Steal the sky

Chapter 234 Stab you with a sword

On the bright moon night, the moon is bright and the stars are thin. Don't sit in the quiet room, you can hear the sound of green grass growing and blooming around. Winter has passed and spring has arrived. The ice and snow on Dayan's land are thawed, and everything is eager to release the vitality that has been accumulated for several months.

huā grass trees are busy drawing and sprouting. On this vibrant spring night, Don't beg heard the female bear humming from the yard next door. A group of bear demons of the Xiongqing brothers, I don't know where they have caught a group of female bears that have just finished hibernation, and are excitedly carrying out the plan to reproduce their offspring.

This is also the requirement of Xiong Wanling for all their descendants. All the bear spirits of the Black Wind Pass are working hard day and night these days to expand the scale of the Black Wind Pass bear kennel.

"This is the 153rd female bear scourge by their brothers, right?" Don't beg took a deep breath and slowly exhaled a colorful and mixed breath. The body * Zhenyuan has been purified a little more, and a dust-sized innate jade liquid aura has been condensed from the five internal organs, slowly integrating into the virtual elixir of the arms. This is all the results obtained by don't begging for a night of hard work.

After condensing into the innate five-element golden elixir, the practice of stealing the scriptures suddenly slowed down. The Jindan realm is still the period of theft to lay the foundation. Moreover, the foundation that needs to be laid at this stage is tens of millions of times more demanding than the requirements of the innate realm.

Feeling the faint light of ten virtual elixirs in his arms, Don't beg to push open the door of the quiet room and take a deep breath of the air mixed with the fragrance of vegetation and the smell of bears. In the yard next door, the female bears are still there, wowing and howling. They can't tell whether it's joy or pain, but it disturbs people's mood, so that they don't know what to say. One hundred and fifty-three ice-clear yellow huā daughter's daughter bear was thus harmed by you!" The divine consciousness glanced at the next yard quickly, and don't beg for a long sigh.

Step on the water cloud and fly high into the sky. Don't beg to open Zhou Tian's eyes and look around.

The divine light faintly shot out of the pupil, and even the movement of a sand and stone within a hundred miles is invisible in the field of view. Within thousands of miles, don't beg to see the figure of a night bird flying through the night sky in a hurry. His vision is as far as 1,500 miles away. At this distance, he can find the figure hidden in the deepest shadow.

On the wall of Mengjiabao, which has been repaired, the soldiers of the brigade are patrolling back and forth. In the sky, the Sky Survey Eagle Guard flashed by with a faint blue light from time to time. In the depths of the ground, the monk Dayan, who walked in the ground with the art of escape, was also patrolling in the direction of the flow of the veins, alerting the enemies that may appear at any time.

Except for the lights on the arrow tower, there is no light in the huge Mengjiabao.

Wrong, there is another place with the lights on. It was the quiet room window of Lu Chengfeng's calculation not far away, and there were still lights shining. After condensing the golden elixir, Lu Chengfeng's interest in the way of formation has increased several times. Now he is studying the formula of making up for the sky day and night. His strength is much greater than that of the Xiong Qing brothers who keep tossing on the female bear every day.

Looking around for a while, don't beg for your hands behind your back and look at the bright moon in the sky. Win the government, Xiang Yu. What are you waiting for? Why doesn't it appear yet? It has been four months since the war that day. Are you waiting for others to take action first? There are many advisers around Yingzheng, and he can calm down and wait for the best time to attack. But what are you, Xiang Yu, waiting for? What on earth do you want to do when you take your army north? Is it possible to achieve pure tourism? What the hell are you waiting for?" Four months later, there was no wind blowing. Mengjiabao and 270 outposts have been completed. All the forbidden arrays have been arranged, and the front line of Mengshan has been laid out into a complete defense circle, but the Qin army has disappeared, and the army led by Xiang Yu does not know where to hide. The feeling of two tigers hiding around and rubbing their hands is uncomfortable. In particular, Don't beg is now on the front line, and he is still the deputy head of the Western camp, which makes it even more uncomfortable.

With an angry curse, Don't beg to turn up your left hand and look at the garributary dragon scale shield on your wrist, and then you are slightly relieved.

After extorting more than 30,000 dragon scales from Wanying Laolong, Don't beg selected a batch of the best-quality dragon scales into the wrist shield and re-refine the wrist shield. Now once the wrist shield is stimulated, 36,000 dragon scales soar according to the number of Zhou Tian to cover the whole body. "Whether it is defensive or lethal, it is much stronger than before. These dragon scales are getting stronger all the time when they are nourished by the essence of the innate garricade. Don't beg secretly. If these dragon scales are not destroyed after a thousand and eight hundred years, I'm afraid that all dragon scales will be increased to the strength equivalent to the immortal-level real dragon scales.

Touching the smooth surface of the wrist shield, the mood of don't begging gradually stabilized.

No matter what Yingzheng and Xiang Yu are planning to do, with this wrist shield, don't beg for your own life. But this feeling of someone peeping behind you at any time is very uncomfortable and really uncomfortable. In this warm spring night, Don't beg suddenly has an impulse to destroy something. It's better to kill people and see the blood, which will make him feel much better.

The Xiong Qing brothers next door are there again, wow, laughing, as if they are fighting for the last female bear.

