Steal the sky

Chapter 375 The Old Enmity of Teachers

"White sparrow!" Jiang Yun's ancestor gritted his teeth and stared at the white-haired old man, and a white sword light above his head had turned into a rainbow of more than ten feet long.

The two of them met each other, and they really used their own cultivation to resist. Jiang Yun's ancestor was originally only one step away from the thirty-five immortals. He has gained a lot of benefits in Wanxianxing, and has been nourished by the immortal spirit in the Aoxian Mansion. Now most of his body has been squeezed into the thirty-five grades, and his cultivation has increased a lot. He called the old way of the white sparrow, but it was a solid thirty-six immortal. The two immortals met each other, and naturally the white sparrow suffered a big loss.

Jiang Yun's ancestor had blood in his seven orifices, but there were not many blood stains, but some blood beads were dripping. But the white sparrow was unlucky. His seven orifices were like a broken faucet, and his blood kept flowing down. In particular, the Venus flashed in front of him, his ears were buzzing, and the fairy soul was shocked to the dark and almost fainted on the ground.

Under one blow, the White Sparrow Taoist was seriously injured. Jiang Yun's ancestor was only slightly shocked. He did not give up the sword light and had to give a blow to the White Sparrow Taoist. Seeing that Jiang Yun's ancestor was so powerful and aggressive, he couldn't help shouting angrily, "Jiang Yun, you are so bold. Do you dare to hurt people here?"

With one finger, a blue light shot out, and the tyrannical old road also sacrificed the sword light to meet Jiang Yun's ancestor.

The two are only more than thirty feet apart, the sword light is fast, and the blue and white sword light is quickly entangled. Like two ** pythons entangled and squirmed with each other, and two sword lights more than ten feet long were in the air, sonorous and loud, and the strong light pierced people's eyes with severe pain. After a whining was heard, Mo Luan hummed and retreated more than a dozen steps, and his face turned pale.

Jiang Yun's ancestor snorted coldly, reached out his hand to the sword light in the air, and a white fairy sword less than six inches long fell in his hand. There is a little pearl-shaped white cold light flashing on the sword light, and the flying sword is flying like a living creature. There is no damage to the top and bottom of the flying sword, and it is still shining.

The blue sword light fell heavily on the ground. It was a nine-inch long blue bird, with two blue wings on the front of the sword, and an elegant and simple-shaped flying sword. However, on the front of the flying sword, there are all jagged gaps. Obviously, this flying sword has been damaged by the body. Don't bow your head and sneer. On Jiang Yun's ancestor's flying sword, there are 120 innate pearls that are too white. Although it is a treasure that has not really formed, its power is extraordinary. With the blessing of 120 jewels, the power of Jiang Yun Laozu's fairy sword has been greatly improved, at least reaching the level of high-grade fairy weapons. Although the flying sword of Mo Luan's old way is also good, it is also a genus of the lower-grade fairy sword. How can it withstand the close-range attack of the innate Gengjin?

Jiang Yun's ancestor 'hehe, he smiled and opened his mouth to swallow his flying sword. He said to Mo Luan Lao Daoji, "Uncle, thank you for your advice!"

The green stick fairy 'Hey, he laughed. He nod to the ugly Mo Luan and said, "Brother, it's too much for you to show your sword to one night! Hey. Hey hey, it's just a sword. You actually lost to Jiang Yun. Have you received too many concubines recently, and you don't have enough energy?

Mo Luan Laodao and Qingzhang Xianweng are both elders of Yuanhuamen, and both of them are the cultivation of thirty-two immortals.

But the two have always been out of touch, and even the doormen of the two have a lot of friction on weekdays, which is only limited to the rules of Yuanhuamen, and they dare not really break out in conflict.

Today, he made a mistake and his flying sword was destroyed by a junior of Jiang Yun's ancestor. Mo Luan Taoist's face looked as if the net had killed the whole family, and he was so angry that he trembled slightly. After listening to the teasing and mocking words of the green stick fairy, the Taoist Mo Luan's eyes were even more angry. He stared at the green stick fairy and said coldly, "Okay, very good!"

With a wave of his big sleeve, the Mo Luan Taoist grabbed the white sparrow Taoist who was still unconscious and didn't know where he was, and took a blue light to the many monks behind him away. The green staff fairy 'Haha, laughed loudly.' When he was about to speak, Don't beg for a long time and ran out.

Grab the blue bird-shaped flying sword that Moluan Taoist threw on the ground. Don't beg to stuff the flying sword into the black dragon ring. He smiled at the stunned green staff fairy and said, "Even if this sword is broken, it can still recycle some materials. The disciple is very poor. This broken flying sword is a cheap disciple!"

Whether it is the earth dragon scale shield or the demon god puppet, it can absorb all kinds of materials for evolution. With this fairy weapon, don't beg to have the confidence to enhance the power of these bits and pieces on your body. Even if his net talent's action is a little bit like picking up rags, he can't care so much.

Shaking his head, the green stick fairy smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. You are very generous. A flying sword is nothing!"

With a sneer, the green staff fairy looked up at the sky and whispered, "Jiang Yun, explain some things to these children later. Don't be tricked by others in your own mountain gate. It's too shameless."

