Steal the sky

Chapter 479 Meet the Old Man Again

Chapter 279 Meet the Old Man Again

Pangu Continent, don't be begging to walk on an endless grassland step by step.

This grassland belongs to the territory of Zhongzhou. As long as you rush to the "Zhongning City" of Zhongzhou, you can follow the map given by the Three Fire Venerable to go to the bottomless abyss of Bei Ming. It is recorded in the book that a congenital yang qi was bred in the bottomless abyss, which is the most urgently needed thing today.

The chest injury has been slightly dealt with, and the bones and muscles that have been blown up have been reborn, but the others don't bother to pay attention to it. His chest was in a mess, and the blood was dripping. The broken arm was not dealt with. Don't beg. He just wrapped a dirty white cloth around his shoulder and walked forward in a sway.

The wound on the body hurts.

But what's more uncomfortable is not these injuries, but the heart of not begging. The idiot was actually ordered to kill him, and what he did was actually inherited from the blood of Princess Powle, which could turn decay into a magical talent. This naked robbery made Don't beg face the real world of immortal cultivation again.

No pity, no tenderness, no justice, no kindness.

This is the dark forest of the naked law of the jungle. Here, there is only one kind of person who can live - ruthless people

Feel the wound on your body, don't beg to laugh happily. Whenever he passes through a city on the prairie, a magic shadow flashes out of him. The demon puppet changed into a mortal at will and walked slowly to the city like a beggar.

Along the way, Don't Beg has released all the demon puppets to these cities. The only instruction he gave to these demon puppets was to live in these cities and develop their own strength and power. They can do whatever they want. They just need to constantly develop themselves and wait for the call of Don't begging.

In addition to these demon god puppets sent out, don't beg to leave an end in He'an City to protect. Well, the demon god puppets used to monitor the maidservancy. The whole Lotte Palace has been handed over to the master, and the demon puppet can act as a liaison between the master and the beggar. Even if you have a vow, don't beg, you still don't trust this person. It's always good to stare at him all the time.

In addition, in a few years, Liyang Zhenren will come to He'ancheng and seize the foundation of this million miles. Don't be ready to forgive Liyang Zhenren easily. Even if he knows the map of the bottomless abyss of Beimeng, there are still many things in Liyang Zhenren that he urgently needs. Therefore, the two demon god puppets around Yunkui Taoist are still left in Qinglin Mountain.

The rotten ghost mushroom and the rotten bone corpse worm have been left to the demon god puppet. Don't be ready to give Liyang Zhenren a surprise. As long as he arrives, the surprise will definitely appear.

Walking step by step, feeling the severe pain coming from your body, don't beg for a happy smile all the way. There are still more than 4,000 miles away from Zhongning City. Don't beg to walk through this journey. This is a training on yourself, a full review of yourself, or a full trial of yourself.

"Zi Xuan, I rushed back to Qingya Star, and it also took more than three years for the infatuation to die. Their soul was broken. Yuanhua's ancestor will definitely attack you as soon as possible." Don't beg to walk forward step by step, and the blood is dripping on the ground. He muttered to himself, "I don't have time to rush back. You can only rely on yourself to escape. I will kill Yuanhua Laozu to vent my anger for you. You can't escape. If something happens to you, I will definitely kill Yuanhuamen"

Hang on your body with one arm, like a broken hemp rope. Don't beg and mutter in a low voice: "Ancestor Jiang Yun, don't let me down. If you obey the order of the ancestor of Yuanhua and hold the Great Yan clan to force Zixuan, then there will be no Baiyun This sect is full of your old and young, I will definitely kill you all"

Anxiety suffers from the heart of not begging. He is anxious about the current situation of Princess Le, whether Da Yan will be implicated, and whether Lu Chengfeng and other friends will be in danger because of this incident. He suddenly found that he had too many worries. In this world, he had too many things that he couldn't let go. I picked it up and couldn't let it go, so don't beg for pain, just like a burning fire.

Looking forward at a loss, Don't beg suddenly remembered what Wu Wang once said.

"The tiger in the mountains and forests, no beast is willing to provoke him. Because the tiger is fierce and fierce, if you provoke him, he will kill you. Therefore, tigers can roar proudly in the mountains and forests, which is the same as the reputation of generations of tigers smeared with blood. Human society is a mountain; a person is a beast in the mountain forest. If you don't want to be eaten, you have to be a tiger in the mountains and forests.

Don't beg to move forward step by step. He squinted and smiled happily.

"I once thought that my kindness and kindness could be exchanged for the same return. I once mistakenly thought that Yuanhua Gate and Baiyun Fairy Gate were the same people as the masters. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Master, they are my relatives. And Yuanhuamen, Baiyun Xianmen, they are immortals, they are not human beings, they are more greedy and believe in strength and hegemony than human beings"

In the world of immortals, the strong wins

In this Pangu continent, the strong will win

With strength, Sanle Zhenren can force the hidden monk to move away from the Zen temple where he has lived for hundreds of years.

