Steal the sky

Chapter 324 The End of the Road

In the face of the five [excited] energy, the [body] Yan Qijun, who was exhausted, hissed. He hesitated to burn the Yuanying that he had just condensed. The huge and pure Zhenyuan was born out of thin air. Yan Qijun gushed out a large area of gray and white aura all over his body. He cursed vicious words harshly and took out the last life-saving magic weapon on his body, life and death.

A strong gray and white light flew up to the sky and turned into a shield-shaped light curtain, which was firmly blocked in front of Yan Qijun.

With a loud noise, five energetically fell on the light curtain of life and death. The gray-white strong light burst into a violent turbulence. After the friction of the two fingers was consumed, the five weakened more than ten times and bombarded Yan Qijun. From his front chest, it penetrated from his back, and opened the transparent wound of five palms on his body.

Spraying blood, Yan Qijun widened his red eyes and roared harshly, "Bunch woman, I won't die, and I will destroy your nine clans in the future."

Picking up the unconscious Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu, Yan Qijun almost burned Yuanying crazily, and his body turned into a dazzling strong light and flew forward. At that moment, Yan Qijun actually played a terrible speed that was almost teleportation. The distance of hundreds of miles flashed away. He crashed into the ice hundreds of miles away and quickly disappeared into the heavy ice.

was followed by dozens of terrible vigor bombardment, smashing the mysterious ice in the circle into pieces.

The terrible energy chased behind him. Yan Qijun was rushed fiercely by the angry waves. He exploded a ball of blood in his seven orifices at the same time. Yan Qijun, who almost fell into a coma, gritted his teeth, with a fierce and fearless breath of a lonely wolf at the end of the road, desperately used all The broken ice of life flew forward.

Sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes using the five elements of escape to break through the mysterious ice escape, sometimes directly smashing the ice with the body to escape, and sometimes with the help of the natural corridor in the ice to escape. In just a cup of tea time, with an almost collapsed body, Yan Qijun dragged the huge bear Wanling and He Qianqiu, and miraculously escaped hundreds of miles away, and fell heavily in the cave eroded by the sea water under Xuanbing.

The Yuanying, which had just condensed yesterday, has been burned to a breath. The Zhenyuan in the body is exhausted again, and the ten meridians all over the body are broken nine and a half, and the internal organs are broken and broken. Yan Qijun himself could feel that two huge wounds were torn open on his heart, and his heart was almost cut into three pieces. Now a large amount of blood is gushing out of the wound and quickly filled his chest.

Touching the storage ring on his finger, Yan Qijun smiled bitterly, and the last healing elixir was gone. He lay side by side on the ground with Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

Yesterday, he was raided by Lin Qiuluo in Piao Xuecheng. Relying on the self-detonation of the dead guard around him, Yan Qijun and others narrowly escaped from Piao Xuecheng. But how far away did he escape, He Qianqiu, who was severely damaged in the head, fell to the ground and was caught up by Lin Qiuluo. Lin Qiuluo, who was eager to kill Yan Qijun, blatantly used fairy weapons to launch an attack. A fairy thunder bombarded him, and Yan Qijun was forced to sacrifice the purple smoke tent to barely resist.

But how can the purple smoke tent resist the attack of fairy weapons? The purple cloud smoke was almost shattered as soon as it came into contact with Xianlei. Fortunately, Xiong Wanling restored the demon Kumamoto body. He blocked Xianlei's attack with his huge body and protected Yan Qijun and He Qianqiu. With Xiong Wanling's nearly ten thousand years of cultivation and his powerful physical defense force after turning into the original shape, the fairy thunder almost smashed Xiong Wanling's back.

The back muscles turned into black, a vertebra was broken into seven or eight knots, and the whole spirit of the bear, which was exposed to the internal organs, was even hit hard by the immortal thunder, and he was almost beaten to death. Fortunately, it was his life-saving protection." Yan Qijun and He Qianqiu barely survived, but He Qianqiu's legs were also smashed by the fairy thunder, and Yan Qijun was shocked by the fairy thunder, so he was not shocked to death.

Fortunately, Lin Qiuluo was bombarded by a fairy thunder, and a deep pit of a hundred miles was bombarded on the snowfield. Yan Qijun, who barely maintained a trace of intelligence, grabbed the dying bear Wanling and He Qianqiu and got into the big pit, and fled along a cracked corridor underground. Unexpectedly, he narrowly avoided Lin Qiuluo The pursuit of.

What's more mysterious is that Yan Qijun was hit hard by Xianlei, and his body was almost shattered. With the wonderful effect of the nine-death and nine-life reincarnation method, he broke through the bottleneck of the peak of the golden elixir that had plagued him for more than a thousand years in just a quarter of minutes Moreover, the speed of becoming Yuanying was extremely fast, and there was no thunderstorm. He successfully reached the early cultivation of Yuanying.

The cultivation has soared, but the injury is still the same. Yan Qijun exhausted all the elixirs carried by the three people, but barely suspended the anger of Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu. Moreover, this trace of anger could dissipate at any time. Yan Qijun was forced to be helpless. He could only follow the cover of the snowfield according to the impression in his memory and escape in the direction of the Flying Snow City, in an attempt to escape back to Wanxianxing through the void of the Flying Snow City.

