long sound of Xiang Yu with a sense of sadness and old age, a rush of blood flew up behind him, and a bloody battle flag could be faintly seen flying in the air in the blood.

"A group of reptiles, get out of here*..."

Xiang Yu turned his right palm and lifted it towards the void. A bloody palm print became a hundred miles in size, rising to the sky with the roar of countless soldiers. Li Si's Dharma, Xu Fu's spell, Zhang Yi's magnetic power, and the sword light of Wang Jian's family were all shattered in the palm of

Xu Fu, Wang Jian and others vomited blood and flew away, spewing a large amount of blood from the seven orifices at the same time.

The huge blood-colored palm print rushed up a hundred miles high with a desperate breath, and then pressed it with a heavy palm.

On the ground, eighteen giant zombies tall pulled the big city built by the Qin army from the ground and lifted it up to the sky. The bloody palm print was pressed, and the heavy rune prohibition on the Qin army's big city was smashed, and thousands of Qin army warlocks howled and turned into ashes in the blood palm print.

With one palm, the ministers of the Qin army were defeated one after another.

One palm, recommendations fell all over the sky!