Steal the sky

Chapter 300 The friendship of eight worships

Here, Zhao Kuo is captured alive with the power of fairy weapons, and the gold and silver pythons over there are still fighting with dozens of metal soldiers. The golden python is good at spewing flames to attack the enemy, while the silver python is good at spraying cold light attacks. The sky is full of cold light and fire, which makes those soldiers recruited by Zhao Kuo make a noise all over. From time to time, soldiers were shot through their bodies by the cold flames, and their bodies were stiff and scattered into silver light all over the sky.

The two pythons and these soldiers fought happily. The golden python shouted happily, "Silver horn, kill these iron pimples, capture the man alive, and have a good bite of hot food!" The ancestors all said that people are the best food in the world. We have been born for more than 10,000 years, and we have never tried what people taste like!"

The silver python also said happily, "Okay, kill them quickly and catch the man alive.

With his small body, do you dare to say that he will subdue us? The ancestors said that our family's blood is noble and powerful. We are not immortals. We can never give in!"

The two major pythons, the golden horn and the silver horn, were fighting there, and they didn't see clearly that Zhao Kuo had fallen into the hands of Don't beg.

Don't beg to shake your head, and the ring of Yuling in his hand emitted a white light. A thousand Longbo people, who were a hundred feet tall, roared and rushed out of the white light, roaring and rushed towards the golden and silver horns.

They quickly formed a lark battle array, rolled up in the vast white air, and wrapped the whole flat ground in. With a loud noise, dozens of soldiers summoned by Zhao Kuo were torn to pieces by the people of Long Bo, and then there were two earth-shaking howls of two big pythons in the white air.

Jin Jiao roared, "How much delicious meat is there for such a big man!"

Then the bitter howling of the silver horn came: "So much delicious meat, but 'Why is it so bad?'

After a while, the two big pythons howted together: "Help, don't fight! I'm going to be killed by you! What are you going to do?"

The white gas suddenly dispersed, and Long Yuan and the other largest Long Boguo man came out with two pythons. The two ten-foot-long pythons were carried around by Long Yuan and others at their fingertips, just like children playing with earthworms. The two pythons were shaken to the point of dizziness, and their bones rattled all over their bodies. They cried and how sad their voices were.

Don't beg looked back and shook his head and said, "Long Yuan, be careful. Although they are over 10,000 years old, they look like children who haven't grown up yet. Well, be careful, don't really hurt them!" After listening to the words of Don't Beg, Long Yuan and another Long Bo Guoren relaxed the power of their hands. The two big pythons raised their heads and looked at Don't Beg with tears in their eyes. There was indescribable emotion in their eyes.

With a sneer, don't beg to sneer at the two pythons and said, "I don't want you to be my mounts and be my pets obediently. I'll take you out of this damn place. I will also take you out the spiritual bones of your ancestors and find a feng shui treasure to If you are obedient, you will have benefits in the future. If you are not obedient, I will stew you as one of the ingredients of three whip soup!"

The two pythons looked at each other pitifully, and the silver horn asked carefully, "Darely, what is the three-whip soup?"

Don't beg impatiently explain the specific meaning of the three-whip soup, and then the two big pythons cried and shouted together: "It's over! Senior, immortal, old man. We have learned from it." The two major pythons obediently opened their own Yuanying and forced out a trace of life and blood.

Don't beg, you're welcome. Just use the forbidden means of stealing the scriptures to ban the Yuanying of the golden horn and the silver horn and subdue them.

Long Yuan and others left the golden and silver horns and began to work hard. They picked up the dragon bones piled up one by one and stored them in the black dragon ring. Under the guidance of Don't begging, Long Yuan and others simply grabbed the whole grassland with the unique mountain-grabbing magic power of the people of Longbo and sent it into the spiritual ring.

The two pythons were coiled together beside Begging. They shook their heads and looked at Long Yuan and others working next to them. Their mouths splashed and shouted, "That's the tail bone of our grandfather Taizu. A bone has fallen from there. Put it together quickly. Oh, be careful, that's the skull of our ancient ancestor. How did you knock off the horns of our ancestor's grandfather? Little, my grandfather, our ancestor, was the mount of the Aoxian in those years, and his status was noble.

In the two big pythons, it's enough to talk about Lu Feng. Long Yuanjing easily cleaned up everything on the grass and hurried back to the breeding ring. The two big pythons are two nonsense baskets. If you grab a little mistake, you can talk for a long time. How can the simple and simple people of Long Bo can stand their nonsense attack?

Seeing that the people of Long Boguo returned to a white light, the attention of the golden horns and silver horns immediately focused on Zhao Kuo. The two pythons poked out their heads and licked the long letter on Zhao Kuo's face for a while. The golden horn nodded deeply and said, "The ancestors did not deceive us. I The meat is fragrant. What does meat taste like? Especially the flesh of human monks, ah, what a beautiful day!"

There was already saliva dripping at the corners of the silver horn's mouth. He turned his head and looked at Bu Begging and said, "Xian Chang, can we eat him?"

Looking at the greedy golden and silver horns, don't beg and say in a daunted, "You haven't eaten meat for more than 10,000 years?"

The corners of the mouths of the two big pythons were pulled, and they opened the blood basin together and spit out a mouthful of poison gas. The golden curtain said bitterly, "You smell, smell, only the fruit smells of grass, and there is no smell of meat at all. We have been born here for more than 10,000 years, and we can't even get out of the yard door. Since our brothers' parents were banned to die 9,000 years ago, we haven't even seen any living creatures.

