Steal the sky

Chapter 572 Yujia Mansion

After a month, pick the top of the star mountain.

Don't beggar and Princess Kangle tightly, watching the western moon gradually falling, and watching the eastern red light gradually rise. Don't beg, there is a forceful breath all over his body, like a sword that has just come out of its sheath. The terrible breath rises and gathers into a purple mist above his head. Occasionally, birds fly by, and they are immediately crushed into a rain of blood.

In a month of hard practice, in the boundless and beautiful, don't beg for the help of the ancient gods above Princess Le, and digest the huge divine power from the wood in his body. What's more, Princess Le's virginity's pregnancy was helped by the first weather machine, which made him successfully break through several bottlenecks, and his cultivation soared to the realm of nine-grade immortals.

Princess Pule's trace of the first weather machine is extremely pure and inclusive. It is the imprint of the law of heaven inherited directly from the ancient gods in the blood of Princess Pule. This trace of weather machine can't be used by Princess Le herself, but after making peace with Don't beg, this air machine has been completely transformed into the spirit of Don't begging, and its huge power is almost comparable to all the mana of an eighteen-grade golden fairy.

Don't beg for this trace of weather machine, turn it into chaotic aura, and then practice the two treasures of the seven mysterious spiritual secrets and the true secrets of heaven and earth. The energy transformed by the weather machine can perfectly integrate the magical purple gas bred in the Pangu Continent, and push the begging directly to the high position of the nine-grade immortals.

If it hadn't been for the extremely depleted skills of the two treasure books, don't beg for the practice of skills such as the wind song or the Xuanyin water sutra, he has now successfully achieved the realm of the golden fairy. If so, don't beg to digest the divine power of Mubai and get the first weather machine for the pregnancy of Princess Le. Although the mana cultivation is only nine immortals, the foundation is extremely stable, and the understanding of the law of heaven is far beyond Tongji, and it has reached an unpredictable and infinite realm.

It's just that the strength soared, and you can't restrain the breath in your body. Only then did a purple gas soar into the air, and the birds that passed by had bad luck.

Princess Kuanle, who is not begging, has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Originally, Princess Le gave people the feeling that she was just beautiful, but now Princess Le is like an ink orchid blooming in a deep valley, full of mystery, but brilliant like an aurora, full of deadly ** power. She just stood there, the world seemed to be full of magical brilliance, and everyone's eyes were taken away by her alone.

And Don't beg for a month, the chaotic aura in Don't beg's body kept rushing into Princess Kangle's body, inadvertently made Princess Kangle understand the mystery at the beginning of the opening of chaos. Combined with the countless wonderful things caused by the explosion of her own weather machine in Beg's body,

If there is a magician to look at it with the eyes of the law, the princess who snuggles up in the arms of Don't begging is not a human figure at all, but a strong light, a pure and strong humanoid light. In this light, countless runes rotate along the trajectory of the Taiji, mysterious and mysterious, full of the infinite mystery of creation and destruction. Beside Princess Lele, there is also a nine-fold golden light curtain looming. Each heavy light curtain is composed of countless golden runes as thin as a fly head, and the dense runes give people a feeling of extreme danger.

Even if an ordinary immortal cultivateer observes Princess Kangle with divine consciousness, he will find that her whole person seems to have integrated with this side of void. Once she is attacked, it is like attacking this side of heaven and earth, facing the crazy counterattack of this side of heaven and earth. This kind of abnormality can generally only appear in the golden fairy, but Princess Yule, who inherited the blood of the ancient gods, had this kind of strange sign in line with the heavenly way when she was cultivated as a low-grade immortal.

On the top of the mountain, there are only beggars and Princess Le. The two quietly snuggled together, and birds flew over their heads from time to time. A group of birds kept frying into plasma, and a thick layer of feathers and plasma had accumulated around them. This scene is full of tenderness, but it is also full of some kind of indescribable strange illusion, which makes people feel thrilling in their hearts.

When the sun revealed half of her face from the east, Princess Po Le suddenly raised her head and kissed Don't beg.

"Husband, be careful here, you must take the power of the next state herdsman." Princess Huanle has changed her name to Don't Beg. She said bluntly to Don't beg, "If you can't take a state with the strength of Jiupin Tianxian, you can do it yourself!"

Don't beg for a dry cough. Princess Kuanle is fine with everything, but the strong force in his bones really makes Don't beg a little headache. He nodded seriously, looked at Princess Pangle's mysterious eyes and smiled, "If I can't take a big state, I won't come back to see you!"

Princess Kuan Le was furious when she heard the words. Her eyes flashed with blood, and she said frankly, "You won't come to see me. Do you still have a woman outside?" Humph!" She pulled it hard with her hand and pulled down a wisp of long hair that was not begging. Princess Le put away the long hair that was not begging and turned around and left. As she walked, she smiled and said, "Take your long hair and see which woman who doesn't know how to live dares to pester you. When Zixuan goes back, she will use the 'heart-to-heart-heart charm' to curse you. If any woman dares to fall ind with you, just wait for the desire to burn your heart and die!"

'Hey, hey', don't beg and screamed twice, but Princess Pule raised her head and flew back to the cave majestically. Don't beg helplessly. She touched her nose with a little embarrassment. Are there any women who are moved by themselves? Not so, right? Isn't there such an unlucky woman?

With a wry smile, Don't beg to roar to the cave, and then paused, and immediately a spiritual vein fluctuation came from the ground. He flashed forward along the fluctuation of the spiritual vein, and suddenly arrived outside the gate of the He'ancheng Sitian Hall.

