Steal the sky

Chapter 535 Frightened

Yuanying's mid-term cultivation, fire attribute skills, but partial to yin and evil, picking virgin yin qi as firewood, using his own Yuanying as a flood furnace to forge a post-naive fire. The white clothes on the body are the magic weapons, and the flying sword used is an ordinary metal molten flying sword, attached with three of the simplest C fire charms. The power of the flying sword is too small. In the eyes of the chaotic god, the whole situation of the young man in white can be seen at a glance.

An ants are not even figures! Don't beg to suddenly have this strange illusion.

He felt the huge and unparalleled power in his body. Compared with the poor power in the young man's body, which was far less than his own in quantity and quality, he couldn't help shaking his head. It is indeed an existence that is not even an ant. In the middle of the Yuanying's cultivation, don't beg can blow a large area to death in one breath now. He doesn't even have the intention to be angry with him.

No wonder those immortals and golden immortals have the same attitude towards monks. They can kill ordinary monks at will, but they have no sense of guilt. No wonder they have killed countless people, but their mood is still intact, and they can still understand the road of heaven and earth - they don't think it's a sin to kill these monks at all. How can they feel guilty? How could they be in a bad mood?

Turn your head and look at Lushui. Don't beg and say indifferently, "Miss Lushui, please invite the ancestor of the Lushui family out. I'll ask a few words and leave."

As soon as the young man in white heard the words of not begging, his nose turned up, his eyes turned over, and he pretended to be the eldest. He was the second and shouted, "Want to go? Where is it so easy? What's your name? He came from a family and came to Yuzhou with the intention. Why did he deliberately sneak in here with the three girls? Come on, catch him alive and send him to the dungeon for strict control!" It's inexplicable!" Ao Buzun lazily raised his head from Don't beg's shoulder, and he hummed feebly, "It's really inexplicable! Well, steamed or braised? Or marinate it with spices and braze it in river mud? Well, to be honest, I look down on cattles and those two long insects. They are too careless to eat! Swallowing raw, they actually swallowed raw! I swallowed all kinds of shit and so on together. It's so ugly! Cook it carefully, boil it over low heat, and slowly make it taste good, otherwise I'm sorry for this natural spirit!"

With that, Ao Bu-respect's saliva came out of the corners of his mouth. He looked up and down at the young man in white and kept making strange "hehe" laughter. The young man in white was shocked by Ao Buk's words. He suddenly stepped back a few steps and looked at Ao Buk for a while. Then he sneered and said, "What a great spirit beast do you think? It turned out to be a black snake!" Ao Buji stood up with two back claws angrily. He waved his two front claws and said angrily, "Black leather snake? Is your whole family a black snake? Damn, I gave birth to four claws. Do you see it?

I'm a black dragon, a pure black dragon! Laozi's bloodline is more pure than your family's bloodline! There may be some kind of animal blood in your family's bloodline. I'm a black dragon with a single pass... That's the bloodline!"

With a click of his mouth, Ao Buzun turned his head to look at Don't beg, and swallowed back his origin.

Don't beg for unreasonable teaching. He looked coldly at the young man in white and shook his head gently.

The three girls in Lushui were so scared that their foreheads sweated coldly. They shouted one after another, "Brother Fu, don't talk nonsense. This senior is our savior!" However, the more anxious the three girls in Lushui were, the more the big brother Fu felt a sour taste straight to his forehead. He looked angrily at the arrogant and calm demeanor. Compared with the romantic temperament he put out, he only felt a sense of bored in his heart. He pointed to Beg more and more angrily and shouted, "Nonsense, what a savior, this bastard, he has the ability to save you?" With the scolding of the young man in white, more than a dozen sword lights flew up from the wooden houses in the valley one after another and surrounded them one after another. Don't beg to shake his head repeatedly at the speed of reaction to the Lu family. After such a long time, more than a dozen people came to meet him. If the foreign enemy invaded, how could they end up? Such a reaction speed is extremely slow, and the immortal family who does not set up a protective array at the doorstep can actually hang out in Weizhou for so long. It seems that the attack of the Weizhou government is not strong enough!

A middle-aged man with a purple face flew into the sky with his sword, and he shouted from afar, "Lou Shui, Luo Yu, Lu Ling, are you back? Well, Fuxian's nephew, who are you going to capture?"

The three girls hurriedly saluted the middle-aged man and said, "Dad, this senior is...

" Lushui looked at Don't beg in a daze. She suddenly found that she didn't know what the name of Don't beg was until now.

Don't beg to give a slight bow to the middle-aged man, and said indifferently, "Pooverty greedy wolf, Taoist friend, this time there is a gift." With a soft cough, don't beg and say, '. When he crossed the poor road to Luzhou, he met the three daughter of his Taoist friend who was chased and killed, so he helped him. Because I wanted to find a local Taoist friend to ask one or two questions, so I came here with the three girls.

The purple-faced man, Lu Hao, the biological father of the three daughters of Lushui, listened to the words of Don't beg and hurriedly replied, "So that's it. I don't know what happened to the misunderstanding between the greedy wolf Taoist friend and Fuxian's nephew?" Although he heard that Don't beg to save his daughter, Luhao was still skeptical. His three daughters were all in the early days of Yuanying. The three of them joined hands, and ordinary monks were difficult to match. If he said Don't beg to save them, he really didn't believe it. The young man in white hurried to Lu Hao's side and made a detour: "Uncle. The man's origin is unknown. He is evil. No matter how he looks at it, he is not a good person. He said that he saved three little sisters. Who knows if he deliberately designed it and wanted to sneak into the Lu family? In the opinion of his nephew, it is better to capture this person and torture him.

