Steal the sky

Chapter 380 Spirit Bird Sparrow

Huiling Zhenren must have something to rely on, otherwise he will not be alone and provoke the ancestor with the excuse of X!" Princess Bule stood on the cloud, flying forward as light as a fairy, frowned and said the above words. Don't sit beside her lazily, fly forward with the clouds of Princess Bule, and also think about this matter.

It has been three days since Huiling hit the Qingya Star. In the past three days, Don't beg and Princess Bule have been thinking about the meaning of what Huiling Zhenren has done. Obviously, if the Yuanhua fairy does not make such a bet, Huiling Zhenren will also put forward the bet of letting the Buddha go.

However, Yuanhua's ancestor had two seven-pin elixirs to rely on, and within a few months, he resumed all his cultivation. He was also hit hard. His strength fell directly from the twenty-eight immortals to the thirty-grade world. What kind of door-to-door provocation does he have?

Princess Bule and Buqi floated forward while frowning and thinking about this problem.

After thinking about it for a long time, don't shake your head and say, "Don't pay attention to so much. Let's take care of ourselves first!" Today, we went shopping in Xianfang of Qingyaxing. Those things in Yuanhuamen are naturally calculated by those elders and immortals. What does it have to do with us? Shaking his head indifferently, don't beg and say in a low voice, "Even if Yuanhuamen is destroyed" has nothing to do with us!"

Princess Bile nodded and gave up this headache. She stretched her eyebrows and sat happily beside Bu begging. Half of her body leaned out of the clouds and smiled and enjoyed the scenery of the green cliff star.

The green cliff star is full of lofty mountains. This is a planet where mountains occupy the main landforms, so the secular countries here are very small, and the secular cities are also small and exquisite. Looking down from the sky, the eyes are green, the exquisite small cities are embedded in the green water, as if The bonsai made by masters and craftsmen is extremely pleasing to the eye.

Flying 2,000 miles west from the Aoki Peak where the Qingzhang Xianweng Cave is located, there is a fairy square set up by Yuanhuamen, which is also the only place for the exchange and trade of immortals on the Qingya Star. Because of the reputation and strength of Yuanhuamen in the Protian Realm, the scale of this Qingya Fairy Square is very large. The disciples of the major Xianmen who have been stationed here all year round are more than 100,000, and the secular mortals who serve them are more than one million.

Don't beg to pull Princess Bule to Qingya Fairy Square. Naturally, it is said that she will come here. He wants to take a chance to see if he can meet some rare treasures he can use. There are a lot of materials on Wanxianxing, but the output of a Wanxianxing is limited, and it is impossible to include all the rare treasures of Zhoutian World, so Xianfang also plays a great role in such monks as Don't begging.

Hun the Holy Spirit and the dragonfly flew several miles behind them with dark clouds. They were very winkled. They did not come up to make a light bulb, but let Princess Beg and Bule enjoy the space of the two people.

I flew slowly for half an hour." Surrounded by the mountains in front of me, a fairy square was in sight. Following several majestic blue mountains, rows of streets and shops are built layer by layer. You can faintly see that the streets are extremely lively, and there are a large number of monks flying in the air exhaust.

Qingya Xianfang, no, the rule of all Xianfang in the whole Zhoutian world is that a monk can only fly with the air and can't fly with the sword.

Because of the extreme lethality of the sword light, if the sword spirit is not good, it may accidentally injure the mortal servants in the fairy square, and the air evacuation does not have such trouble. Unless it is deliberately gathering water clouds to attract a thunderstorm, it will not threaten the safety of the fairy square.

Don't beg. The four people randomly chose a street and fell down. The pedestrians around looked at them strangely and went to do their own things. Thousands of large and small immortals of the Protian Realm have their own shops and trading places here, and the resident monks and disciples are 100,000 monks flying all over the sky, and those mortals are also used to seeing people who suddenly fall from the air.

Don't beg to say hello to the Holy Spirit: "Big brother," Zixuan and I will go to the store that sells spirit birds and demon pets. You and Jiao can hang around at will!"

Mr. Holy Spirit nodded and said to Don't beg, "Brothers and sisters, just go, the eldest brother has a number." He pulled the sleeves of the clams looking around, showing that the Holy Spirit walked along the road with the drooling clams at the corners of his mouth.

Don't beg and Princess Bile looked at each other and smiled." The two held hands and slowly wandered along the street. The facilities of Qingya Xianfang are very complete. There are eye-catching road signs on the roadside. Following the road signs, the two of them quickly came to the shop area specializing in selling all kinds of rare spiritual birds and monsters as demon pets.

For immortals, their own Taoist magic power, magic secrets, and elixir magic weapons are all very important. But the function of the demon pet should not be underestimated. A monster with a good bloodline is of great help to the monks. If you can adopt a good demon pet from an early age and treat it well from an early age, there will undoubtedly be a loyal high-level thage.

