Steal the sky

Chapter 445 Fighting with the same family

Begging to accompany Yun's Taoist, he wandered around in Qingcheng Beppu.

The beautiful scenery everywhere changes step by step. In order to design this dojo, he can make use of all the benefits of Le Xiaobai's Nan Garden in his memory. In an inappropriate sentence, it is really shocking, and each step gives people a different feeling.

Yunyu Taoist's face was ruddy, emitting a faint glow, and his heart was relaxed and happy to patrol around the Beppu under the guidance of begging. Beautiful, beautiful searchable, wonderful, wonderful. The glory and luxury of this Taoist court is simply a hundred times more than Yunqi Taoist expected.

He never dreamed that he could run such a dojo in just three months with no begging for help.

Especially the utensils displayed in the palaces and pavilions, a bed, a stool, a table and a few, and even the brush, pen holder, paperweight, bookmarks on the desk, and even the axe for chopping wood in the dining room, are all good things that have been made with a lot of precious materials spent over the years. Among them, the various items searched in the Lotte Palace are even more precious, dazzling and jewelled, and the description is just like this.

The Lotte Palace is an evil sect, and it is also an evil sect that majors in double practice of skills. The clever lady is also a woman who is luxurious. The furnishings in the palace are extremely gorgeous. Just like the cloud bed placed on the lecture platform in the first major hall of Qingcheng Beppu today, it is extracted from a piece of purple chalcedony more than ten square meters. The core part is a piece of purple jade essence, which can condense vitality and nourish the health machine, and has great benefits to the fairy souls of immortals.

The Zifu divine jade essence is about the size, and there is such a large piece in Qingcheng, but the purple mansion divine jade essence has been cut into more than 20 futons, which has been assigned to more than a dozen elders and several core gatemen under the Qingcheng Gate. How can it be carved into a cloud bed like the Great Lotte Palace? And just give it to one person!

This piece of Zifu divine jade essence is dedicated to the elders of Qingcheng, which is a great credit. Yunqi Taoist can get a lot of rewards. There will be no shortage of skills, elixirs, fairy weapons and so on. Among the eighteen palaces and pavilions in this Qingcheng Beppu, there are many similar rare things. It can be seen that the products of Pangu Continent are rich, and it can be seen that the Great Lotte Palace and other sects have harvested greatly after entering Pangu Continent.

Yun's Taoist secretly calculated that he had to work hard to manage and run such a large fortune step by step, at least it would take a few yuan. Now, because of the help of Don't begging, he has accumulated such a large share of money in just three months!

With trembling hands, trembling feet, and trembling heart, Yunyu Taoist began to look forward to the reward he would receive after he showed this dojo to the elders of the teacher. At the same time, he did not beg, from the beginning of the net to the admiration, to the later appreciation, a little

Of course, Yunyu Daoren knows that don't beg to do this for the sake of Qingcheng behind him. Even so, don't beg is too much. It's so big that the Taoist is embarrassed to say that he doesn't accept begging as an apprentice. He thinks that don't beg for such a reasonable person should be recommended to his master.

Yunqi Taoist also has his own calculations. He can accept begging as an apprentice. He has one more disciple who can do things under his own family, which is very helpful to himself, really a lot! But if you have one more brother who has a good relationship with you, can do things, and can be appreciated by your own master. Can't it bring him greater benefits?

One more powerful apprentice and one more powerful junior with a good relationship, this is a very different concept under the Qingcheng Gate.

When he thought about the benefits, Yunyu Taoist couldn't help laughing. Don't beg to take Yun's Taoist to the last entrance to the hall. He pointed out and introduced him to all the benefits in the hall. Suddenly, when he saw Yun's Taoist laughing loudly, Don't beg hurriedly asked, "Why does the immortal laugh?"

Yun'ao Taoist laughed a few times. He patted Begging on the shoulder hard and praised, "Greedy wolf Taoist friends, in the future, we will talk about it, and if we say that immortals are immortals are not immortals, it too much!

Well, this time, there are a lot of Taoist friends, some small things, please accept it!"

Reaching out and grabbing it in front of him, Yunqi Taoist priest grabbed a mouthful of red swords that was constantly spewing out a large area of Mars. He proudly pointed to the fairy sword and smiled, "This fairy sword is refined by the poor, which has been around for ten yuan for a long time. Now the inner weapon spirit of the sword has been cultivated into the strength of thirty-three immortals, but no one has ever refined it. Today, I will give it to my greedy wolf friends!"

Don't beg for a daze. He hurriedly shouted with a flattered look and shouted, "I dare not, dare not, never dare. This is a fairy weapon. How can the poor do you dare to accept such a heavy gift from the immortal?

Yunyu Taoist pretended to be angry and shouted, "Or is it a fairy? Call me a Taoist friend. If a Taoist friend regards the poor Taoist as a friend, he must accept it, otherwise the poor Taoist will not follow it!"

Don't beg to block it for a while, and finally make a look that can't stop Yun's Taoism. He respectfully and fearfully took the Yan magpie sword into his hand. Under the guidance of Yunyu Taoist, Don't beg to activate the spirit in the sword with your own blood, and brand a wisp of divine consciousness on the sword spirit of the magpie sword. Because this fairy sword is refined by Yun's Taoist himself. There is no difficulty in begging for sacrifice to this fairy sword. The fire magpie sword spirit is also obedient, and there is no need to beg for more energy at all.

