Steal the sky

Chapter 475 Breaking the Chaos


The spirit of the wind suddenly woke up from the deep sleep, and it panicked and sent a clear and urgent message to Begging.

"Taiyi Jinfu! It's Taiyi Jinfu! Be careful!"

The invisible power bombarded the body of Don't begging. The wind burst out a dazzling blue light. The spirit of the heavenly clothes made a sharp cry, and a strong wind and blue shadow suddenly rose into the air on the body of Don't begging, swirling around Don't begging. The spirit of the weapon has been sleeping for countless years, and the easily accumulated power is released in an instant. The cyan rune the size of the head of the thirteen regiments emerges around the body. Each one is blue and shining, emitting suffocating spiritual fluctuations.

It was just a flash of time. Thirteen runes were smashed, and the body of the wind sky clothes collapsed. Only the original core of the first line of the real spirit with all the forbidden arrays in the wind sky clothes escaped back to the body. When the Taiyi Immortal weapon left by the Great Wind Master could not regain its original appearance, it was destroyed by the Taiyi Jinfu, which was also from the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Dafeng Tianyi sacrificed himself, barely offsetting the power of 40% of Taiyi Jinfu. The invisible and traceless terrible power that can destroy everything continued to approach Don't beg. Don't beg shouted in panic. The earth dragon scale shield suddenly made a sharp cry, and 36,000 golden dragon scales roared out, turning into a golden dragon-shaped brilliance like a real dragon around Don't Beg.

As soon as the golden dragon took shape, the power of the Taiyi golden charm suddenly fell, and the dragon scales were smashed one after another. The body of the garriander dragon scale shield exploded with a sad cry. Only a group of innate garriander spirit empties into the don't beg [body], and was simply Don't beg's body absorbed the earth spiritual veins, spewed a large amount of yellow gas all over his body, and his body strength increased more than several times in an instant.

Don't beg for panic and feel that the terrible energy that can turn him into a pink is constantly approaching. He exclaimed, "The forbidden spiritual rope and the fire magpie sword spewed out at the same time, and the forbidden spiritual rope turned into a circle of purple rainbows wrapped around him. The purple light was just a flash, and the The Yanjiu sword had just spewed out of the body. Before he could show his power, it was instantly annihilated.

In a panic, all the magic weapons, magic weapons and spiritual weapons on their bodies were sacrificed one after another, but in front of the abundant power of the Taiyi Jinfu, it was like three or five ants trying to block the trampling of millions of troops. Don't beg for all the magic weapons sacrificed were smashed in front

Don't beg around for a while, it's like bursting a mass of colorful smoke, magic weapons are sacrificed one by one, and magic weapons are annihilated one by one. The destructive power of the outbreak of Taiyi Jinfu is still approaching Don't Beg, and it is about to hit Don't Beg's body.

Don't beg, who was forced to a desperate situation, sacrificed his most handy greedy wolf sword and cold electric mirror with a miserable smile.

The greedy wolf sword loyally turned into dozens of black wolf heads to meet the void, but with such a huge force, the greedy wolf sword suddenly turned into invisible. The cold electric microscope was a sad cry. It suddenly jumped up in the air and didn't care about begging. It completely relied on instinct to escape. However, the terrible power of Taiyi Jinfu blocked the void around." As soon as the cold electric microscope rushed out, it suddenly turned into a slight thunderbolt.

Don't beg for all the magic weapons around you to be smashed. Except for the Xuanyin futon that can't be mobilized, don't beg for the last hope.

The mind is slightly moved. Don't beg to put the divine consciousness into the eight-jun chariot. He wanted to mobilize the power of the eight-jun chariot to help him escape the disaster, but in a hurry, he had no time to disguise his divine consciousness as the emperor's breath. The eight The anti-shock force bombarded out, and wiped out the divine knowledge that should not beg to invade.

Don't beg for the colorful auspicious light of the right arm suddenly flashed, and the eight-horse chariot sensed the power of the outside world that was enough to suppress its destruction. Suddenly, a glow flew to the sky, and the eight-jun chariot roared in panic, dragging the car and quickly soared into the air and

Taiyi Jinfu slightly swept over the eight chariot, and the eight chariots in the light and candlelight sky suddenly darkened. The colorful chariot became like a trace of broken things cast by bronze, and turned into a ray of light to the distant sky in confusion. Don't beg to clearly feel that the huge thought accumulated in the Bajun chariot suddenly dissipated 90%, and such a huge amount of thought was smashed by the Taiyi Jinfu.

Don't beg and roar unwillingly, except for the demon god puppet that is absolutely impossible to block the terrible power of the Taiyi gold charm, and the Xuanyin futon, which will never listen to his call. "He has nothing to grow.

The roar of despair came out of Bemao's mouth, and he desperate to release 10,000 Longbo people in the Yuling ring.

, hey ha, in the roar, the people of Longbo rushed out of the ring of the breeding spirit and immediately formed a huge formation of tens of thousands of people. Ten thousand Longbo people who are almost breaking through to the realm of Yuanying all have the strength to compete with the monks of the realm of Yuanshen. The huge Zhenyuan of the Longbo people with the strength of 10,000 Yuanshenjing were integrated into one" and turned into a real murderous atmosphere and rushed straight into the sky.

