Steal the sky

Chapter 237 The Kiss of Pleasure

For seven consecutive days, don't beg and you can't get out of the "one-minded collection body * suddenly an unusually pure innate breath.

This essence is extremely pure, and it is even comparable to the purity of the innate soil essence used to refine the soil dragon scale shield. Moreover, this essence is extremely powerful, almost comparable to the intensity of the innate purple gas that can only be condensed by ordinary monks in the realm of Yuans after hundreds of years of hard work.

It's like someone has worked hard for thousands of years, condensing a wisp of preciousness. After the monks of the Yuanshen realm used it to quench and strengthen the innate purple spirit of the Yuanshen, they injected it into the body* by some special means. Ordinary golden elixir monks encounter this level of innate breath, and can't even detect its existence at all, but for Don't begging, it's like a hungry wolf seeing flesh and blood, and can't wait to start to absorb and digest it.

In the vein of the seven Xuan thieves, ten shining virtual elixirs fully absorbed this innate spirit that is almost full of begging. The dense breath containing a huge essence was inhaled by the Xudan, and gradually condensed a trace of white jade color in the Xudan, which was sticky like the innate jade liquid of jade paste. The begging virtual elixir gets the nourishment of these innate jade liquid, and gradually solidifies and solidifies. From the hazy virtual shadow, it quickly condenses into a solid golden elixir the size of millet grains, which is golden, strong and strong.

This arguity is enough to save the achievements of hundreds of years of hard work. If he relies on the golden elixir and demon elixirs of others to purify the innate jade liquid, I'm afraid it will take nearly 100,000 golden elixirs and demon elixirs to have such a harvest.

While taking this essence, don't beg and distracted about the origin of this essence. Recently, he has no other adventures, only the spring breeze with Yu Ji, which is his most incredible encounter in the past few days. He still remembers the wonderful enjoyment brought to him by Yu Ji's crazy and addictive body. At the same time, in the almost dreamlike Hu Tianhu Emperor, Don't Beg seems to remember that Yu Ji is still perfect.

"So many burials with Xiang Yu, how can it still be perfect?" Don't beg to try to urge the virtual elixir to devour this essence, and try to condense the innate jade liquid. At the same time, you are surprised by your own discovery. Unless she has practiced some special skills over the years, and the body has been tempered more than once, there may be such a magical anti-original change." Unfortunately, at that time, he only focused on desperately squeezing Yu Ji's body and desperately enjoying the indescribable wonderful feeling, but he didn't have time to steal all kinds The secret peeps at Yu Ji's body, otherwise he will definitely find out whether Yu Ji has practiced some special skills.

But this huge and pure innate spirit can only be a gift from Yu Ji to beggar. One night of joy can actually save the foundation of the golden elixir realm of not begging for hundreds of years. Don't beg is really a double harvest of people and wealth, and it has won a great fortune.

"It's just" if I were really an ordinary Jindan monk.

This innate gas will be completely dissipated for three days at most in my body, which can make some subtle adjustments and refinements to my body at most, which can't achieve the current effect at all." Don't beg for work while secretly calculating the cause and consequences of this matter. Yu Ji did not tell him about the skills he practiced, nor did he tell him the existence of this innate spirit.

A normal golden elixir immortal can't find the existence of innate essence, and there is no suitable skill to absorb and refine this essence, which brings the greatest benefit to himself. Don't beg is just a special case. What he practices is innate-level skills, so he can make the most of the effect of this essence. Hundreds of years of foundation work, this is really a big gift.

"That bitch, the feelings are not ready to take advantage of me at all!" Don't beg suddenly had a trace of understanding. With Wu Wang's experience and Le Xiaobai's abnormal IQ, don't be vaguely aware that Yu Ji came to her with a trace of resentment for Xiang Yu. It seems that the young couple had an awkward time. Yu Ji desperately found herself in order to take revenge on Xiang Yu. Of course, there seem to be other reasons, but they are not the main factors.

Xiang Yu and Yu Ji have conflicts!

He exhaled heavily, and a sword sprayed out. "Several futons and a few short cases in the quiet room were stirred into pieces. Don't frown and stand up, and slowly put away the internal operation of the body. The two had a conflict, and as a result, they rolled him in. If it's another woman, that's fine. Anyway, don't beg and don't suffer losses. However, Yu Ji is Xiang Yu's woman, and she is the woman of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, who has a head-on conflict with 80,000 Chu Xiang Xiongbing and Ying Zheng!

Xiang Yu, who was originally exquisitely cultivated, has ancient monsters such as Chi Youqi with him. He didn't feel that he could withstand Xiang Yu's amazing anger. At least now he doesn't have that ability and doesn't have enough power to fight against the amazing power in Xiang Yu's hands. It's just that Yu Ji's bitch is not stupid enough to tell Xiang Yu about this directly, right? Even if Xiang Yu loves her, he will not accept a red apricot that takes the initiative to come out of the wall*..."

I'm calculating the impact of this matter on me and the threat it may pose to me in the future. "A huge aura of heaven and earth fluctuated around it suddenly, and the quiet room that does not be beg for isolation is accompanied by a roar of wind" and the foundation was pumped into the sky. With a loud noise, Don't beg's feet softened. He was pulled into the air by the hurricane in front of the ground around him, and there was a big hole a hundred feet deep under his feet.

