Steal the sky

Chapter 443 Eight Precepts


A white cloud slowly flew to Ancheng.

On the cloud, You Jin carefully curled around his waist and stood behind Don't beg. He looked at Don't beg. Finally, he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart. He carefully lowered his voice and asked, "Senior," that's it?"

Don't beg was squinting and thinking about something a long time ago. There seemed to be a black land flashing in front of him. A generous and warm hand grabbed his hand, and a white hand with no strength was messing with his messy hair. When did that happen? That day, he was struggling with something?

Hearing You Jin's words, don't beg to ask subconsciously, "Huh? What's the matter?"

You Jin hit Du'er, but he gritted his teeth and still had the courage to ask, "What about Master Hidden Heart and Master Shouxin?" In the past few days, You Jin and the old monk and apprentice have a great friendship. You Jin was born in Qingdanmen. This is a school that cares about refining medicine. There is also a kind of compassionate state of mind of doctors and parents, which coincides with the hidden monks and apprentices who like to build pontoons. This time, it was also You Jin who accompanied the hidden heart master and apprentice to Qinglin Mountain to collect herbs. The cloud bandit Taoist split the hidden heart master and apprentice with one sword. It is impossible to say that You Jin has no idea. The more honest he is, the more terrible he is. You Jin is usually afraid not to beg to death." But because of the matter of the old monk and apprentice, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Master Zangxin and Master Shouxin, they are all good people. Did you just forget it?

Don't beg to hear the question of Youjin this time. He squinted at the faint Ancheng in front of him with his hands behind his back, and suddenly smiled gently: "How can you figure out the things in the world clearly! You Jin, have you ever heard of Xuanyang Qingcheng?

You Jin opened his mouth and didn't say anything. Xuanyang Qingcheng, he really hasn't heard of it. The ancestor of Qingdanmen "I don't know from which passing immortals got the opportunity to cultivate immortals. Fortunately, he established such a foundation. The disciples of Qingdanmen have never left the Pangu mainland. They don't even know what's going on in the outer realm. Where do they know what Xuanyang Qingcheng and so on?

Don't beg for a sigh: "Dazzling Yang Qingcheng, the strongest fairy gate in the Xuanyang heaven, the ancestor of Kaishan inherited the mantle of an ancient immortal, which is now the cultivation of the three-grade golden immortal!" Cold sweat suddenly flowed down from Youjin's forehead. Three golden fairies? Jinxian is already a legendary figure, not to mention the third grade golden fairy who is also regarded as the top figure of the pyramid? What else is there to say about Yun Bandit Taoist who came from such a sect? You Jin lowered his head sadly and sighed silently. "It seems that there is no way to avenge the old monk.

What does the first sentence of just don't beg mean? How can you figure out what's going on in the world? Does he want to calculate or not?

Looking at the back of Don't begging, You Jin's face changed.

Buqi suddenly looked back at You Jin and thought about it for a while. He took out a small silk book from his sleeve and threw it to You Jin. Good students study it. There is a skill in it, which is much better than your Qingdanmen. If you practice this skill, you can form a Yuanying in about a hundred years. There are also some alchemy methods and some lower-grade elixir prescriptions. "If you can have some achievements in alchemy, you may not be able to become a baby in a hundred years!"

Don't beg for killing people over the years. There are many immortals who have fallen into his hands. There are more monks in the realm of Yuanying and Yuanshen. It is also reasonable to choose some good cultivation methods from them to integrate them. You Jin, an old man, is a good man. Except for being a little timid, he has a good temperament. So he gave You Jin a medium-high cultivation method, and the secret of alchemy is the basic alchemy of Baiyun Xianmen.

Although it is the basic alchemy, it is more than ten times better than the unknown elixir of Qingdanmen.

You Jin took the silk book and turned it over, and his eyes suddenly lit up. The method of refining gas recorded in the silk book is extremely exquisite, and the various methods of attracting air into the volume to store aura are at least several times more complicated than the town gate treasure book that he regarded as an arch in Qingdanmen. The Danfang elixir formula recorded later is even more exquisite, which makes You Jin feel suddenly enlightened in front of him. He just flipped through the silk book and felt a burst of light in his heart. It seemed that there was an indescribable understanding flowing down his head, and his golden elixir suddenly beat up. The aura around his body faintly flowed into the [body]. At this moment, Don't beg and whispered, "For the things that hide your heart and keep your heart, just let it go. Don't show it in front of the bandits, otherwise I won't be able to protect you. Well, don't meet him in the future. Just do things with Ancheng wholeheartedly. All the pharmacies under the Daletian Palace will be taken care of in the future.

You Jin's heart suddenly moved again. "Don't beg to say so." Don't let him meet the cloud bandit Taoist. Is he afraid of what the cloud bandit Taoist will notice? With a hot eye, You Jin bowed and said, "What the senior said is very true. In the future, You Jin will not leave the city in the city." Gently, um, with a sound, don't beg to pinch your fingers and think about it.

