Steal the sky

Chapter 482 The hunchback

Early in the morning, Yan Bui ordered a small package, got on the ox cart with the recruits from nine other small villages, and rushed to Wanhu Village, 30 miles away. On the ox cart, the recruits burst into laughter, and their mood was like the morning sun in the sky, shining brightly.

Only Yan did not return to sit on the cart and turned back with a smile and waved to Don't beg and Su Qin.

Don't beg to wave one arm, and say hello to Yan Bugui with a smile.

Su Qin put his hands in his sleeves, squatting on a stone on the roadside like an old farmer in the countryside, staring at the morning sun that was spraying thinly. It took him a long time to sigh: "This trip is dangerous. This boy, don't be targeted by the people of the World Immortal League you mentioned, otherwise he won't have enough to die with a hundred lives!"

Don't beg to say in a low voice, "There is a great opportunity for great danger. How can there be such a relaxed and peaceful good thing in the world?"

Tighten the bandage on the broken arm, don't beg and say indifferently, "I'm leaving. I'm going to find my chance."

Su Qin stood up, tilted his mouth and muttered, "I'm also going to go. I have to walk around and stare everywhere. It's easy for the dolls to come here. I'm the only one to do the general dispatcher, and I have to pay attention to him from time to time. Well, I still don't believe it. If I don't have a copper plate on my body, I can't get out of the glory and wealth of this ancient continent!"

With a proud click of his tongue, Su Qin sneered and said, "Three inches of unrotten tongue, I, Su Qin, hum!"

Holding his head proudly, Su Qin put his hands on his back and waved to the south. In several villages thousands of miles away, there were also the elite lurking of the patrol department. The morning wind gently blew through Su Qin's body, and his tattered linen clothes turned over in the wind like the wings of a bald black crow.

Don't beg at Su Qin. He said in a low voice, "You should also be careful. It's not peaceful here! I hope you can live until three years later!"

Su Qin's figure condensed slightly, and then he nodded and didn't look back at Don't beg. At his feet, his figure suddenly rushed out more than ten miles away.

With a slight smile, don't beg to look up at the morning sun and walk slowly to the north. He walked slowly, but he could walk dozens of feet away at every step. The earth slid quickly under his feet, and in a short time, Don't beg has driven thousands of miles out of the land. Taking Zhongning City as the coordinates, don't be careful to avoid the cities and villages along the way, and go all the way to the direction of the bottomless abyss.

Traveling and running, the area of Pangu Continent is vast and boundless. With the escape skill of not begging, he has walked all the way for more than two months, and he has only finished half of the journey. The non-stop escape day and night made Begging's heart become extremely haggard. Finally, after crossing a desert full of bottomless sand, Begging found a grassland with rich water and grass and paused.

Sit lazily with your back against a big stone. Don't beg on a big road and quietly look at the people coming and going on the road that runs through the whole grassland. The reproduction ability of the human race is extremely strong, and the Pangu Continent is expanding at any time, but the human race seems to have filled the whole Pangu Continent. At least up to now, except for those Jedi that can't survive, Don't begging has found a place where no human beings exist.

This grassland is more than 100,000 miles long, and this avenue is tens of thousands of miles long. On both sides of the road, there are towns and villages, and countless caravans are passing through the road. Don't beg to lie on the roadside, adjust the breath to restore the true element in your body, while enjoying the faces of pedestrians on the road.

Their joys and sorrows, their every move, their words and deeds. These human beings are humble and small, and have no strong power, but they thrive and expand their own ethnic groups in this magical land. Don't beg in these people, you feel a huge anger that is faintly compatible with the way of heaven and earth.

Don't beg sitting on the side of the road for three days and three nights. When he fell into a state of meditation, he realized the huge anger hidden in the mortal human body. Don't beg suddenly felt that the earth under his feet was shaken, and the Pangu mainland was like a living person. This vibration was his heartbeat, vast and bound The anger was released from the underground of Pangu Continent and spread all around.

This anger has always existed, but when Don't beg to sense the infinite vitality in the human body, he suddenly saw the purple anger rising from the ground and pervading the surroundings. This purple vitality covers the whole Pangu continent, and merges with the starlight essence sprinkled by the stars in the sky, turning into a mysterious yellow gas between heaven and earth, hazy and I don't know how long it is.

The dull heartbeat kept ringing in Bu Begging's ear. Gradually, his heart began to beat with the heartbeat.

Purple anger is integrated into Don't beg's body, and the feeling of itching comes. Don't beg deliberately ignores the serious injury and heals quickly. It's just a blink of an eye. Don't beg before he has time to stop this change. The wound on his chest has healed, and his skin is

When Don't beg woken up from this wonderful feeling, his broken arm had magically grown. Now only the part below the elbow has not recovered. From the elbow to the shoulder, half of the arm has grown in just a few breaths. And this newborn arm is a little stronger than his intact arm. Pure physical strength, without the slightest addition of aura, is the enhancement of pure physical strength.

took a deep breath. Don't beg to look up at the sky. He seemed to vaguely understand what was going on with the skills of the human race.

