Steal the sky

Chapter 326 Fierce Counterattack

, "Cangwu!"

Don't beg for a fierce roar, and a white light around you suddenly bursts. Just now, he forcibly seized Lin Qiuluo's fairy armor and subdued it with the forbidden law. In the face of the blow of Changwu immortals, he felt that there was no magic weapon in his whole body that could resist this punch. He neatly detonated the artifact of the fairy armor with the forbidden law god flame, so that the fairy armor released all the power in an instant.

A piece of armor that is a hundred feet high and emits eye-catching white light all over the body emerges around Buqi and others. Changwu Xianren's punch hit the fairy armor, but only a little ripples on the surface of the fairy armor. The powerful punch was stopped by the fairy armor and rolled upside down in the air, and an invisible wind hit Changwu immortals and others. The three immortals were fine. The wind had to brush their faces like a breeze without causing any harm to him, but the dozens of disciples behind them snorted and were shocked to the air and spit blood.

Suddenly, the Changwu fairy exclaimed, "How can that man drive Dawu Xuejia?"

As soon as the exclamation of Changwu Xianren came out, the fairy armor disintegrated. A good fairy armor detonated the weapon in an instant because of not begging. The structural core of the whole fairy armor collapsed and turned into countless white and silver liquid beads everywhere. Don't beg for a long roar. The dragon scale shield of the garrish brought a strong yellow light around, and suddenly countless silver liquid beads were sucked into the dragon scale shield. A colorful light suddenly swung up on the surface of his body, and Begging and others suddenly disappeared without a trace.

In a short moment of one in ten thousand, eight Jun's chariot was sacrificed, and a colorful auspicious light wrapped around everyone and flew forward. At the same time as the eight dragon chariot offerings, don't beg to throw Yan Qijun and everyone into the ring of breeding. He was wrapped in auspicious clouds, and instantly traveled tens of thousands of miles away, from the area of Piaoxue City to the area controlled by Baishuang City.

When there were still hundreds of miles away from the White Frost City, don't beg to put away the eight chariot and rushed down to the snowfield incarnate a black light. The low laughter sounded, and eighteen figures shot out of the body of Don't begging. The eighteen demon puppets twisted and changed in the void. In the blink of an eye, they turned into eighteen similar clothes, but they were tall, short, thin, handsome and ugly men.

Behind the man disguised by the demon puppet, there are golden elixir signs floating, and all the golden elixir signs are a piece of yellow dust, in which there is a faint flash of swords. If you are an experienced monk, you can see at a glance that these monks are all brothers of the same lineage. They practice the same skills, so the signs of the golden elixir are similar. However, the magic power that I am good at is different, so the golden elixir has a little different change.

Although the original demon god puppet had the cultivation of the golden elixir period, they would not have any golden elixir omen. Don't beg when sacrificing them." They were given a little of the essence of the innate garriton, and these demon god puppets brought a trace of innate earth, so they could simulate such a golden elixir.

When the group rushed to the ground, and there were still a hundred clamps away from the ground, Don't beg to tear open their clothes, grabbed the snowfield casually, and a snow bear roared and flew up. The greedy wolf sword chopped off the snow bear's head with a sword. A large area of blood spewed out and sprinkled the whole group of people waiting for begging. Several demon puppets snorted coldly. Their bodies were crooked, and their necks twisted. Their clothes cracked, and their [limbs] suddenly became mutilated and falling off, and their broken limbs and arms spilled all over the ground.

Other demon god puppets also scratched their bodies casually, splitting deep wounds on their bodies. At first glance, they were exactly the same as the scars of people after being caught by animal claws. They waved casually, and all kinds of weapons of swords, swords and halberd were held in their hands, and then turned into a rainbow of light and flew around their bodies rapidly. A large amount of bear blood spilled on them, which made them bloody and looked so ferocious.

Don't beg for a group of people to fall. In addition to this unlucky snow bear, hundreds of feet, there is also a snow maggot with a big belly and lazyly spread out on the snowfield to bask in the sun. This poisonous insect is shaped like a ruler, with a bucket thick and seven or eight feet long. The body is extremely distinct, and there are seven or eight pairs of sharp arthropods on the snow-white solid shell.

Don't beg to fall to the ground with blood all over your body, and immediately a sword spirit [excited] shot out. The sword spirit turned into the original secret is enough to penetrate the gold stone, and it hit the body of the snow maggot hundreds of feet away. The big bug squeaked and screamed, and the white shell in the abdomen was smashed into a square and a square foot.

The ferocious snow maggot "wow, shouting and rushing to Buqi. The snow maggot, a demon insect, abandons its innate peak cultivation and can form a demon elixir in adulthood. However, because the natural foundation is too poor, after the snow maggots become a demon elixir, they are not psychic. They are just monsters, and can't become demons. The snow maggot in front of him is a mature adult snow maggot. It has the peak cultivation of Jindan, but it is not wise. He only knows how to fight with his talent and instinct.

rushed in front of Begging, the snow maggots opened its mouth and spewed out a light blue cold air with a faint fragrance. Then seven or eight pairs of sharp arthropods scratched and chopped at Begging and others. Several demon puppets howled loudly and were scratched by the arthropods, retreating with blood all

A large area of snow fog rushed over in the rear, and the three immortals, Changwu Immortals, Qingyi Sanren and Xuanyang Immortals, rushed up as if they had condensed into substance. The divine consciousness swept over the snowfield, and a large area of mysterious ice disintegrated. A large number of snowflakes rushed into the sky and turned into a thick snow fog covering thousands of miles. The wind roars in the snow fog, all of which are the changes in the airflow brought by the three immortals. The sharp wind swept through the snowfield, and the large chunks of Xuanbing were split into deep traces.

