Steal the sky

Chapter 627 The King of Qiu

The first update is delivered, please recommend a ticket! The pig's head is going to sleep!

In the Tongtian Tower, there are important buildings such as Dayu Sitian Hall and Sijun Hall. The lights are dim, the air is blocked, and it seems that every inch of space is full of all kinds of souls. Wearing a black è robe, the servant nv servant, who is light and has no sense of existence, walks quietly in the corridor and sends all kinds of items according to the requirements of the nobles in the Tongtian Tower.

He was beaten by Liu Bang, his face was disfigured, and his bones were broken. As soon as he entered the Tongtian Tower, he hid in a secret room at the core of the Tongtian Tower and jumped into a pool with a pungent smell. The three-foot-long pool is made of black yù. The black paint in the pool is like a gel. The body of the king of Qiuqiu moves slightly, and the water in the whole pool trembles slightly.

Under the pool, there is a spiritual array of fire built by the best spiritual stone, which constantly provides high temperature. The water in the pool is silently churning with fine blisters. The temperature in the pool is enough to melt ordinary steel. Lying in the pond, even the surface is soaked in the pool water, but the king is a face of enjoyment The wounds on the surface of his body slowly healed, and the strong force rushed into his body. The bones and internal organs in his body gradually recovered with the help of the force.

A team wearing a black è cloak and holding a black yù plate slowly walked into the secret room, and they threw the things piled up on the yù plate into the pool. The black pool water devoured these things, and in the blink of an eye, all the grass was melted by the pool water, and there was no residue left.

The king of Yuqiu moaned in a low voice. All the power in the newly added thing was refined by the pool water in this magical pool, and all the power was directly sent to the body of the king of Yuqiu. The effect was much faster than taking his own food and refining the power. All things are the best wounds or can strengthen vitality, or nourish the blood. Each plant is of great value. In the immortals, every thing can make them fight desperately with red eyes.

A cough came, and King Yangqiu spit out a few blood clots in his mouth. He gasped, and his tense body slowly relaxed.

He slowly walked into the secret room and waved his hand to make all the attendants retreat. The stone in the secret room was closed, and a black light covered the stone. He sat by the pool and asked in a low voice, "How is the injury?"

King Yangqiu sighed. He closed his eyes and said feebly, "I didn't expect that Liu Bang still left a hand of cards."

He sneered. He shook his head and said, "It's not just Liu Bang, but a few people around him are not simple. It's like the person who controls you with pupils. The magic 'heaven forging magic' he practiced, and few people in the heavenly court get the true biography. As for Han Xin, hey, look at his appearance, he should be just one of the three corpses!"

King Yiqiu opened his eyes and asked curiously, "Is Han Xin just one of the three corpses? Interesting, this is the backstage backer of the heavenly court. Those old people actually taught him the magic power of the house? This Liu Bang seems to be their confidant?

King Yaoqiu suddenly laughed at himself. He shook his head and said, "Of course, it's their direct confidants, otherwise how could it have been their father's plan in those years? Hey, hey, hey, interesting, interesting, Da Tianzun sent such a best person to the Pangu mainland, but he ignored the matter of the Wanxian League. What on earth do they want to do?

frowned and said in a low voice, "You don't know, how can I understand? The immortals in the heavenly court are tricky and vicious. There must be countless backhanders behind this incident. I am best at plotting. What they want to do, you have to think about it yourself.

Yangqiu Wang nodded, and he closed his eyes again. If you have something to do, go to work. When I recover from my injury, I will continue to lead the army to destroy the Immortal League. Since the heavenly court has made it clear that it will not be the matter of Dayu and the Wanxian League, then if you kill them all, the world will naturally be at peace.

After sinking for a moment, he stood up and nodded, "That's it... Prince, my home is tied up with the prince.

The king of the hill slowly sank into the depths of the pool, and his vague voice slowly came: "I understand. All the benefits I get naturally have the benefits of the yù family. Help me pass an order to send a few powerful counselors to the school palace, especially the descendants of the yù family with Xiang family blood. They are more powerful to deal with Liu Bang.

He nodded and turned into a black wind and drilled out.

In the air, don't beg slowly stretched out your hand, hiding in a piece of dust, and sprinkled a wisp of drunken dragon incense that had been properly prepared after coming to the Pangu mainland to the pool. Don't beg, it doesn't take much weight. One penny is enough to make the golden fairy-level real dragon drunken dragon fragrance. He just sprinkled three catties into the pool.

The magical pool water played a magical effect, and all the power of the drunken dragon fragrance was digested in an instant and fiercely injected into the body of King Qiuqiu. King Yuqiu, who was trying to adjust the breath and repair the physical damage, didn't even know what had happened, so he fell asleep. This magical pond instantly spread the power of drunken dragon fragrance to the whole body of the king of Yanqiu, which was more than a hundred times faster than the efficiency of breathing hard with his nose.

