Steal the sky

Chapter 580 Serious Consequences

Yuhuai was uneasy. The evil wind covered everything, and there were 108 coffins in the hall. Don't beg and Yuge sat side by side in front of Yuhuai. A futon made of spiritual grass is sitting in front of the three people. From time to time, a little bit of aura flows into the body of the futon. This kind of futon is the favorite thing of the priests of the human race. The aura bred from the spiritual grass can effectively slow down the aging of their bodies and offset the erosion of their bodies by Degree.

Don't beg to look at Yuhuai. There is a gray flame the size of a human head floating in front of Yuhuai. Several pale spiritual bones are suspended in the flame and are gradually dissolved by the temperatureless flame. Only the palms of the skeleton of the jade and locust reached into the fire from time to time, and their fingers gently touched these spiritual bones, gradually casting them into the appearance of puppets.

There are a total of three gray-white bone puppets. When the puppet finally takes shape, Yuhuai looked at Don't beg and said in a low voice, "Three hairs, pull out the roots for me!"

Don't hesitate for a moment. All kinds of fierce methods of human priests are emerging one after another. God knows what Yuhuai wants to do with its own hair? Even if Princess Bule has inherited the ancient way of ghosts and gods, today's human race has also developed countless more fierce and ferocious methods, many of which are terrible things that Princess Pule does not know and can't crack.

But Don't beg, he quickly tore off his three long hairs and handed them to Yuhuai. Anyway, Don't beg is still the most powerful helper around Yuge. No matter how stupid Yuhuai is, it is impossible to tamper with Don't beg. Moreover, the appearance of these three spiritual puppets looks very familiar. It should be a substitute, not a forbidden thing to kill people.

Three dark and shiny long hairs were handed to the jade locust, and the ferocious jade locust took over the long hair and sniffed it deeply in front of his nose. He looked at Begging in surprise and whispered in a hoarse throat, "Wao, you are so full of blood and energy. Well, even if you don't get the blessing of the ancestors today, it won't take long for you to break through the nine-star realm of Taishi Pangu! Yuge has your help. "I'm very happy!" Suddenly, there were blood and tears in Yuhuai's eyes. There were a total of eighteen drops of blood and tears. Every drop of sticky blood dripped from his chin, and it flew lightly, turning into a twisted black rune suspended over the three puppet villains. Yuhuai recited the spell in a low voice and tied the long hair of Begging to the three puppets. There was a gray-white airflow rising from behind him, and a ghost shadow full of pressure gradually appeared behind him. This ghost and god is also like Yuhuai. There is no flesh and blood in the whole body, only a gray-white skeleton.

The ghost and god waved his hands slowly." The runes made by the eighteen drops of blood and tears dripping from the jade locust suddenly twisted, and soon turned into eighteen small black skulls, and quickly flew to the three puppets. Six black skulls flew into each puppet, and the originally white puppet also turned black.'s were also black. Then the hair on the puppet burned at the same time, and the green ghost fire burned his hair to ashes, leaving a dense green mark on the puppet.

Taking a deep breath, Yuhuai kept chanting spells, and his fingers scratched around the three puppets. Don't begger gradually felt that he had some kind of indesicable connection with the three puppets, and he noticed that there was an extremely evil and fierce force hidden in the three puppets, just like a dragon trapped in the mysterious ice, which could burst out and hurt people at any time.

And the source of this evil force comes from the ghost floating behind Yuhuai. Don't clearly feel that the ghost and god [body] has the same terrible power as three puppets [body]. It seems that the three puppets are only three small passages, and the three evil forces are only three introductions. When the puppet is destroyed, it will immediately open three channels, so that the power of ghosts and gods will appear on the world and make a fatal blow to some people.

Yu Huai finally completed the final step." As the ghost fire between him sank into the puppet, he grabbed the three thumb-sized puppets and stuffed them into Begging's hand. He smiled deeply and said, "Hidden them, three thrilling puppets. If someone dares to attack you with spells, they will be attacked by my original ghost god, bone otter. "The flesh and blood of their soul will also become the food of bone otters." Don't beg to hold the three thrilling puppets tightly. These are the three life-saving charms!

He looked at Yuhuai and asked in a low voice, "Why is Lord Yuhuai so sure that someone will attack me?" Yuhuai tilted his neck, and his cervical vertebrae made a terrible, quacking sound. He laughed in a low voice, "You can tell with your buttocks that Yuxun's old bastard was beaten by you on the spot. It is said that even the treasures of his family have been smashed by you. If he doesn't retaliate against you, you will have a ghost!"

He laughed strangely a few times, and Yuhuai was not afraid of anything. He simply said something inside the Yu family to beggar.

Don't beg for a while, and he can also guess a lot about the messy things of the rich family." But these things like what Yuhuai said are simply unimaginable. It's so messy that Don't beg is amazed.

To put it simply! Yu Xiu, the head of the Zhongzhou Yu family, is not Yu Xun's own brother, and the two are cousins. Yuxiu was born in the Liangzhu Yu family in the capital city of Dayu, and is the origin of the Yuyu family. Yuxun is the direct son of the Yu family branch in Zhongzhou, and he is the eldest son of the whole family. According to common sense, Yu Xun should be the head of the Zhongzhou Yu family, and the Da Sitian of Zhongzhou Sitian Hall should be Yu Xun.

