Steal the sky

Chapter 619 Soldier Han Xin

A little cold light came, and in the blink of an eye, it was behind Don't begging. After practicing the true body formula of heaven and earth, the body has an extremely mysterious sense of magic. Before his soul reacted, his body had automatically moved and pointed out with his backhand. As soon as he pointed out, a piece of void in front of his fingertips suddenly cracked countless cracks, and the cold air burst out of it.

The cold air condensed into seven small demon heads, and greeted the cold light with a heartbreaking shrill.

'click' A few crisp sounds in a row, and the cold light penetrated the seven little demons that Don't Beg, and drew an arc to stab Don't beg. Don't beg for a soft sound of surprise, and your body rotates rapidly like a strong wind. The hazy white breath roars out. In the white gas, there are boundless snowfields and infinite icebergs loom. The cold wind flies out. Don't beg for hundreds of miles around you and immediately turns into a piece of ice and snow

A xuanjing ice wall, which is as thin as a cicada's wings, appeared in front of that little cold light, and the Xuanjing ice wall, which was injected with the strongest defense magic power, appeared again and again, but was smashed by that cold light. In the crisp and pleasant sound of cracking, the cold light smashed thirty-three ice walls in a row, with a murderous intention that almost frosure the bone marrow.

With a cold snort, the body of Don't Beg suddenly turned into a magic gas and dispersed. The cold light shot through the magic gas that Don't Beg, dripped and quickly rotated in the air for dozens of weeks, but he could no longer find the breath of Don't Beg. He had no choice but to turn

The dark magic gas condenses inward, and don't beg to re-condens itself. When re-condensing his body, he has made trivial changes to his face, height, and even the thickness of his arms, waist circumference and other details. It is this insignificant change that has made him look like a completely different person, and it has nothing to do with Begging himself. And don't deliberately release a strange breath in your body, which is the essence of the ancient mirage from the mirage, which is full of strange power that confuses people.

"Why did this Taoist friend attack the poor for no reason?" Don't beg to look at the shadow and let out a bad laugh.

The shadow is indeed a shadow. This figure is like a person's shadow suddenly standing upright in the sun. The darkness seems to have been smeared with countless black paints, and there is no facial features at all. Don't beg for the power of the chaotic god's eyes, and he can't see through what this person looks like. Obviously, he either has some extremely strange secret method, or protects his body and breath with a secret treasure.

The shadow looked at Don't beg for a long time, and then nodded slowly and said, "It may not be for no reason, you... Do you know the man just now?

Don't beg to pretend to be confused. He asked gruefully, "Who is it?"

The shadow said in a low voice, "Do you know the person who just turned into blood and ran away?"

Don't beg to meditate for a moment, shake your head and say, "Do you know him? It's none of your business?"

A little cold light flashed in the palm of the dark shadow's hand. He pointed to Don't beg and sneered and said, "It really has something to do with someone.

Is that person called Xiang Yu? Huh? Just now, he followed him on a certain road and saw that his description seemed to be similar to that of an old friend in those years. Is he Xiang Yu?

Don't beg to say nonsense with your eyes open. He looked at the shadow blankly and frowned, "Xiang Yu? What is it?"

The shadow stagnated. He slowly circled around Begging and shook his head and said, "It can't be Xiang Yu! At that time, he committed suicide in Wujiang and was refined by Zhang Zifang with the demon thunder of the central Huangji Town. His soul was scattered. How could he still be here? It's suspicious!"

With a strange smile, the shadow shook his head and said, "Although it's not Xiang Yu, why did the man visit the barracks at night? Why did you save him? The cause and effect, let's talk about it quickly, otherwise under a three-foot green front, it will definitely make your flesh and bones into mud and soul disappear!"

Don't beg to look at this dark shadow. This man turned out to be stalking and catching up all the way from the camp of Crescent City? The high priest of Tongtian in the Tongtian Tower has all kinds of secret magic powers, and he is also a great man of Taiyi Jinxian. It's okay to be tracked by his divine consciousness. Don't beg that he didn't leave any breath, but Xiang Yu left a trace of bloody smell, and it should be the same if he was chased But this shadow can actually follow all the way, and it can accurately find itself across three major states. This ability is too strong!

After staring at the shadow for a long time, Don't beg suddenly laughed: "Who do you think you are? You said you could make my flesh and blood into mud, and you could you really kill me? What do you do with your head and tail? Don't you have the face to see anyone? Come on, let me see what a powerful figure you are!"

The shadow stagnated slightly, and then he suddenly sneered. The black gas covering his whole body slid down from him like running water, turning into a faint shadow and blending into the shadow under his feet.

Don't beg for a moment. This man wears tight black armor and is extremely handsome. It is Han Xin, the deputy envoy next to Liu Bang, whom he met a few months ago.

At this moment, Han Xin's eyes were like blood, and the blood light was more than a foot long. The boundless battlefield was faintly visible in the blood-colored light curtain, and countless soldiers were rushing forward with all kinds of weapons. Don't beg stood in front of Han Xin, and felt a tragic smell of killing coming to his face. It seemed that hundreds of millions of heroes were charging him to attack him. If you don't beg for his current cultivation, he couldn't help shaking his body and almost retreating.

Han Xin looked at Don't beg and shouted in a low voice, "Someone, soldier, Han Xin!"

