Steal the sky

Chapter 258 The Battle of Gods and Ghosts

"Is this?" Don't beg to look at the white light, and suddenly his heart beat violently. Fortunately, it has become a habit for him to practice the secret method. As soon as his heart beats, he was immediately restrained by the secret method. The sound of his heart just beating was also imprisoned by him with a secret spell. The voice and breath were strangled in the bud before they could come out before they could spread.

Gui Guzi and Ying Ziying on the top of the mountain opposite, I don't know that Don't beg here, I have been scared to break out in a cold sweat. Gui Guzi walked slowly around the tortoise shell with a solemn look, while Ying Ziying looked worriedly at Gui Guzi's continuous spitting blood on the white light.

In the white light, it is a simple small piece of tortoise shell, on which the eight trigrams of the nine palaces and some messy patterns are drawn with handwriting like children's graffiti. Take a cursory look at Shangfeng. This is the trick made by children teasing people, but if you look at it, you can find that every stripe and every trace on the tortoise shell are natural, without the smell of artificial processing. Obviously, it is the spirit generated by heaven and earth (produced by Baidu Stealing the Sky Bar)

The pattern next to the eight trigrams of the nine palaces, as well as those messy traces, are complex and mysterious symbols. They are all the ancient divine texts that appeared in his mind when he learned to inherit the scriptures - each word contains the rules of heaven and earth, representing the power of the road of heaven and earth. Every word, is Ancient divine texts that can represent countless meanings.

The patterns and traces on the tortoise shell add up to only 49 words of ancient divine text, but their combination is an extremely complex and mysterious cultivation formula that contains hundreds of thousands of words. Don't beg to glance at the tortoise shell carefully and recognize that in this practice formula, there are more words such as 'heaven and earth stars, heaven and earth evil, ghost and god witch spell, destiny and man'.

Don't beg to think of the description of all kinds of spirits between heaven and earth in the scriptures. In ancient times, during the reign of the emperor, dragons and horses carried the river map. Everyone knows that the river map is a jade version, but no one knows that there is actually a copy of the river map. What is recorded on the jade version is the general outline of the river map and the sub-book of the river map has a total of nine tortoise shells, which records the various practical methods of the river map.

"This should be regarded as an innate spiritual treasure!" Don't beg to look at the tortoise shell in a daze, and completely extinguish the thought of stealing it in your hand (produced by Baidu Stealing Sky Bar). This kind of innate thing does not have enough strength. It is best not to get close to it, otherwise there will be a strange disaster. This is also the virtual shadow that inherits and steals the scriptures. It has solemnly taught countless lessons for Don't begging, - the acquired spirits can be stolen in any way, and innate spirits must not be carried out indiscriminately.

Unless it is the innate earth essence, which has not yet formed, as long as it is a formed innate spirit, unless you have enough cultivation, you must not touch it easily. It will definitely kill people.

The tortoise shell sacrificed by Guiguzi is one of the sub-books of the river map.

This kind of innate spirit - with the cultivation of the realm of Guiguzi Yuanshen, where can it be freely driven? He can only sacrifice with his own blood, and use a method similar to blood sacrifice to barely borrow a little bit of the power of heaven and earth in the secondary book.

With the spit out of blood, the shadows of the mountains, rivers and characters and animals spewed out of the giant tortoise shell in front of Guiguzi gradually became clear. Gradually, there was a scene of Ying Zheng sitting on the chariot and flying forward with many accompanying ministers. But Gui Guzi's face gradually turned pale, and his breath gradually weakened.

Ying Ziying's face twitched. He suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed and said, "Old sir, your blood is too precious. Why don't you spend your own blood? With this kind of blood sacrifice, Ziying can be killed by extracting hundreds of thousands of death row prisoners.

Gui Guzi took a deep breath. As he continued to cast spells, he reprimanded in a low voice, "It's ridiculous. How can this way of heaven and earth be so deceived? This practice is your own, and it is your own. With the help of external forces, I disdain this (produced by Baidu Stealing Sky Bar). Remember, remember that if you practice, you can't take a shortcut. Today, you killed 100,000 death row prisoners and promoted the divination of the Book of Heaven to calculate the good or bad luck of the emperor. How many death row prisoners can you slaughter when you meet more powerful opponents in the future? Millions? Ten million? Or, for a divination, did you kill all the Qin people?

Ying Ziying's face turned pale. He looked at Gui Guzi in a daze. After a long time, he kowtowed three times: "The old gentleman's lesson is that Ziying was blinded by power. Such spirits still have to rely on their own cultivation and slowly master them.

Gui Guzi stared at one big and two small tortoise shells in front of him, and spit out a mouthful of blood into the sub-book of the small tortoise shell river map from time to time. He said lightly, "I seem to be having a hard time at this moment, but when I use this book, I am also constantly using my own blood to refine it. If you use the blood of death row prisoners, of course, you can temporarily exert its power to the limit, but if you are polluted by the blood of those dead and prisoners, I will have to spend a hundred or a thousand times more strength in the future. Isn't it worth the loss?

In the words, the sub-book of the river map gradually released a trace of white light, and gradually shot into the giant tortoise shell below. Countless ghosts and gods appeared from the void. They stood respectfully beside Guiguzi and received the nourishment of the black gas shot from the token suspended from the top of Guiguzi's head. With the blessing of black gas, the virtual shadows of these ghosts and gods gradually became clearer. They suddenly turned into a yin wind and rotated around the giant tortoise shell.