The powerful consciousness is like an iron fence, ploughing an inch across the ground without letting go of any suspicious places. Under the search of divine consciousness, in the thick Xuanbing of the snowfield, some snow caves that can be hidden for dozens of miles underground were rolled up by invisible great forces one after another, the thick Xuanbing was crushed, and some snow beasts hidden in the snow cave were torn to pieces by the divine consciousness.

God's consciousness instantly swept over Don't beg and others. Don't beg to restrain all the breath, just show the strength of Jindan Zhongpin, driving a piece of tatter, I don't know which dead ghost to search for the top-grade magic weapon-level flying sword, turned into a faint blue light and snow maggot competition. The cold air of the snow maggots spewed out, and a large area of white frost quickly appeared on the blue light less than six feet long by the flying sword, and the body of the flying sword was frozen to the point of "kkak and ringing".

In the oblique thorn, the faint magic light flashed in the eyes of several blood-covered demon god puppets. They shouted harshly, and the younger brother was careful. "I also sacrificed a few gray-white sword lights and rushed up" and chopped at the snow maggots. It's just that the power of these sword lights is limited. When they cut on the shell of the snow maggots, they just cut out a few shallow white marks and pulled down some fine shell fragments.

The three powerful gods circled around them, and even didn't bother to look at them carefully, so they quickly rolled into the distance with the boundless snow fog. In the far distance of the sky, nearly a hundred men of the fierce Changwu immortals appeared. They didn't look at Buqi and others, but just chased straight ahead.

When Don't beg to escape just now, it was four men, Jialin Qiuluo and a woman. At this moment, don't beg for a group of people" are nineteen men, and they are all Jindan cultivation, and they are even more injured. There are several people who are shattered. Don't beg for a perfect interpretation. A team of monks who hunt monsters without compretion will end up provoking a powerful monster. For the three immortals of Changwu immortals and their doormen, "Don't beg for such ants" will not be seen by them at all.

The snow fog rolled over, and the wind lifted the bodies of Buqi and others and overturned them to the ground.

Although the snow maggot is fierce and barbaric, it also knows the truth of seeking blessings and avoiding disasters. The three immortals rushed past angrily." It screamed, and the long joints suddenly lay on the ground with a huge head in their arms and dared not move. Several swords fell heavily on it, but it still only broke its shell and failed to cause substantial damage to it.

Changwu Xianren and others chased forward for hundreds of miles, and saw a large group of monks flying up to meet them in the sky above the White Frost City. After a group of hurried communication, the three immortals quickly flew over with many doormen to the beggars. Changwu immortals and other three immortals stepped on the clouds from afar and suspended in the sky dozens of miles away, while more than a dozen Yuanying earth immortals rushed over to their side under the leadership of a peak monk of Yuanshen.

As soon as the maggot stood up from the snow, the monk at the peak of the yuan god rushed to its side and trampled the maggot's head into pieces. With a strong desire to kill, the monk dressed in a red Taoist robe and the Xuanyang fairy rushed to the front of Begging and sprayed. Mercury's roared fiercely to Bu Begging, "Seen, can you see where a colorful auspicious light has gone?"

This yuanshen peak monk unreservedly bombarded all the divine consciousness to Don't beg, and tried to use violence to deter Don't beg, forcing him to tell the truth.

Cangwu Xianren and others stood in the distance, looking coldly at the yuan god monk forcing him not to beg for a confession. It is impossible for a fairy to condescise to ask for information from Don't beg. The appearance of a monk at the peak of the Yuanshen is enough to deter any monk who lives on the Xueyuan Star.

Don't beg to look at the peak monk in front of you. It seems that he was really scared to death. His body trembled and shivered violently. He stammered. The monk at the peak of the primordial spirit sneered proudly. He casually took out a top-grade magic weapon-level flying sword: "Tell the poor whether you have seen the colorful auspicious light. If you tell us the where the auspicious light is going, it will have your benefits!"

The speed of Bajun's chariot is too fast, non-human speed. The three immortals of the Changwu immortals were also in a hurry. When the three of them joined hands to integrate the divine consciousness and searched all the way, they could not find the shadow of begging. Therefore, they can only inquire about the hunter team passing by on the road.

Don't blink his eyes, and his waist suddenly straightened up.

"Cangwu Immortal, I'm your mother! Hahaha, your uncle is going to be in Xueyuanxing, killing all your children!"

With a loud laugh, the forbidden spirit turned into a purple light and rose to the sky, tying up the peak monk of the Yuanshen in front of him.

The greedy wolf sword let out a roar of eyebrows, and fourteen dark wolf heads shot out with a dazzling black light.

In the distance, the Xuanyang fairy shouted angrily, and a firelight shot at the side of Begging. The firelight took action, and the snowfield more than ten miles under the feet of the Xuanyang fairy suddenly melted into a hot water lake.

The firelight is still dozens of miles away from Begging. The high temperature is approaching, and Begging's hair suddenly burns.