Silver Horn stared at Zhao Kuo, shook his head and said, "We only eat meat. Others, such as the materials of three-whip soup, can be left to Xianchang. We are more interested in meat. For that strange thing, we are afraid of spoiling our stomachs.

At this time, Don't beg to untie the ban on Zhao Kuo's head. Zhao Kuo regained his five senses and thinking ability. Hearing Yin Jiao's words suddenly, Zhao Kuo's eyes instinctively looked at his lower body. Then the first thing he saw was the forbidden rope that bound his body and emitted a faint purple light. After a moment of meditation, Zhao Kuo said indifferently, "Fairy weapon?"

Don't beg for a low voice: "Fairy artifact, and it is a very good quality fairy artifact, from the hands of thirty-three immortals.

That is to say, as long as I input enough real elements into him, even the thirty-three immortals or three higher immortals may be completely imprisoned by him. General Zhao Kuo, you are just in the early stage of the Yuanshen, right?

Reach out and take off the storage ring on Zhao Kuo's finger. Don't beg to easily untie the prohibition on the ring in front of Zhao Kuo, and pour out the middle, top and even the best spiritual stone like a hill.

Nod with satisfaction, don't beg to stuff these spiritual stones into the black dragon ring. He rummaged through Zhao Kuo's ring for a while and found a few clean bison from it. Don't beg hurriedly grabbed these bison and threw them into gold and silver horns.

The two brothers are really like hungry wolves eating, swooning, screaming wildly and opening their mouths to greet a few bison. Giant bison weighing up to four or five catties was swallowed clean by them one by one. When the bison passed through their necks, they could faintly see the appearance of the bison. When the bison reached their stomach, they only heard a few strange 'coo', and the bodies of the two pythons returned to their original appearance, as if they had never eaten anything.

The cold sweat slid down Zhao Kuo's forehead one by one. He said in astringent voice, "These bison are brought to the fairy house and are ready to be needed from time to time. Their appetite is so good!"

The two major pythons slowly swam around Zhao Kuo, and the long letter kept licking Zhao Kuo's body. A lot of saliva sprayed out of Jinjiao and Yinjiao's mouths. They stared at Zhao Kuo, and the saliva soaked Zhao Kuo's clothes and sighed. Zhao Kuo looked at Don't beg and said with a wry smile, "It seems that Kuo has no grievance or hatred with Tianyun. Tian

Don't beg and say indifferently, "You and I have no grievances, but 'Zhao Ling has a grudge against me!

I have killed him and killed more than 300 of you. It's no big deal to kill you one more. He reached out and patted Zhao Kuo's cheek. Don't beg and said with a smile, "General Zhao Kuo is full of muscles, which must be very chewy. Golden horns and silver horns, the supreme product like General Zhao Kuo, you should taste it carefully. If you eat it carefully, you must not swallow it. That's disrespect to the general!"

Eat, not swallow.

Gold horns and silver horns open their mouths. It reveals the sharp fangs that are dense in their innermost part and almost all over their mouths.

The speed of cold sweat gushing out of Zhao Kuo's forehead accelerated rapidly. He looked helplessly at Don't beg and said with a wry smile, "Zhao Ling? As soon as he colluded with Lv Buwei, he would not have a good end, but he didn't expect it to come so soon! The old guy Lv Buwei will only drive people to work, himself... Kou Heng! For the sake of Zhao Ling, he offended me, Da Zhao. How unwise Tianyun Gong is!"

Don't beg and sneered, "Who knows I killed so many of you, Da Zhao?"

Zhao Kuo was silent. He looked up at Begging hesitantly and said with a wry smile, "Help, do you really have the courage to kill me?"

Don't beg for a purple light in the middle of your eyebrows suddenly opened, and the cold electric microscope silently spewed out a thunderous bombardment on Zhao Kuo's eyebrows. Zhao Kuo howted miserably, and the whole door was almost burned by the thunder sprayed by the cold electric microscope. Don't beg and say indifferently, "What kind of great person are you? I dare not kill you?"

The severe pain from his face easily dissipated. Zhao Kuo said with a wry smile, "What's the reason why Zhao Kuo didn't kill him that day?"

After meditant for a moment, Don't beg suddenly smiled with a very happy smile: "General Zhao Kuo, don't beg to see the general as before. I feel that the general is wise and unrestrained, which is really a rare figure in the world. Don't beg and dare not underestimate yourself. You think you are also a rare hero in the world. Therefore, why don't we swear to heaven, make a blood alliance, chop chicken heads and burn yellow paper, make friends of eight worship, and form life-and-death brothers?

The greedy wolf sword waved a black light and firmly resisted Zhao Kuo's eyebrows.

Don't beg and say, "Either be my brother and advance and retreat together with Don't beg in the future, or destroy your yuan spirit and let you slowly be nibbled up. Choose by yourself, I'll count three!"

Before you start counting, Zhao Kuo has already laughed: "Sure enough, Kuo and Tianyun Gong are the same at first sight. Why don't we worship as brothers? In the future, you and I will divide the two immortals. Isn't it unpleasant to communicate with each other and advance and retreat together? How difficult is it to have a confidant in life? How lucky is it that you don't have to beg your brother today?"

Don't beg to laugh. He patted Zhao Kuo's chest in his 2,000-year-old and laughed, "My good brother!"

Zhao Kuo also laughed and said, "Zhao Kuo, see your brother!"

The two of them laughed at each other, but there was no smile in their eyes.

Both of them are exactly the same, their eyes are as calm as ice and as sharp as a knife.