"These blind bears, I wish them a lifelong kidney loss!" Don't beg for a vicious curse. This litter of bear spirits that didn't sleep in the middle of the night flew to a hill outside Mengjiabao. This hill is part of the defense system of Mengjiabao, and it is also surrounded by countless forbidden formations. It is Nie Baihong who is responsible for guarding this hill.

Nie Yaonu announced in Jidu that she wanted to break through the realm of Yuanying, but in fact, she was single-minded in developing the strength of the internal sect of the Rift Sword Sect in the mineral veins deep in Mengshan. Nie Baihong has become the highest ruler in the name of the Rift Tianjian Sect. On the occasion of Dayan's foreign war, he led a group of Jindan elders in the door to sit in Mengjiabao, which was also what he should have.

Driving the cloud approached the nameless hill, and immediately a sword light swept up and stopped in front of Don't beg. Qin's ugly blood kiss blocked Don't beg. He asked sadly, "Don't beg. It's three times in the middle of the night. You have nothing to do. What do you want to do?"

Looking at Qin's blood kiss, don't beg for laughter. Nie Baihong is not a kind person. This time, he took the initiative to invite the elite Jindan elders of the Rift Tianjian Sect to Mengjiabao to help the battle. Twenty-seven Jindan elders around him were all Yan Li's confidants. In the face of the powerful Qin army, the elder Jin Dan may fall at any time and be forced to be helpless. He can only follow Nie Baihong to the front line with Qin's bloody kiss. It's strange that he can have a good face and don't beg.

shook his head, don't beg and said with a smile, "So it's Elder Qin's vigil today? It's really hard work. I will definitely play the general manager of Mingdu and write down a military achievement for Elder Qin's wife*..." He took a deep breath. Don't beg to look at the bright moon in the sky and said faintly, "Please ask Elder Qin to tell the leader that the moon is bright and the night is beautiful tonight. Don't Sword! You asked him, "Do you still remember the innocent girl on the red river painting? Tonight is so beautiful, don't beg for a sword, the auspicious day of his bleeding*..."

Qin's blood kiss stayed in place for a long time without saying a word. After a long time, he looked at Don't beg strangely and showed an unconcealed gloating smile: "You mean, you want to stab the master with a sword? Ha, "Don't beg, you're committing trouble, you, you're..." Nie Baihong's deep and powerful voice came from afar: "Qin's blood kiss" Shut up and do what you should do." The white light flashed, and his whole body was vigorous. Nie Baihong, who was several times more fierce than when he first He pressed his palm on Qin's blood kiss, and an uncast sword spirit bombarded out, flying Qin's blood kiss hundreds of feet away, spitting blood and hitting a big tree. Qin Xue kissed resentful and looked at Nie Baihong, who was so angry all over him. "He didn't dare to bow his head and got into the shadow.

Looking up and begging, Nie Baihong asked indifferently, "I have been waiting for your sword for several months. You have condensed into a golden elixir. Why did you delay to come to me until now? Thinking that there is such a sword waiting for me, these days, "I'm worried about sleeping and eating *..."

Don't beg for a smile. He looked at the bright moon in the air and said, "Tonight is good, so I want to see the blood." Nie Baihong asked with a smile, "Is there any other reason?" He moved his finger to calculate for a while. Don't beg and said hesitantly, "If I remember correctly It's a birthday gift for yourself, isn't it?

Nie Baihong was stunned: "Are you only eighteen? To form a golden elixir? You... Little monster*..." After a long time, Nie Baihong frowned and asked, "Are you really only 18 years old? I thought that you should be like Yan Legong, almost thirty, right?

Don't beg to touch your chin and say with a smile, "Look at my tender face." How can I be so old? Is the 18-year-old Jindan very rare? Don't beg. It's just good luck. I accidentally have a little more adventures, so I have Jindan at such a young age *..."

Nie Baihong nodded slowly and was about to speak. Don't beg's eyes suddenly condensed, and his right hand was shaken. A black sword light shot out with a trace of indestructible sword yuan, and instantly pierced Nie Baihong's chest.

Nie Baihong screamed miserably, and his chest was pierced by a transparent hole the size of a person's head by a begging sword light. He spitting blood and was blown away for several miles, and his head hit the rear cliff.

Don't beg to look at Nie Baihong, who was blown away, and said leisurely, "Because today, you can roughly control the spiritual wooden beads, so the disciple stabbed your sword!" With the protection of Lingmu beads, at least you can't die, and you can't live at most, right? Master, I hope you will remember in the future that you and I are all poor people struggling in this world, and no one is nobler than anyone else.

Take a deep breath, don't beg and say in a low voice, "Before you kill people with your sword at will, please think about your disciple's sword before taking action!" Suddenly, he set up the light of the sword, and don't beg turned into a black cold light * and shot into the depths of Mengshan Mountain.

After running thousands of miles all the way, Don't beg to the top of a high mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at a silver moon almost the size of a basin above his head, Don't beg for suddenly looking up to the sky and shouting, "Master! Xiaobai! Don't beg for eighteen years old! I'm an adult! Damn, I miss you so much!" His hands suddenly stretched out, and countless fine swords spewed out, smashing the mountains under his feet to pieces.

Don't beg for tears, and suddenly shouted, "I really miss you so much! I'm here, there's only one person!" Don't look up to the sky and roar, "I don't want to be here alone. I want to go back. I miss you! I miss those dead brothers!" There was a sad roar of wolves in the distance, and the roar of begging, mixed into a ball, and they could no longer distinguish each other.