Steal the sky

Chapter 622 Exploring the Camp Again

Han Xin held a sword in both hands, and the blood in his eyes spewed out a full length of distance. He was angry and inquired around for a while. He roared at the slottered old man, "Do you want to kill a person who practices the true secrets of heaven and earth?"

The old man stayed for a while, looked up and down at Han Xin for a long time, and asked hesitantly, "You. Is it really an angel deputy?"

A long roar like a wounded tiger sounded. Han Xin waved his left sword fiercely, and the void around him shook. A bloody starlight flew down from the sky and turned into a curved sword light with a length of a hundred miles. Accompanied by countless ghosts crying and wolves howling. The sword light shot out dozens of miles, cutting off a mountain in the distance.

The earth trembled, countless mountains collapsed, and the heavy mountains hit the ground, bringing a devastating blow to the creatures in that land. Countless creatures were crushed by the collapsed mountains, and a little soullight rose to the sky, all of which were injected into the broken military sword held by Han Xin in his left hand. Suddenly, more ghost howls sounded in the broken military sword, and then the sound of gnawing and swallowing sounded. A bloody light flashed on the broken army sword, and the front seemed to be much brighter.

, "Da Damn it! Han Xin stamped his feet heavily. He gritted his teeth and scolded, "Old ghost, who is the name of the person you want to kill? Why did you kill him?

Don't frown. You can't let Han Xin ask these questions, otherwise it's not good to leak the bottom. Don't beg silently escape to the old man, who turned into sand. Slowly turning into an ice dragon python in a silver ice fire dragon python in the grass.

It's just that this ice dragon python is too small, just as small as hair, only more than an inch long.

Take a deep breath, all the chaotic aura in the [body] is transformed into the ice dragon python's natural dragon python Xuanyin ice. Don't beg to suddenly open your mouth, a white light as thin as hair [excited] shot out, with a cold air directly on the back of the old man's head. Don't beg that the old man is only a few feet away. The life Xuangang sprayed in the mouth of the dragon python was extremely fast, and the powerful white light instantly came behind the old man, and pierced the old man's body like a broken bamboo.

The old man's body is stiff. A white light from his eyebrows rushed straight at Han Xin, who was standing in front of him.

Han Xin was shocked. He didn't know what raided the old man. He instinctively raised his hands, broke the sword in front of him, and stopped the white light's blow. With a roar, Han Xin let out an unpleasant moan. The white light suddenly swelled to dozens of feet of thick white light with terrible coldness wrapped Han Xin, and the strong impact pushed him back. He withdrew all the way for more than a thousand miles without stopping.

Along the way, Han Xin bumped into the mountains, and everything along the way was smashed by Han Xin's body. Whether it is the peaks or trees in the Pangu mainland, they are hundreds of times harder than their counterparts in the outer world. After rushing over all the way, Han Xin only felt a sharp pain in front of his eyes, and a stream of heat from his chest and abdomen went straight to his mouth, and a mouthful of blood had reached his throat. But the terrible cold contained in the white light froze the blood in his throat into ice, so that he could not spit out blood.

Not to mention that Han Xin was bombarded by himself, he marveled at the terrible power of the ice-fire dragon python. The body of the stricky old man suddenly turned into a large piece of ice crystals and drifted away, but a wisp of black gas flew from the old man's body and turned into a twisted figure in the What a skill to hurt people behind their backs!

Before the voice fell, Begging, who turned into an ice-fire dragon python, had rushed out following the nature of the ice-fire dragon python and opened his mouth and swallowed the old man's soul into his stomach. Qihan's Xuang was stirred up, and the old man's soul was digested into the smallest original particles of the soul. All his memories were scraped out by Don't Begging, and the details of how he tracked Don't begging to come here are also known.

Sure enough, Yuxun paid a lot of money to buy the heads of people who don't beg, and Yuxun accurately provided the location of don't beg.

This stricken old man's cultivation is comparable to that of don't begging, but he has raised a group of magic corpses, and is better at all kinds of fascinating arrays. He is self-taught that he can easily solve the problem of not begging, so as soon as he gets the specific position of not begging But don't begging to mess up with Han Xin. The unlucky old man didn't figure out who he was going to deal with was killed by Buqi and Han Xin's thirty-six corpses, and Don't beg was even more despicable.

, "How can Yuxun determine my specific position? Don't beg and frown: "impossible" is completely impossible!

Don't beg for a moment and suddenly sneered. His innate chaotic spirit has hidden his breath from the road of heaven and earth. Not to mention Yuxun, even the stronger magician can't accurately grasp the fate of not begging. But Yuxun also has another way to figure out where you don't beg. If you can't figure out where you don't beg, then you can calculate the location of some specific items on your body, which is not difficult!