Just when he was distracted, an old man with ragged clothes, carrying a bamboo basket full of worthless ordinary herbs, and an old man with a sickle in his hand was twisting along the road. The old man's hunchback is very strong, and the meatball on his back is almost like a hump. His eyes can only stare at the ground, and his eyes can't even look straight ahead. He can only see the ground three or five steps away in front of him.

Old, thin, back, the old man's gray-brown skin is full of old man spots, this is an old man who is not far from death. He walked slowly on the road, humming an extremely simple tune, which made people feel like an extremely old ballad. The trembling song came out with the wind, which shocked the don't beggar who was sitting on the ground in a daze.

Take a look at the old man carrying a huge bamboo basket, and sigh gently. He seems to have found a more magical skill than the Dragon Sutra. At least the Dragon Sutra can't make the begging broken arm born in such a short time. Don't beg has calculated in a short moment that if someone can freely control this purple infinite life, then when he stands on the earth, his body will never be destroyed.

"Just like the earth giant in Western mythology, as long as you stand on the ground on both feet, you will have infinite power!" Don't beg and click your mouth.

The hunchbacked old man tremblingly walked past Begging. His waist seemed to be very sore. After walking a few steps around Begging, he stood up and pressed his hands on his waist and hammered hard. After coughing a few times, the old man turned his head and sighed to Don't beg, "I'm old, it's useless. When I was young, people said that I could walk on the mountain, but now I'm really old!"

Don't beg for a moment. He didn't expect the old man to talk to him. He smiled and said seriously to the old man, "You are so old, why are you still running around? It's time to stay at home and enjoy happiness!"

The sun hung high above his head, and the poisonous sun was shining from the sky. The hunchbacked old man was covered with sweat, and sweat dripped down his chin, splashing a few small water marks on the dry dirt road. The old man gasped, shook his head and sighed, "The descendants are not competitive, how can they stop? Enjoy the happiness?


With a sigh, the old man shook his head and continued to walk forward.

Don't beg to look at the old man silently and shake his head.

Stand up, Don't beg. Just as you were about to continue to the north, there was a sudden sound of thunderous hoofs behind.

The sound of the hoof was still far away at the beginning, but in a short time, it approached quickly. In just two breaths, the sound of the hoof was at least more than ten miles away.

Don't beg to look back in surprise. I happened to see a group of knights like wolves and tigers, with a buffalo-like shape, but their whole body was covered with blue scales. They had two pairs of sharp long horns, and the strange beasts that were like the wind ran along the road.

The total number of knights is more than 1,000, all of whom are covered with heavy scales, and their faces are covered with thick metal masks, and there is not even a trace of skin and flesh all over the body. The giant cow, which is more than two feet long, mounts on both sides of the saddle, hanging a weapon bag made of leather, and an eight-foot dragon halberd is inserted in it. In the hand of the leading knight, a blood-colored flag is flying in the air on a three-foot-long flagpole.

Pedestrians and vehicles on the road retreated to both sides of the road in horror, lest the road of the team of knights would suffer a reckless disaster.

But the old man's eyesight was not good, and his hearing seemed to be a little problematic. He twisted his head blankly and looked around, but where could he see something wrong? He just came through the vibration under his feet, knowing that something terrible was approaching.

"Dead old man, get out of here!"

The cavalry rushed to the old man, and the leader of the team waved a long whip made of the thick animal tendons of the child's fist and whipped the old man fiercely. The long whip brought a sharp sound in the air, like a poisonous snake, twitching at the old man.

Pedestrians around exclaimed that if the whip goes down, even the stone will be pulled out a crack, not to mention this old man?

Don't beg and frown. His body shook repeatedly, and he rushed to the old man with a few shadows. He grabbed the old man's belt with one hand, took the old man and rolled away to the roadside. The poisonous snake-like skin whip swept by Begging's body and smashed the earthy linen clothes on his shoulders.

"Humph, hide quickly!" The leader's cavalry snorted heavily, and he kept pestering and not begging, and went straight with the team to continue to run wildly.

Don't beg to hold the old man and roll to the roadside, shaking his head awkwardly. He didn't use any mana spells, but relied on strong physical strength to make this set of actions, so he was a little embarrassed when he dodged.

The hunchbacked old man coughed violently. He rolled his eyes and sighed, "The world is not old, and the generation is not as good as the generation. How could there be such disrespect for the old man in the past? It's okay now. I'm only one step away from death. Can't I have a good end?

Don't beg shook his head. He avoided the eyes of pedestrians on the road, took out a few silver ingots and stuffed them into the old man's hand, and then turned around and left without saying a word.

The old man suddenly took action and grabbed Begging's sleeve.