Steal the sky

Chapter 318 Looking for the Star Boat

There was a dead silence in the private room of the Tibetan Sword Pavilion. In addition to the 'Aiji' beside Long Yangjun, secret agents from other countries soon rushed over and reported the same information. Don't beg your fingers to flick the round table, and glanced at the representatives of the six countries.

"Which adult has any objection to the ownership of the ancient Thai dynasty?"

Don't beg to laugh very kindly. He put his hands on the round table and whispered, "If not, that's it."

No one has any objection. Don't beg for a moment, and arched your hand to Long Yangjun: "Your Majesty, please support Li Yifeng's accession to the throne. Prince Dayan was attacked. No matter what life or death, I must go there to see the situation.

The graceful Long Yangjun stood up and saluted Begging with a smile, "This is very easy. It's just that Tianyun Gong owes Longyang a favor!"

Don't beg and say, "I will pay back this favor."

Stand up, don't beg no longer talk of nonsense, pull Yan and leave the Tibetan Sword Pavilion. Li Yifeng wanted to follow Don't beg to go out, but he was pressed in the position by Long Yangjun. Long Yangjun laughed and said, "The new emperor of the ancient Thai dynasty can't leave at this juncture. You guys, why don't you come quickly to visit your majesty of the ancient Thai dynasty? Long Yangjun glanced at him and stared at Yan and others.

Yan Yu, Tian Dan and others were still, and the eight princes behind them came forward helplessly one after another, gritting their teeth and kneeling in front of Li Yifeng. Li Yifeng looked at the eight princes kneeling in front of him at a loss. So he became the emperor? With the change of imperial power, the people in front of them actually made a decision. Li Yifeng only felt that he was dreaming. Only Zi Qianyan's eyes were clear and her head held high, overlooking these once invincible nobles who knelt on the ground.

Don't beg hurriedly walked out of the gate of the Tibetan Sword Pavilion and shouted in a low voice to Yan Bugui: "*** news can let everyone in the world know about the prince's attack, and you can't let the joy know. Remember, don't let Danle know about this. In addition, tell your majesty and all of you that the prince's attack in Xueyuanxing must not be known by the people of Baiyun Fairy Gate and Qingqing of the Saku Saku Sect, otherwise the matter of moving the array in the void can no longer be hidden from others!"

Yan Bugui's face tightened. He grabbed Begging's hand and said, "Are you going to Xueyuanxing alone? It's too dangerous. Let's wait..."

Don't beg to shake off the swallow. He shouted coldly, "Waiting for the swallow to mobilize reinforcements? It's too slow!"

After grinding his teeth, Don't beg to shake his head and sigh, "Anyway, he is also Zixuan's father. Even if he ignores him in Xueyuanxing, I can't do such a thing... Go back and tell the prince what's going on here, and let him secretly dispatch the private elites of Xiao Mengcheng to Taicheng to protect the safety of Li Yifeng and Zi Qianyan. Beware of someone jumping over the wall in a hurry, and let the prince come in person to find Rift Tianjianzong to help!"

Yan Bugui kept the words of not begging one by one in mind and answered them in a hurry.

Don't beg nod hard and took a deep breath. In the past few years, I have secretly accumulated strength and secretly accumulated my own strength. When the time comes, I can finally have my own strength and network to mobilize. Otherwise, don't beg to rush to Xueyuanxing to rescue Yan Qijun. If he is short of strength, he is bound to leave Li Yifeng and Zi Qianyan. When he comes back from there, I'm afraid that the young couple will have been eaten.

Looking around coldly, don't beg to see the end of the long street. Xiang Yu is riding a black horse slowly this way, holding a crimson tiger-headed halberd in his hand. Don't beg, he couldn't help scolding angrily, and hurriedly turned into a black streamer and rushed out.

The speed of the back world heart element magnetic aurora sword escape is extremely fast. Don't beg to turn into a streamer, and you will escape hundreds of miles away in an instant. Rao is Xiang Yu's cultivation in the realm of the primordial god, and he was also caught off guard by Begging. Holding the tiger-headed halberd and looking angrily at the direction of Begging to disappear, Xiang Yu gritted his teeth and shouted sharply, "Little thief... You should have died under a halberd."

At the end of the long street, the red shadow flashed. Yu Ji, wearing a long red dress, put her hands in her sleeves, quietly flashed out of the air like a ghost, and stood quietly on the top of a pavilion and looked at this side. Sometimes she looked at Xiang Yu riding on the horse's back, and sometimes she looked at the direction of Don't begging to disappear. There was no sadness or joy, no fear or anger on her face, and her flat face was like a walking corpse without any change in expression.

With a ray of black light, don't beg the dinosaurs Yangjun and Yan not to return to make a mistake. He returned to the Ten Thousand Immortals Star through the movement of the White Cloud Star, and secretly sent a message to Lu Chengfeng, the Holy Spirit King and other people around him with a jade charm. After arranging

Laughing and a few words to the deacon disciples who moved to the void of Baiyunxing, don't beg and laugh at yourself and say that you are a hard worker, and it takes energy to run back and forth for Jiangchengzi's errands. In the laughter of those deacon disciples, Don't beg Shiran flew a distance in the direction of the ancient Thai imperial dynasty with the head of the clouds, and then found a wilderness to stop.

As soon as you stamped your foot, you will escape into the ground. Don't beg for the yellow light flashing all over your body, and you will go straight into the ground three hundred miles in an instant. In a solid rock layer, don't beg for the strange light in your eyes, and the sediment and rock layers around you fluctuate like a current under the control of the innate Wutu essence. With the change of the mind of don't begging, the surrounding strata quickly spread around and eventually turned into a circular cave with a diameter of tens of feet.

