Steal the sky

Chapter 568 Dragon Python Blood


Don't beg to vibrate your wings and fly rapidly in the sky, and your heart is full of anger. He saw the palm print of Qingsi on Princess Yule's face, and also noticed the unstable breath of the Holy Spirit and others. Obviously, they were attacked by the enemy, and Princess Beile was even slapped in the face. He knew how much an insult a slap in the face represented for Princess Bile, who was born in the deep palace since she was a child and has an arrogant personality.

The blue-green eyes slanted to the back edge of the eye, and don't look coldly at the inviting moon real person in the rear. With a gentle wave of wings, the speed of "hundreds of miles away in an instant, and the speed of the strong wind is really frighteningly fast" is even beyond your own estimate. The invited Yue Zhenren in the rear just chased with his trace bitterly, and occasionally a teleportation, but he could not effectively narrow the distance between himself and Don't beg.

The wind is the fastest flying mythical beast in the Zhoutian world, and the only mythical beast that can smash the void with speed. After having a trace of wind blood and completely turning himself into a complete wind with the chaotic spirit formula, Don't beg to have all the talent of the wind, and the speed is his most powerful magic power now.

The long feathers firmly wrapped Princess Bu Le's party and tied them to the back of the begging. Princess Yule quietly stroked the begging feathers, and she felt an extremely familiar breath on the big blue bird. Lao Cheng's Holy Spirit was frowning and looking curiously at Don't beg for his huge body. However, the cattle, the golden horns and the silver horns are uneasily tossing on the back of Don't begging, screaming and twisting their bodies.

"What the hell, what does this bird want to do when it catches us? Help!" ! The dragonfly roared loudly. She opened her mouth and wanted to tear a piece of meat from the begging back. But don't beg for thick and thick blue feathers on your back. No matter how hard the clams work, they just tore a bite of bird hair, and they didn't even touch any minced meat.

The golden horns and silver horns simply opened their mouths, spewing out the heat wave and cold, and the burning feathers emitted a burning smell. A piece of Buqi's feather was pierced by the two brothers, and the hot cold light even caused a sharp pain in Buqi's back.

Angrily let out a high-pitched sound of birds, don't beg and curse: "Golden horns, silver horns, if you fool around again, I will tear down your bones!"

Don't beg, the voice is clear to your ears, and the golden and silver horns shouted in horror: "Master, boss" Xianchang, why did you become a bird? God, have you become a bird? How did you get in peace with Her Royal Highness? Oh, my God, how can a bird do that with a woman?

When Princess Bu Le heard the voice of Don't begging, she suddenly blushed. But suddenly hearing the nonsense of golden horns and silver horns, Princess Bile was so angry that she raised her palm and slapped the brothers in the head. A crackling slap made the golden horns and silver horns curl up and dare not move. The Holy Spirit laughed and slapped his hands, praising that these two big snakes should really learn a lesson.

The rapid sound of breaking the air came from the rear. In addition to inviting the real person of the moon, more than 30 kinds of escapes have joined the ranks of chasing and killing without begging. The potential power of the Wanxian League in the Pangu Continent is extremely huge. After Li Zhenhua issued a wanted notice, "Just near the Xuangu Xianguan, hundreds of thousands of immortals of the Wanxian League have joined the wanted party of Princess Bule." Similar to inviting Yue Zhenren to be a powerful senior immortal, there are also hundreds of people.

Those weak immortals can't keep up with the speed of not begging, but these immortals who are similar to the cultivation of the real person of the moon follow closely." And they kept making a threat to stop begging and hand over Princess Bule and her party to them.

Don't beg for a cold smile. The dozens of powerful immortals behind him gave him a great threat, but how could he give them these people on his back? His lover, his brother, his friends, and two unreliable subordinates, these are all close to him. How could he give them to these greedy immortals?

With a long hisss, a large blue storm suddenly spewed out from his wings. There was a little starlight in his eyes, and every starlight corresponded to a star in the sky. In broad daylight, there were bright starlight flashes in the sky. Qiyao Qimen astrology was displayed by Don't begging, and a large area of starlight poured down from the sky into a piece of silver clouds covering the bodies of Princess Bule and her party.

A fairy immediately roared in the rear: "That guy is actually proficient in the art of divination." He disturbed the divination, and the poor road could no longer track the traces of that group. "You immortal friends, you can't let them escape, otherwise they will never find them again if they escape from our hands today!"

Don't beg "Ha ha, laugh, the cyan storm surrounds his body, and the speed of his flying well has suddenly increased. Yinxia swept over the bodies of Princess Bele and others again and again. Don't beg to forcibly cut off some of the power of cause and effect on them" has isolated the tracking of some immortals who are proficient

Princess Yu Le smiled happily." She gently stroked the thick and smooth feathers, frowned and asked, "How did you become a big bird?"

Don't beg helplessly. He smiled bitterly and said, "It's a long story. I'll tell you in detail when I escape from the tracking of this group of people." Well, these bastards, are they really immortal? Those damn things of the Wanxian League, do they have such a great attraction under their three conditions?

