Steal the sky

Chapter 577 Yu Jue Three Palms

Pig's head is a little entangled in sleeping these two days, and the schedule is uncertain! It's not easy to sleep in the hot and cold weather!

Er, please recommend a ticket for comfort!

............, the whole Yu family are silent. Don't beg to kill more than half of the people who participated in the duel, and the proportion of killing is extremely balanced. Forty-seven teams who participated in the duel were killed by him for more than 50 people. Look at his means, his cultivation, and the ninety-nine priests in Anle County have been lined up to protect themselves. Isn't the first place stable?

Yu Ge laughed proudly in the stands. The other brothers who participated in the duel lost their soldiers and generals, and most of his men were killed and injured. Who could have more people under his command? Among the sixteen nine-class states, he will definitely choose one of the largest states with the largest population and the richest products. With the support of a state's resources, Yuge is confident to break through the bottleneck of monthly priests in the next few decades.

With blood all over, he stood on the edge of the duel field, firmly protecting the 99 little priests behind him.

Looking at those stunned duel opponents, Don't beg lightly and say, "Guys, I'm sorry. This name belongs to Yuge, the high priest of the Sitian Hall of Anle County. You'd better fight for another fifteen places!"

The priests and soldiers who participated in the duel were silent. The crazy killing of Don't begging scared their courage. A flock of sheep and a lion fought a duel. What's the point? They looked at each other and retreated to the distance at the same time, avoiding the corner of Begging far away.

Yuxiu, who was sitting high in the sky, smiled. He looked at Yuge, who was laughing, and nodded slowly, "Yuhuai's child? I still have some ability. Well, speaking of which, Yuge, this child just went to Anle County to take office, right? It is also his luck to recruit such a soldier.

", the strange light flashed in Yusha's eyes. He looked coldly at Bu Begging and said faintly, "Don't you think it's strange, big brother? How can there be such a master in Anle County? Is it so easy to break through the seven-star realm of Pangu?

Yuxiu frowned and was about to respond to Yuxun, but Yuxun patted Don't beg with a palm. The ghost roared in the void, and a round gray-white palm pressed down on the head. The evil spirit surged down, and countless tornadoes up to more than ten feet suddenly rolled up on the duel field. The roar of the wind shocked people's hearts and minds, as if the soul was about to be sucked out of the [body].

Don't beg to look up in disbeggars. He clenched his fists with both hands and suddenly punched the gray-white palm. The power used by Yuxun's palm is ingenious to the extreme." It is exactly equivalent to the strongest power of the nine immortals. There are three ghost faces looming in the gray-white palm, swallowing the evil spirit from time to time. A rotten dead spirit hovered around the palm, and the stone floor of the duel field suddenly turned gray Deadly attack, even the stone slab paved in front of the ground seemed to have lost its vitality. "It lost its original bright light.

The palm shadow hit Bu Begging's fists heavily. Don't begging body sank. He snorted, and his knees suddenly bent and then suddenly bounced up. He shouted in a low voice. His fists suddenly soared about twice the size, and the two purple fist shadows flew up to the sky with a dull roar, lifting the gray-white palms tens of feet high. Don't beg for purple gas all over his body, rushing straight into the sky, turning into a purple cloud cover above his head, firmly blocking the palm of Yuxun's backhand.

The countless tornado columns on the duel field exploded fiercely, and the gray-white airflow rushed to the ground, like a rapid river. The frightened priests and soldiers in the duel field stood unsteadily, and many of them fell to the ground and were swept up by the rapid airflow. , fell heavily to the towering stone wall on the edge of the duel field.

Don't beg for the two purple fist shadows and the huge gray-white palm shadows rushing into each other in the air. In just a flick of time, the fist shadows collided with each other tens of thousands of times, and the continuous sharp collision sounded into a long roar, which shocked many children of the jade family in the stands tightly Those low-powerful priests were shocked by the roar and fell to the ground with blood all over.

The ghosts and gods on the altar were the happiest. The priests who were shaken to death on the spot flew up one after another and were caught in the hands of these ghosts and gods." Three or two swallowed up their blood essence and soul. The sad howling kept ringing. This was the last scream when the souls of the priests were swallowed up. The scream sounded directly from the depths of the human soul. The children of the jade family in the hall changed their faces and were shaky and fell to the ground.

Yuxiu looked at Yuxun unhappily. He shouted sharply, "Yuxun, what are you doing?"

Yusha took a look at the beggar who was struggling to support under his palm, shook his head and sighed, "I suspect that this person is the guard given to Yuge by Yuhuai in private, otherwise what kind of cultivation is Yuge? The remote place of Anle County has been occupied by scattered immortals for hundreds of years. How can there Xiu smiled, and Yu Xun hit Bu Begging again with his backhand. Yu Xun said indifferently, "The duel rules we have formulated can't be destroyed by these villains who don't know what's or bad, otherwise where is the majesty of our elders of the Yu family?" Yu and Wei's face darkened, and Yu Jue's second palm has been hit. Ya, Jue is not easy to intercept. He can only look at a green and pungent palm shadow with the smell of pungent herbs.