He took out a large number of pre-made arrays from the ring and put them on the ground. Don't beg quickly pieced together a base of the empty moving array. Combine all the arrays, inlay large pieces of the best spiritual stones, and don't beg to open the array. The infinite streamer rushed out of the array and condensed into a nine-fold three-dimensional array over the array. At the core of the magic array composed of the halo, Don't be inlaid with large pieces of broken spirit gold and the best spirit stone.

Bite his fingertips and drip a little of the blood of his life on the array. Don't beg to urge the array to refine the blood, and brand a wisp of his mind at the core of the array. This array has become his personal private void. Unless someone's consciousness can cross from one planet to another planet through the vast void, and the consciousness has the ability to smash the void and find a mana fluctuation of the moving array in the boundless void, no one can modify the setting of this moving array, and no one can use this moving array.

In other words, if someone has such a powerful power, they can cross the void. What else do they have to do?

After finishing these cumbersome settings, don't beg to send a large array, and break into the starry sky coordinates of the 'black star' in the large array.

The moving array bursts out a strong light. Don't beg to enter the moving array, and the body disappears in an instant. The huge pressure came from all directions. Don't beg for the movement of your left wrist. The wrist shield spewed out a large area of yellow light to cover the whole body, offsetting the huge pressure caused by the big movement of the starry sky.

After half an hour, don't beg to move out of the largest public void in the Black Star. According to the pricing of Liyuan Star Domain, Don't beg to pay a large amount of spiritual stone fee to the monks who managed the moving array, inquired about the location of the largest square city nearby, and don't beg to set up the sword light and flew to the square city.

Black Od Star and Snow Abyss Star are located in the same planetary system, orbiting the same star. They are the nearest planet to Snow Abyss Star with monks. The geographical location between the two planets is almost the same as that of Earth and Mars.

The information obtained by Long Yangjun just now showed that Yan Qijun was attacked in Xueyuanxing, and all four moving arrays in Xueyuanxing were closed. If you want to save Yan Qijun, you must borrow the black star. Don't beg, I don't know if Yan Dan has a way to cross the void of hundreds of millions of miles between the Black Mang Star and the Snow Abys Star, but Don't Beg know that you can only get a star boat from the Black Mang Star to reach the Snow Abyss Star.

Starboats are rare in the whole Liyuan Star Domain. Baiyun Fairy Gate is also one of the best righteous fairy gates in the Liyuan Star Domain, and the number of star boats is not large. Although Black Star is a planet where monks live, and there are two large monk families stationed on the planet, it is still a question whether to find the star boat.

If you can't find the star boat in the black star in six hours, don't beg to go to Qianlan Star, the largest trading planet in the Yuanxing area, to try your luck. However, it only takes half an hour to get from the White Cloud Star to the Black Mang Star through the Void Shift Array. It takes two days and another three hours to rush from the White Cloud Star to Qianlan Star, which is located on the border from the Yuan Star Domain and the adjacent Star Domain. Yan Qijun is in danger. Don't beg for this

Flying rapidly in the air with a sword light, don't beg for the gradual change of facial muscles and gradually become a strange face. The clothes on his body also flashed, turning into an ordinary gray Taoist robe, and all the ornaments all over his body became ordinary, looking like an inconspicuous loose repair. The true element changes in the body, and the golden elixir behind you has also turned into a blue water wave.

Don't beg to press the sword light outside the nearest Fangshi Huixianfang, which is the largest public void of the Black Mang Star.

Looking at this square city, which occupies more than ten miles of yuan, the roof ridges and eaves are more lush than people, don't beg to catch a passing monk with the early cultivation of Yuanying: "This Taoist friend, dare to ask where the largest and most complete business name of Huixianfang is?"

The collar was caught by Don't beg, and the Yuanying fairy who carried it in front of him like a chicken looked at Don't beg angrily. Look at the strange omen of the golden elixir behind you. How dare a middle-grade monk of the golden elixir be so rude to himself? The earth fairy was about to scold Don't beg. Suddenly, he suddenly realized that he was also the cultivation of Yuanying. The power and reaction speed of the earth fairy body are more than ten times stronger than that of the golden elixir immortals. Don't beg can actually grab himself so easily, but he has no power to resist at all?

In the world of cultivation, the strong live, the weak die, and those who don't open their eyes and offend people randomly die as soon as possible.

The Yuanying Dixian immediately burst into a smile on his face. He let himself be carried in his hand without begging his feet, and said obediently, "This senior, the largest business name in Huixianfang, is naturally the 'treasure house' jointly opened by the Fengjia and the Yu family, the two largest immortal cultivation families in Black Mang Looking from here, a mile away, the highest light blue jade high-rise building is.

With his eyes turned over, Don't beg to throw the man aside. He reached out and touched his sleeve, and took out dozens of top-quality spiritual stones and threw them on him. This Yuanying Dixian happily took over these top-quality spiritual stones, looked at the back of Begging to enter the square city with an open smile, and muttered in a low voice, "Wow, which gate sent the prodigal son? More than fifty pieces of top-quality spiritual stones are enough for me to toss around for several years!"

Don't beg to hear the man's solir, he couldn't help sighing again that this monk from the Yuanxingyu was really poor!

The distance passed by a hundred feet. Don't beg to exert your magic power. You came to the gate of the treasure building in two or three steps. He strode into the treasure house decorated with a luxurious atmosphere of worldly wealth, and shouted, "Where is the shopkeeper?" Is there a starboat for sale? Buy it with a lot of money!"

Everyone in the treasure house looked over. A shopkeeper who was as fat as a ball greeted him with a smile on his face.