Jin Jiao immediately grinned and complained crooked: "Master, we can't let go of the people of the Wanxian League. They slapped the princess in the face. "What kind of spiritual ointment do they still want to extract from our brother's internal organs! Oh, my God, they are so cruel. "Our brother may be the last two flying ice-fire dragon pythons in the world this Sunday, and the great task of breeding races is on us!"

Silver Horn also howled, "Isn't it? If they kill us, they will completely cut off a race. "This is a matter of revenge by heaven!" Don't beg for cold snorting. He muttered in a low voice and shouted harshly, "Don't be wordy, quickly extract a trace of your blood and give it to me. Don't talk nonsense!"

The golden horn and the silver horn were stunned, but they were used to obeying any order not to beg, so they did not hesitate at all. They immediately burned the blood and extracted a trace of blood from their own [body]. After a cup of tea time, the two brothers spewed out a thin thumb from their mouths, which was more than ten feet long, and the whole body was in gold and silver. One emitted a terrible heat wave, and the other emitting terrible cold blood.

Don't beg for a long hiss. He swallowed the two bloodlines into his stomach in one bite, and immediately began to refine the bloodline with the seven Xuansheng spiritual formula. Just like the bloodline of the divine bird wind, "Don't beg to refine these two bloodlines into himself." He immediately had the ability to transform into a real flying ice fire dragon python, and had all the talent magic power of the flying ice fire dragon python. He has already obtained the practice of the Dragon Python Xuanjing from the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers. He can also regard this fierce and violent Dragon Python Xuanjing as his own practice in the future.

The two colors of gold and silver are full of light. Don't beg to take the rolling storm and quickly fly forward. He occasionally turned around, and dozens of immortals in the rear had stopped shouting. He was clenching his teeth and trying his best to chase him. These immortals have used their strength to breastfeed. They only want to catch these people alive. All their strength is used to travel, completely ignoring the protection of themselves.

, quack, a roar, don't beg and suddenly rush forward." The storm on his wings shattered the void. He teleported a long distance forward with Princess Bule and her party, and then he immediately landed on a big mountain. The body moved like flowing mercury. In the blink of an eye, it changed from a big blue bird to a silver-white dragon python with huge meat wings growing behind it.

Don't beg. Nowadays, the cultivation of the twenty-first immortals is much higher than the golden horns and silver horns. Don't beg. This dragon python is more than ten miles long, and its huge body coils around the top of the mountain, just like a hill. The silver armor exudes a faint cold air, and a pure dragon python pressure continues to spread. The Holy Spirit King beside him was fine. He could barely stand firmly, but the dragon king and the dragon king, who were also dragons, were soft on the ground and his fingers could not move.

With a strange smile, Don't beg suddenly opened his big mouth. A thick ten-foot cold light spewed out of the big mouth with sharp teeth. After spewing out dozens of miles, the cold light suddenly turned into countless spirals and rapidly rotating Xuanbing thorns, flashed away with a sharp sound of breaking the air, and suddenly Before.

Dragon Python's natural magic power, coupled with the attack power of condensing gas and ice in the Xuanyin water sutra, the combination of the two exerts an extremely terrible power. Don't beg the strength of the twenty-one immortals, coupled with the 90% undigested wind god power in his [body] makes the power contained in this blow of Don't beg.

Inviting Yue Zhenren and other Sanfeng's immortals with cultivation ranging from ten to fifteen grades, they never dreamed of a big wind mythical beast, and turned into a huge and unparalleled ice fire dragon python in the blink of an eye. They never dreamed that Don't begging would stop and fight them hard.

The ice cone roared, and the nineteen immortals had no time to sacrifice the immortals. The immortals they protected had no time to react. The ice cone had passed through their chests. The terrible cold froze the bodies of these immortals and made them form thick mysterious ice.

Don't beg didn't issue a second blow, because the bodies of the 19 immortals have just been frozen by Don't beg." Invited Yue Zhenren and other uninjured immortals to kill the 19 immortals. All kinds of immortal weapons were defeated one after another, and the 19 immortals who were severely damaged were completely killed.

Don't laugh wildly." He twisted his body, turned into a wind mythical beast again, and rolled up Princess Bule and her party to turn around and escape.

While fleeing, don't beg and shout wildly, "You guys, do you dare to plot against me? Hahaha, I can stop and give you a fatal blow at any time. Do you dare to join hands to kill me? Hahaha, be careful that the people around you will poison you first!"

As expected, Yue Zhenren and others were invited to stop chasing in shock and fear, allowing Don't beg to take everyone away. Inviting Yue Zhenren, they suddenly found that there was a possibility of killing them, and the immortals around them were all ulting competitors. No one could guarantee that they would be able to capture and kill the group of Don't begging people. They received all kinds of rich conditions for the reward from the Wanxian League.

Immortals are the most selfish and cautious. Between their own lives and rewards, they invite Yue Zhenren to choose their lives wisely.

In the void, only the clear sound of don't begging came from afar: "Immortals League? Wait for me to argue with you slowly!"

"Tell Li Jihua" Wash your neck and wait!"