Steal the sky

Chapter 465 Human Debt

With a strange cry, don't beg to draw an arc and fly to the small land block.

The wind along the way brought countless wind knives around, but when don't begging to pass by, the wind flowed through his body" is like a lover's gentle little hand touching don't begging, which did not bring him any harm. Not only that, the wind also injected a flexible and lively force into his [body], so that Don't beg could easily control his body, like a swimming fish in the water, lightly flying over the nearly a hundred-mile storm circle and landed safely on a small land block.

The wind buzzed "coo, cooing, and the wings gently patted Feng Qing Er Niang.

Feng Qing's second wife rolled her eyes and slapped the wind fiercely: "If you dare to run around again, you will be killed by those mortals. My mother will never care about you anymore!" Alas, a mother took someone to send him to his door, and there was a big wind bloodline to help him control the wind, as long as his luck was not too bad. "This ancient fairy's treasure is naturally his!"

The wind buzzed its wings and looked disapproving.

His body shrank, and the big bird with a wingspan of ten miles shrank to the size of his fist, like a chicken chick, jumping on Feng Qing Er Niang's shoulder." He cooed and kept pecking Feng Qing Er Niang's earlobe with his mouth.

Feng Qing Er Niang snorted coldly, grabbed the wind buzzing in her hand, and then held the wind buzzing in both hands. The wind buzzed and opened its mouth and screamed, and his feet rolled his eyes. Fengqing's second wife grunted and scolded, buzzing at the wind indiscriminately.

Don't beg to fall on the land. The land that originally looked only about a thousand miles long and wide from a distance suddenly became extremely huge. Don't beg to open Zhou Tianshen's eyes and look into the distance. The edge of the distant horizon is about more than 100,000 miles away from me. This is the space ban imposed by powerful immortals." This land block is not as plain as it seems.

The divine consciousness carefully spreads around, and don't beg to sense the frozen wind in the air around you. Just like the flowing water condenses into ice, on this land, the strong wind also condenses in the air. The divine consciousness can even outline a mass of storms in the air, and all the storms are frozen in the air. Only the divine consciousness can sense their existence.

Carefully stretched out your hand, don't beg to gently touch the frozen wind in front of you. The air has blue ripples. Don't beg to feel a desolate and lonely mood in the frozen wind. The blood of the wind that has just been integrated into the [body] has made Don't beg for a sense of compassion for this frozen wind." Don't beg sighed softly: "Do you really want to dance?"

"wind" should be [from] free to soar freely between heaven and earth, instead of being frozen in the air like now, unable to move. Don't beg his heart to move slightly." A wind shot out of his fingertips and blended into the frozen wind in front of him.

The whole continent suddenly came to life." The banquet suddenly fluctuated violently, and the wind and the gusts of boats came from all directions. Don't beg, and the body was raised by the wind and danced lightly in the air. The originally frozen grass and trees on the land danced with the wind. These plants and trees suddenly became more angry, and the breath of life quickly emanated from these plants and trees and gradually spread throughout the whole continent.

The wind picked up and took him to the palace in the middle. Don't beg fell lightly in front of the palace door. "The wind is like a big hand pushing Don't beg behind his back" pushed him into the palace.

This palace is built with cyan jade. Originally, there were several halls, but now most of the other halls have collapsed, leaving only broken walls, which looks desolate. Only one hall in the middle is still standing, but the roof of the hall made of thin transparent jade tiles in the middle has also pierced dozens of holes the size of water tanks" with a dilapidated atmosphere.

The wind pushed Don't beg into the hall, and suddenly lit up in front of his eyes. "The blue wind rolled against the ground" so that Don't beg rolled all over his clothes. From the outside, it seems that the hall occupies no more than an mu, but the internal space is a hundred miles away. There are thousands of jasper columns standing in the hall, carved with countless patterns of wind and clouds, and all the columns seem to be flowing with the strong wind.

The Tianhuā board of the hall is a mysterious picture of the stars of the sun. The black canopy, the bright stars, everything looks no different from the real sky. But because of the dozens of holes on the roof, this Zhoutian star map also reveals dozens of large holes in diameter, and the faint skylight penetrates through the hole into the hall, making the star map obscure.

A powerful force maintains the operation of some prohibitions in the hall. Only the reckless space in the hall can be maintained stable. Don't beg to look at the dozens of huge holes above your head, and then look at the still intact ring space around you. You can only sigh that this is worthy of being the mansion of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. It is really extraordinary. Even if it has fallen, the mystery here is still not something you can see through.

The wind swept the wind and pushed him all the way forward.

At the end of the hall, a cloud** carved out of white jade, and a faint hazy figure was sitting cross-legged. Don't beg, you can probably see that this is an old man who describes a clear man, and his eyes are as bright as the sun. But the breath of this figure let Buqi know that the old man is not even a remnant soul, which is not as good as the Xuanjin jellyfish left a wisp of soul in those years, which is completely a projection.