Looking in the four directions in consterest, Don't beg instinctively activated the garributary dragon scale shield to protect the body. The eight chariot is also ready to go. As soon as something goes wrong, he will immediately take him away as soon as possible. The rich earthy yellow light enveloped the whole body of Don't begging. Tens of thousands of golden dragon scales densely formed a set of heavy armor on the beg's body. Don't beg, who protected himself, looked in all directions in surprise. The people around him longed for the palace ** in blue clothes and the black wind and bear

Holding two big axes, standing in front of all the palace guards and bear spirits are the Xiong Jin and Xiong Yin brothers. They squinted at Don't beg, and Xiong Jin shook his head repeatedly and said, "Don't beg, brother, you're in big trouble! Hey, what do you think can make Princess Jiaole so angry? What have you done to hurt nature, destroy humanity, abandon your wife? "I *..." Don't beg and point to your nose, look at the palace guards and black bear spirits around you in a daze, and say in amazement, "What did I do? What are you doing?"

Before Xiong Jin answered, Princess Bile's screams had sky-highed. The five-colored lights were dazzling all over the sky, with Mengjiabao as the center, and there was a sudden rainstorm in the whole Sanshan County. Even if the climate near Mengshan is bad, the natives who have lived here for hundreds of years have never seen such an exaggerated rainstorm. The raindrops the size of fists, almost connected from the beginning and the end without any gap, fell from the sky and hit the ground with a dull sound. The strength of each raindrop is similar. A small shell broke the rock, and the newly repaired buildings in Mengjiabao collapsed one after another.

The wind swept the dark clouds down slowly from the sky. In the dense pillar of clouds, Princess Yule, who danced, stared at her eyes and stared at Don't beg. The five-color light behind her rolled up, making a mess of the aura of heaven and earth within thousands of miles. Don't beg was suddenly surprised to find that Princess Po Le's cultivation had been promoted to the middle of Jindan!

How long does it take for her to form a golden elixir? Unexpectedly, it has reached the middle stage of Jindan! How on earth did she practice? Don't beg. Do you still remember that not long ago, she had to do her homework every day at noon to stabilize the early stage of Jindan. How could she suddenly reach the middle stage of Jindan?

Before you can figure out this problem, Princess Pi Le has pointed to Don't beg and shouted, "Don't beg, you bastard! You, you, have the palace here, and you still have the idea of touching other women? You, you, you..."

Su Muye suddenly turned out from behind Princess Bu Le. He clapped his hand on the fan and pointed to Don't beg and scolded, "Don't beg. No shameless person in the world can be out of your right. You actually, you rape the favorite girl of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu! You, you*..."

Don't beg to be stunned. How can everyone in the world know about this matter? But he also felt strange that even if he raped Xiang Yu's woman, Princess Po Le was angry. It makes sense to say that he and Bule also had such a little friendship and that hazy ambiguous relationship. But what does this have to do with Su Muye?

Flying up, don't beg to escape to Princess Po Le. He looked at Su Muye coldly and scolded, "Have I raped other women? It's none of your business? I didn't rape your mother! Even if I raped your mother, your father Su Qin came to find me for trouble. It's none of your business?" Su Muye was stunned. He pointed to don't beg, and he couldn't say even a word for a long time. It's unreasonable for a scholar to meet a soldier. What's more, don't be beg for a great master who integrates big-headed soldiers, outlaws, and sile scum? Although Su Muye is very resourceful and resourceful, in the face of a shameless person who can't get in, is he an opponent who should not beg?

If you don't give Su Muye a chance to speak, don't beg for a slap and pull out, and the stunned Su Muye flew hundreds of feet away on the spot. Don't beg said coldly, "Or I didn't rape your eldest niece. What do you want me to do here?" Princess Bule's eyes were red and stared at Don't beg. She was not like a resentful girl betrayed by her beloved, but like a child whose beloved toy was robbed. She pouted and shouted, "Don't beg, you bastard, how can you rape that woman? Xiong Jin, Xiong Yin, arrest Don't beg, castrate him, and let him go to the palace to accompany me*..."

Xiong Jin and Xiong Yin looked at each other and laughed at the same time. Xiong Jinmo shouted happily, "Your Highness, do you cut it with a knife or hit it with a hammer? Or, let's get a nest of gold-eating ants and nibbled this boy alive?" The heavy rain came down, and the sky and the earth were vast.

Don't beg deep at Princess Bule's red eyes, suddenly jumped up, hugged Princess Lele's thin waist, and kissed her heavily on her mouth. His tongue easily broke through the slight resistance of Princess Bule, who was at a loss, and quickly occupied a large amount of territory of her little mouth. After a skilled and lingering French kiss, Don't beg in front of Princess Bule's ear and said gently with Le Xiaobai's unique shameless spirit, "Even when I am raped by that woman, what I think of is you!" Hundreds of powerful gods are observing the movement here.

When these powerful monks heard the almost most shameless words, many gods slowly took them back with a trace of confusion. When the shamelessness is close to Taoism, the psychological impact caused by these monks is no less than a small thunderstorm.

Princess Danle has softened in her arms. She looked at Don't beg in a daze and asked in a low voice, "You are, that, shameless woman... Here... *......”

Don't beg and nodded hard: "I'm the victim! You are the only person I like! In my heart, other women are no different from zombies." Princess Bu Le smiled, hugged Don't beg hard, and laughed loudly.

Even when I was raped, I was thinking about you...

Er, I feel that Pig Head has written books for so many years, and this sentence is also the most shameless sentence written by Pig Head!

Don't say anything, comrades, tears...

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