The powerful immortal sect ranked first in the Protian Realm, the Qiwu Gate, the ancestor of the mountain, inadvertently adopted a hard-working little white snake when he was a little monk of Yuanying. When he became a fairy, the little white snake also survived the thunder disaster and flew into an immortal. When the real person became a twenty-seven-grade immortal, the little white snake brazenly grew its wings and turned into an ancient strange snake "snow armor swallowing python" and had the strong strength of twenty-five-grade immortals in one fell swoop

Relying on this pair of annihilistic real people, the snow armor swallowing python that regarded him as his parents, Qi annihman firmly sat firmly in the position of the first fairy gate of the Pro Heavenly Realm. The snow armor swallowing python with the strength of the twenty-five immortals, and more than a dozen immortals like Yuanhua Laozu joined hands, which is not necessarily its opponent. Most of the prestige of the first immortal gate in the Protian Realm of Qizhanmen relies on this alien python.

Don't beg to refine the Xuanyang fairy in the snow abyss star, and get the blood of a fire attribute phoenix and Luan bird. He has never used this bloodline, just to find a good spirit bird to cultivate for Princess Bule" and then integrate this bloodline into the spirit bird [body]. With the power of several ancient prescriptions mastered by Don't beg, you can prepare an elixir to stimulate this bloodline, so that the bird can be completely transformed into an innate bird.

Princess Bule's own cultivation progresses rapidly, but the immortal world is sinister, and people's hearts are even more unpredictable. Don't worry about the safety of Princess Bule. With the close protection of a divine bird, don't beggar can you act at ease. Walking along the street, don't beg to choose a family name, Zhenyu Pavilion, the demon pet shop, pulled Princess Bule in.

As soon as you enter the Zhenyu Pavilion, there are countless birds singing. Princess Bile shouted and happily came to a few bird cages made of golden nanmu, whistled gently, and teased several demon birds and chicks in the cage that had not opened their eyes.

The shopkeeper in the store greeted a middle-aged man who looked like he was in his forties and only the early cultivation of Jindan. His eyes swept over the waist card of the disciples of Yunhuamen on the waist of Princess Begging and Bule, and bowed respectfully and saluted, "Two seniors, I don't know what you want to choose?"

Princess Yule tilted her head and didn't pay attention to the shopkeeper at all. She stretched out her fingers with a smile, reached into the gap between the cages, and gently stroked the chicks that were squeezed together. She whistled gently." The pleasant whistle made tens of thousands of chicks and grown demon birds in nearly a thousand bird cages, large and small, in the store nearly a hundred feet in Zhenyu Pavilion, and made a crisp sound at the same time.

With your hands on your back, don't beg at the shopkeeper and say neatly, "Fire attribute demon bird, the purer the blood, the more advanced the better. It's best to be a chick or an egg. I'm an adult... "Don't!", adult demon bird, it is extremely difficult to tame it. "Don't beg and don't want to waste time on it. With the blood of the innate bird, don't beg to cooperate with your own strange elixir, which is enough for the chicks to grow fast, so why waste that time? The chicks raised since childhood will have a parent-like affection for Princess Beile, and this kind of demon pet is the most loyal.

If you don't beg, the shopkeeper was stunned." Then he hurriedly bowed and said, "You are an connocist. Here, please, here happens to be a fire feather finch that has just hatched for only two days. The real fire attribute spirit bird. Among the nine spirit birds, the fire feather finch can enter the third

Follow the shopkeeper to a bird cage made of fire attribute spirit stone in the middle of the store. A small hen-sized, fat chicks with red fine hair are curling up in the nest made of several fire-type spirit stones, squinting their eyes and screaming.

Don't beg Zhou Tianshen to look at the young bird. It is indeed a spirit bird with fire attributes, and the bloodline is not bad. There is an extremely thin bloodline of the lower-grade fairy bird Brahma Red Canary. Such a spirit bird with the blood of the fairy bird is much easier when merging the trace of blood

Don't bargain. Don't beg to take out the storage bag. Pay 500,000 yuan for the spirit stone and buy this fiery sparrow. He paid an extra 100,000 spiritual stones and bought an inner space with only the size of a house!

Don't beg to find that the Protian Realm is actually a game! There are 10,000 dragons crouchs squatting in his spiritual ring, and the commonly visible spiritual ring here is only the size of a house! Fortunately, when he left Wanxianxing, he searched a large number of genius treasures from the eastern ocean to expand the spiritual ring, enough to expand the spiritual ring at will. Otherwise, don't beg. I'm really afraid that such a small space will wrong this fiery sparrow.

Just after the transaction was completed, Don't beg to stuff the fire feather finch into the bought breeding ring, and suddenly heard a noise outside.

"Oh, my God, swallow it without saying a word!" "Ah, that fish-headed demon is so fierce! I dare to swallow people on the street!" "There is a good show to watch! The man she ate was the nephew of the elder in charge of the Monroe Hall!"

Fish-headed demon eats people? Did you eat it or the person who annimated the door? Don't beg for a dizziness, and hurriedly grabbed Princess Bu Le and ran out. ............, ah-woo, swallowed it!

Gaga! Swallow it!