Steal the sky

Chapter 584 Coastal State

............ At noon, in front of the hall in the middle of the Yu family's mansion, thirty long snake-shaped flying boats were suspended in the air several feet away from the ground. Yuhuai, Yuge and other 30 freshly released state herdsmen of the jade family stood in front of the flying boat with a large group of gorgeous clothes, quietly looking at the main door of the hall, and dozens of jade parents dancing around the altar.

The sland wind kept spreading from the altar. At noon when the sun was originally shining, it seemed to have entered the cemetery late at night, making people unprovoked creepy. Some faint virtual shadows floated on the altar, and the faint brilliance continued to spread from these virtual shadows, gradually injecting into the [body] of the children of the jade family such as Yuhuai and Yuge.

A few days ago, the Yu family selected 30 state shepherds in a duel, and nearly 6,000 low-level priests and soldiers died in exchange for the great joy of the ghosts and gods worshipped by the family and gave them extremely powerful strength. Unfortunately, half of these forces were monopolized by no one, which made the cultivation of heaven and earth's true body formula soar to the peak of Taishi Pangu Tianjiu Star. Other Yuge and other children and their most effective assistants around them divided the remaining half of their strength. As a result, it only slightly increased the cultivation of Yuge and others, and even the realm of Yipin was not improved.

With the cultivation of young children such as Yuge, it was still too reluctant to control a state, so when they officially set out to their own territory, the elders of the Yu family could only spend blood again and hold a large-scale blessing and sacrifice ceremony to add confidence to their children.

In the previous duel, the lives of 6,000 low-level priests and soldiers were sacrificed in exchange for the great joy of ghosts and gods. But it is impossible for the Yu family to sacrifice low-level priests and soldiers without limit. Last time, the children of Yu and the family promised with heavy profits. These priests and soldiers volunteered to participate in the bloody duel. No one could gossip no matter how heavy the death or injury was. But this time it is clear that the Yu family took the initiative to sacrifice, and if they still act so unscrupulously, it will cause great trouble.

Therefore, in this sacrifice, the Yu family slaughtered 30,000 black sheep, 30,000 white horses, 30,000 green cows, and countless other sacrifices in front of the hall. The massacre began at dawn and has lasted for four or five hours. Fortunately, the Yu family has a large pasture outside Zhongning City, with countless livestock and such a huge amount of sacrifices, which is not as pleasant as the souls and blood of the 6,000 priests and soldiers bring to these ghosts and gods, but it is not much different.

There are more and more ghosts and gods appearing on the altar." Although the sun is hot in the sky and the ghosts and gods don't like the sun very much, the smell of the blood sacrifice is so strong that these ghosts and gods can't slip out of their world. They frantically robbed the blood and soul of the slaughtered animals, and a large amount of plasma flew high, wrapped in countless beast-shaped animal souls, which fell into the mouths of ghosts and gods one after another.

In front of the gate of the hall, not a drop of blood was left, and all the plasma was not in the mouth of the ghost.

But maybe it was the blood sacrifice a few days ago. The blood and souls of those priests and warriors were more pleasing to ghosts and gods, so they killed so many animals. The armored soldiers of the Yu family, who were responsible for sending the animals to the altar to slaughter, were exhausted, and those ghosts and gods still did not show any satisfaction.

Yuyao, who was hosting the sacrifice on the altar, couldn't help but change his face slightly when he saw such a scene. He gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice, "Send those sacrifices, kill quickly and cremate the body!"

With Yuxiu's shouting, the brigade rushed out of several nearby halls. Like wolves and tigers, they escorted out about 4,000 men and women with ragged faces and panic. Not allowing these men and women to resist, they were pushed to the altar by the armored soldiers, roared down with steel knives, and several elderly men who cut off their heads one by one and shouted: "You are simply bold. The emperor ordered three or five petitions, and blood sacrifices are strictly forbidden to you..."

They couldn't finish their words. Yu Xun had rushed up and smashed the hearts of these people one by one. Yuxun licked the blood stains on his hands and looked at Don't beg. He laughed in a low voice, "The emperor's ban? As for you sinners who have been exiled against the will of the emperor, are you also qualified to say the emperor's ban?

Four thousand men and women were killed in batches. Their bloody souls immediately flew up and were swallowed up by the ghosts and gods suspended on the altar one by one. Although the blood and soul of 4,000 men and women are not as strong and delicious as the blood souls of the 6,000 priests and warriors, after all, it is a living blood sacrifice, and with the bottom of more than 100,000 animals in the front, these ghosts and gods immediately showed a satisfied smile.

A large amount of blood light condensed on these ghosts and gods, accompanied by the happy laughter of Yuxiu and other jade parents. With their guidance, the blood light was scattered into 30 channels, and no skelanted into the [body] of the 30 new state herdsmen of the jade family.

Don't curl your lips, these stingy old guys.

A few days ago, don't beg for a big advantage. In today's blood sacrifice, these elders of the Yu family, afraid of uncontrollable things, actually used the secret method to designate the candidates to get the blessing of ghosts and gods. All the power was divided into 30 parts on average, and only the children of the Yu family could Encounter.

