Steal the sky

Chapter 597 The Blue Wisp

It has been half a month since Don't beg to lead the army to destroy the mountain range of Wangyue Mountain. Eliminating this powerful immortal force in Haizhou, the power of the Dayu official in Haizhou was strong for a while. Those immortals and scattered practitioners have closed their tentacles one after another. Before they figure out the current strength of Haizhou herdsmen, no one dared to act rashly, and no one dared to act as unscrupulously as

For a while, Haizhou became Haiyan Heqing, and all the affairs were carried out in an orderly manner with Yuge's mind.

Haizhou is on the edge of the ocean, and there is an extremely fertile land in the southeast. There are many fruits and trees here. All kinds of fruits and trees are ripe twice or even three times a year, and four times a year. There are countless veins. The wind and rain are smooth all year round, and there is no pain of wind and snow Near the mountains in the south, there is a piece of land with a radius of a million miles stretching obliquely into the ocean. The coastline of this peninsula is extremely complex. There are countless fish streams in the sea around the "multi-deep water port", which is a natural best fishing ground.

At this moment, on the land of Haizhou, among the five counties under the rule of Haizhou, 200,000 people dragged their families to the southeast. They dragged their pots, pans, pans and other cassty in a cart, and strode all the way to call their daughter.

A total of one million of these people, that is, Yuge to return the peaches and plums, which were transferred from five counties and transferred to the people under the rule of the private territory. One million people marched on the vast land, and everyone carried a bone charm painted by the priest of the Sitian Temple. The aura of heaven and earth was constantly injected into the bone charm, and then turned into magical power and flowed into these people's [body]. With the help of spiritual charm, as long as they hurry up their way, they can travel tens of thousands of miles every day.

Time passed day by day. After three months, millions of people finally came to the southeast land divided by Yu Ge to beggar. Along the way, there are elite guidance from the wind patrol department sent by Don't beggars, and at the same time protect these people to expel the beasts and poisonous insects encountered along the way and disperse those fierce and fierce mountain spirits and water ghosts.

The snake-shaped flying boat that can be used to transport thousands of people each time, as long as it costs a little spiritual stone, it can transport millions of people to his territory at most half a month. But don't beg to deliberately let these millions of people run around hard, and at the same time, they sent the elite of the wind patrol department to guard and monitor all the way to select talents that can be used in the future.

In the three-month trek, tens of thousands of outstanding people have entered the eyes of the elite of the wind patrol department.

These people may have strong organizational skills. Along the way, under their organization, although the five migration teams have old and young, men and women, whether they are on the road or camping, whether it is making rice or other affairs, they are carried out in an orderly manner under their coordination and arrangement. Don't beg will appoint these people as the first batch of grass-roots officials in his territory to help him manage these people.

There are still some people with extremely strong personal strength. They helped the elites of the wind patrol department and shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting the people along the way. Among these mortals who have never practiced, there are good men who can kill pythons with bare hands, and there are also heroes who kill dozens of tigers with one sword. There is no doubt that these people will become the soldiers and generals of the Donghai County Military Hall of Buqi, Haizhou. These people will be the private guards under the command of Buqi, and have nothing to do with the 10,000 soldiers just recruited by the Haizhou Military Hall.

There are still some people who have some wonderful abilities without a teacher. For example, some people can communicate with birds and beasts. Some people are born to deal with ghost mountain gods, some people can drive all kinds of poisonous insects, and some people can recognize the medicinal properties of all kinds of herbs at a glance. These people who are born with powers will be the best candidates for the priests of the Sitian Temple in Donghai County! Princess Beile, the tutor who inherited the ancient Tianshen Avenue, will be satisfied with the future development of the Sitian Hall of Donghai County.

The three-month long journey made everyone tired and made the elite talents of millions of people unleash their dazzling light. Three months later, when these people entered the territory of Donghai County, Don't beg and Princess Bule used magic to move them overnight to the southmost peninsula that stretched thousands of miles into the sea.

Along the northern coastline, these people have set up a Donghai City, 20 towns and dozens of large and small villages within a radius of 500 miles with their families as the basic unit and clans as the main structure.

One million people drove their livestock and drove all kinds of cars, large and small, and gathered in this fertile field. In the north is a blue sea, and the sea breeze is blowing with a pungent smell of the sea. There is a large group of gulls hovering in the sky. The silver-white birds emit dazzling light in the sun. They are like elves in a dream, with infinite beauty.

The grass on the fertile field is so deep that it is full of dense jungles, not far from the millions of people gathered here. A large group of beasts are gathering. The herbivorous beast looked at this side leisurely, while the carnivorous beast greedily looked at these strange creatures with two legs that they had never seen before.

The sea breeze with the smell of the sea blew, and the dense huā in the grass sprayed a large area of huā powder flying with the wind. "The sun shines on the dense huā powder, like a firefly flying from the grass. The pungent smell of the sea is gone, turning into a rich fragrance. The fragrance is mixed with the clear air of grass and trees, which sets off the huā powder of the fireflies. The sound of gulls and birds in the sky keeps coming, and the millions of people standing on the grass only feel that they are really in a beautiful dream.