As a result, he was found by Lin Qiuluo again and chased all the way, forcing him to hide with the help of Xueyuan. He never dreamed that Lin Qiuluo would be so crazy that he used the original power of the fairy weapon, which was almost equivalent to launching a fatal blow by the self-exploding fairy weapon. Thousands of miles of snowfields were destroyed, and he, who was hiding underground, was also forced out. The life-saving purple smoke tent was also completely destroyed by Tianlei. He and Xiong Wanling. He Qianqiu was even more shaken by the aftershocks of the thunder, and now he is far away from death.

If it hadn't been for burning Yuanying just now, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to escape here, right? There was a strange phosphor in the cave, and the faint blue halo shone brightly all around. Some transparent jellyfish freely swim in the mysterious ice, which is several times stronger than steel. The hazy figure is like a ghost, and these blue light is emitted by these jellyfish. Yan Qijun looked at these jellyfish in surprise and didn't know why they could swim in the ice.

The physical injury is deteriorating, and the death is attacking Yan Qijun's body and soul inch by inch. The breathing of Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu lying beside them was getting weaker and weaker, and their bodies were also getting cold inch by inch. Yan Qijun looked at the flexible jellyfish in despair and sighed faintly.

"No loss, no loss in this life!"

Yan Qijun quietly laughed at himself: "As the prince of the great Yan, he has been well-dressed and tall since he was born, and has never suffered any setbacks and sufferings. When other clansmen have gone through the harsh test for their power and cultivation, as the prince of Dayen, I have been carefree for the past two thousand years, just enjoying freely.

"No loss, no loss in this life!"

With a wry smile, a large amount of black blood gushed out of the corners of his mouth. Yan Qijun muttered in a low voice, "It's just that I'm really unwilling! I haven't done anything in my life for more than 2,000 years. Even, except for the time when I went to Mocheng to resist the immortals, it was the first time for me to go out of Jidu. For more than 2,000 years, I really left Jidu for the first time! More than 2,000 years of imprisonment, I... I'm really unwilling!"

Black blood gushed out of the seven orifices at the same time. "Yan Qijun turned his head with difficulty and looked at Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu, who were only a trace away from death. It also dragged down the two national teachers. Especially Master Xiong, if nothing unexpected happens, he will soon break through to the later stage of Yuanshen. The immortals are expected!"

"Hey nm" Yan Qijun looked up at the jellyfish in the mysterious ice, and countless faces swayed in front of him.

Finally, a beautiful face suddenly froze in front of him. Yan Qijun was stunned and suddenly laughed: "Alas," how could it be you? Although you are Zixuan's biological mother and Zixuan is my favorite daughter, but you... I forgot what you look like. How can I see your face clearly?

That face gradually blurred" The cold and begging face jumped out.

Yan Qijun coughed violently. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Let me die at ease"! Why do you think of him before you die? This damn boy, huā's clever words deceived Zixuan. Unexpectedly, he was so bold that he introduced the immortals to the immortals! This bastard, he... He...".

Suddenly, there was a huge shock in the distance, and the harsh roar came, which echoed repeatedly in the cave, causing Yan Qijun to bleed from the corners of his mouth, and his eardrums were almost cracked. Yan Qijun shouted in horror: "That dead mother-in-law, are you catching up? Don't let me survive, otherwise, the whole family will be killed. "I will take revenge by the most cruel means!"

I don't know where a strange force suddenly came out. Yan Qijun, Jie Jie, stood up with a strange smile. Although his spine was broken into three sections, he straightened his waist and stood up. Picking up Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu, Yan Qijun laughed loudly and said, "Two national masters, if you are going to die, let's find a quiet place to die. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing to be humiliated by a woman before you die?

, quack, laughing wildly, Yan Qijun walked heavily and dragged Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu's body along the rugged water erosion road in the cave. The huge roar in the rear was getting closer and closer, and a faint gas explosion came from behind.

Suddenly, "the top of his head lit up, and the thick ice was crushed by huge force." Wearing white fairy armor, Lin Qiuluo, who was surrounded by a long white whip hovering like a flying dragon, suspended above Yan Qijun's head, making a sneer.

"Yan Qijun...

OK, very good! You destroyed the Snow City, causing the five disciples of Dawu Palace to lose their bodies. Good, good, very good! How can I thank you? Hundreds of thousands of people in the snow city were destroyed! The five disciples of the Yuanshen Realm of Dawu Palace lost their bodies! Even if it's a thousand knives, it can't eliminate the hatred in my aunt's heart!"

Lin Qiuluo's face was twisted with anger, and his whole body was shivering.

With a wave of a long whip, a white light shot out, penetrated Yan Qijun's body from the back heart, and then threw it heavily, tearing open a ferocious wound on Yan Qijun's body. From the heart to the right shoulder, half of Yan Qijun's body was torn open, and a large amount of black blood kept pouring out.

Yan Qijun raised his head with difficulty and looked at Lin Qiuluo and smiled strangely: "So, woman, how about being my plaything and asking me to help you get angry?"

At the end of his death, Yan Qijun didn't bother to pay attention to any etiquette. He simply learned from the man in the market and asked for a bargain.

Lin Qiuluo's body stiffened, and she screamed with her teeth and claws. She casually pointed to the long whip beside her. A dragon sounded. The long whip took a bucket of thick white light and pulled it down heavily, and just patted Yan Qijun's spirit.

Yan Qijun closed his eyes and waited for death. Feeling a fierce wind above his head, Yan Qijun sighed in a low voice, "I knew it..."

The long whip roared down.