With strength, don't beg, you can plot the Great Lotte Palace and seize the foundation of the Great Lotte Palace in He'ancheng.

With the strength, Jiji ancestor and the furious arhat can invade He'ancheng and make this territory become the property of Xianmen.

With the strength, the Lvxin ancestor and others can wantonly kill and plunder at the Qingxu Xianguan, and even make unspoken rules to distribute stolen goods.

With strength, Feng Qingqi can openly lead the army to eat black and wait outside the Wancaotang, waiting for the appearance of the last lucky man.

With strength, Feng Qingwu can do whatever she wants. Even if Don't beg is just an innocent passer-by, she can order to kill.

With strength, the Three Fire Masters can kill Miao Yihu and other officers and soldiers of the Yu Dynasty, and replace their heads with bloody contribution points in exchange for elixirs and fairy weapons.

There is no good and evil, no justice and evil, no mercy, no tenderness, but the naked strong win, and the weak, just like those who are killed by begging, the bones can be used to play drums.

"Master..." Don't beg to say Wu Wang's name silently and carefully recall every word Wu Wang once said to him.

"I will never let the people around me fall into such a dangerous situation again. Pang Le is the woman I like. I won't let people have the courage to peep at her and everything around me. Don't beg high and straighten his chest. When he walked, there was a faint shadow of Wu Wang.

In the final analysis, Don't beg is just a young man in his early twenties. Even if he kills people, he is full of longing and hope for the world. Anyone who shows a little kindness to him will respond enthusiastically. Therefore, he is full of admiration for Jiang Yun's ancestor, and he is full of kindness to Yuanhua's ancestor.

When Yuanhua's ancestor personally picked up the stick, broke these warmth of the begging heart, and integrated into the part of the experience and experience of Wu Wang, which belonged to Wu Wang, finally woke up completely. The part of Wu Wang's soul is no longer a vassal of not begging, but has really become a part of not begging.

"I like this damn world" Don't beg to look at the sky and suddenly laugh: "I like this damn world."

After a long time, don't beg to nod and say, "Really, I really like it here"

The staggering pace gradually became stable, and the pace of begging became as accurate as the ruler. Each step was of average size, followed a straight line to Zhongning City. Step by step, it is as if a deep mark has to be cut on the Pangu continent at every step.

"Thank you, Yuanhua Laozu" don't beg for 'he' and laughed.

Step by step, step by step, don't beg to walk through cities and villages.

After walking all the way for more than two months, Don't beg finally saw the towering wall of Zhongning City on the horizon ahead.

There happened to be a village on the roadside. Don't beg for the pain in his chest and shoulders. He took a breath, looked at the village, and then continued to walk forward. At this moment, on the dirt road to the small village, an ox cart dragged a cart full of straw. On the high pile of straw, several strong young people were laughing and laughing.

Don't beg to look at those young people and immediately stay where they are.

Among the young people on the haystack, a particularly strong young man jumped up suddenly, turned over and fell to the ground, laughed and rushed to Bu beg: "Don't... Brother Wu, why are you here? God bless, you also escaped from the flood. Why did you get hurt like this?

The young man blinked his eyes quickly as he ran to Beg.

Don't beg to look at him in a daze, blinked fiercely, and turned his head to look around. That's right, the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful, and it's sunny. It's not the middle of the night now, and he hasn't seen a ghost. The young man who came to him was obviously the little leader of the Dayan Patrol Department, and the Dayan clan did not return.

Yan Bugui rushed to Buqi, hugged him heavily, and whispered to Buqi's ear, "I'm not going back now. It's Hu Bugui, my hometown was washed away by the flood, and I came here to settle down. Our village is called 'Xiaoye Village'. It was washed away by a flood two years ago, and everyone in the village died. Remember, Xiaoye Village is in the Yeshan Valley, 4,000 miles northwest of Zhongning City... Well, I've been here for more than a month"

Don't beg to squeeze the corners of your eyes, and suddenly tears flowed down. He hugged Yan Bugui with one hand and cried loudly, "Don't return, brother, but I see you again. Why did you come here? In my heart, I really think of you"

Yan Bugui is the elite of the wind patrol department. There is no need to do more sensationalism. His tears are slower than begging. He howled, "Brother Wu, Brother Wu, I didn't expect that we still have the life to meet here these days. Where have you been?"

Don't beg to get close to Yan Bugui's ear. He asked in a low voice, "Who else is there besides you?"

Yan Nogui lowered his voice and cried, "Lord Su Qin personally took command. He also found out the news of Xiaoye Village. Well, the first batch of our wind patrol department infiltrated the Pangu mainland, and there were 1,000 people**. The cost of coming here is too expensive."

Don't beg and Yan Bugui hugged and cried. The ox cart had slowly stopped, and the young people on the pile of straw jumped down one after another, looking curiously at Don't beg.

Yan Bugui grabbed the begging hand and took him to the village. RA