Yuhu brought two hundred priests of the Sitian Temple, who were waiting bitterly outside the Sitian Hall. He looked up at the sky from time to time, and his face was full of anxiety. A month ago, he made an appointment with Begging, but seeing that the departure time was in front of him, Begging had not yet appeared, which made Yuyu couldn't help doubting whether Begging intended to make trouble with him.

Looking at the 200 priests behind him, Yuhu couldn't help shaking his head. These priests are all newly trained star priests in the Sitian Hall of Zhongzhou. Not to mention their low cultivation, they are not Yuhu's confidants, and they are useless at all. All his hopes are on Don't begging. He only hopes that Don't beg can help him sweep away the subordinates recruited by his own brothers and earn him the power of a big state.

"If you don't come, it's too late!" Yuhu jumped in a hurry, and he almost cursed. There is also a short-distance movement from Ancheng to Zhongning City, but now the sun is almost rising. If we don't set out again, we will definitely miss the time. The Yu family meeting decided the ownership of the 30 major states. If they missed the time at such a clan meeting, not to mention competing for the position of state herdsman, it would be great luck that Yuhu would not be severely punished.

Yuhuo was so anxious that the corners of his mouth were soaked. A strong wind flashed by, and a purple gas above his head suddenly came to Yuhu. The terrible breath came to his face, and Don't beg's eyes stared at Yuhu. His eyes were like two electric lights flashing. Yuhu was so scared that he stepped back a few steps and almost didn't launch the protective bone charm to attack Don't beg.

Looking at the breath rolling around his body in consteridation, a purple gas rushed straight up to the top of dozens of feet high. Yuhu shouted in surprise and joy, "General Tan Lang, what are you?"

Don't pretend to straighten up your chest, hold your head high and sigh deeply: "After a month of hard practice, you can watch the sky at night in the mountains and look down on the Pangu mainland. You have some feelings inadvertently. Zhou Tianzi rushed in, and at the end, the cultivation will advance rapidly, and it has soar

Yu Xiao looked at Don't beg in surprise. He felt that Don't beg could not be restrained at all. He kept releasing the terrible breath outside his body and nodded repeatedly, "Wonderful, wonderful! More than a hundred times? Today's Tan Lang is more than a hundred times better than a month ago? Wonderful, with the help of a general, a state of power, stable in hand!"

Don't beg for a slight fist salute, and smile faintly.

Yuqi looked up to the sky and laughed three times. He pulled out the black beads he had played in his hand when he didn't beg to see him last time. He said in a low voice, "General Tan Lang, no, brother Tan Lang, this string of beads is the treasure of protection given by Yuxi's father. It is the best way . If anyone asks, you can say that you have just broken through the first ancient three-star realm!"

The first Pan Ancient Three-Star Realm? Don't beg, I don't know what the meaning of this boundary division is, but looking at Yuhu's way, it's obvious that he intends to be a yin person!

Unceremoniously took this string of black beads in his hand. Don't beg to put the string of beads on your wrist. Immediately, a cool air flowed all over his body, and his breath that he could not restrain gradually dissipated and was all in his body. Don't beg to praise, this baby is really good.

Yuhu laughed proudly a few times. He hurriedly grabbed Don't beg, took two hundred priests to the facade, and strode to the moving array in front of the square of the city lord's mansion. He had already adjusted the moving array, and the coordinates had locked Zhongning City. The light of the moving array flashed. The group of people had left He'an City and came to the square in front of the pastoral house in Zhongning City.

The official power of Dayu is extremely powerful. Since the destruction of Ningcheng in the Feng Ling case more than two months ago, Zhongning City has been rebuilt in more than two months, and there are all kinds of palaces. Except for the slightly sparsely populated people, today's Zhongning City is no different from that day.

Under the leadership of Yuhu, the group left the moving array in front of the state pastoral house, walked along the road for less than a quarter of an hour, and came to a house with an extremely large area. The president of this house is nearly ten miles wide, and there are countless large palaces and auxiliary halls in it. It is the newly built mansion of the Zhongzhou Yu family after the Feng Ling Ling case.

Although the previous Zhongzhou Yujia was strong, it could not enter the top five in the ranking of Zhongzhou's rich families. With the escape of Feng Lingling and a ticket of confidants, the Zhongzhou Yu family made great contributions and won the appreciation and reuse of Xinzhou Mubo Zhongfu. The power of the 30 major states was in hand, and the atmosphere of the Yu family was suddenly very different from before.

Just look at the newly built mansion of the Yu family. In front of the giant gate of the nine open rooms, there are at least 600 armored soldiers guarding here, around the outer wall of the mansion, and there are dozens of patrolling warriors wandering back and forth, guarding the mansion. Don't beg couldn't help shaking his head, and the guarding power of the Dayan Palace was nothing more than that.

Yu Hao strode to the main door of the Yu family with Begging and 200 priests. A big man in bronze armor in front of the door suddenly shouted sharply, "Who is coming? Step down quickly. Can you break through here?"

Don't beg to suddenly see a strange light flashed in the Jiashi's eyes. After the Jiashi shouted, he actually pulled out his sword and cut it down to Yuhu. The sword spirit was fierce, and it was more than ten feet away from Yuxi, so the sword wind shook Yuyu's body to fly back uncontrollably.

If this sword is solid, the jade iron will be fixed on the spot.