The murderous atmosphere is all over the sky, and the morale is like iron. This wary military atmosphere makes Don't beg for a burst of uncomfortable. He hurriedly transports the secret method of guarding the soul in the Purgatory Sutra, which stabilized his own soul. Long spit out a white breath, don't beg Han Xin's leader and said, "It turned out to be Han Daoyou. Hey hey, it's difficult for you to follow the poor road all the way from Huangshazhou!"

Han Xin smiled slightly, and he said indifferently, "Someone is particularly sad about the smell of blood**. The man you saved rushed all over his body for nine days, and he couldn't help catching up with you! Frankly speaking, why did you invade the camp to harass you? Someone can leave you with a whole body.

Begging shook his head. He sneered and said, "That battalion is my Dayu barracks. What kind of Americanism do you have with Han Daoyou?"

Han Xin narrowed his eyes, and the blood in his eyes became stronger and stronger. He said coldly, "Why pretend to be confused? Since you have gone to Huangsha Prefecture, don't you know that my majesty was assassinated in Huangshazhou? This is the time when you don't know life and death? What on earth are you going to do in the past? We all know that why do we have to cover it up with false words?

Silence for a long time, don't beg to retreat dozens of steps slowly.

The smell of fighting in the battlefield from Han Xin's eyes became more and more intense. There was a faint sound of countless soldiers shouting and killing, the tearing sound of knives, halberd cutting bones and flesh, the rumble of war drums, and the sound of horses' hoofs roaring like thunder. A tragic bloody courage was born on the ground, and a blood mist gushed out faintly around Han Xin, and a big red star suddenly appeared behind him.

Don't beg. He just looked at the big red star with angular edges, and the soul seemed to have been cut heavily by a knife. He snorted, his nose was hot, and a large amount of blood flowed down his nostrils. The fierce murderous atmosphere that had just bombarded into his body slowly flowed out of his body along the blood. Don't beg to look at Han Xin in horror. He just looked at the big star that appeared in the blood fog behind him and his soul was damaged at a glance. What is the way of this big star?

Han Xin slowly bent down his body, and a little cold light gradually appeared in the palms of his hands. He sneered and said, "It seems that you don't want to say where you came from! That's all. Then chop off your limbs, collect your soul, and come to find the answer! Hey hey, you really shouldn't be involved in this matter!"

With a wild laugh, Han Xin's figure flashed, and his hands ejected dozens of extremely thin cold light and hit Don't beg. The cold light is silent. Don't beg for the dozens of mysterious ice crystal walls around you, but they are smashed by the cold light one by one. For a moment, it was like the peerless pianist to play the lute with his wheel fingers. The sky was full of crisp and pleasant crisp sounds. The crystal wall was smashed, and a large area of cold air overflowed. In the void, countless hexagonal snowflakes as thin as cicadas' wings fell rapidly, like a round

Han Xin just swam around Don't beg, and his body is constantly flashing in the void, like a ghost here from time to time to time. Dozens of cold light around Don't beg for thorns, and the walls of black ice crystals are constantly shattering. The snowflakes falling from the void were shaken by Han Xin's body and exploded into ice crystals one after another.

Don't beg for the cold light. Han Xin shouted in a low voice, "This is the 'seven kills' refined by someone who took the origin of the seven killing stars. Everything in the world can't be stopped. Enjoy the wonderful taste of the seven-killing spirit into the body!"

Is it the Qimen weapon refined by the origin of the seven-killing stars?

Don't snort coldly. The star shark shot out of his eyebrows with a sad long roar, turning into a green giant shark shadow flying all over the sky. The starlight converged in the long rainbow led by the star shark, and the starlight and the seven kills collided with each other, making a deafening roar.

Star sharks that do not be sacrifice can also gather starlight and turn into indestructible starlight.

These strange magic power and seven-kill stabbing with starlight collide with each other, which happens to be a pair of good opponents. The stars were smashed, and the seven stings that had been lost in flight were also hit by the stars, and the speed of flight suddenly decreased by more than a hundred times.

With a sneer, Don't beg suddenly turned into a strong wind, and a cyan wind shadow compressed into a ten-foot-long horizontal knife and shot out, slapping heavily on Han Xin's body. The horizontal knife compressed by the wind flew frighteningly fast. Even if Han Xin's escape method was exquisite, moving around like an order, but the horizontal knife flashed heavily on him and forcibly chopped him dozens of miles away.

A wolf roared to the sky, and Han Xin's black leather armor spewed out a large amount of murderous and amazing cold light. A wolf shadow loomed behind Han Xin. He rushed to Begging, holding a strange-shaped sword in his hands and split down at Begging.

"This is the greedy wolf armor, the broken army sword, which is a strange soldier who collects the two stars of the greedy wolf and the broken army. Taoist, leave your life!"

Don't beg to snort coldly, the star shark soared into the air and greeted Han Xin fiercely.

With a sonorous sound, the star shark trembled, and Han Xin was also forced back a few steps.

The two looked at each other and were about to make another move when a strong smell of rotten corpses suddenly came out of the void around them.

Thirty-six tall figures, three feet tall and wrapped in white bandages like mummies, emitting a strong smell of corpse, gushed out of thin air, and rushed to Buqi and Han Xin without saying a word.