The spiritual power fluctuation of Yuge [body] standing beside Don't beggars increased rapidly, and the blood light in his eyes gradually flashed, and a gray flame suddenly spewed out of his body. Don't beg suddenly sensed that Yu Ge's power has been raised to a level roughly equivalent to that of the sixteen immortals, that is to say, he is now a priest at the fifth level, which is two months higher than his original realm.

After taking a breath of cold air, don't beg at Yu Ge and whispered, "If one day the Yu family captures hundreds of thousands of people alive, and then kills them cleanly and sacrifices at a time, won't it be able to make a Taiyi golden fairy?" He was enjoying the wonderful pleasure brought by the rapid improvement of strength He stared back and said, "If so, the Zhongzhou Yu family will definitely be erased in an instant, and it's not the emperor." After a moment, Yuge whispered, "This art of blood sacrifice is also limited. The higher the cultivation, the less benefits you get, the most, and the most can make people ascend to the realm of the golden fairy. Unless there is an ancient ghost god like the bone otter, using a great blood array to sacrifice, it is possible to break through the realm of the golden

Don't beg to ask what the risk is, but Yu Ge shook his head and seemed unwilling to discuss this topic. Every beg could only shrug his shoulders and put this question in the bottom of his heart. No matter what risk he is, it has nothing to do with him not begging. Those ghosts and gods taught Don't beg a ritual step on how to carry out blood sacrifice, but how can Don't beg slaughter civilians for no reason to perform blood sacrifice?

I just don't know whether they will accept the fairy souls and blood of those immortals? Don't beg, some strange thoughts suddenly appeared in his heart.

Haizhou, Wangyue Mountain, invite the real person... I heard from Bu Le that he seems to have a lot of children who don't want to marry, but they are all immortals!

Don't beg, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, which shocked Yuge's body standing beside him, and his heart twitched violently.

After being busy for a long time, the ghosts and gods finally released the blood light of blessing. With Yuxiu's roar, all the jade parents stood breathlessly in front of the hall and presided over the sacrifice for a long time. Even if their cultivation was deep, they had consumed almost all their strength. Some old elders even sat on the ground, sweating all over and almost couldn't stand up.

Yuxiu waved his hand gently, and he shouted in a low voice, "Okay, don't talk nonsense. Let's go quickly!" After going to your territory, take control of all the power as soon as possible. This is the family's first test for you! We know who does well and who doesn't do well!" All the children of the Yu family knelt down and saluted to many elders in front of the hall, and then in the envy, jealous and even with a few traces of hatred, the 30 new state herdsmen of the Dayu Dynasty stepped on the flying boat one after another. There were continuous bells in the Yujia hall. In the loud bells, thirty snake-shaped flying boats, painted turquoise, brought a gust of wind to the sky and quickly flew away in all directions.

As the controller of the flying boat played the trick at the core of the flying boat, the ferocious snake head on the bow of the snake-shaped flying boat slowly opened, and a miserable green fluorescence spewed out. The void in front of him suddenly rippled, and the flying boat seemed to escape into the running water and disappeared in an instant.

This is a unique function of the high-level flying boat of the Dayu Dynasty, which is close to the teleportation of immortals. Such a flying boat that is more than a mile long takes nearly a thousand people on the ship to twist the void and fly forward in an instant. Just the moment of opening this function, it will burn a thousand lower fairy stones.

The huge force wrapped around the happy flying boat. Buqi and others stood on the deck, watching the light flying around, and countless brilliances rushed to the rear.

Maybe a few days, maybe a few hours, maybe just a few minutes, the snake-shaped flying boat suddenly emptied out of the void, and a beautiful city on the shore of the ocean has appeared in front of it. The city is no more than ten miles long and wide, which is completely uncomparable to a majestic city like Zhongning City. On the [Guangzhou] field in the middle of the city, a group of officials in black robes are looking up to the sky with hundreds of armored soldiers, waiting quietly.

This is the capital of Ningbo City, the state capital of Jiupin Dazhou and Haizhou under the rule of Dayu Zhongzhou. The territory of each big state in Dayu is of average size, and Haizhou is also the same as that of Zhongzhou, with a radius of 10 billion miles and extremely rich in natural resources. However, Haizhou has been established for only a thousand years, the population is less than one ten thousandth of Zhongzhou, and the population of Haizhou is less than 10 million. It is a large state with extremely few people.

Ningbo City, with a total population of more than one million inside and outside the city, is already the largest city in Haizhou, with five hundred Jiashi!

The snake-shaped flying boat, with a green light, silently suspended over Ningbo City.

Yuge laughed loudly, rolled with gray flames all over his body, stepped out of the flying boat deck, and landed down in the air.

Don't beg for more than a thousand followers accompanying Yu Ge, and jumped down from the morning board at the same time. Everyone intentionally or unintentionally promoted the internal strength of the [body] to the strongest. The huge pressure made the officials and armored officers in the center of Ningbo City kneel down to the ground at the same time and shouted in unison: "I welcome the Lord of the state!" Yuge laughed loudly. Before he fell to the ground, he shouted sharply: "Come, The chief priest of the palace, Nong Muhai, was killed on the spot!"

Many Haizhou officials who welcomed Yuge were horrified.