The tortoise shell was shining brightly, and a faint and clear image appeared on the tortoise shell. Ying Zhengzhi sat proudly on the chariot, with many civil servants and generals, and flew forward magnificently surrounded by a large number of soldiers. Soon, they flew to a beautiful place with green mountains, green water and flowers. not far from the green water, there was also a string of hot springs connected by 17 hot springs. They could faintly see some delicate women naked and soaked in the hot springs to laugh and play.

Ying Ziying said in a low voice, "Old sir, your majesty is to take people to find these women. It is said that one of the women has practiced some strange skills, and her body has nourished a wisp of innate mysterious weather. If your majesty forcibly wants her body, with your majesty's current cultivation, it can be directly promoted to the cultivation of immortals. Your Majesty's plan is to upgrade to the innate cultivation, and then go to the Wanying demon dragon to settle accounts, take his dragon's blood, and condense the first weight of Jiulong Dingtian Dafa (produced by Baidu Stealing Tianba)"

Gui Guzi's face was as heavy as water, and he ran around the tortoise shell without saying a word. The boys and girls around him gently shook the long flags, the stars appeared in the sky, and the stars fell like rain one after another, constantly falling on these long flags. The boys and girls sang spells softly, and countless silver filaments spewed out of the long flag, integrating into the bodies of the ghosts and gods that turned into the yin wind. The breath of ghosts suddenly increased several times, and they laughed happily one after another, and a wave of mysterious aura continued to spread in all directions.

In the brilliance of the tortoise shell, the laughter of Ying Zheng and Yu Yao faintly came, and then I saw the chariot suddenly galloping forward and rushed to the seventeen hot springs. Seeing that Bai Qi rushed to thousands of guard soldiers in Chu with a lot of soldiers, he set up a battle to kill those soldiers.

Seeing Xu Fu and Li Si with many warlocks, they rolled up the rune fire all over the sky, and pressed the tens of thousands of mountain ghosts flying to the sky in the lake.

Then, the brilliance suddenly broke, and only a large area of white fog circled around the tortoise shell, and no shadow could be seen clearly.

Ying Ziying shouted harshly, "Old gentleman? What's the matter?

Gui Guzi was shocked and said, "Someone has the means of ghosts and gods in the sky, covering the fate of a million miles. My calculation of your majesty's breath has been completely distorted, and it is no longer possible to calculate your majesty's good or bad luck now! The soul runes I left on your majesty, Xu Fu and Li Si are also covered with great strength, and they can't even know where they are!"

Ying Ziying shouted in panic: "Who else can compare with you, the old gentleman, the skill of yin and yang ghosts and gods?"

Gui Guzi quickly rotated around the tortoise shell for a few weeks. He shouted harshly, "Qu Ping, only Qu Ping! The Great Chu and the barbarians lived together. At that time, the witch festival of the State of Chu was also best at the art of ghosts and witches, and the barbarians were also good at ghosts and witches. The two are combined. If someone can deceive my ghost valley god calculation, there is only one person, Qu Ping! Moreover, the human and material resources he used are not Si Xiaoke!"

Gritting his teeth, Gui Guzi shouted harshly, "Ying Ziying!"

Ying Ziying jumped up all of a sudden, and he shouted, "Yes!"

Gui Guzi shouted in a low voice, "Without divination, I can also calculate what they want to do (produced by Baidu Stealing Sky Bar). Your Majesty is in danger, and the Great Qin Dynasty is in danger! Open all the moving arrays quickly, mobilize all the troops and warlocks that can be dispatched from Xianyang at any cost, and come to Mengshan to rescue His Majesty! Da Chu and Da Yan, they have joined hands!"

Before the words fell, a black air spewed out from the head of Gui Guzi and Ying Ziying. Thirty-six zombies were surrounded by countless mountain ghosts and wild gods, and spewed out of the black air. Among those ghosts and gods, the leader is a yin god dressed in a prince's robe, holding a jade seal, and looks like an emperor on earth. He held a big seal, controlled many zombies, ghosts and gods, and surrounded the lonely peak with countless black wind and bird clouds.

The god of yin looked at Guiguzi and shouted fiercely, "Is it Mr. Guigu in front of you? My Majesty Chu has a decree to use 36,000 ghosts and gods to ask the old gentleman to sit here quietly for three hours.

Don't beg to secretly open Zhou Tianshen's eyes. Seeing that the big seal in the hand of the yin god released a huge spiritual fluctuation, the space around the lonely peak has been completely sealed. The time flow speed on the lonely peak has also slowed down several times. Probably one day has passed outside time, and the time on Chen.

Gui Guzi looked at the ghosts and gods all over the sky and shook his head and said, "Good magic power, I can accurately find my body through the change of the power of heaven and earth brought about by my calculation. Qu Ping's way of ghosts and gods has really reached the unpredictable realm of ghosts! Unfortunately, it's far from enough to deal with me!"

Under the pressure exerted by the ghosts and gods all over the sky, Gui Guzi suddenly pointed casually, and the long flags in the hands of those boys and girls suddenly spewed out golden light. Large golden flames were like melting golden glass, spewing out in all directions with terrible high temperature and strong light.

"The sun is really fire, burning everything!" Gui Guzi said in a long voice, "Qu Ping, the sun and fire are the most feared thing of all ghosts and gods. How can you deal with these mountains and wild ghosts and gods?"

Don't beg couldn't help but gasp. It's worthy of the ghost valley. In the long flag of the stars he used to control ghosts and gods and increase the fierce power of ghosts and gods, he actually hid the sun fire that was enough to kill all ghosts and gods. This method is too old, spicy and vicious. Even if you don't beg, you didn't expect to refine ghost control weapons like this.

As soon as the sun came out, it was suddenly full of mourning.