Unless it is a magic weapon that has been sacrificed, and the breath is combined with the breath of not begging, Yuxun can't calculate the direction of these magic weapons. However, don't beg for all kinds of odds and ends on his body, such as his clothes, shoes, and even a spiritual stone, a gold lock and silver block he received from some people. As long as Yusha pays attention to the existence of these bits and ends in advance, he can determine his position through these items.

Don't beg. As the chief secretary of the Haizhou Military Hall, it is impossible for him not to interact with others for more than a year. He didn't know how many gifts he received from other generals and officials in the central states, all of which he carried with him. He hid it in the storage ring. And these gifts may become the reliance of Yuxun to determine the prescription position of the begging place through divination.

, "Fortunately, I also learned the art of divination. Fortunately, I am also proficient in the way of ghosts and gods. Fortunately, I'm still smart." Don't begled his head and said, "The person who came to assassinate me this time is not very strong. If it's a golden fairy or a stronger person, take action. Hey hey!...

After a few sneerings, Don't beg to quickly escape far away. On the way to escape, Don't beg to inject a large amount of chaotic aura into the storage tenacity, and use chaotic aura to clean up all the affairs in the storage ring. As expected, there are nearly a thousand items in it that give Don't beg a strange feeling, but when the chaotic aura wraps these items and wash them once, this strange feeling disappears.

, "What a Yuxun, how can he use this method to set up such a game for me to drill! You are awesome! Ha ha, how on earth did these items come into my hands? It's really not easy for you to tell so many people in Zhongzhou to use it for you.

snorted a few times. Don't beg for hundreds of them without any processing, but go all the way to the Crescent City of Huangshazhou, while throwing these items at will. He intends to make these valuable. Gifts from officials and generals from all states under the central state were discarded on the side of the traffic road. These things will soon be taken away by pedestrians and caravans, and Yuxun is willing to borrow these items to determine the location of not begging. Just let him waste his own mana and blood.

This kind of divination is extremely costly. When he divinations again and again, he can't determine the direction of not begging again and again. Don't beg to see if he has any other tricks to do. Unexpectedly, he used this method to determine the position of Don't beg, and then hired a killer at a high price to assassinate Don't beg. This Yuxun is really a little unscrupulous! Don't beg is just killing his son and apprentice, and Don't beg did it himself. Do they have such a big grudge?

After a few loud laughters, don't beg for a wisp of breeze and quickly flew to Huangshazhou.

Not long after it flew out, the starlight flashed in the void. An amazing murderous air shot over the head of Don't begging. The speed of the flight was more than a hundred times faster than the innate penetration method of Don't begging. The starlight flashed, and the figure had disappeared without a trace. Don't beg to stop in atun. This should be Han Xin, who was accidentally injured by his own dragon python, right? What escape method did he use to have such a fast speed?

Looking blankly at the direction of Han Xin's disappearance, don't beg for a long time without coming to your senses.

Ao Bu-sun rushed out of Begging's hair. He looked at the faint starlight left in the sky and said lazily, "Do you think he is very fast? Do you think he is frighteningly fast? Do you think your escape method is very slow?

Don't beg for a nod. He grabbed Ao Bu Zun and asked, "What kind of escape method is it? How can it be so fast?"

Ao Bu-zun picked up a paw and said slowly, "Anyone who has been sealed by the heavenly star king and corresponds to the star can escape with the help of the power of the stars. This is the so-called "flying star escape" is more than ten thousand times faster than the escape method used by immortals of the same level!

After spitting, Ao Bulung scolded, "If I had the title of Xingjun, I would definitely run faster than them!" Well, what is it to act with the power of the stars! When you reach the realm of golden fairy, it must be much faster than the boy just now!

Don't beg all of a sudden, this is the special preferential treatment of the heavenly court to those immortals who turn to the heavenly court, right? Flying star escape is really extraordinary.

He reached out and grabbed a handful in the void, sniffing the starry smell and a faint smell of blood left in the air. Don't beg for a smile and said, "No wonder he can easily catch up with me... He seems to have been injured just now...

With a few sneer, don't beg to continue to move forward, and soon dive outside the crescent city of Huangshazhou again.

Looking at the Tongtian Tower suspended over the city, "Don't beg for fear of neglecting. He restrained all his breath, even closed his eyes tightly, and reduced his figure to tens of millions of times smaller than mustard. He carefully slipped into the camp outside the city through the innate escape method, looking through tents and tents. Get up.

Ao Buzun also compressed his body, and the atmosphere did not dare to hide on Don't beg. They all know that there is a terrible high priest in Tongtian Tower, and they dare not be careless at all. Just now, the high priest of Tongtian mistakenly thought that Be Begging was a subordinate of a certain prince, so he let him go of Begging. This time, they may not be in such a good mood.

A tent and a tent were found, and finally don't beg in a gorgeous tent near the East Gate. Liu Bang and his party were found.

Han Xin was standing in the tent, cursing about what had just happened to him.