As soon as the murderous spirit rose, it was smashed by the invisible force. The huge power released by Taiyi Jinfu smashed everything. Those Longbo people howled. Their bodies disappeared inch by inch and turned into nothingness. They clearly watched their bodies disintegrate without any pain. The disappearance of each pair of bodies took away part of their souls. When their bodies completely collapsed, their souls became invisible.

Don't beg for the people of Long Bo, who have worked hard to cultivate countless herbs, are so vulnerable in the face of the residual power of a Taiyi gold charm.

With a miserable howling, Don't beg for the Xuanshui Heavenly Palace he collected with the last trace of hope. This palace is the palace of Xuanjin jellyfish. There are countless forbidden arrays on it. Don't beg. I just hope that this palace can help him offset the deadly power of part of the Taiyi Jinfu. Even if it is just to offset a little power, it is his opportunity!

Just like everything in front of you, Xuanshui Tiangong flashed silently and turned into nothing.

The laughter of the pupil came: "What's the boy struggling with? It's just that where did this boy get so many good things? The words of the Jiao Dao people are full of ridicule and jealousy engraved in their bones, ** naked jealousy.

What are you still struggling with? What are you struggling with? What are you struggling with?

Don't beg's eyes suddenly widened. He turned around and shouted harshly at the pupil, "What am I struggling for? I won't die. I must avenge you!" The unprecedented gas of resentment rushed straight to the heart. Don't beg's heartbeat suddenly increased countless times. He howled, and the corners of his eyes suddenly cracked, bursting out a large amount of blood.

The idiot gritted his teeth. He twisted the fork and didn't look at the ferocious face of the Shura evil spirit.

Don't beg, Jie Jie, with a strange smile, a means of fighting with the enemy suddenly appeared. He laughed sharply, and five acquired spiritual beads flew out of his [body], and then flew up, as well as several fake babies he cultivated, including Xuanyin fake baby and purgatory magic baby.

A large number of spiritual stones and fairy stones in the black dragon ring flew out at the same time. Don't beg for blood. His blood condensed into hundreds of strange ancient runes in the air. Each ancient rune is angular, full of forcing evil spirit and desperate resentment.

Not only spiritual stones and fairy stones, but also all other things that contain a certain aura of heaven and earth, from ordinary ores to rare spiritual mines, from rare spiritual herbs to ordinary herbs all over the streets. Except for the Lanxiangzhi obtained in the Xuanshui Tiangong, everything in the black dragon spiritual ring has been released.

The five acquired spiritual beads floated in the air according to the direction of the five elements. The ancient runes transformed by Don't beg blood are integrated into the spiritual beads. The five-colored glow covers the whole body. The void seems to be blocked by the five-color strong light. The five-color light is unpredictable, and all the fairy stones . The huge aura was forcibly pulled out of these things and turned into a five distinct aura and integrated into the five spiritual beads.

The dangerous breath spread around, and the Taoist and the infatuated looked at Don't beg in horror. The Taoist shouted harshly, "That's the five elements of the day after tomorrow!" What do you want to do? You bastard, where did you get so many fairy stones? Where did so many spiritual stones come from? Where did so many elixirs come from? You, you fucking bastard! You, you, what are you going to do? Stop, stop!" "

Don't beg for a palm in your heart, forcing out five drops of the most important blood in your heart, turning them into runes the size of five fists into five elements of spiritual beads. All the fairy stones, spiritual stones and all the ore elixirs in the Black Dragon Ring were restored to the most basic five elements of aura at the moment when the five runes were integrated into the spiritual beads.

"Five elements disintegrate, great destruction of the chaotic return curse!" Don't beg said a chilling sentence. He smiled strangely and said, "This is what you forced me to do! Hahaha, it's all forced by you!"

In the vein of the seven mysterious thieves, don't beg for ten innate babies to suddenly shrink from the original ruler to the size of a fist. A large number of innate essences gushed out of the meridians of the begging arm, turning into five-color strange light and injecting five spiritual beads. The congenital essence is like a detonator on explosives, detonating five spiritual beads in an instant.

With the innate essence as the guide, the innate aura detonates the ancient rune, forcibly reverses the innate aura, just like a nuclear bomb chain reaction, which stimulates the terrible power that can make the golden fairy color change.

With a loud noise, a circle of invisible and colorless shock waves rushed tens of thousands of miles away in an instant. All the mountains along the way were razed, and all creatures were wiped out. More than a dozen human cities with a population of more than one million and a large number of villages and towns were silently annihilated by explosions, and the sky was full of ghosts.

The power of Taiyi Jinfu and the great destruction chaotic return spell caused by the help of the five elements of spiritual beads and countless materials collide head-on. In the center of the explosion, the two forces formed a wonderful balance. Don't beg to hold the head of the Three Fire Venerable, and survive in the delicate calm of the center of the explosion. The idiots, Jiao Taoist, and the immortals brought by them, are silently turned into nothing, just like all the magic treasures on your body.

The void of heaven and earth has turned into chaos, and the innate vitality has been stirred into a ball, rolling like a pot of rice porridge.

Don't beg and coughed violently. He incarnated a breeze and struggled to escape from the Big Bang with the Three Fires in his arms.

In the distant Qingya Star, several pieces of the sent soul slips worshipped on the incense table suddenly exploded. Several disciples who took care of these sent sent slips screamed in fear and rushed out of the hall.

After a while, the roar of Yuanhua's ancestor shook the whole Qingya Star to tremble.