Steal the sky

Chapter 457 Go away

Baosheng Luohan is playing loudly outside. Don't beg too lazy to pay attention to this guy. At least it is the cultivation of thirty-three immortals. In the face of the human soldiers who have lost their generals, even if tens of thousands of soldiers guard here, they can't hurt Baosheng Arhat. Drive away several Yu court officials guarding the door of the west side of the hall, don't beg to push open the heavy stone door of the hall and walk into the hall.

The hall is only seven or eight feet high, and the hall is built of black stones. The lights in the hall are dim, which is particularly depressing. In the corner of the hall where the light can't shine, there seems to be some kind of ghost hiding, and it is sighing silently. There are twenty-four thick stone pillars in the hall, with some strange beast skulls hanging on it, which adds a little gloomy atmosphere to the hall.

Don't beg and frown. This hall has a history of at least ten thousand years. The lights are dim all year round, and there are people coming in, so it has accumulated such a strong yin. Well, the generals here also intend to maintain such a situation. In such an environment, even if the immortals come in, they will feel depressed. They can take the opportunity to ask for a few more spiritual stones, which is more or less an extra profit.

Seeing the intention of the layout of the hall, don't beg to smile and go straight to the middle of the hall.

Four thick white jade columns of water tanks stand in the middle of the hall, about five feet apart, surrounding a square open space. The jade pillar is inlaid with nearly a thousand top-quality spiritual stones, and the staggered golden runes are densely arranged on the jade column. Don't beg to sweep these golden runes. Each rune is smelted with several rare materials, which has an excellent effect of relieving spiritual power and resisting space pressure.

In the open space in the middle of the jade pillar, four prismatic crystals floated in the air, and the light blue crystals shined with a faint light, illuminating the small open space. The middle of the four crystals is the size of a human head, which seems to have no color. If you look carefully, it seems to contain countless colorful lights and shadows, and there are strange sounds constantly coming from it.

Xuanyin God Stone" Don't beg for laughter. This Xuanyin divine stone is probably worth tens of thousands of fairy stones! This kind of Xuanyin God Stone is extremely rare, and only thirteen dangerous places produced by Xuanyin God Stone are recorded in the stolen scriptures. It's just dangerous. Naturally, there are great magicians who can easily enter those dangerous places to mine the Xuanyin divine stone. The problem is that the Xuanyin divine stone requires extremely harsh conditions, and it takes an extremely long time to be conceived by the power of heaven and earth, which is not impossible for the divine power to pull out the seedlings.

The so-called market value of tens of thousands of fairy stones is only the so-called market price. And who is willing to trade it into a fairy stone if the power of really gets a Xuanyin stone? This kind of strategic resource is still the most reliable in hand.

After carefully looking at the complex array outlined in the underground of the hall, don't beg Zhou Tianshen to open his eyes. He was sure that this array was only a layer outlined on the surface of the floor and did not go deep into the ground. Don't beg, so he nodded at ease. In this case, he can take away the whole transmission array. In addition to the Xuanyin stone in the middle, the four sky crystals around are also valuable. The four jade pillars carved from Zhenling Xuanyu are even more valuable. The total cost of this sound transmission array is more than 100,000 fairy stones. Don't beg for the pit, kidnap the hostages for so long, and the total number of fairy stones in your hand is only a thousand.

Look around" Don't wave your hand and sprinkle a large area of ancient runes. The ancient rune condensed by Zhenyuan flashed in the air for a while, and it blended into the surrounding void, laying dozens of invisible sound insulation prohibitions. The air was also slightly distorted. When outsiders looked here, it was impossible to see the begging figure unless they practiced magic spells like Zhou Tianmu.

quickly activated the sound transmission array, and the four sky crystals burst out a strong light, which stirred up the Xuanyin Stone and made a strange sound. Don't beg to press your right hand on a sky crystal, quickly communicate the array rune engraved in the sky crystal with divine consciousness, and pass in a strange true element fluctuation frequency.

The Xuanyin God Stone emitted, buzzed and sounded gently, and the Zhenling Xuanyu pillar around burst into a strong light. "The huge aura was pulled out of the top-grade spirit stone and constantly injected into the underground array. The void was torn open a very small gap in an instant, following the fluctuation frequency of the real element that did not beg to enter. In the extremely distant dazzling sky, the sound transmission array set up in the core of Qingcheng Mountain Gate was activated.

A white fog soared from the transmission array, and a hazy white-bearded figure appeared in the white fog.

"What's the matter?" The white-bearded Taoist asked two words quickly and quickly. The use time of the sound transmission array is huge." In just a few words, it consumes hundreds of top-grade spiritual stones. Even if the major immortal families have a great cause, such consumption is also extremely painful. Therefore, all the deacon disciples of the famous Xianmen who control the sound transmission array have learned to transmit the largest amount of information in the most concise language.

"Ming important things" Please Diyang Zhenren!" Don't beg and don't be vague. Just seven words answer the other party's question.

The man immediately said, "Close the magic circle" and the real person will come immediately!"

The sound transmission array suddenly darkened, and the crisp explosion came from the Zhenling Xuanyuzhu behind him.

Don't beg and the white-bearded Taoist have a short nine-word communication time, and a top-quality spiritual stone has consumed all the aura and exploded. Don't beg can't help grinning. This sound transmission array is really a big family that eats spiritual stones. How can ordinary small families afford it? Yuanhuamen is terrible. No wonder Yuanhuamen did not arrange this kind of sound transmission array. It really doesn't have the capital to use such luxury items. Of course, Yuanhuamen does not have the financial resources to build a sound transmission array.

