Steal the sky

Chapter 408 Cold Electric Fairy Mirror

...... The transformation thunderstorm suddenly fell, and the golden horns and silver horns suddenly realized that the two brothers had done such a stupid thing. For any thunderstorm, as long as there are other creatures in the scope of the thunderstorm, the power of the thunderstorm will increase by geometric orders of magnitude. Not to mention that the two of them are two big pythons, which are more ancient and powerful than the bloodline of the snow armor swallowing python. This deformed thunderstorm is more than ten times more powerful than the snow armor swallowing python.

The red thunder was dark, like dry blood stains. The thunder fell from a hundred miles high, and the huge wind was trembling, and the pigeon Saturn under his feet seemed to suddenly twitch. The golden horn and the silver horn cried and wanted to escape from the snow armor swallowing python, but just now the two brothers were afraid that they could not entangle their prey, and the three snakes were tightly twisted into braids. Now they want to escape in a hurry, how can they escape?

Seeing that the red thunder was about to hit his head, the golden horn was so scared that his saliva sprayed all over his face. He howled heartbreakingly, "Master, uncle, senior, prince, help! We can't stand it, and we can't stand the thunder!"

The silver horn cried like a fountain. He looked at the beggar in the distance pitifully and shouted, "Boss, shopkeeper, help me! Our brothers' lives are precious. Our ice-fire dragon python family wants to reproduce and grow, and the responsibility lies with us!"

The colorful auspicious light behind Princess Pangle came to Don't beg in an instant. She casually swept a colorful auspicious light to the cloud overhead, and heard a dull thunder in the cloud, and the cloud covering the void of a hundred miles suddenly shrunk by 30%. Just spewing out of the robbery cloud, the gold and silver horns and the snow armor swallowing python were about to blow up the bone and flesh of the thunder, which was also weakened by 30% out of thin air.

Princess Le was about to use her magic power to disperse the disaster cloud. Don't beg and suddenly shouted: "Slow, wait!"

The transformation of the thunder disaster fell. Don't beg for the sword light and rushed to the bottom of the thunder. His eyebrows were open, and one side was wrapped in the clouds. As thin as paper, there were countless lightning flashing treasure mirrors with the light of Leng Qinqin and slowly suspended above the head. The cold electron microscope, after absorbing the essence of the thunderstorm last time, has generated intelligence. After the nourishment of the innate five elements in the sea, the cold electron microscope gradually restored its original appearance.

The cold electric microscope was originally the portable artifact of an ancient narcissus in the water house occupied by the cattle. But later, when the narcissus fell, the cold electric microscope was damaged and fell into a long sleep. After years of grinding, the grade of the cold electron microscope finally became an ordinary magic weapon.

Get the nourishment of the essence of the thunder disaster, especially the sacrifice of the innate five elements. The inner spirit of the cold electric mirror gradually wakes up, integrates with the spirit of the new wisp of weapon, and gradually restores its original face. Today, the thunderstorm came, which immediately made the cold electric microscope excited.

The snow armor swallowing python wants to take off the python and turn it into a human form with the help of a wisp of life in the transformation of the thunder disaster. Today's cold electric microscope also needs to use the power of this thunder disaster to re-forge the newly integrated spirit, so that the spirit can become a fairy with the help of the

The thunderstorm fell, and the cold electron microscope roared happily. A large cloud spewed out of the mirror and turned into a big net to swallow a huge thunder into the mirror. After the cold electric microscope absorbed this thunder, it suddenly turned red, and the strange light kept spewing out from the mirror, and it was faintly visible that a small figure with a blurred purple-blue body and flashed with countless electric sparks was looming in the flashing light.

Don't beg to know what happened from the information sent by the cold electron microscope. He hurriedly put his consciousness into the cold electron microscope and carefully injected his soul power into the thin blue figure.

The spirit of the cold electric microscope got the original power of the soul input generously, and suddenly grew up like a balloon. Especially because he got the body of the spirit that has been recasted from the origin of the soul of Begging, he is equivalent to Begging, and he can no longer be isolated from him.

Another thunder fell, and the cold electric microscope happily swallowed the thunderstorm into the body. The thunder power was digested by the cold electron microscope, and the tiny creation vitality contained in the transformation thunder disaster was introduced into the body by the small spirit and the heart wing. With the original power of the soul of the beggars as the material, and with this trace of chemical vitality as the glue, the spirit gradually returned to the body according to its own appearance in those years.

The spirit of the cold electric microscope is a small fish, which is one foot and two inches long, shaped like a crucian carp. The body is translucent, and there is a gorgeous silver-blue behind it. The floating fins are several feet long, hazy like a dreamy little fish. After absorbing the power of seventy-one thunderstorms in a row, the spirit fish raised its head happily and shouted up to the sky. The fish's cry was crisp and pleasant, but when it spread to the distance, it suddenly turned into a thunderbolt, shaking dozens of cracks in the wind.