They still can't figure out why they came here.

Their ancestors came to Haizhou hundreds of years ago and worked hard to open up the foundation of five counties in Haizhou. However, under the order of the new state pastor, the million of them left their homeland and left their familiar house and came to this fertile field that maintained a primitive appearance and no one had ever set foot on. Everything should start from the heart." They must open up a new home on this barren land.

A whole million people raised their heads and stared at the beggars and Princess Bule, who were suspended in the air.

The elites of the 500 patrol divisions led by Su Qin and Yan no return wandered around the distance, dispersing those unkind carnivorous beasts. From time to time, they looked up at Li Min, who was densely covered with the boss's land, and their hearts were full of joy. Unlike Anle County, this million people belong to them completely, and the land under their feet also completely belongs to them. Donghai County will be their real roots and home on the Pangu continent. This million people will become their people, their brothers, and their fellow villagers.

In the Pangu Continent, in the wild grassland, Yan no Gui and the elite of the Five Hundred Patrol Departments, and even the old man Su Qin, inexplicably gushed out a sense of family.

Don't beg to hold Princess Bule's hand. He just looked at the million people with a smile and said nothing.

Princess Bile wore a gorgeous and mysterious black palace skirt. "Two deep eyes like night swept over Li Min below on her beautiful face." Everyone lowered their heads. They all thought that Princess Bule, who was noble, mysterious and inviolable, looked at her. Her eyes seemed to be full of the terrible power of the storm and thunder. "and also with the gentleness of a mother, this strange feeling" made everyone's hearts nervous. They felt that they were not looking at a beautiful woman, but seeing a god!

"This place is called Donghai County. From today on, you are all Donghai County residents!"

Princess Bule's voice sounded like a phoenix, and she slowly raised her right hand: "My name is Bule, and I will become the Lord of you, and I will protect you forever. With the order of my happiness, get up!"

A wisp of colorful divine light shot out from Princess Guo Le's fingertips, the earth suddenly shook, and a deep roar came from the ground. Millions of people exclaimed at the same time. They looked at the distance ahead in horror. A hundred miles long and wide earth city suddenly pulled up. The earthen city is a hundred miles long and wide, and the wall is fifteen feet high. The wall above is ten feet wide, so the majestic city staggers out of the ground. The fresh earth smell comes to the face. The city is completely composed of soil.

Princess Yu Le smiled majesticly. She smiled and said, "In the name of my music, turn!"

Out of thin air, the purple and blue two-colored fire was overwhelmingly burned out, and the wall, which was a hundred miles wide and fifteen feet high, ten feet wide, was suddenly burned and melted, and the soil turned into crystal-like translucent magma. Shenyan drilled down the wall all the way into the depths of the ground, and all the soil along the way was melted and turned into red magma.

The heat rose to the sky." Millions of people saw this incredible scene and began to kneel devoutly to worship Princess Bile.

Princess Yu Le smiled happily." She shouted in a low voice, "In the name of my music, let's go!"

A thunder sounded, and the Xiongcheng suddenly cooled down. The whole body was integrated, and there was no gap at all. The foundation went deep into the ground for several miles. The golden red wall stands on the grassland, emitting dazzling brilliance in the sun. This wall is completely made by Princess Bule's magic power. The strength of the wall is a hundred times tougher than steel, which is enough to provide the most powerful defense for these people.

The land in the city is leveled, the street petals have been planned in an orderly manner, and some important buildings such as the city's main mansion, Sitian Hall, Sijun Hall and other halls have also been formed. All the buildings are the same as the city wall. It is made of the dissolved soil as a whole.

This is the county seat of Donghai County, which is planned by Donghai City.

Around Donghai City, 20 small-scale cities with a length and width of only ten miles are still forged by Princess Po Le with magical power in front of many Li Min.

There are dozens of villages, each of which is also protected by walls. With Donghai City as the core, there are 20 towns and dozens of villages, covering the fertile fields with a radius of 500 miles. Then a fire was burned on the ground, and the grassland within 500 miles was burned up, and thick smoke rolled high into the sky.

In the cheers of millions of people, Woye has been opened up into a good field. Don't beg to take the first step in Donghai County!

Princess Bule served as the first county magistrate of Donghai County. Under her leadership, millions of people began to build houses, row, and divide fields. They began to build fishing boats and various utensils, and began their life in Donghai County.

There is a miracle of the manifestation of Princess Bule, and millions of people have devoted themselves to the construction of their homes with an almost fanatical spirit.

Don't beg, but after helping to kill several dragons that were making waves in the sea, they rushed back to Haizhou as quickly as possible.

The Wanxian League sent the messenger of Shengxiantang to order Haizhou officials to hand over Wangyue Mountain to invite all the ethnic groups of the moon!