After about ten breaths, the sound transmission array lit up again, and a middle-aged Taoist appeared in the blank fog on the array. This life is romantic and beautiful. Don't be angry when you see him, you actually have the illusion that he is gorgeous. This Taoist is really good. Not to mention the standard beautiful man's face, his every eyebrow, every hair, and every smile are perfect, and there is nothing to be picky about.

Even a wisp of beard on his chin did not seem old-fashioned, but added some grace and stability to him out of thin air. And don't give a quick glance at his beard, which is windy and fierce. Each beard is dark and shiny, and there are no flaws at all.

"The younger greedy wolf, I've seen the senior!" Don't beg to bow deeply to Nayang Zhenren in the white fog.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly!" Nayang's real face was straight, and he didn't beg to beg. He directly asked him why he started the sound transmission array.

Don't beg to wave to the side, a demon god puppet turned into water" walked to the front of the sound transmission array. Diyang Zhenren opened his eyes slightly and said with his head, "It's Shuiyi. What's the matter? Tell me quickly." Strangely, why don't you take the sound transmission array to the Pangu mainland? Is your magic array the rented official magic array of the Yu Dynasty?

The meaning of the water is deeply reviewed, and then the cause and effect of the matter are described in the fastest speed and the most concise sentence.

Diyang Zhenren was overjoyed when he heard the words. He didn't bother to pay attention to the selfish struggle between Yun's Taoist and Yun's reticism. He asked very 〖xing], "In this way" and the millions of miles around Ancheng could become the other house of our Qingcheng?"

Don't beg respectfully: "It's not possible, but it has become the Beppu of Qingcheng. As long as the younger generation, together with Sanle Zhenren, declares to the surroundings of He'ancheng, they can reasonably occupy the million miles around Ancheng and the whole Anle County.

After a slight pause, don't beg for a wry smile and said, "The only trouble is..."

Diyang Zhenren waved his hand very proudly. He laughed and said, "Isn't the only trouble the ancestor of Xuanxuan Palace? Well, don't be greedy for them. The poor road invited several elders to go to the Pangu mainland to participate in the opening ceremony of Qingcheng Beppu. "If Xuanyi's ancestor has something to say, let him come and say it to me!"

After mediting for a moment, Nayang Zhenren said cautiously, "Of course, before we arrive, you have to be careful. Don't let the obscure young generation plot you up. There is a difference between immortals and demons. The sky is extremely far away from the Xuanyang sky. "If you are killed, even if it is Qingcheng, it is not easy to ask for justice from Xuanxuan Palace. Then Ancheng and I will have nothing to do with Qingcheng!"

Don't beg and bow together. Diyang Zhenren said happily, "Greedy wolf Taoist? Well, you did a good job, very good! Since you admire Qingcheng so much, when the poor road goes to He'an City, I will take you as your own disciple! This credit is enough to match such a reward!"

Don't beg to bow deeply again, and the Liyang Taoist laughed three times" and then turned off the transmission array. It was his last three bursts of laughter, and there were two top-quality spiritual stones that consumed the aura. "Papa, it was blown to pieces.

As soon as the magic circle was closed, Don't beg immediately reached out and put more than a dozen prohibitions around, imprisoning the whole magic circle. Then his body twisted. "Three demon puppets gushed out from the [body] and stood around the array together with Shui Yi. His hands suddenly inserted into the ground, hummed and pulled out the whole ground with a radius of ten feet. The black dragon spirit ring spewed a black light on the raised sound transmission array, and don't beg to install the whole sound transmission array.

Laughing loudly, don't beg to put away all the demon puppets, and hurried out of the west hall.

There were corpses all over the hall, and at least more than 10,000 soldiers died tragically on the spot. The ground was full of huge cracks and holes. Baosheng Luohan was laughing and taking a huge storage bracelet from the hands of several officials in black.

Suddenly, when he saw Don't begging rushing over, Baosheng Luohan's face changed, grabbed the storage bracelet and turned around and waited to leave.

Don't allow Baosheng Luohan to run away. Don't beg for a dodge in front of Baosheng Luohan. He took a hutian earth spirit bead with him, buzzing, loud noise, and rolled up the huge magnetic power of the geocentric element and bombarded it out. The gravity around him suddenly increased a thousand times, Baosheng Luohan's body stiffened, and the speed of flight suddenly became the same as that of ordinary people.

Baosheng Luohan, who changed his face, handed the bracelet to Begging with a dry smile. He said with a dry smile, "Taoist friend, this is, this is..."

Don't beg to take the bracelet carelessly, looked at Baosheng Luohan with a sneer and said, "I thought that the big monk would escape with money!"

Baosheng Luohan's eyes stared, and he shouted angrily, "The disciples of Buddhism never lie. Since they have agreed to divide it into [six] quarters, how can a poor monk do such a thing? Ah, damn it, miscellaneous Taoist!"

Don't beg's hands and feet are fast. When Baosheng Luohan was covering himself with words, Don't beg's eyes suddenly stared, and a purple light flew out of his wrist, binding Baosheng Luohan firmly. Without waiting for Baosheng Arhat to break free from the bondage of the forbidden rope, don't beg to pick up a golden axe robbed from Mr. Jin and cut it down with a heavy axe.

A lotus suddenly spewed out of Baosheng Luohan's body, forcing the forbidden rope far away.

But Don't beg for the axe, but it still cut off on his shoulder, almost removing his arm. Don't snort coldly, waved your right hand, tore open the masked black cloth of Baosheng Arhat, and then turned around and left.

Baosheng Luohan was so angry that he jumped and cursed, but Don't beg far away and burst into laughter.

"The murderer and the robbing of money, the sun mirror, the sun wheel treasure shines under the seat of the Buddha, the three lotus platform six arms of the demon Bodhisattva's apprentice treasure wins the arhat!"

In the angry roar of Baosheng Luohan, Don't beg has already run far.