Steal the sky

Chapter 454 I'm a Thief

Dozens of golden lights were blocked by the steel whip, and the golden lights were put together, which was a dragon scale-shaped shield.

With a loud noise, the steel whip bounced back, and the dragon scale golden shield was broken into pieces, turned into dozens of golden light and shot out, straight to the wind blue chest **. Feng Qingqi was so scared that he screamed strangely. His body suddenly tightened, and he jumped up like a big grasshopper.

Don't beg to hold the jade bone soul search flag at the right time. Zhenyuan injected into it without reservation, and even bit his tongue, spewed out a ball of soul blood and sprinkled on the soul search flag, making the soul search flag a large area of haze. Holding the jade bone soul search flag was just a fierce swing, and it sounded like rain around. A hundred human car generals on the flying elixir rolled their eyes one after another and fell off the flying boat in embarrassment.

The soldiers of the human race do not practice the magic power of the yuan gods. Although their bodies are as strong as physical cultivation, their souls are no different from mortals. Not to mention the powerful fairy weapon such as the jade bone soul search flag, even the ordinary soul search magic weapon is enough to cause great damage to the human soldiers. Unless there is a character such as the high priest of the Sitian Hall of the Yu Dynasty in advance to prohibit and protect the souls of the human soldiers, any secret method against the soul is enough to hit a human army in an instant.

Countless jade skeletons roared in unison on the jade bone soul search flag. The sad roar shocked the souls of 20,000 people around them, and the broken soul turned into a stream of light gushing out of the seven orifices and was inhaled by the jade bone soul in the flag. The soul search flag was shining brightly, and the huge soul pressure made countless creatures in the Qingxu Fairy Square tremble and dare not move.

Tian thousand cars were killed in an instant. Their bodies fell, and the strong bows in their hands were out of control. 20,000 arrows were shot all over the sky, and some arrows were shot at dozens of immortals standing on the clouds around.

A large amount of fairy light gushed out of these immortals, and the arrows all over the sky were swept away by the fairy light.

The strange roar of the soul-searching flag gushed out. Among the dozens of immortals, more than a dozen immortals' body-guard immortals are not high-grade, and their own cultivation is just sloppy. The strange roar swept over, and the light of their fairy weapons suddenly darkened, and the fairy weapons were shattered by the roar. A streamer rushed out of the fairy weapon, and the spirit was shattered and the fairy soul was sucked into the soul search banner. The immortal who lost the protection of the fairy weapon was also 'ah, with an exclamation, the dark end fell from the cloud head.

Before these immortals fell to the ground, the forbidden spirit rope turned into a purple light and flew out. More than a dozen fallen immortals were firmly held by the forbidden spirit rope. Don't beg for a move of your fingers. These immortals were sucked in front of him.

The soul search flag shook heavily, and a piece of ashes wrapped around these dozens of immortals, and the sad roar sounded. Don't beg to refine the fairy soul fairy body with the forbidden law god fire in front of so many people. You can't help but suck their fairy souls into the soul search flag, and cheap the sleeping weapon in the soul search flag for nothing.

The greedy wolf sword brought out a black light, and the wolf's head the size of 21 black water tanks turned into black streamers all over the sky. Those fallen human soldiers were swept by the black light, and the sky was full of blood and blood and flesh splashing. Fengqing's arrogant and unreasonable behavior made Don't beg extremely angry. He couldn't control so much, so he simply killed these human soldiers.

The sword light was shot, and the 20,000 soldiers who fell in the air were torn apart by the sword light in the blink of an eye. The greedy wolf sword circled around Don't begging, and easily penetrated the bodies of more than a dozen immortals. The blood in the immortal's body was sucked by the greedy wolf sword. The spirit of the greedy wolf sword let out a cheerful roar. Don't beg for a clear sense that the spirit of the greedy wolf sword is growing rapidly, and there is a tendency to break through the realm of immortals.

The wind green dragonfly, who had just jumped from the back of the unicorn unicorn, was hit by the strange roar of the soul-shourd. His body stiffened and he could no longer move freely. Dozens of dragon scales shot out with harsh roars, piercing his chest. His armor is extremely thick and highly defensive.

But in the face of the golden light of the dragon scale mixed with the essence of the innate garritainment, the armor was easily pierced, a large transparent hole was knocked out of his chest, and his internal organs were smashed by the sharp air carried by the golden light of the dragon scales.

The human race smashed the body, and the soul immediately left the body. The soul of Fengqingqi is stronger than that of ordinary taxi cars, but it is also limited in strength. In a roll of the soul-searching flag, the soul of the wind green dragonfly was suddenly sucked into the soul-soul-shuntrum, which also became a nourishment for the sleeping spirit to restore itself.

Pressing one palm on the body of the wind green dragonfly, don't beg for a release spell. The body of the wind green dragonfly suddenly disintegrated and turned into the most subtle molecular structure and fell to the ground. A brocade bag fell from his body. Don't beg to grab the brocade bag in his hand. Inside is a lot of runes made of bone pieces. Each rune exudes a powerful breath, and the power is not under the ordinary fairy charm.

All runes are recorded in the way of ghosts and gods inherited by Princess Yule. Don't beg to quickly distinguish the effects of these runes. They have attacks, defenses, stable hearts and souls, and all kinds of effects. Among them, there are more than a dozen giant bone symbols the size of door panels. According to the complex array of symbols above, it can be judged that this is a powerful symbol at the battle level that can be used by tens of thousands of people.

