Steal the sky

Chapter 333 Destroy its full door

The huge fairy power made all the cultivated creatures of Xueyuanxing tremble and dared not move.

Whether it is monsters, demon birds, demon fish in the sea, or many monks on the snow abyss star, all the cultivated creatures instinctively sense the ubiquitous pressure from heaven and earth, all of them held their breath and carefully restrained their breath.

Don't beg and hide under a piece of Xuanbing. Zhou Tianshen's eyes opened and looked at this line of immortals through the thick Xuanbing.

Seven or eight clothes were dressed differently. There were immortals, old and young, beautiful and ugly, suspended in the air. The divine consciousness kept sweeping around, and an inch of searching the snowfield within a radius of thousands of thousands of miles. The divine consciousness penetrated a hundred miles under the snowfield. If it hadn't been for the secret method of begging, the breath of the whole body would have been combined with heaven and earth, and it would have turned into a piece of mysterious ice. I'm afraid it would have been captured by the divine consciousness of these immortals.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find any clues. I just sensed the remaining huge breath of fire aura in the void, and a pure and huge fluctuation of mind. Today, the immortals muttered a few words and shook their heads one after another.

"Cangwu, Qingyi, Xuanyang, they don't know what's crazy about. What does it mean to move the array of the four voids of the closed snow abyss star for no reason? Does Xue Yuanxing have the final say of the three of them? Even if the Snow City is destroyed, it can't harm the interests of other cities!"

An old man in a gray Taoist robe embroidered with a black mountain on his chest hummed coldly, "It's simply arrogant! How much has Xue Yuanxing lost after being blocked for so many days? This Xueyuanxing is not the private property of his three major families in Snow City!"

Another old man in a red robe with a withered face said in a low voice, "No matter what they give such an order, find them first. How did Piao Xuecheng become like that? There must be an explanation about what Piao Xuecheng will do in the future.

The immortals standing in the void had another burst of gossip, so that Don't beg below to hear clearly that these immortals are from the big families of several other big cities in Xueyuan City. They are either in-laws with those Ya families, or some people in those big families are their disciples. Therefore, this time, the three immortals of Changwu issued an immortal order, forcing the three cities of Flying Snow City, Ranxue City and Baishuang City to close the moving array and block the access of Xueyuan Star. The major families have used secret methods to inform the immortals worshipped by their families.

I heard that the snowy city was destroyed, and the three of the Changwu immortals blocked the snow star. These immortals rushed over like flies smelling blood. It's just that their residences are far away from the snow abyss star, or there is something in their hands that can't be let go, so they didn't sneak into the snow abyss star until today and gather together. Just sensing the outbreak of the fight between Don't beg and the Xuanyang fairy, they hurried this way, but they didn't find anything valuable.

After shouting, the old man in gray robe shouted at the beginning, "You immortal friends, no matter how much, you can find the three of them first. What is the purpose of this incident? We have to give us an explanation for the cause and effect. After so many days of sealing the snow abyss star for no reason, their three families in the snow city must compensate the other cities for this loss.

The gray robe Lao Dao exchanged a win-eye with others, and everyone nodded tacitly. The Snow City has been destroyed, so let's destroy it. Since the Snow City has been destroyed, don't rebuild it again, let it disappear from now on. Each city of Piaoxue City represents a large number of benefits. With one less city, other cities can get more benefits. At least those monks from outside can only go to the remaining cities to spend.

Find the three Changwu immortals to take this opportunity to work together to suppress them and prevent them from rebuilding the Snow City, which is in line with the interests of all the immortals present. With the strength of the eight immortals present, the three Changwu immortals who also joined hands for profit are not opponents at all. There is no need to consider their feelings at all to force them to agree to merge the three families of Piao Xuecheng into several other cities.

It is not only necessary to divide the forces of the remaining three families in Piaoxue City, but also to spit out a huge amount of compensation, so that the eight immortals present can be satisfied. Otherwise, Xueyuanxing has been closed for so many days for no reason, and only the monks who go in and out every day in and out of the void, how many spiritual stones will be less than the toll? The three cities add up to a loss of at least more than 100,000 yuan, right?

The group planned and explored the surroundings for a while. In fact, they really did not find the whereabouts of the Changwu immortals, so the group had no choice but to let go and continue to search in the distance.

After waiting for these immortals to go far away, Don't beg to carefully emerge from Xuanbing. Standing on the snowfield and looking at the direction of the disappearance of these immortals, Don't beg sighed helplessly. He took a kit in his hand, and there was little drunken dragon fragrance left in it, and he was bound to be unable to deal with these immortals today.

In the past three years, don't beg Wanxianxing to mix a large amount of drunken dragon incense. This time, in order to deal with the three Changwu immortals, 90% of the drunken dragon incense was spent on them. This thing is not a life-saving elixir, and there are not many begging configurations. It has been almost wasted today.