But a long time ago, even Yuhuai couldn't tell what had happened. Yujiong was suddenly assigned by Liangzhu Yu and his family and landed directly to Zhongzhou to take over Yubo's biological father, who was in the position of Zhongzhou Dasi Tianyu at that time. Yuzhangtan and a golden fairy in Tianting were seriously injured. As soon as he died, Yuzhen took over his position and became the ruler of the Zhongzhou Yu family.

Yuxiu took over the position of Zhongzhou Da Sitian. He even took over the fiancee of Yusha, who was still young at that time. Yuxun's fiancee, the eldest daughter of a secluded owner with the blood of a god. She not only represents a strong arm, but also the blood of the god she carries is bound to have a weather machine, which can help people break through the bottleneck and achieve a strong power.

Yusha not only failed in the position of the head of the family, but also the high position of Da Sitian turned into a bubble, and even his fiancee became someone else's wife. Yuxun was furious and made some bloody things happen. However, under the pressure of the violence [town] of the Liangzhu Yu family, and under the direct intervention of the hermit family, Yuxun's counterattack finally hit the Yu family loyal to him hard, and he had to submit to Yuxiu.

Due to Yuxiu's strong background and strong power, Yuxun can only take over the position of Zuo Sitian in Zhongzhou Sitian Hall and become the chief elder of the Yu family. Whether it is the influence of the owner or the real power in Zhongzhou, it is at a disadvantage.

But after so many years of operation, Yuxun has finally mastered an extremely powerful force in the clan. In order not to be too seriously affected by the whole Zhongzhou Yu family, Yuxiu made certain concessions to Yusha from time to time. As a result, Yuxun pressed forward step by step. Although Yuxiu himself and Yuxiu's children and grandchildren were greatly affected.

What makes Yuxiu most helpless is his wife, the woman with the blood of the god, the biological mother of Yu and Huai, and her ability to reproduce is extremely weak. Over the years, Yuxiu and she have only given birth to one son, which is Yuhuai. And Yuhuai was also affected by his mother's blood. He exhausted his mind and gave birth to only one son, Yu Ge.

Yuxiu's wife is even more jealous. If Yuxiu dares to recruit a concubine, the concubine and her mother's family will disappear without a trace in three or five days. Therefore, Yuxiu's children are rare, and there is only Yuhuai's only son.

However, Yuxun is widely accepted wives and concubines. Now, under the Yu family, one of the second generation of people is Yusha's biological son. Among the third generation of people in the same generation as Yuge, among the more than 100 eldest sons who have reached adulthood, 37 are Yuxun's grandchildren.

Therefore, Yuxiu firmly grasped the power of the Zhongzhou Yu family today, but Yuxun has a comprehensive advantage in the competition between the second and third generations! Therefore, the power of Yuhuai and Yuge in the Yu family has been greatly overwraised. Even if they are Yuxiu's own descendants, they can't compete with the large number of brothers and uncles from the Yusha family.

What's more terrible is that Yuxun is still having children until now! His youngest twin sons are still seven months old. He still has several wives and concubines pregnant. His children are also working hard to reproduce like sowing machines. More than a dozen of his children have their own descendants!

Yuhuai looked at Don't beg strangely. He muttered in a low voice, "Your foot has broken the two pieces of Yu and the old man. The most proud thing in his life is that he has a lot of children, which completely overwhelmed his father. Therefore, it is impossible for him not to retaliate against you! And his father had a lot of tolerance for him. It's impossible for his father to come forward and turn against Yuxun for you!", "Don't beg, click your mouth, and then twitched. The cold air smiled bitterly and said, "That is to say, I have destroyed the most proud treasure of Elder Yuxun?" Yuhuai stared at Buqi and nodded slowly, "You have destroyed the last point of dignity in Elder Yuxun's life!" He may not be able to kill you in person again, but all kinds of revenge will definitely come one after another. After all, he has so many descendants!" After a moment of meditation, Yuhuai frowned and said, "Not only his own descendants, but also many collateral members of the Zhongzhou Yu family in the outer world have made friends with him and were assigned by him. Among other things, in the outer heaven, there are as many as a hundred people from the protection of the Zhongzhou Yu family. The military power under their command is more than hundreds of thousands, and the masters are like clouds!" Yu Ge suddenly raised his head and said angrily, "Father, is it possible that the old man is only allowed to push step by step, and But even we are not allowed to fight back a little bit? The father did not hold real power in the clan until today, and the child did not take charge of the Sitian Hall of a county until a year ago... In the long run, when my grandfather's life was exhausted, where would you and my father and son settle down?" Yuhuai frowned slightly for a week, and his face suddenly sank.

Don't beg is to straighten your chest. He smiled proudly and said, "Lord Yuhuai, don't worry, any revenge is up to them! Someone, don't be afraid of them!" Before the beggar's voice fell, the three puppet villains on his body suddenly dissolved one silently.