"Stupid!" Don't beg, I couldn't help laughing and scolding.

There are these strange bone charms from the hands of the high priest of the human race. If the wind and green dragonfly is guarded in advance, the jade bone soul search flag may not be able to get him. If he uses one or two of these giant bone charms in advance, the strength of the two million people can be increased by at least ten times. 20,000 Yuanying-level physical training has improved ten times its strength, and even the real immortals will be intimidated!

And there is the magical power to stabilize the spirit on the bone charm. Don't beg to judge the power of these bone charms. Once these giant bone charms are applied to 20,000 soldiers, I'm afraid that the soul-souhun flag will not be able to take their souls away. Feng Qingqi was only concerned about robbery and set off without being ready!

"Is it too easy for you to rob before? Do you think no one dares to attack you? Don't sneered a few times, and suddenly looked up at the immortals who were struggling to resist the power of the jade bone soul search flag.

A strange roar came, and the wind-green unicorn unicorn roared, stood up the unicorn and bumped into it. Don't beg for angri voice: "Be presumptuous! You look like a unicorn but only have a single horn. I don't know where the mixed-race hybrid is. Do you work so hard for this wind and green dragonfly?

After re-sacrifice, the golden ingots, which had been washed with the fairy spirit light, flew out of their hands and turned into a ball of chair bolts and hit the nose of the unicorn unicorn unicorn. 1 Slap, the sound was very straightforward. The one-horn Kirin was smashed by Jin Yuanbao, and half of his head was smashed to pieces. Kirin is a mythical beast of heaven and earth. Even if it is a mixed-race descendant, its vitality is extremely tenacious. The one-horned unicorn howled, and a large amount of black smoke suddenly gushed out of its feet. It picked it up and turned around and fled.

Don't snort coldly, the forbidden rope flies out, and tie this big guy firmly. The Yuling ring on the chest spewed out a large white light, and the one-horned unicorn was wrapped in white light and slowly dragged into the Yuling ring.

Don't beg to pass a wisp of divine consciousness into the breeding ring. He shouted coldly, "Long Yuan, treat him well and let him be obedient. I still owe a mount. He is obedient and heals his wounds. If you are disobedient, beat it to the death!"

The roar of the Longyuan urn faintly came, and then the sad howl of the one-horned unicorn came from the ring of Yuling.

Turn off the ring of breeding spirits, don't beg to look at those immortals with a miserable face and sneer, "You all like the magic weapon on the poor Tao?"

At this moment, there are twenty-one dark wolf heads around you, and the jade bone soul search flag on the top of the head emits a large amount of gray smoke, and the strange shrill sound shocked people's ears painfully and unstable. Suddenly, a black smoke gushed out under his feet. A black light above his head rose to the sky. His fake baby who practiced the Purgatory Magic Sutra roared and flew out of his body. The strong magic air rolled out, covering the whole Qingxu Fairy Square in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, Mo Xiu!" The faces of the immortals who were struggling under the terrible power of the jade bone soul search flag suddenly changed.

Don't beg to kill 20,000 soldiers, kill the general of the Qingxu Xianguan in the Qingxu Dynasty in one fell swoop, and act decisively. Now he has revealed his magic baby. All the immortals conclusively believe that Don't beg is indeed a magic monk.

The demon fairy who dares to openly attack the generals of the Yu Dynasty like Don't beg. If you don't ask, the backer behind him is extremely strong. These immortals regret it for a while. Why do they provoke such a demon when they have nothing to do? Ordinary immortals, monks, everyone joins hands to rob, and it's okay to bully them, but it's definitely not a good idea to pester the earth with the famous immortals.

With a wry smile, the bearded Taoist who just interrupted the magic power of Don't beg for teleportation with a fairy charm and shouted, "Taoist friend, we are wrong today! Please don't be surprised! The culprit is dead. Why do Taoist friends have to be in a dilemma with us? That's all for today's work. How about we keep our mouth shut and never reveal the roots of our Taoist friends? Don't beg to snort coldly. There are a few hazy magic shadows around him. He flew to the immortals who gathered together and shouted harshly, "How can there be such a cheap thing? If you say hit, you can fight, if you say kill, you can kill, and when you are done, pat your buttocks and leave. What's my face? With a cold snort, don't beg proudly said, "Don't talk nonsense. Everyone will give me one fairy weapon, three spiritual weapons, nine magic weapons, and then give the Taoist master a million spiritual stones, 10 million taels of gold, silver and jewelry. I'll let you go!" Qingxu Xianguan turned out to be an unreasonable place? In this case, don't beg and don't prepare to reason with this group of people!

Do you like to say that the fist is big enough to make sense? So don't beg for the biggest fist at this moment, you should obediently take out your money to buy your life!

Looking at the Taoist with a beard on his face, don't beg for a smile, nod, and then suddenly a mouth, a firelight spewed out like a meteor.

The day after tomorrow, the fire spirit beads are attached to all the innate fire spirits in Begging's body, shooting out like a small sun, directly banging at the mouth of that person's heart.

A loud heat wave rolled, the man's bodyguard was beaten to pieces, and half of his body was burned to ashes by the heat.

Dozens of immortals changed their colors, and six of them turned into Changhong Yuan Dun, and the other four took action together.

More than a dozen flying sword magic weapons were smashed down together.