If there is a bear, you can't enter. There is no doubt that the immortals who enter will die. The Taiyi Golden Immortals have been crushed. Don't beg, but you dare not go to X luck. In this way, there is no way to go to the place where Xiong Yuan used as a marker in the scriptures that gave birth to the congenital yang qi.

Now there is only one choice left for Don't beg, that is, the stolen recorded in the scriptures, the Great Wilderness Dark Valley, which has been 300 billion miles to the north, located at the bottom of the bottomless abyss of Bei Ming. But where is the Great Wilderness Valley? How to get there? Without an atlas, it is really a difficult problem. In the map sold by the old man to the beggars, there is no place in the Great Wilderness Valley.

He Ancheng is just a small place in Pangu mainland, and the monks here have not gone out to see any big world" and it is impossible to get any news from them!

Don't beg for a headache for a while. Maybe the hope can only be put on Diyang Zhenren, right?

The white clouds flew lightly to the sky above He'an City. Don't beg were about to set up the clouds to descend to the city's main mansion. The divine consciousness swept down the bottom, but suddenly found ** in a private house in the southeast corner of the city. Several women were running out in panic, and two of their hands were covered with blood and dirt. Several men in the yard pulled out their swords and were about to rush into the house. One of the men was shouting, "Kill this monster! It's unfortunate to kill this monster!"

, monster,? Don't beg for God's consciousness to sweep into the room, and a faint Buddha light suddenly flashed. There is a big ** in the room. A newly born woman is crying and huddled in the corner of the bed, in the middle of the bed. A baby who is bright red and the umbilical cord has not been cut off is sitting in the **, with his hands forming the fundamental seal of the king of uncertains, and his little mouth is muttering,

The baby's face is ugly, and his head is full of mottled scars.

In the middle of his eyebrows, there is also a white bead the size of a chicken, which is emitting a faint light. But the beads are full of cracks." Several cracks have run through the beads, and it looks like they will break at any time.

Several men with swords rushed into the delivery room proudly, roared and waved their swords and cut down at the baby.

Don't beg for a flash of body, and suddenly rushed to the delivery [house] with You Jin. He slapped his backhand, and several men broke their swords together. The huge force made them unstable and staggered out. Don't beg to stand in front of the window and look down at the little baby." Suddenly, he asked softly, "Little monk, do you remember me?"

The naked baby looked up at Don't beg. "He suddenly widened his eyes and shouted at Don't beg." Two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. He struggled to get up. He crawled over to the beggar, but the newborn baby was weak. After crawling twice, he lay down and couldn't move.

Don't beg and don't care that the dirt on the child's body has not been washed clean." He picked him up." He laughed and said with a loud laugh, "Wonderful, he said that he owes you for lifelessness and can't be repaid. You fell into Nirvana this morning, but you have been rein

After patting the baby's buttocks hard, Don't beg and suddenly frowned and said, "Yes, it's strange." Why are you reincarnated so quickly?"

You Jin hurriedly shouted, "Senior, as long as they are Buddhist monks, they have been reincarnated very quickly. In the past, there were also several Buddhist disciples fighting with people in Ancheng. As long as they were not beaten to death, they would be quickly reincarnated, and often reincarnated around Ancheng. It's not just He Ancheng, "where there are Buddhist disciples" is like this!"

He clicked his mouth." You Jin whispered, "All Taoist friends said that the six reincarnations of the nine hells were all set up by the people of Buddhism, so they had such convenience!"

Is the six reincarnations set up by Buddhists? Don't beg and shake your head disapprovingly. Six reincarnations are the natural law of heaven and earth. Who can control it? Who dares to control it? It's just that the Buddhist monk can be reincarnated so quickly, and there is still a reason for him.

After holding the baby in his arms, don't beg to look at the stunned mother and shout, "What's the surname of the owner of this family?"

The mother was also stunned." Don't beg her. She hurriedly replied, "My lord, my surname is Zhu!"

Zhu? Monk?

Don't beg and suddenly laughed loudly. He slapped the baby's buttocks hard, and the greedy wolf sword flew out, and a sword cut off his umbilical cord. Don't beg for joy and said, "Wonderful, keep your heart, keep your previous legal name is really unheard of. From today on, you are Zhu Bajie, the monk of Bajie! In the future, I will be your master. I will definitely teach all the Buddhist classics of the Golden Pavilion Temple, so that your senior monk "the monk in this life will always be a monk in his life!" You Jin on the side crooked his mouth, and the greedy wolf senior said, "Why is it always so strange?

However, the guard-hearted monk has been reincarnated, which is a good thing!

But what about the old monk who hides his heart? He... You Jin looked at his heart... No, the shattered relic in the middle of the monk Bajie's eyebrows was stunned and speechless.

At this moment, an angry roar came from outside the room: "The demon, get out quickly, don't hurt my wife!"

Don't beg to look back. Several men who had just been beaten out by him, I don't know where they sent a team of 50 soldiers and were pulling open the strong bow to the delivery room.