Look around carefully, don't beg slowly down to the pond, and move the king of the hill out of the pond.

I just followed the king of Yiqiu all the way into the Tongtian Tower. Don't beg came with the idea of running away immediately if there was something wrong. But he never dreamed that there was no defensive prohibition in the Tongtian Tower, and the attendants nv servants in it were also ordinary ordinary people. They were nothing more than the beauty of men's handsome nv. All of them were carefully selected handsome men and beautiful nv. In addition, there was not even a capable bodyguard. .

Not only that, after entering the Tongtian Tower, it also restrained all the breath, and even the divine thoughts were not released. Don't beg, it's like going straight into no man's land, and he easily followed the king of Yuqiu into this secret room.

Put away all the magic power, and even carefully hide the divine consciousness in the sea of knowledge and dare not reveal it at all. Don't beg to understand why he did this - in the twilight, he can kick his legs at any time. He wants to save physical strength and mana anytime and anywhere. Any little consumption is possible. After losing his longevity, he naturally refused to use his strength on such a useless thing. And just now he was attacked by Zhang Liang behind the Taiyi fairy weapon, and he was also seriously damaged. It was too late for him to maintain his vitality. How could he explore around with divine knowledge?

As for the guard in the Tongtian Tower, it is so lax that it makes sense. There are countless priests stationed outside the Tongtian Tower, and there are 100,000 troops camped below, and the prestige of the Tongtian Tower is also well known to everyone - a Tongtian Tower represents the existence of a Taiyi Golden Fairy. Who dares to sneak into the Tongtian Tower and do nonsense? Those who have the strength to do so have the same status as yù. They pay attention to a dignified and upright thing. How can they do what they do now?

Under all kinds of mistakes, don't beg to easily put down the king of Yangqiu with three catties of drunken dragon incense, used the forbidden method to hide him in his sleeve, continued to turn into a grain of dust, and slowly flowed along the air and flew out of the Tongtian Tower.

This time, don't beg for the slightest careless, dare not use the magic power that will leave obvious traces, but restrain all the breath. With the power of nature, let the wind send yourself into the sky, and then shake yourself into a strong wind, with the help of the power of the wind in the sky, in the sky. Dun. .

The wind family lives in the sky, and above the void is the territory of the wind. Don't beg for the wind to fly high in the sky. Even if yù has 18 heads, he didn't expect that a strong wind kidnapped the king of Yangqiu, not to mention yù he himself admits that he is not good Then his logical analysis ability will not be very strong, and he will not doubt that there is any suspicion of a strong wind passing over the Crescent City.

The incarnation of the wind flew away from several states in the sky, then incarnate the dragon python into the ground, swamted far away through the water vein, and finally incarnated the ancient mí mirage for a long time in the sea. Don't beg finally found a desert island on the sea and dragged the faint A reef soaked in the water on the coast of the desert island.

His hands waved out like lightning, and countless ancient runes were densely waved from his fingertips, quickly colluding with the prohibition of 3,600 isolation breaths around him. Don't beg to quickly take out 360 immortal thorns and plunge into the whole body of the king of Yuqiu, and then bombard the king of Qiu with heavy .

He grabbed King Yangqiu's body and shook. With the muffled thunder, King Yangqiu still dislocated all the joints on the broken skeleton. In addition to his skull, which was still intact, even his spine was teased into pieces. I'm afraid that the cultivation of King Yiqiu is too strong, and there is a secret method that can burn the blood and the soul to recover quickly. Don't beg and put a trace of forbidden magic inflammation on all his bone joints. As long as he dares to reconnect the bones and the forbidden magic inflammation breaks out, he can refine his bones.

After making so many preparations, Don't beg still can't rest assured. He simply sacrificed the star shark and turned it into seven star lights as thin as hairs and drilled into the seven orifices of the king of Yuqiu, locking his sea of knowledge. The forbidden divine fire was attached to the starlight transformed by the star shark, entangling the soul of the king of the Qiuqiu.

After concocting the king of Yuqiu like this, don't beg to change his appearance and wake up the king of Yuqiu with a solution.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the king of Yangqiu let out a roar. He tried his best to struggle, but his bones were dislocated, and 70% to 80% of the bones were broken, and his whole body was controlled by the prisoner's thorns. How could he move?

Don't beg to slap ōu in the face of the king of Qiuqiu. He shouted in a low voice, "Now I'll ask you to answer. If you don't answer, I'll go, understand?"

Before the king of the hill to answer, don't beg, he slapped the king of the hill dozens of times.

A slap made the king of Yangqiu dark, and his body was extremely strong. The slap on his face was a little numb, but this humiliation made the king of Yangqiu's mouth bleeding with anger. He stared at him and gritted his teeth and roared, "You're dead, you... It's dead!"

Don't beg for another slap in the face of King Yanqiu. He shouted in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense, who are you!"

The king of Yiqiu was stunned and was almost pissed off by the question of not begging. RA