Yunkui Taoist deliberately won over, don't beg for intention to flatter. In addition to the relationship between the fire and magpie sword, the two of them are getting hotter and hotter. Yun's Taoist told Don't beg to brag about some of the extraterritorial heaven. Don't beg to introduce some secrets about the Pangu mainland from Yuhe Sniper and Sanle Zhenren to the Taoist Yunyu. When they talked about the rise, they simply ran to the big hazel tree at the entrance of the valley and set

When he drank a little, Don't beg once again mentioned the matter of inviting the elders of Qingcheng to visit the mountain ceremony.

Yun'ao said that he applauded Jinsi's palm, and he agreed with the idea of not begging. But when it comes to the specific implementation! Yun Yu's Taoist looked embarrassed and frowned for a long time without saying a word. After a while, Yun Yu lowered his voice and said something to Bu begging with a wry smile.

This time, there was a huge gap between the surrounding forces of Ancheng. Yunyu Taoist rushed to Qinglin Mountain to seize the land in just ten days, but he was appointed. It was his brother Yun's reticism who ordered the Taoist to come to Qinglin Mountain to cover the land. Yun's Taoist has the cultivation of twenty-seven immortals, while Yun's Taoist has steadily reached the strength of twenty-five immortals. A total of thirty-six Yun's Taoist brothers came to Pangu Continent 3,000 years ago to replace the previous wave of Tongmen in Qingcheng to open up a new Taoist field in Pangu Continent

I have to say that it is extremely difficult for Xianmen on the Pangu mainland to open up a dojo and establish its own sphere of influence. In particular, Qingcheng, a fairy gate with golden immortals, is the focus of the Yu Dynasty. Qingcheng sent dozens of Bomen people to Pangu mainland one after another, but they only opened up a few landing points on Pangu mainland. Under the constraint of the Yu Dynasty, it was impossible to make too much achievements at all.

Yunyu and Yunyu are at peace. The two have been fighting in private. The family behind them is also a competitive relationship, so their relationship is extremely poor. On this trip to Pangu Continent, Yuncheng Taoist was the leader of these thirty-six peers, and Yunkui Taoist became the biggest unlucky person among these thirty-six people. No matter what danger, no matter what hard work, no matter what is twice the result, it is his turn.

This time, there was a huge gap between the Xianmen forces around Ancheng, and the Yungu Taoist immediately sent the Yunyu Taoist to come here to open up the Taoist field.

But the discerning person can see at a glance that the power gap around He'ancheng is only a temporary matter. As long as the Huiji ancestor takes good care of the injury, or the Xuanxuan Palace behind the Huiji ancestor sends some old demons to reinforce, He Ancheng will be completely under the control of the Xuanxuan Palace. At this time, the Taoist Yunku came to open the mountain gate. Didn't he fight against the ancestor of Huiji?

The strength of Qingcheng cannot affect the obscure world, and the prestige of Qingcheng can't scare the group of magic fairies in Xuanxuan Palace. Huiji's ancestor came from the devil's way. When he found that there was a righteous monk on the mountain of the river that he had worked so hard to fight down, he would never mind killing the Yunyu Taoist by the way!

"Brother Yun, hey hey!" Yunni Taoist sneered and said, "He let the poor come to die!"

It's just that he never dreamed that the poor Tao could make a greedy wolf friend here!

Don't beg with a sincere smile and said seriously, "Qingcheng is the first fairy gate in the Xuanyang Heaven Realm, and it is also the cultivation of the authentic skills of Xuanmen. Although the cultivation is shallow, it also has an upward heart."

"Since we can force Taoist friends, that is our fate. Naturally, we should do our best to help our Taoist friends!"

The Taoist nodded with satisfaction. He sighed and said, "If you don't get the order of the master, you can't return to the Xuanyang sky without authorization to tell the master about this matter, otherwise you will definitely be severely punished.

However, the magic array of communication to the teacher is in the hands of Brother Yun. Poor Tao doesn't want him to share his credit!"

Don't beg to nod yourself. With his help, Yun'ao Taoist can logically take down the foundation of He'ancheng. As long as he doesn't beg to change his mouth and go to Qingcheng, He'ancheng is the territory of Qingcheng. In addition to this dojo, and those disciples with excellent spiritual root qualifications who are being sent here by the people, this credit is huge. After all, this is Qingcheng's first real Beppu dojo in the Pangu mainland.

However, Yunyu Taoist and Yunyu Taoist are at peace. Yunyu Taoist must not be able to pass the things here back to the teacher through Yunyu Taoist. Otherwise, this credit will become dominated by Yunyu Taoist. It is too stupid to make wedding clothes for others.

After meditant for a moment, don't beg and ask, "Where else can I send the news back to Qingcheng?"

Yunyu Taoist nodded, and he frowned and said, "There is another place where there is a public sound transmission array to transmit information to the outer realm. But the poor Taoist wanted to sit here and not let Yun's congressor notice what was happening here, so he spread the message..." Yun's Taoist looked at Don't beg.

Don't beg nod immediately and agreed: "Well, let the poor do this matter. As long as the Taoist friend assigns two disciples to follow me.

Don't beg to make such a statement. Yunqi Taoist was very happy. He immediately said the nearest place with a public sound transmission array: Qingxu Xianguan!