After all, the Luo family just moved here three years ago. If it is mixed into the enemy again, will the Luo family move again?

Don't beg for the skin. Do you need to use three women to sneak into the Lu family? The Lu family is undefended at all. Why do you need him not to beg for a ride? He secretly made up his mind that if the Lu family really didn't know how to dare to his opponent, it would be no wonder that he was ruthless.

The three girls in Lushui glanced at the young man in white. They came to Lu Hao's side together, grabbed Lu Hao's arms and sleeves and acted coquettishly. They muttered that they were in danger, and they didn't beg to say what happened to save them.

Don't beg to kill the demon cultivation of thirteen thousand demon caves, and the strongest cultivation in those demon cultivation is already the peak strength of Yuan Ying. The faces of Luhao and the young man in white can't help but change.

The young man in white changed from arrogant and domineering to timid and obscene, while Luhao raised great respect and admiration for begging out of thin air. He said deeply, "It turned out to be the old senior in the realm of Yuanshen, please, please."

With Don't beg for the wooden house in the middle of the valley, Luo Hao said with a smile on his face, "Today is the visit of the ancestor of the Fu family in Luzhou. The ancestor of the Luo family is discussing with the ancestor of the Fu family in the main house. If there is any negligence, please forgive me."

The god of begging has long found that there are two monks in the realm of the moto god in this wooden house. One is in the middle of the Yuanshen, and the other is that the middle of the Yuanshen is about to break through to the level of the later stage. Judging from the dialogue between the two, the middle of the Yuanshen was Fu Tianming, the ancestor of the Fu family. The one who was about to break through to the later stage of the Yuanshen was the grandfather of Luhe, the three daughters of Lushui, the father of Luhao, the ancestor of the Lu family.

In front of the wooden house, under Luo Hao's attentive greeting, Don't strode into the lobby of Luo's main house.

The man in white, Fu Tianming's grandson, Fu Qianxi, hurried into the lobby in front of the begging. He came to sit in the guest seat. Fu Tianming, who was short and fat, muttered a few words in a low voice. As he spoke, he kept turning his head to look at Beg.

Don't beg me to pay attention to the whispers of Fu Qianxi and Fu Tianming. He walked into the lobby and said to Lu Leji, who was sitting in the middle of the main position, "Poor and greedy wolves, I have seen Lule's Taoist friends. Well, this time the poor came, but it went smoothly. There are some problems and I want to ask my Taoist friends. Seeing the Don't begging, Lule hurriedly got up and returned the gift to the begging, because he found that he could not see through the cultivation of the begging. The breath emanating from Don't begging is extremely strange. At one moment, he looks like a monk in the realm of the Yuanshen, and at another time, he seems to be empty. He doesn't know how to determine what level the cultivation of Don't begging has reached.

After returning the salute respectfully, Lule said happily, "Taoist friends are coming. Lule has lost a long way to welcome you. Please forgive me. Look at the seat and have tea!"

Don't beg and Lu Le asked and answered here. Fu Tianming's face was already gloomy. He shouted in a low voice, "Brother Lu Xian, we haven't talked about our business yet, okay? A set of upside-down arrays of the five elements of the Yuantianqiao array as a bride price, let Qianxi welcome his wife, Lushui, Luyu and Liling, as his wife. Our lucky family has shown full sincerity!" The three girls who followed Bu Begging came in were stunned, and Lu Ling shouted in astonishment: '. What? Grandpa, are you going to let us get married? Marry Fu Qianxi?"

The straight-hearted gravel said angrily, "Marry no one and don't marry this playboy! Are there fewer women who are harmed by him every year? Lushui also frowned and shouted, "Grandpa, don't you know the reputation of Fu Qianxi in Yuzhou? He is the first scum of the immortal family. Do you want us to marry him together? If so, we would rather cut our hair and go to the monk!" Lu Le laughed a few times and was about to explain this matter to the three precious granddaughters. Fu Tianming had already pointed to the three women carelessly and scolded, "Here is our decision. How can you three little girls have room to talk? Stand aside obediently. After the betrothal gift is set today, you will have sex with Qianxi!

In the future, the Fu family and the Lu family will be one, and this Mizhou is the world of our two families!"

Don't beg to walk in front of Fu Tianming silently. In Fu Tianming's surprised eyes, he grabbed Fu Tianming's neck, picked him up like a toad, and slapped him 108 times in the face.

The heavy slap made Fu Tianming's big teeth fly out, and his face was smashed. Don't beg deliberately added a little strength, and Fu Tianming's cheek bones were smashed. While beating Fu Tianming, don't beg, he frowned and scolded, "I'm talking to my Taoist friend here. Why are you interrupting? Hey, what are you interrupting? Sit aside obediently. When I find out what I want to know from my Taoist friend, I will destroy your blessed family later!" Fu Tianming was caught in his hand, and his mana could not be mobilized at all. He was like a dead man and let him beg and beat.

The people in the room were stunned. They only felt a chill rushing straight to their foreheads from their feet. They were so scared that they couldn't think.

Fu Tianming, he is a real middle-stage monk of the Yuanshen. He cultivates immortals in Buzhou, and is one of the top ten masters!