With a large amount of electric light, the spirit circled around Don't be begging. Don't beg to stretch out your hand and hold the spirit of the cold electric microscope. I nodded with joy. This instrument is so flexible. Moreover, the image is so strange that even the origin of this strange-shaped fish is not recorded in the scriptures. It can be seen that it is not a species of natural pregnancy in heaven and earth, but should be a species derived from the hybridization of some alien fish.

The deep sleep for too long has made the spirit forget a lot of things. Except for all the laws related to thunder at the core of the soul, everything else has been worn out by the years, and even his name has been forgotten. Don't beg to touch the fish, casually give him the name of 'cold electricity', and throw him back to the cold electric microscope.

Seeing the re-condensation of the cold electric microscope spirit, the colorful auspicious light behind Princess Xule rose to the sky and turned into dozens of colorful chains and rushed straight into the cloud of robbery. With her gesture, there was a thunder in the air, as if the sky had collapsed. The red clouds flowed rapidly around, and the sky was full of blood. Those colorful chains broke off from the back of Princess Kunle and swayed to those stunned Qixun disciples.

From the remaining four or five immortals to the last thirty disciples in the realm of Yuanshen and Yuanying, each disciple is attached to a chain of colorful auspicious light. The chain is invisible and has no energy fluctuation at all. No matter how the disciples of Qiyumen struggle to tear, these chains are not moved and firmly attached to them.

The robbery cloud collapsed, and dozens of huge thunderfires split down along the colorful chains. It was really thunderous. The remnants of the strange door had no time to dodge, and the thunderbolt bombarded their bodies along the colorful chains. Hearing only a few screams, the bodies of several immortals in Qiqimen collapsed, leaving only the fairy souls fleeing in a mess. And the other immortals in the realm of Yuanshen and Yuanying have nothing left.

How can these ordinary monks bear the transformation of the thunderstorm falling from the snow armor swallowing python?

Princess Le used the secret method to attract all the power of thunder and disaster in the cloud, which broke out in an instant and fell on the disciples of Qiyanmen, and hit them hard on the spot. Those fairy souls wanted to escape, but they could not escape. The idiots and the Taoist recovered from the shock and immediately killed the killers and turned all the fairy souls that escaped from the strange immortals into ashes.

When the golden horns and silver horns saw the dissipated and disappeared, they immediately lay on the body of the snow armor swallowing python with great heart, and swallowed up the flesh and blood of the snow armor swallowing the python. They still remember the requirements of don't begging and idiots and Taoist Taoist people. All the scales were spit out like shelling melon seeds, and the snake tendons and snake bones were intact.

It is the snake elixir that the Taoist wants. The body of the snow armor swallowing python has indeed given birth to 24 cold white snake elixirs.

The golden horn and the silver horn knew that the Taoist and the begging were not the same. They didn't swallow the snake elixir into their mouths, but just dripped on the snake elixir with saliva, deliberately disgusting the Taoist. If it weren't for the fear of not begging and scolding, the two brothers could have done more disgusting things.

Just as the golden horns and silver horns safely enjoyed their prey. When the disciples of Yuanhua Sect were busy cleaning the battlefield and picking up intact magic weapons and rune elixirs from the enemies who died in battle, a blue-red cloud suddenly circled slowly circled in the air.

Don't beg to see the disaster cloud and you will know that this is the fairy disaster that the spiritual weapon must experience when incarnate the fairy weapon. It's like a monk in the realm of primordial god flying to an immortal, who must go through a thunderstorm test. The cold electric microscope has now also ushered in his fairy disaster.

Looking up at the thunderstorm, don't beg for a finger. The cold electric microscope turned into a round of bright light and flew straight into the sky, and took the initiative to fly into the forming disaster cloud. The light in the cold electric microscope was shining, and the huge thunderstorm power in the cloud was quickly absorbed by the cold electric microscope. However, in just a quarter of an hour, the condensing cloud had disappeared, and all the thunderbolt had become the nutrients of the cold electron microscope.

Don't beg to recall the cold electron microscope and happily stuffed him back into his eyebrows. At this moment, his eyebrows are like a natural naked eye, and the purple eyes flash a faint electric light from time to time.

With the don't begging, when the vertical eye is closed, it is a thin purple halo. Once the vertical eye is opened, the infinite clouds and electric light roll in the cold eyes, with infinite pressure, and the power of the end is extremely amazing.

The idiots beside him are amazed that there can be fairy weapons with him in the realm of Yuanying, and the creation of not begging is really enviable. There is also the forbidden rope that trapped the snow armor swallows the python, which is also a fairy weapon.

Although it is the lower fairy weapon of the thirty-third grade, there are not many disciples of Yuanshen in Yuanhua Gate.

Don't beg willing to launch the cold electron microscope, and a silent thunderbolt shot out from the center of the eyebrows and hit a hill a hundred miles away. The earth trembled gently, and the hill suddenly turned into ashes.

The Taoist palmed his hand and praised the good luck of not begging, while the white sparrow Taoist behind the Taoist's body looked gloomy at the begging.

Don't beg, raise your eyelids and look at the white sparrow Taoist, killing the disciple in his heart.