If there are still hundreds of catties of drunken dragon incense, don't beg and really want to keep the eight immortals today. Arrange some traps at will, light up hundreds of catties of drunken dragon incense, and ten or eight immortals were turned over, which was an easy thing.

"Well, this kind of thing is not a good thing. It's shady. However, it should be prepared in large quantities!" Don't beg to think to himself: "In addition, the limitations of the use of this lowest-grade drunken dragon incense are too large. If they use the spell to isolate the poisonous gas miasma in advance, the fragrance can't get into their bodies and touch their skin, they can't play a role. If you can make an eight-grade and seven-grade drunken dragon fragrance, t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t- Shaking his head, don't beg to lick your lips, and begin to fantasize that if he can prepare the first-quality incense recorded in the stolen scriptures, it is a powerful thing that even Jinxian or even Taiyi Jinxian will be drunk to death if he accidentally smells it. But the materials needed to prepare that kind of incense... Don't beg. When you think of the nearly a hundred kinds of elixirs with innate names, you can't help but look up to the sky and sigh.

Looking around, the mind instinctively swept around and didn't find anything in the way. Don't beg for the light of the sword and quickly fly towards the snow city. Under an iceberg near the original site of the Snow City, three messy courtyards are lined up in a row. Some monks are patrolling in the air with their swords, and some monks are going in and out of the yard, urging a large number of mortal craftsmen to repair the dilapidated courtyards.

On an ice peak less than ten miles from the iceberg, don't beg to press the sword light. He looked at the three courtyards, and then at the big hole left by the original Snow City next to the courtyard, and couldn't help sneering. Yuling's ring spewed out a large area of white light. Yan Qijun and a group of people all came out of the white light. The three unconscious immortals were also embarrassed and soft on the ground, and their faces were blushing and snoring.

Lin Qiuluo, who was bleak and naked, fell to the ground in embarrassment and looked around in horror. Suddenly seeing the big pit on the original site of Piaoxue City and the three courtyards next to it, Lin Qiuluo immediately exclaimed, "This is Piaoxue City. What are you doing here? What do you want to do?

When he suddenly saw the three immortals of Changwu immortals on the ground, Lin Qiuluo was even more scared and screamed: "No, no, Xianjun, two seniors, what's wrong with you...

. Oh, my God, what's going on? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Wake up!"

Yan Qijun, Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu stared at the left and right, and then suddenly looked at the three immortals who fell to the ground.

There is a great space in the Yuling ring, and it can divide the creatures in it into different small spaces as the heart changes. The Yuling ring was originally a treasure used by practitioners to store monsters and pets. The monsters and pets are fighting. When hiding them in the Yuling ring, they must be separately, otherwise they will definitely fight with each other and cause losses.

Don't beg to put the noses of Changwu immortals, Qingyi Sanren and Xuanyang immortals in a small space separated separately, so Yan Qijun and others don't know that Don't beg has turned over the three immortals. When they suddenly saw these three immortals, they were also shocked.

Hold your head high, don't beg for it in that disapproving tone and say, "What's so strange? Since you dare to be right... When my father-in-law took action, he should have thought of this kind of consequence. Lin Qiuluo, your reliance has been captured alive. Today, I will kill you in front of you, the Lin family Manchus in the snow city!"

Yan Qijun, Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu were overjoyed when they heard the sound and smiled ferociously one after another. Especially Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu, they are used to hegemony in the depths of Mengshan Mountain. They suddenly suffered a great loss under Lin Qiuluo. There is no need to say much about the resentment in their hearts. The impulse to destroy the Manchus of the Lin family is far more than the curiosity about how to capture the three immortals.

Lin Qiuluo howls hoarsely. She screamed, "No, no, I'll refund all the deposit, I... I apologize to you, I, whatever you do to me, you can't..."

Yan Qijun walked over and slapped Lin Qiuluo's face dozens of times in a row, which made Lin Qiuluo's pink face red and swollen, and blood dripped from the corners of her mouth. Yan Qijun scolded harshly, "The deposit? What deposit? Did you kill our deposit? If you dare to offend me, you are all sentenced to death! The two national masters also asked the national masters to take action and slaughtered these people in front of them.

Don't beg for a sneer. He took out two fairy charms given by Jiang Yun's ancestors from the black dragon ring and handed them to Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu.

The two old demons were ecstatic. They happily took over the fairy charm, set up the demon cloud and set up a strong wind and flew towards the courtyard of the three families in the Floating Snow City.

It is still a few miles away from the courtyard of the three families, and the two old demons launched the spiritual charm at the same time.

, the sound of the wind shook the surrounding snowfield to tremble, and a large area of auspicious white clouds shot out of the hands of the two old demons and bombarded the three courtyards.