Don't beg to look up at the second palm shadow. He could only scream bitterly, and his muscles and bones suddenly shook, using all the strength in the [body]. If he can use all kinds of magical powers and secrets, although the two palms of Yu and Xun are powerful, they lack all kinds of mysterious changes. Don't beg for at least hundreds of means to easily detify the two palms of Yu.

But now he plays the role of a human warrior. The human warrior has no magic power. He is completely a rampaging brute force warrior. A few magical powers are not helpful to Yuxun's two palms. If he cast immortal spells in front of so many jade parents, isn't he looking for death?

scolded the 18th generation of Yuxun's ancestors in his heart. Don't beg for a hiss, and you can only use your whole body's brute force, regardless of the punching up and bombardment. For a moment, Don't beg seemed to have born tens of millions of arms. Countless fist shadows waved out quickly into the air, and the fist shadow of a large group roared out, making Yuxun's first gray and white palm shadow retreated in a row. The evil spirit of the evil wind kept breaking, and gradually turned the palm shadow into invisible

When the first gray-white palm shadow was about to be completely eliminated, the second miserable green palm shadow taken by Yuxun had fallen silently. The shadow of this palm and the trace of strength left by the first palm shadow merged with each other, hitting the top of Don't beg's head like the top of Mount Tai. The shadow of the fist waved by Buqi was shattered. His body softened, and his knees hit the duel field heavily. The huge force bombarded the duel field through Buqi's body, shaking the duel field into a large pit several feet in diameter.

The smoke and dust splashed, don't beg your body straight into this big pit. All his fists were smashed, and the pale green palms fell straight on him, smashing his clothes all over, revealing the streamlined twitching muscles on his body. Don't beg your hands to protect your face, curl up on the ground, and let this palm really pat yourself.

The palms that are as sticky as ink and soft and penetle with terrible poison are bombarded on Don't begging. Don't beg's skin suddenly a large area of purple light suddenly swings on the surface. The powerful body condensed by the true secrets of heaven and earth burst out with a strong defensive force, forming a dense force The dark green poison gas scattered everywhere, like countless poisonous snakes running around. Hundreds of priests and soldiers in the duel field were too defensive. The poison gas fell on him, and soon festered and turned into rotten corpses and fell to the ground.

The smell of rotten corpses spread everywhere, and many children of the jade family in the stands covered their noses one after another. Many ghosts and gods on the altar laughed in unison, and they stretched out their hands to grab the corpses. These priests and soldiers died miserably, and their souls were full of boundless resentment. This negative energy is really the best tonic for these ghosts and gods.

Seeing that these rotten corpses were swallowed up by the ghosts and gods on the spot, the remaining priests and soldiers fled in unison, no longer caring that this duel is related to their master's life and future, and that this duel is directly related to their future glory and wealth. Life comes first, and all other glory can only be enjoyed with life. These priests and soldiers are not stupid. They dare not participate in the battle between Yujue and Beggar.

Yuxun's second palm is more than twice as strong as the first palm, that is to say, this palm is twice as strong as the strongest force of not begging. The real body condensed by the secret of heaven and earth blocked the terrible poisonous gas in the palm, but failed to resist the pure physical strike force. The part of the real body of heaven and earth collapsed, and the terrible palm power went straight through the inside.

Seeing that Don't beg was about to be hit hard by this palm, Don't beg's body shook. He took off the pearl of the black evil spirit, and the purple gas all over his body rose to the sky, and the purple gas covered his figure. His whole body curled up in the purple gas, blocking everyone's sight with this The strong dragon's body blocked the residual power of the second palm.

, click, the sound of fragmentation kept ringing, don't begged to be beaten dozens of feet in the ground by one slap. He easily defused the terrible power contained in the second palm, and his body staggered to the sky.

But don't rush out of the ground without waiting. Yuxun had already slapped him with a gloomy face and slapped him for the third palm.

With this palm, Yuxun added a few more strength, which was ten times more powerful than the second palm. Don't beg can't block this palm at all. After all, Yuxun is also a golden fairy-level cultivation. Don't beg is just a nine-grade immortal now.

Seeing the dark palm rushing on his head, don't beg for an angry roar. He made a mistake on both feet and suddenly showed his father's footsteps to chase the sun.

With a shaking of his body, don't beg for God and dodged the third palm of Yuxun, and his figure suddenly came to Yuxun.

One point on both elbows, don't beg for a heavy blow on Yuxun's face.

With a miserable howl, Yuxun's sorghum bones collapsed, and a large amount of blood spewed out of his mouth and nasal cavity.

In the hall, tens of thousands of people exclaimed in unison.