This is a projection left by the huge and unparalleled power of the fallen Taiyi XX in the trajectory of heaven. It is not a real life, but after all, it is the projection of Taiyi Jinxian. Even if the owner has fallen and relies on various prohibitions in the hall, this projection also has extremely powerful power.

Don't beg to go forward and give a salute to the projection: "Senior, don't beg, there is courtesy here."

The projection opened his eyes and stared at Don't beg." He asked in a low voice, "Are you a good person?" Don't beg for a daze. He meditated for a moment, and then shook his head resolutely: "Kid, you can't be a good person. However, it can't be considered a bad person. If people don't offend me, I won't offend them: if people offend me, they will think hard day and night. The boy, it's not a good person!" The projection smiled indifferently and said, "As long as it's not a good person! Good people in this world will suffer losses!"

With a sigh, the projection looked at Don't beg for a while and whispered, "Do you have a favor to the strong wind family?"

Don't beg and nod" said the story of saving him from the wind buzz. He instinctively realized that it was useless to lie in front of this projection. This hall has been completely controlled by this projection. In this hall, projection is an omnipotent god. If you tell a lie, you will immediately be completely attacked by the prohibition in the hall.

After listening to the story of Begging, the projection smiled: "Well, what do you think the wind represents?"

Don't beg and meditate for a moment, frown and say, "Wind, [from]! 〗 From the flowing air, it has evolved into the wind!" He applauded gently and sighed, "Yes, the core spirit of the wind is freedom. I have always adhered to the way of [from], which realized the mystery of the wind between heaven and earth, and finally achieved the true fruit of Taiyi Jinxian. However, the Eastern Qing Emperor sent the ancient god Fengbo to the door and asked me to devote myself to the Oriental heavenly court. How can I be willing to be driven away by others?

Oriental Qingdi? Don't beg for a deep breath of cold air.

Projection sighed: "I refused the order of the Qing Emperor." The Qing Emperor's ten wind gods, the ten rain gods, the ten thunder gods, and the ten electric gods rose up and attacked. Forty ancient gods joined hands. I hit the wind god seven, the rain god three, the thunder god two, and the electric god one, but the Qing

sighed and said, "If you are strong in the future, can you avenge me?"

After frowning for a while, Don't beg to say frankly, "Do your best, if there is danger," I won't risk revenge for you."

Projection smiled, and he nodded seriously and said, "That's very true." I'm very happy.

It's so good. In a big war in those years, most of my treasures were smashed. What was left here were useless things. "What do you like" just take it away. There is only one volume of wind song" is what I have learned in my life: a big wind in the sky, which is the wings that fell off when I incarnated as a golden fairy. I'll leave these two things to you!"

smiled faintly, and the projection said very bluntly, "Zi], but my projection is trapped here. What is [zi]? After you take these things away, there is no trace of me in the world. Completely clean "eliminate all bundles, this is the real [from] reason!"

A wave of hand" A blue wind roared out of the middle of the cloud bed, hit the eyebrows of Begging, and quickly integrated into his body.

Don't beg. He only felt that a cold current spread from the sea of knowledge, and an endless mystery about the wind suddenly appeared in front of him. This fallen Taiyi Jinxian has studied hard all his life. All the mysteries of the wind belong to Don't beg.

At the same time, there are wisps of smoky blue air floating out of the jasper giant pillars around, and countless green winds gradually merge with each other on the top of the begging head, gradually turning into a light cyan wind shadow. A strong wind the size of a fist flew out of the wind shadow and gently rotated around the beggars a few times.

Don't beg to bite the tip of your tongue, and spit out your own blood carefully. The gale hesitated for a while, and still flapped its wings and rushed to the little blood that Don't beg for spit out, and put this. The blood was swallowed into his abdomen. The wind shadow above Don't beg's head suddenly turned into a blue light on Don't beg's body. The Taoist robe on his body was shattered, and it was like smoke and fog. There was no thickness or weight, but the blue Taoist clothes that could be seen with the naked eye were firmly put on Don't beg

The small wind sounded a clear sound. "I got into the Taoist clothes and fell asleep. Don't beg for the sudden reception of the message from the big wind Tianyi spirit. "The big wind Tianyi was hit hard, and at this moment, it is just the grade of the middle-grade fairy weapon. He is now willing to drive for not begging, but if he wants to restore his original power of Taiyi Xianbao, he still needs to slowly warm up and recover in the future.

Don't beg nod secretly, and he saluted the projection deep.

The projection smiled indifferently, and a large number of cyan light spots spewed out of his [body], which gradually integrated into the [body] of no begging.

The powerful wind spirit poured into the body, don't beg, don't be beg every cell, it is full of huge wind power.

After half an hour, the projection finally dissipated invisible. "Don't beg for a few kowtoes to the cloud bed" and then strode out of the door of the hall.

"There is another debt of human debt. Oriental Qingdi! If you listen to the name, it's not easy to deal with!" The bitter smile of Don't begging echoed faintly in the hall.