Jiang Yun's ancestor wiped the blood off his face, answered respectfully, and then nodded to Don't beg happily. This blue flying sword of Mo Luan Taoist really takes some materials and effort, and it can still be repaired. However, it was snatched by Begging like this. No matter how thick-skinned the Mo Luan Taoist was, it was impossible to ask for it from Begging. Jiang Yun's ancestor was very comforted to be able to destroy a Moluan Taoist's portable fairy weapon!

Suddenly, he became red and full of energy. The green staff fairy raised his head and walked into the internal affairs hall with a group of people.

Several young Taoists in white silk robes hurriedly greeted him and bowed to the green staff fairy man repeatedly: "Uncle, please forgive me if you miss me. I don't know if the uncle is coming. What's the point?

The green staff fairy snorted coldly, stared at the deacon disciples of these internal affairs hall and snorted coldly, "What is Wangcai Mo Luan doing here?"

A young Taoist hurriedly replied, "Mo Luan's uncle brought the white finch uncle who left 100,000 years ago back to the mountain gate, and also brought more than 100 disciples of the white finch master, saying that he would represent me to participate in this gamble with the comet spirit gate."

The green staff fairy sneered and looked at the ancestor of Zhuyun: "Jiang Yun, it seems that our children have competitors!"

Jiang Yun's ancestor smiled and said confidently, "This opportunity will not be taken away by them." Jiang Yun's ancestor has a lot of confidence - you white sparrow Taoist, can you still find a treasure star that was closed before the robbery? Can there be so many good elixirs and magic weapons to give to the disciples? A ten thousand immortal stars, this is the confidence of Jiang Yun's ancestor.

In the ears of Don't begging, the subtle voice of Jiang Yun's ancestor suddenly sounded: "Remember, disciples, Mo Luan is your ancestor's enemy.

The white finch is the life-and-death enemy of the teacher. In those years, I left Yuanhuamen as a teacher because of the relationship between the white finch! At that time, he cut off his arm with a sword, and the hatred was very strong. You must be careful when you act. If you conflict with his doorman, you must not show mercy!"

Don't beg, nod to Jiang Yun's ancestor, and then looked at Princess Le.

As a result, Princess Le and Li Jiao didn't take Jiang Yun's words seriously at all. Princess Pangle looked at the solemnity of the internal affairs hall with great interest, which was very different from the style of the forbidden palace of the Dayan Dynasty. As for the squid, she stared at the young Taoist in white robes, and the corners of her mouth had already oozed.

Don't beg for a group of people. Under the leadership of those Taoist priests in white, they slowly walked to a hall in the depths of the internal affairs hall.

Here, everyone registered their name and cultivation, and then received several sets of Yunhuamen-style Taoist robes and a waist card made of Shui'er white jade. The methods of immortals are different from those of mortals. Several deacons of the internal affairs hall brushed these waist cards, and the names of Buqi and others appeared on them, as well as their identity and status in Yunhuamen, Aokifeng, and the disciples of the outer door passed on to each other!

And on the waist card of Jiang Yun's ancestor, it is marked with a ~ Aoki Feng, a foreign disciple Jiang Yun!

The back of the waist card is additionally marked with eye-catching golden handwriting - thirty-six immortals, Xingchuan'

The position of the elder!

After finishing all this, the deacon disciples of the Internal Affairs Hall sent another one hundred and eleven thumb-sized dark black jade slips. This is the 'shouhunjian' most often used by people in Xianmen, which beats a trace of divine thought into the jade slip. If it is damaged, the jade slip will be clear; once the life and death, the jade slip will crack: if the soul is scattered, the jade slip will be crushed. This is used by the fairy sect to grasp the situation of The ultimate means.

The strength of Baiyun Xianmen is not strong, and it is also like the earth overlord in the Liyuan Star Domain. There is no preparation for such things as sending souls. And Yuanhuamen is powerful, and it is also a place where there are many strong immortals like Protianjing. It is necessary to prepare the soul. Otherwise, a large number of disciples have been killed outside, and the master has not yet received any wind, which is a great threat to the foundation and inheritance of an immortal sect.

Don't beg is also the first time to see the soul-giving slip. To make this kind of jade slip, it requires a relatively rare, the soul-like black jade in the heart of the water abyss. In addition to making the soul-like slip, this kind of jade is also a good material for making some ghost-doji magic weapons

put a wisp of divine consciousness into the sent soul slip, and the deacon disciple of the internal affairs hall quickly carved out the name and origin of the sent soul slip, and then someone sent the sent the sent soul slip back to the inside of the mountain gate and stored it in a special sent soul hall.

After finishing all this, the Qingzhang Xianweng left the internal affairs hall with Buqi and others. He said with a smile, "Let's go to Aoki Peak to rest first. Over the years, thousands of cylinders of green wine have been refined. Several jars have been stored for thousands of years. Today, I just dug it out and

Wannian Lingjiu? Don't beg your eyes to light up the wine refined by immortals, which has always had the wonderful use of improving skills and mana. And the spiritual wine of ten thousand years, no need to ask more, the effect is absolutely not small.

The group walked out of the internal affairs hall excitedly. Before the clouds could soar, a white light had fallen in front of everyone.

A middle-aged man dressed as a showman appeared in front of everyone with a gloomy face, and when he met, he was scolded.

"Green stick, did you hurt your white sparrow master and nephew for no reason? Bullying the small with the big, you are so powerful!"